Not-So-Creepy Creatures! | Halloween Guessing Game | SciShow Kids Compilation

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foreign [Music] guess what squeaks and I have come up with a  bunch of new animals for our game Guess that   animal you can play along with us here's how it  works we've each picked a few secret animals and   we're gonna take turns giving each other Clues to  see if we can guess what they are then we watch a   video to learn more about them and because it's  almost Halloween this time all of our Clues are   about animals people might think of when they  think of Halloween I'll go first okay squeaks   my first Halloween animal is furry they  usually have big ears and they squeak a lot   no it's not a rat but you're sort  of close my animal also has wings you want one more hint your best  friend is one of these animals   that's right a bat like our friend Sam the bat  a lot of people think bats are sort of scary   but they're actually really cool helpful Critters  here's Jesse to tell you more I'm thinking of an   animal it's small and furry it can be pretty cute  and it flies around at night can you guess what   animal it is that's right I'm thinking about bats  some people think bats are scary maybe because   they only come out at night or maybe because  sometimes they live in Dark Places or maybe it's   because some species of bats called vampire bats  Survive by drinking blood but you probably won't   ever run into a vampire bat only three species of  bat are blood drinkers the rest of them over 1200   species eat fruit nectar bugs and other small  animals if you ask us bats are totally awesome   here are just three of our favorite things about  them to start some bass can hear their way in the   dark that's because they don't rely on their  eyes like we do instead bats you sound to find   their way around have you ever yelled into a  big empty room or or a canyon and heard your   own voice shout back at you that's called an echo  the sound of your voice moves across the room to   the walls and then bounces back to your ears as  a bat flies through the night it does something   really similar it makes a sound and then carefully  listens for the Echo and the way the echo comes   back can tell the bat a lot about what's around  it this special skill is called echolocation if   the echo comes back quickly that means there must  be something pretty close to it because the sound   only traveled a short way before bouncing back  but if the echo takes a long time to bounce back   then the bat knows that the object is further away  bats can tell not only how far away something is   but also how big it is and how fast it's moving  all from using echolocation and since bats are   constantly using echolocation to figure out the  world around them you'll often see them flying   around with their mouths open to keep making  sounds to bounce back another thing we like   about bats they really like to hang out bats hang  upside down in quiet dark hidden places like the   roof of a cave or the underside of a bridge but  how when I hang upside down from from the monkey   bars after a while I start to feel like my head  is going to explode bats can hang for a long time   because their bodies are built for life upside  down the little Pathways in their bodies that   blood moves through called arteries have special  valves in them that only let blood through one   way as the bat's heart beats the blood has to keep  moving through its body in just one direction that   keeps the blood from getting stuck in the bat's  head when it's hanging upside down that's a pretty   neat trick but you know another thing that's easy  to like about bats they make really great moms   bats usually have one baby called a pup in a year  at the beginning of that pup's life it clings to   its mother's belly all the time while the mom  wraps Her Wings around it maybe we should stop   calling good snuggles bear hugs and start calling  them bat hugs and thousands of moms in their pups   can live together in a huge group called a nursery  even when it's cold outside the nursery stays warm   because of all those bats hanging close together  plus when Mom needs to go out and find food she   can just drop her baby off at the nursery with all  the other moms and pups when she comes back you   might think it'd be hard to find her baby again  I mean there are thousands of pups that look just   like hers but bats in their Puffs can recognize  each other through their smells and their voices   so when a pup calls out the mom can fly right to  it it would be like trying to find your family in   the middle of a crowded amusement park except all  of the other kids at the park are calling out for   their parents too so what do you think aren't bats  scary cool they have super sensing abilities they   can hang out upside down and they are marvelous  moms okay squeaks you want to take a turn [Music]   your animal also flies huh  hmm give me another clue your animal has feathers and it comes out at night  I think I know does your animal also go oh is your   animal an owl owls big eyes give them sort of  an eerie look don't they but those big eyes   also help them hunt and owls are some of the best  hunters in the whole bird family oh oh squeaks do   you hear that do you think could be up there I  think it's an owl I love watching all kinds of   birds but owls are some of my favorites they're  quick they're adorable and they're some of the   best hunters in the whole bird family and there  are lots of different kinds of owls about 200   species they range in size from the tiny little  elf owl which is only about 13 centimeters tall   that's about as big as my hand to the great gray  owl which can be about a meter tall that's about   as big as a two-year-old kid their size is may be  different but all owls have a few things in common   like the food they eat depending on its size an  owl might eat frogs mice Birds rabbits insects or   other animals but the point is an owl's food is on  the move so these birds have special features that   help them find and eat their prey for example  when you look at an owl what's the first thing   you notice maybe they're big round eyes