Nostalgia Bait Has Always Existed.

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so in the world of long-running franchises I've seen a lot of discussion around Nostalgia baiting our Nostalgia is being repackaged and sold back to us it seems like nowadays corporations are starting to prey on the Nostalgia of their audiences in order to make Bank on reproducing the same old content or by giving us low quality products that survive primarily on their nostalgic appeal that's the narrative we've been told right it's the reason you see many contrarians these days here to save the day by declaring that this thing you liked when you were a kid wasn't actually all that good those are the real internet Heroes right it's because we're sick of the old stuff where all the original and new ideas am I right guys not quite well what I just said is partially true Nostalgia has become a huge selling point there is absolutely no denying that whatsoever but what if I told you that the Nostalgia marketing goes back further than you might think hell it might even go back farther than I think the point of this video is not so much to pinpoint the origin or find the first piece of media to use people's Nostalgia for an existing work as its main appeal I'm simply here to recount my own personal experience with the media that I've consumed and witnessed people consume over the years all of this in hopes of showing you how Nostalgia bait has always existed so the prime example people will point to when it comes to the Nostalgia Bay trend is towards television what with all the reboots Crossovers and old characters coming back in their 40s hell some shows have been running for decades that in its own right kind of demonstrates the power some of these shows have the Simpsons family guy SpongeBob they've just been so ingrained in our culture that we just can't let him go we can't let it end that in itself could be considered a form of nostalgia a powerful one bruh even after ending Ash ketchum's Journey like 26 years later they're still making Pokemon episodes but let's bring it back to the reboots and revivals and sequel series it's one thing to have a long-running franchise to revive something and go back on the decision to put it to rest can either feel like the best thing ever or really icky depending on how you look at it some people are just dying for their favorite thing to get a new installment they see that reveal and immediately start salivating if it's faithful in spirit to the original work they'll be excited for more of what they liked if it takes a different approach they'll be intrigued and curious to see a different take on the same ideas others are less enthusiastic they see something that was long gone come back and they just roll their eyes if it's faithful then they must be out of ideas can't they come up with anything original these days if it tries to have its own identity then they'll complain about how it ruins the artistic vision of the original maybe it does maybe it doesn't who's to say when a show does a lot of Throwbacks or brings back a lot of old actors for cameos people might complain that it's too fancy or too reliant on the old stuff instead of trying to make the best out of their new ideas yo anyone here watch Power Rangers some feel as though this Series has sort of fallen into the same trap I haven't been watching any of the new stuff but I hear they've been doing a lot of Throwbacks Power Rangers has always had crossovers with old teams and even the original Sentai does that I think the issue people take with Power Rangers specifically is the overuse of elements from the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers I don't really care the only new thing I've watched was The Once and always special but that was clearly made for me who is mostly just interested in the older shows to me I only really care if it's done well although what the Nostalgia bait has done successfully was intrigue me enough to actually want to watch the newer stuff not just for the Throwbacks but also to see how far the series has gone has the storytelling and writing gotten any better God I hope so some people have been dying for the continuation of a series that's been long dead and they still haven't gotten it bro I remember the Martin Mystery official Facebook page promising more episodes after reaching a hundred thousand likes it's been 10 years now I'm not okay but you can see that there has always sort of been an expectation or a certain hope for things people loved in the past to come back but when exactly did all The Comebacks start becoming more commonplace for most of us we didn't really start noticing these things until late High School through college I'd say depending on what media you're looking at though you could argue that it's been happening for much longer than that if you try Googling what was the first film reboot or remake or whatever you'd get multiple different answers you'd have to dig deeper to find a definite answer I didn't bother because for one I'm lazy and also that's not really the point of this video it doesn't really matter when or what the first reboot is I just wanted to get the point across that Reviving old properties has been a thing for a while there are two reasons why most of us don't write recognize that it's happening until so late firstly the entertainment industry has started pandering to our Nostalgia recently because we're starting to grow up the media that we grew up with is being Revisited if you were to show The Little Rascals 1994 film to someone who grew up watching the original show in black and white they'd probably react the same way we do about the Remake media we consume nowadays they weren't spoiled as much though because we obviously have much