"Not for Wimps": Ukrainian Legion Soldier about M113

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disclosure was invited by the pan Museum monster and this video contains advertisement the m113 armored personal carrier is an extremely versatile vehicle that is used in many other roles as well in this video I first let you know what a German combat engineer currently serving in Ukraine thinks about it and then I will discuss it further with tobios a former leopard 26 Gunner now the combat engineers considers the M 113 a very good vehicle although with the as long as he doesn't have to use it the reason for this is that he considers tanks and armored vehicles generally as death traps based on my knowledge and statistics I would disagree with him here although he has survived a substantial time on the front line and is clearly not a regular infantry man he particularly likes on the m113 that it's extremely versatile and robust there's a tremendous amount of different variants for the M13 like Battlefield m ambulance armored personal carrier infantry Fighting Vehicle command vehicle and many more variants additionally many weapons and other stuff can be mounted on top of it he particularly notes that the armor protection is how should I put it rather bad yet that it strong suit is mobility and he it can reach nearly everything or pass through most terrain although he assumes that the Russian mtlb is a bit more mobile he then talks about comfort in this department M13 is also severely lacking in his experience the suspension is basically non-existent as such every Pebble and stone will be felt particularly since the interior is O bear he still has scars from his ride and describes it like riding in a hot tight dark tin can in short he describes the Comfort level as don't complain you wimp he notes that the room is rather limited and the driving on the roof is not particularly recommendable since the driver will not hear anything that is going on on outside so if somebody drops off or something no chance in this experience the Russian mtlb has a roof that is a bit more pleasant before we switch to the discussion with the leopard 2 Gunner a short announcement about our t-shirts and books currently I have a limited time offer of my cat person t-shirt designs particularly one with the leopard 24 and Order triman tanks if t-shirts are not your cup of tea you might want to check out books from our ing house the military history group if you like well researched books with footnotes be sure to check out the links in the description Hello R we are today in the pan Museum monster and I'm here with former leopard two gner and we talk about the m113 the Workhorse of the Ukraine war now we really like to talk about the leopards the leopard one The Leopard 2 the t72 the t80 the challenge and all the heavy main battle tanks but what usually gets overlooked are the more logistic orow versatile Vehicles like the M13 from the western side and of course from the Eastern block you have the mtlb which they look quite different but serve many similar roles because they're both very multi-purpose vehicles that are both tracked the MTB is a bit shorter and longer um yeah and overall it's it's you could compare them I mean buta the the German combat engineer basically said yeah it's like the 113 you can compare it so of course they look a bit different and one major difference is this is one is made of aluminium and this particular version was a command vehicle so there's armor personal carrier command vehicles um how you call it medic vehicles I think you have a m variant you can also transfer it in into an IV and infantry fighting vehicle if you put a proper turret on it as well but it also has its weak points and it's also quite dated so what is your opinion well my opinion it's a vehicle that most of the people would connect with the Vietnam War let's say it this way it's very old it was built for during the Cold War was the aim of the Cold War in the beginning of the Cold War infantry fighting Vehicles wasn't the thing already it was only the apcs so you have a very thin armor because this vehicle was meant to be mobile to go everywhere and don't sink in while more heavier weapons like bmps will shreded to Pieces also like close artillery hits with shess will cause damage to it it has some benefits that it has the hatch in the rear that the crew can Dismount to the rear and that also the driver is part of the main fighting compartment that he go out to the rear it has also a front hch right he can go up he can go up but but there's a major there the engine you have the engine here you have to ah okay and then comes the fighting compartment to the rear and so this is for for the this is for the maintenance yes because I I remember seeing and and as a child I think I thought it was like a hedge for opening but now I realize yeah yeah this is like bad memories yeah that's the engine basically the thing is it has uh at the rear some hates for infantry for example looking out and then you have also a bigger hge in the middle for either a heavy machine gun or atgm or what you want to use for for example Germany used them temporarily as for the grand grander P grader with atgms and heavy machine guns in pairs like that you have one with a heavy machine gun one with the ADM to deploy it but the thing is it is mobile it has the benefit of having a track compared to let's say MRE but it also have like the disadvantage that normally you trade the visibility from inside your vehicle with the armor so you have the protection but you count in less visibility as Battlefield awareness but this armor is dated it's clearly shown that it's not on a standard like say a breadly and survivability or even a model is better armored we have the CV 90s those are systems that are better protected so this should be more like and a transport roll to the front line but not at the front line on the front line for breakthroughs that's nothing it can do what it is actually better is it's better than like C like no armor at all thin armor is always better so we can reinforce troops you can pull out troops you can send medx with it and there's a point where you can use it you can use it as a mobile motor platform obviously because a lot of this conflict happens in indirect fire on both sides that's a possibility with this vehicle but overall I think um it's a dated vehicle it shows its age we can't deny it same as Mt lb it also shows it age but it's not useless I I guess one of the main benefits I assume is the availability like everyone has them and there was such a huge number built of this vehicle and and I assume there's also a lot of personal that can repair them they can handle them and so Ukraine gets a lot and they can can then use them and also for logistical reasons I mean this is very very useful vehicle also for medc I assume as well but what I see in this conflict that these vehicles are in direct the contrast or in the competition with M reps M reps are M resisted ambush protected Vehicles mostly wheeled or completely wheeled vehicles that are designed to withstand mines while this vehicle is not built to withstand mines so you have the M that is more mobile than the m113 it is faster and it has often the same level of protection while giving you the visibility of a wheel vehicle you have like Windows to all directions but I think it also has a higher silhou right it's generally higher that are way higher that's that's also due to the mine protection that you have more space and then you have a shaped armor to a certain degree and usually also ideally you have like the the mountings of the seats is in in a special way done that if the button plate get hit that you don't break your spine if you sit in them so that there're various various other features these have and these are basically a a result of counter insury Wars and they're particularly made against iids yes but Al I guess way more expensive as well I assume yeah because M are mostly new vehicles that get sent or factory even new vehicles while these vehicles often have like 60 50 years already on their lifespan but the point is it's tracked it gives it um advantages in heavy terrain especially in mud and also the m113 is amphibious that's something M also does but I suspect it's about as amphibious as a BMP so take it with a grain of salt morei than St because yeah yeah I I me I I remember I made the how well amphibious the BMP is and quite many people I think actually know that yeah it's similar to m113 and not that their experience yes but it gives you at least the possibilities at least for example smaller rivers that you can actually cross with it without the need of bridge layers or the need of fighting around Bridges and so it has some advantages over M reps but also some disadvantages but I wouldn't say it's I wouldn't say it's useless it has its purpose definitely okay anything to add no okay then big thank you and thank you to P monster and thank you to any behind the camera thank you for watching and see you next time bye
Channel: Military History not Visualized
Views: 82,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Military History not Visualized, Military History, mhv
Id: XYe3LQi1AyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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