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[Music] [Applause] we'd like to hear first thing in the morning nice easy project for us driveway extension we dug this out yesterday just three rows of rebar wrapping the old concrete with our expansion joint this is not the exciting project today we'll be heading down the street for that one they [Music] okay Jim's on straight edge nice tight concrete nice and strong put too much water in it and it just weakens the mix nice Bull Float one two three passes and that's really all it should take get it all leveled out these are all floated [Music] push through them on the driveway there's a film of dirt on it from yesterday and we leave that there so the concrete doesn't stick to it now we just give it a push broom uh but we won't power wash it the Builder will probably come in and power wash this good as new all right here comes our final buggy okay dump it all away so all right yeah I think you'll use it [Music] [Applause] [Music] and a great way to start the day nice easy pour Steve's pouring a string and snapping these lines straight through that way they stay nice and straight with each other looking good when you're walking down the sidewalk okay the other truck is here we're gonna head down the other project you got this and he'll do one cut there's an expansion joint here so we definitely want to ol cut off of that this one we're gonna let slide We're not gonna put one here that'd be too much going on the housing plan uh yesterday we prepped and poured this nice driveway extension they added this fireplace deck on there so we we put a curb on here that way nobody can drive over this wall they're going to put a handrail on there obviously and a round back down the Steep Hill we are pouring this concrete right now mixers do any minute uh just extending this patio over this is a heavy Stone stamp we did not do this work so we're just guessing on the color as best we can harvest wheat and Kalina tan is my guess so we'll get this area poured fireplace here fireplace upstairs what a nice layout nice backyard waiting on concrete finished my coffee might as well get this water out of here if we just pour this and force it out now we got a mess running across this concrete hopefully it's not through the gravel but I don't see it in the other holes so we'll just get this out of here now and save a little mess later on throwing the color in the truck I don't like putting the bags in we get chunks of bag at the surface of our concrete when we put them in so we don't do that anymore and then spin around in there okay here comes our first buggy with this Steep Hill it's better to back down the hill do a little spin right here take it right in not a big pad so we have plenty of time take your time don't make a mess don't get hurt [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] this is our 1B stamp mix you can see how it looks so much different than the this morning's load with color in it Jim's filling the holes I'll give him a hand before my boots get dirty picking up the rebar as we go all right I'll set you right here so I can get to work [Music] thank you okay there's not too much for me to do around here I'll do some videoing that's how Tom just takes little cuts in that board all the way down to existing concrete [Music] looking at both ends making sure they're both down no hump in the middle [Applause] [Music] step back and just float a Chuck where he's standing right up in here we'll get one two more buggies in here then I'll throw this form in maybe have Ray hold up huh come here come here [Music] killed it scrape him clean [Music] right hold up last buggy in here and we're gonna be real close sure we don't hit our sewer drains lines the clean outs up a little bit further good let me give you a scrape while you're there [Applause] okay hold up Elliot I'll get this form in [Music] there it is straight edge and the last Bull Float now the challenging part is get on clean up here these places are all done in landscape like golf courses we got to do our cleanup without making too much of a mess making sure Tom's good let's head up top okay so as you see we're just washing first the mixer cleans up in our power buggies and then we find a spot over here in the woods line we don't dump it in one pile we spread it out and then a week the weeds grow over it we even knock it down and try not to leave a mess for anybody attraction mats over the driveway so all we got to do is pick these up no cleanup required a little bit on the street we'll hit that with a push prune [Music] yeah okay I am going to get on the road uh Tommy and Matt are going to stay here they're going to do one tool cut following that saw cut right through there that way we don't have to come back so as I'm here this is what we did yesterday today I make my notes over here uh this is the measurements curb everything I bill for I put line items here and when I get home I can write that up on an invoice it's too hard to remember all this so that's how I do this every day every day as I bill I put a check so that as I'm looking back I know I built for that job there's a check mark there back here uh you might see some I don't want to show you everything if it's something that takes a long time to build for I always mark it with a square and I know to come back to that so just some little tricks that I have of keeping all of this stuff somewhat straight as I'm walking out I might as well show you our heavy Stone stamps these are real floppy material nice to work with you can bend them up the wall and get into the corners but you can see the Deep veining that's in it so real nice checks texture