easier access and had way more exposure to entertainment growing up which is actually the second reason entertainment be it televised or online is just more openly accessible than it ever was before there was a point in time when not everyone had the internet there was a point in time when not everyone had a television we also spend way more time consuming media than the Boomers from back then but if you really really need more proof of what I'm talking about here look no further than the biggest franchise in existence if you're around my age or maybe even a bit older Pokemon has pretty much always been around maybe you were around since its very conception while I didn't start playing the games until the advanced games came out I am old enough to remember the original Pokemon games the first three generations in their purist before all the remakes in fact I think the third generation is when I really started to miss Kanto and Johto hohen was the first generation where things really started to feel like they changed Johto was just a compliment to Kanto and it was even on the same system under the right circumstances you can even transfer your old Pokemon to the newer games hohen was completely new territory completely cut off from your home turf and the game doesn't let you go back this is also where the anime would drastically change even more so then the games for that matter they got rid of Misty Ash is actually wearing clothes that make sense for someone always on the move the outfit change was really jarring for me as a kid instead of adding new Pokemon to his team and rotating out the old ones for an epic Mega roster Ash just ditches all his old Pokemon for these new guys like it's nothing while I'm able to appreciate all these things more as an adult as a kid it was almost kind of scary We Fear change especially as children then came Pokemon fire red and leaf green these were the first remakes I had ever seen period it was such a wild concept for me taking an old game and putting it in the style of the new ones mind blown the intent of the game was probably more towards making old Pokemon available and transferable to the new games but it fulfilled an itch I had for something closer to the old I wasn't the only one who liked this other people did too and they wanted more people wanted Johto remix next they wanted them real bad you know how many Advanced Johto ROM hacks there were it was mainly just two for me back then but there might have been more in the very next Generation people were foaming at the mouth when they saw Jasmine and Sinnoh oh my God Shoto remakes are coming and that they did a few years later oh boy you know what that must mean right hoen remix must be coming in generation five that didn't happen until gen 6. remakes weren't just a nice treat or an appendix for anyone trying to catch them all anymore they were just the norm they were expected but then they remade Kanto again and then the sinner remakes weren't all too good from what I've heard there is no doubt in my mind that people are expectantly waiting for Black and White remix right now as we speak it's so crazy to think that back when Jen's 4 and 5 were new people were sick of the series and now people have Nostalgia for those games perhaps you could view this more as evidence that we've gotten so used to having our Nostalgia quenched rather than it only becoming a trend in recent years but hey that's just one franchise you know I really was not planning on bringing up Sonic in this video but then the Little Blue Blur just popped into my head so why not this is kind of another Power Ranger situation for me where I've only heard about the more recent happenings of the franchise I grew up playing Mega Collection so I've played most of the classics I play the adventure games Advanced and heroes I think I did a neutral playthrough of Shadow once unfortunately I haven't played that many of the games past Shadow no Unleashed no boom no 06 yeah sorry fake fan I know I actually played a little bit of colors and generation for this video to try to get a bit of a feel for the Boost formula and also because from what I've been told these are the best games of that formula apparently this is what the fans call The Meta era of Sonic when Sonic started taking itself a lot less seriously and implementing more humor sometimes very self-aware humor Sonic was really starting to Boom as a meme at the time and I guess sega's train of thought was if you can't beat him join them from the looks of it colors was an attempt to make a more relaxed game without a serious story I will admit this game does kind of remind me of simpler times back when you were young and didn't really think too hard on those types of things that was probably the point and while some of the jokes drag on for far too long like an entire scene's worth Sometimes some of the in-stage dialogue with Eggman over the intercom genuinely cracked me up would the owner of a white hover car shaped like an egg please report to the front desk your car has been broken into repeat with the owner of a white hover car shaped like an egg please report to the front desk your car has been broken wait a minute what the heck I beat the first Zone and the first set of stages in Game Land just a fun mindless game with a few Goofs along the way I don't think people at the time really minded it either which is probably why this is the mentality they'd stick with for a while Generations more or less had the same mood this is apparently where the trend of Green Hill being reused over and over started kind of you can't deny Green Hills aesthetic hasn't been reused several times before they were mostly just different in name and music again I feel the nostalgic fulfillment was there they're just a lot less