owls have  two eyes that face forward just like ours do some   other kinds of animals like fish chickens and  deer have eyes on the sides of their head this   lets those animals see what's going on all around  them at the same time but owl's eyes like ours   Focus only on what's right in front of them that's  pretty handy if you want to swoop down and catch   some food that's on the Move owls usually hunt at  night so their eyes have to take in a lot of light   to help them see in the dark that's why owls have  such huge eyes but unlike you and me owls can't   move their eyes our eyes are well balls they're  eyeballs and you can move them around in your head   like this we can look left and right and you might  even be able to roll your eyes but owls can't do   any of that that's because owl eyes are not balls  they're shaped like tubes and they're held in   place by bones so owls can't roll them around to  look at things instead they have special necks   that allow them to turn their heads almost but not  quite all the way around can you do that [Music]   I can't so how do owls do it the secret is in the  bones in their neck these are called vertebrae and   owls have more vertebrae in their necks than we do  owls have 14 of these bones while people only have   seven these extra bones let an owl swing its  head almost all the way around which is very   useful since it can't just move its eyes when it  wants to look at something but what about when an   owl can't see its prey like when a little mouse  is in a tunnel under the snow or if a toad is   hiding under a pile of leaves how would an owl  find its lunch then no big deal if an owl can't   see its prey it can just listen for it that's  because owls have a super sense of hearing now   we can't see an owl's ears from the outside those  things that look like ears on say a great horned   owl those are just feathers but the feathers all  around an owl's face are really useful they help   Channel sounds into the ears which helps them to  pick up on even the very quietest of sounds so by   using its super sense of hearing it's big eyes and  its flexible neck and Al can find and catch that   hidden prey okay my turn my animal is small they  can be fuzzy and sometimes they Scamper around the   floor and startle you no still not a rat squeaks  do rats have eight legs like my creature does   my animal also builds webs to live on and to catch  their prey with do you know what it is squeaks   you're right squeaks I was thinking of a spider  spiders can be a little scary especially when   you find one in your house or you walk through  a spider web but just like bats spiders can help   us by eating insects and they have all sorts of  other incredible abilities too let's check it   out hi guys we just came across this spiderweb  look how pretty it is you might know some kids   or adults that get kind of nervous or even afraid  around spiders in fact one of our four-year-old   viewers is kind of afraid of spiders too but she  knew exactly what to do she wrote us and said I   want to learn about scary spiders so that I'm not  afraid of them anymore that's a great attitude   knowledge is power so let's all see what we can  discover about spiders one thing that you should   know is that spiders have a really important job  to do they eat lots of small little insects like   mosquitoes gnats and house flies so if spiders  weren't around to do their jobs then there   would be a lot more of these pesky insects  around speaking of insects some people think   that spiders are a kind of insect but that's  not true you might remember how you can tell   an insect from other kinds of animals insects have  six legs and they have three main body parts ahead   a thorax and an abdomen plus they sometimes have  other body parts too like wings to help them fly   around an antennae to sense their surroundings  now spiders are different in a lot of ways for   one thing they only have two body parts they  have an abdomen but instead of having a head   and a thorax they have just one other body  part with the two put together it's called   encephalothorax and maybe the easiest way to  spot a spider is that they always have eight   legs and they don't have wings or antennas  here's another fun fact about spiders spiders   have different kinds of eyes than insects do  insects have really complicated eyes called   compound eyes they're made up of thousands of  little lenses that work together so the insect   can see but spiders have simple eyes with just one  lens just like you and I do so you actually have   something in common with spiders but if you've  ever seen a picture of a spider up close you   might have noticed that spiders have more than  two eyes most of them have eight eyes one kind   of eight-eyed spider is called the jumping spider  these spiders have some of the best vision of any   spider in the world their eight eyes make them  able to see almost the whole way around their   bodies but jumping spiders do something else  very well too and I bet you can guess what it   is they jump some of these fires can jump up to  50 times the length of their own bodies if you   could do that you'd be able to jump over 12 cars  in a single leap but these spiders are careful   jumpers they always stick a piece of silk called  a drag line to whatever they're jumping from so   if they happen to miss what they're jumping for  they won't fall clever spiders jumping spiders   are quite smart and really kind of cute but they  don't do something that lots of other spiders do   they don't spin fancy webs for the most beautiful  webs around you should keep an eye out for spiders   known as orb weavers the word orb means round and  that's the shape we see in an orb Weaver's web a   nice pretty Circle the silk that orb weavers and  other spiders use to make their webs comes from   special body parts called spinnerets most spiders  have six of these spinnerets and they use them to   spin different kinds of silk each kind is for a  different job some of the silica or Weavers use   is sticky so when an insect flies into its web  it gets caught in these threads but or Weavers   also make a silk that isn't sticky when they want  to walk around