I'll be back and show you that when it's all done so I ran into Home Depot got some supplies over here we are well underway bees are still swarming uh all this block was rickety and and needed demoed so we just imploded all that now we'll pour concrete sides no cantilevered Edge please just nice and simple back here a concrete wall one two three steps down onto the walkway so we're going to pour this all monolithically steps and stoop all as one mixers do any minute you can see we have kickers we have tapcon to the patio a lot has to go wrong for this to push let's take a look at them when we're done pouring pins firmly pound into the ground this is real nice soil it's holding very nice one low one high looks busy but again one high and one low going both ways there okay so I'm gonna start digging this out this walks only three feet so I only have to scrape a little bit off of here so they're pulling all the debris back this is all ready for us we're gonna bring power buggies right up here dump and shovel how are we looking up there Ryan okay he used the old holes underneath our plastic we have plywood and then we cover it over with plastic just to keep the moisture off of the plywood I don't want the concrete touching that rotting it out sooner uh there's vents you probably can't see them couple vents here to help so we're rotted into the foundation let's head underneath okay one final inspection in here we ran a center brace and then from from header all the way to the floor now this Lumber can always stay here this of course can come out in about 28 days okay here we go Showtime I don't know what we did before we had these uh Power buggies you know right up this dirt path dumping the steps how many backaches is that saving huh when we used up the wheelbarrow all the concrete up there that's a lot shovel Brigade coming up yep okay let's take a look at it it's gonna be a steep drop [Music] [Applause] okay that's working pretty good I'm worried if you go straight in you're gonna nose die I was gonna hug that side and roll in I like this idea better you know about this that's not too bad you're good that's what I was trying to think but that's fine that's working we're gonna spin [Music] okay say what what don't you like um because yeah probably gonna stop here but it's gonna stop up here yeah we're good so yep okay making me nervous okay that's my step you guys go ahead and do your stuff now that was the easy one two steps done I hope that waddle dude giveaway [Music] a video running well okay we're pouring this about a three inch slump maybe not even that nice and tight [Music] there's all of our rebar we'll place in as we go this is about the best place for me and I like nobody standing on that plywood while we're filling it up if it gets way we have a mess but nobody's getting hurt [Music] go ahead and tip it a little bit back up a little back up come on good still tilt [Music] okay wish I could show you more let's go check on these guys [Music] [Applause] they did the same thing more blockage blockage good at least it wasn't last week when it was 95 degrees Yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] good steps are all done I'm gonna make my way around back help them we're gonna use these blocks to get a little bit higher okay we're down to our final two two and a half buggies now it's getting sketchy good jump shot good pull them up [Music] all right [Applause] okay just striking that back nice and straight kind of hard to tell right now looks straight we'll double check this here in a minute I think it was good shape coming together pretty good this looks so nice when we do this but it is a pain edging underneath there how nice and finished that looks not just anybody can do that one two three steps to pull so these this was the hard part over there and here when these done now tomorrow easy a couple of walks three foot wide and four foot wide coming together nicely ah Jim is set four feet back from our intersect point and that just gives us a nice gentle curve right into the corner of the house a 90 degree off of that I just got done running this walk a string attached to a nail ever so slightly away hope he's taking it off is what we're looking for nine needed it back this has to go over just to the edge of the post and we'll be good Steve's pulling these off got my camera going good you're videoing back here good good yep oh it's not always easy you need any help you good I'm good okay steps look nice how did we stay good good and looks good nice okay back on this [Music] thank you [Music] thank you looks like all ready to go we pulled a string through the gate right to the step matching on this side I had to loosen the brackets on the gate raise that up a little bit we want to keep our nice things line going here I'm missing all this little pile of stone we'll just throw it right here right down nice little curve to it I got to get the homeowner out here make sure he likes this I think he will yeah and we got to hit those steps heck yeah that looks good [Music] [Applause] all right [Applause] [Music] thank you
Channel: Concrete with the Hauses
Views: 228,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: concrete, construction, driveway, cement, tshconcrete, TSH, work, finishing, decorative, rolled slate, sealing, excavating, prep work, border, patio, pool, garage floor, concrete pour, pouring, CAT, tear out, wood plank, gravel, xylene, color, demo, stamping, business, small business, DIY, How to
Id: --x4NXn_0og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 24sec (1644 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2023
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