ashamed of it now than before not ashamed enough probably it seems as though the success of generations gave Sonic Team some funny ideas like they could just feed into people's desire for the old days for easy brownie points with the fans this would all eventually culminate into forces where people just had enough of it or maybe that wasn't really the issue Sonic Mania was released as a homage to the classic games as well as Italian for forces I can't attest to the quality of forces because I haven't played it and frankly I have no desire to either I can however say that regardless of how much you care about the Obscure references and callbacks of Sonic Mania it is a well-designed and fun game again it seems as though Nostalgia marketing isn't the culprit it's about whether you deliver a good product regardless of that from the discussion I've had with my Sonic loving friends Frontier seems to try to rectify and acknowledge these shortcomings but no now it's being too self-aware again darn maybe you'll get it right someday Sonic Team okay Sonic tangent over but you know what I think there's another series we're forgetting about probably the most obvious example of a series built on milking Nostalgia it's so hidden in plain sight you might not have even noticed it thank you bro this entire franchise is basically built on Nostalgia the vast majority of the game's locales are from movies that people grew up watching the movies they use are the largest appeal of the game what you thought it was the Final Fantasy characters the ones that like barely exist huh although I won't deny that they probably played a role in The Game's appeal Disney characters alone aren't going to sell a game for anyone other than five-year-olds this isn't a baby game this game's for the big kids you see the main characters they're teenagers you see these Final Fantasy characters yeah from those mature games you started playing after you gave up on Pokemon if they think the game's cool then you should too you see that's the facade when you actually play through the game though it's the Kitty stuff you're gushing over the cheesy humor going on an adventure with your buddies Donald and Goofy bruh I get to hang out with Donald and Goofy they're my best friends in this game you initially set out on this journey with your friends to discover what's out there to get out of your little bubble and see the real world yeah well you'll see I'm gonna get out and learn what's out there but then the outside world doesn't turn out to be as friendly as he thought it'd be in fact you start to learn about its darker undertones it's like losing your innocence once you've seen there's no going back I know a common complaint is that the story of Kingdom Hearts gets more convoluted with each new installment it's honestly kind of funny because as we get older we start to find deeper meaning and stuff we've consumed maybe even extrapolating more than what's actually there sometimes like some kind of pretentious video essayist we start to have a darker more jaded view of the world as we grow up sometimes we might even lose ourselves in that dark doomerism and be left a shell of our former selves in a way Kingdom Hearts kind of parallels the path to maturity and yet all the while you continue to surround yourself and engage with the media you're nostalgic for you ever notice hell with each main number title the Disney World become less and less relevant they're basically just there for copium you're there for personal attachment may your heart be your guiding key when you're feeling down or at your lowest point your heart will often lead you back to the older movies and games that you love to death the stuff that made you laugh the stuff that made you feel you almost kind of have a parasocial relationship with the characters in the media you consume so many things and Kingdom Hearts are just rooted in Nostalgia like even in the spin-offs chain of Memories is literally just Reminiscing on old memories and learning the value of your memories because they basically Define who you are losing your memories is basically like losing yourself this video was originally just going to be a Kingdom Hearts video where I talk about the integral role Nostalgia plays but then I just started thinking about nostalgia in general and how it's always had a presence in our media it's not some new problem rather it's something that's evolved over time using Nostalgia as a selling point isn't a bad thing in itself the problem is when it's the only thing a project has going for it as long as you deliver a good product the use of nostalgia bait or fulfillment or whatever you want to call it is of no consequence to me personally I can't think of a good segue into my next point so I'm just gonna show my patreon here to all of my patrons you have my undying gratitude to those of you who are new here this is not my only Channel I have another channel that was meant to be focused on video games but because of algorithm stuff it just kind of became a shin Megami tensei Channel when you run a channel you gotta do what works I don't often get the chance to make videos on broader topics like this and I'd love to make more it's because of my patrons that this video was possible if you'd like to see more of this kind of stuff definitely subscribe for more leave a like so I know that you like it and leave a comment because I I don't know more interaction is good for the video I don't normally do this but I'll plug my Twitter here as well don't make a Twitter account just to follow me if you don't already have one Twitter kind of sucks I just figured I should let people know I exist there to boost my presence I love sharing videos about upcoming projects on my patreon the extra money will also help