on their own webs they keep their   eight feet on those special threads then the  spider can get to its prey and wrap it up in   another kind of silk until it's ready to eat  it now that you know more about them we hope   you feel better about our friends the spiders  so the next time you see a spider take a few   minutes to watch it so you can learn more about  it you can also learn more by reading books and   of course asking questions okay squeaks let's hear  your last one hmm your animal is long and skinny and it doesn't have any hair or legs hmm and your animal goes hmm is it a rat I'm just kidding  squeaks I think your animal is a snake   I think snakes are so cool but a lot of people are  scared of them but one way to be less afraid of   something is to learn more about it so here's  Jesse to tell us some amazing snake facts how   would you like to play a game of true or false  squeaks and I came up with a really fun game   where you get to guess what's true and what's not  about one of our favorite kinds of animals snakes   snakes are super interesting and there are lots  of different kinds scientists think there are   more than 3 500 different types of snakes in  the world the smallest is about as thin as a   piece of spaghetti and can curl up comfortably  on a quarter but another kind called a python   can grow to be about 10 meters long which is just  a bit shorter than a school bus some snakes are   brightly colored While others blend in really well  to their environments but there are a few things   that a lot of people including kids tend to think  about snakes that are just not true so we came up   with this awesome game so you can learn the facts  about these amazing animals okay here's how it   works I'll say something about snakes and you  as Greeks can guess if it's true or false ready   all right number one snakes are  slimy and Squishy true or false   you're right squeaks false all snakes belong  to a group of animals called reptiles like   all reptiles snakes have skin that's covered with  scales to help protect them touch your fingernail   how does that feel snake scales feel a lot like  that and that's because scales are made of the   same stuff as your fingernails and toenails so  scales feel hard and most of the time pretty   smooth which means that a snake doesn't feel slimy  at all it feels dry but our snakes squishy like a   worm nope all reptiles including snakes also have  something else a skeleton made of bones in fact   a snake skeleton has a lot of the same parts that  our skeletons have can you reach around and touch   the middle of your back if you can then you should  be able to feel hard bumps that run from the top   of your neck all the way down these bumps are  caused by the bones that make up your backbone   muscles inside your body connect to your backbone  and help you do all kinds of things like stand up   bend over and sit down a snake has a backbone too  and it does the same job as your backbone it works   with a snake's muscles to help it move the way  a snake moves is really cool and it has a name   that's kind of fun to say slithering so having a  backbone means that snakes aren't soft and Squishy   like worms even though worms and snakes have a  shape that looks kind of the same they're not the   same kind of animal worms don't have a skeleton  or a backbone so worms don't Slither they wriggle   or crawl okay let's move on to question number two  in our game snakes attack and chase people true or   false you're right squeaks that one's false too  you might have heard people say that snakes are   aggressive which means they'll attack or chase  people but that's not true snakes are usually   pretty shy and most of the time they'll Slither  away to hide when people are around but they will   bite if they're afraid or they can't get a way  to hide so if you do see a snake you don't need   to run away but you should leave them alone and  give them lots of space alright let's do one more   question number three snakes are important true  or false this one is definitely true snakes are   very important animals snakes eat other animals  and many of those animals that they eat are ones   that can sometimes cause problems snakes might  eat baby insects like mosquitoes or slugs that   can eat the flowers and vegetables that grow in  our garden they can even eat mice rats and other   small animals that sometimes carry diseases sorry  squeaks but you're safe they don't eat robot rats   I want you to imagine what might happen if snakes  weren't around to eat some of these animals there   would be more and more of them and the problems  they cause would get bigger too so having snakes   around helps keep an environment in balance and  an environment that's in balance is good for all   living things including people so if you're lucky  enough to see a snake when you're out and about   you don't need to be afraid of it in fact you  might want to give it a wave and tell it thank   you and thank you for joining us on scishow  kids that's the end of the game squeaks let's   see who won wow we tied again I guess we're both  just really great at guessing animals ha squeaks   and I know the perfect prize for animal experts  like us some Halloween candy let's each have a   couple pieces and then we can go plan the perfect  not so creepy creature Halloween costumes thanks   for joining us today if you want to keep learning  and playing games with me squeaks and all of our   friends hit the Subscribe button and we'll see  you next time here at the forge [Music] thank you
Channel: SciShow Kids
Views: 506,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scishow, scishowkids, Jessi Knudsen, Jessi Knudsen Castaneda, Squeaks, science, kids, children, learning, education, school, sci, show, hank, green, home, curriculum, kindergarten, activities, anthony brown, anthony, brown, guess that animal, halloween, game, spooky, creepy, creature, animal, bats, owls, spiders, snakes, 3 fun facts about bats, compilation, who knew amazing owl facts, owl facts, don't be afraid of spiders, amazing snakes
Id: rWjmpGlKkM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 24 2022
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