with expenses to improve my videos like buying a more powerful PC trust me a good PC is enough to open a lot of doors it makes editing a lot easier processing videos faster and if I ever need gameplay footage for whatever reason I can record it at the same quality I'm playing at no more encoding errors my God I hate that so if you're interested in that at all or just want to support me consider checking it out I won't ask for anything more than you just take a look oh I just thought of a good segue all right so I just said Nostalgia is evolving and I'm actually kind of a fan of One Direction it's evolved in that is the realm of retroactive nostalgia [Music] so much earlier in the video I mentioned how the Nostalgia bait with Power Rangers piqued my interest and got me to consider watching some of the newer installments of the franchise Nostalgia big can also have the adverse effect on people it can get late joiners of the franchise to explore more of the franchise's history previous installments or parent Series this can also be a good incentive for reboots remix and remasters of the swords and stuff like video games I see this a lot with the Megami tensei franchise many people start with Persona 5 and work their way backwards I started with Persona 3 a game that very much embodies the era of my childhood but not a game I was old enough to play at that time it's a pretty big part of why I was drawn to play that one first rather than starting with four I was also too cheap to buy a PS4 at the time so starting with five was you know out of the question another really weird draw for me was actually my lack of nostalgia for my high school days quite the opposite really believe me the best thing I have to say about the good classmates I had is they're nice I guess you play as a protagonist that does not come off as the most socially inclined or eager to make friends often being shown wearing his headphones to drown out the world around him while the protagonist has no definite personality or character traits just his implicit demeanor and the position he's in were enough for me to relate being put in a situation where you're not particularly interested in meeting new people but kind of have to is the exact position I was in when I first started college I came to like the people I met though and meeting those people certainly benefited me for my social growth I still talk to some of those people to this day actually for a lot of people including myself playing Just One of these games becomes a gateway to exploring a whole library of other games some of which are well preserved and some of which aren't so much this can inspire people to go out of their way to find lost media and preserve it somewhere themselves I'm sure the same is true for a lot of other franchises too sometimes a sequel series might incline people to watch its predecessor maybe before or after who knows maybe you're like me and you don't even necessarily need that push there's always been something inherently interesting about exploring older media again it might go back to that cool kid mentality except you're probably an adult now this is what the people older than you were into at the time and you want in on the fun or perhaps more realistically speaking I should add Retro Media has sort of become an aesthetic it's what people use for their Lo-Fi beats videos in the present day of digitally drawn and colored animation replacing the physically hand-drawn and hand-colored animation we might sense a different kind of Soul or energy exuding from that old school stuff I can't really put it into better words in a day and age where people are attempting to hijack the supply and demand of art using AI the Retro art style becomes even more alluring to some people the AI discussion is a topic for a whole other video though so I digress honestly I have a whole backlog of old anime and old games I want to experience at some point the whole reason I wanted to make videos was to share my personal journey and experiencing media and for a lot of people's Journeys Nostalgia or retroactive nostalgia in some cases has opened new doors for them while it can be obnoxious for the people who've already been there done that seen it a million times there's no denying that it's played an integral role in keeping old media alive and more importantly media preservation I'm the type of person who thinks that a lot of media deserves to be immortalized and other people might actually agree with me people long for ports and remasters of old games for Hardware that has long been outdated while there is a right and wrong way to do it I think it's all just part of the growing pains there will always be an obnoxious predatory way to appeal to any Market of Interest tons of people will try to rip you off with something cheap it is our job as the consumer to see through those cheap tactics and make it clear that we value the care put into a nostalgic product far more than simply The Nostalgia as some kind of marketing mascot in conclusion yes corporate greed is to blame for this too foreign
Channel: bubbletea.
Views: 49,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bubbletea, nostalgia bait has always existed, nostalgia, nostalgia bait, nostalgic fulfillment, nostalgic fan service, nostalgic media, nostalgic, retro, old media, pokemon, sonic the hedgehog, sonic, final fantasy, kingdom hearts, shin megami tensei, persona, megaten, megami tensei, retro anime, retro games, reimagining, remake, remaster, reboot, revival, series, mighty morphin power rangers, power rangers, retroactive nostalgia
Id: 3-h-hVyYYlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 14sec (1574 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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