NoSQL Database Tutorial – Full Course for Beginners

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Hello everyone here on freeCodeCamp today and  welcome to this course on no SQL. My name is Ania   Kubow, and I'm a software developer and course  creator on YouTube as well as your instructor   for this video. In this video course, I will  be demystifying what no SQL is clarifying the   difference between SQL and no SQL as well as going  into a deep dive of the four main types of no SQL   databases. With each deep dive, we will be  approaching each learning as an explanation,   example and exercise. So the three is in order  to fully grasp the topic we are discussing.   After that, we will go straight into using what  we have learned with two real life use cases.   By use cases, I mean, we will be getting data  into real life projects using a document API,   and the Graph QL API to communicate with  our newly made databases. And finally,   we'll be wrapping up with where to go next. Don't  worry if none of this makes sense to you. Now,   this is what the tutorial is for. As always, if  you like what we are doing here at freeCodeCamp,   please do get that subscribe button and click as  it would really help us on our mission to provide   a broad spectrum of learning materials right here  free to access for you. Now, let's get to it.   So the first thing you need to know is that  no SQL is an approach to database management.   It is considered to be super flexible as  it allows for a variety of data models,   such as key value, document, y column or  tabular and graph formats. These are the four   we will be looking at today, as well as a new  emerging trend of multi model databases. So we   have already mentioned that no SQL databases are  casually considered to be flexible. But officially   the defining characteristics of no SQL databases  are considered to be that they are non relational,   distributed and scalable. Distributed  refers to running on clusters of machines   globally distributed to support apps at two  different geographical locations. And scalable   means that no SQL databases are able to store and  query life scale data, as well as support high   transaction throughput scaling horizontally. In  addition to this, they're also partition tolerant,   meaning that they are able to work in  the presence of network partitioning.   And they are also highly available, meaning that  they are able to serve requests even when some   machines go down. They can do this as they have  data replication built in. And lastly, what does   non relational entail? To understand this fully,  we need to look at relational databases bust, the   relational data model and SQL were designed for  databases that work on single machines and scale   vertically. We will go into this in a bit more  detail later on. In fact, everything we just   mentioned is in contrast to what relational  databases are all about, which is Atomicity,   Consistency, Isolation, durability, or acid for  short. I am bringing up relational databases as   you understand where no SQL came from,  we have to look at them as well as SQL.   SQL stands for Structured Query Language. It is  used for relational databases. By relational I   mean, it's a collection of tables with rows and  columns that stores a specific set of structured   data. No SQL is used for non relational and  relational databases. Okay, so when you think   SQL think are the Structured Query Language for  database management on relational databases,   and think rigid, and when you think no SQL? Well,  let's have a look at the word itself. No SQL,   you might think okay, so it's the more flexible  way to access data. So not using SQL destructed   query language. Simple, right? Well, you would  actually be wrong. Because of the usefulness of   SQL. Many no SQL databases added support for SQL,  leading to an understanding among developers that   no SQL actually means not only SQL. So you  can use the Structured Query Language or you   can not use the Structured Query Language,  it is up to you. So once again, to recap,   SQL is a structured query language, and no SQL is  an approach to database management. Got it? Good.   And the book No SQL distilled a brief guide  to the emerging world of polyglot persistence.   The writer explains two main reasons for using  a no SQL database. The first is application   development productivity. When developing  an app there is a significant amount of   time before starting anything really, that is  spent on organizing data. By organizing I mean,   mapping data between in memory data structures and  a relational database. So in other words a type of   database that supports SQL, as we just mentioned,  as a non relational database manager approach,   no SQL can provide a data model that better fits  the applications need an entire makes our life   easier in the long run. As the data model is more  suited to the application, it makes debugging and   writing code easier, as well as allows for easy  evolution. The second reason is large scale data.   As we know, organizations today love to capture as  much data as possible to improve their offerings   as well as other things. However, capturing  large amounts of data and processing it quickly   is expensive in terms of an operation. So whilst  it is possible to do so with relational databases,   it is usually more economic to run large data  and processes on lots and lots of little cheaper   machines or clusters that no SQL databases are  designed to explicitly run on rather than one   large one. As is typical for relational databases.  We will go into this in more detail in the next   section. So in conclusion, no SQL  is a database management approach.   The characteristics we can expect from a no SQL  database are that it is a non relational database,   as opposed to a relational one, a distributed  database that is designed to manage large scale   data while maintaining a high performance,  scalability, throughput and availability.   Now, when people look at no SQL and SQL,  they might be tempted to compare the two.   But by now we know that we can't do this. Why  again, this is because once again, no SQL is a   database management approach. And SQL is a query  language. So two completely different things, it   might be better going forward to start referring  to no SQL databases as non relational databases.   So let's go ahead and switch that. So we can start  comparing them to relational databases from now   on. As we mentioned, relational databases use this  structured query language, a language that became   prominent in the late 1970s. And no SQL means not  only Structured Query Language, which allows you   to use the language or not use it to get data. No  SQL appearance on the scene is noted as somewhere   around the 2000s. With SQL, the data is modeled  as tables with fixed columns and rows. And with   no SQL databases, the data is not only modeled  as tables with fixed rows and columns. Instead,   it can be modeled as JSON documents, graphs  with nodes and edges, key value pairs or with   Y column or tabular databases, where columns  can be dynamic from row to row within a table   instead of fixed. With a no SQL database, the  schema is flexible. This means there doesn't have   to be any real fixed structure to the data.  It can be stored in a flexible schema where   this approach can make development easier  due to the high level of flexibility.   With a relational database, the schema is fixed,  they will have rigid data types. So if you want to   put a Boolean into a column that has been  defined to only take integers, the attempt   will get rejected. Think of it as a super strict  approach. And whilst the strictness can be good,   it also comes with its downfalls and can be  very time consuming when trying to implement   changes. And finally, let's look at scalability.  No SQL usually scales out. This is also known as   horizontal scaling. This involves adding more  and more machines to the resource pool. Rather   than adding resources by scaling vertically like  relational databases do. So well no SQL scales out   SQL scales up by adding more resources I mean,  it adds things like a more powerful CPU and   RAM to handle workload and improve performance  rather than adding more machines such as service.   As mentioned, there are four main types of no  SQL database systems each using a different   data model. Once again, they are the key value  document why column or tabular and graph database   types. As mentioned we will be also taking a quick  look at the emerging trend of the multimodal type   at the end to we will be going through each type  and an explanation example exercise format. Okay,   so once again, the three is now the first thing  you need to know is that databases have multiple   layers. The first layer is an interface or in  other words, a visual platform where you can   visit and interact with data, which is where you  find the format, the language and the transport.   In this course the interface we are going to  use is called Data sex Astra database management   system. This is where we will be creating all of  our database types for the example and exercise   parts DataStax Astra DB is an auto scaling  Database as a Service built on Apache Cassandra   designed to simplify cloud native application  development. Because it is built on Apache   Cassandra, you will see us using the Cassandra  query language or CQ l a few times in this course,   CQ l offers a model close to SQL and it says that  data is put in tables containing rows and columns.   I will be pointing this out to you when we use it.  These languages are how we interact with the data   in our database. The next layer is an execution  layer. This is where we pass the incoming queries   coming from my interface. It is also used as an  analyzer and a dispatcher. And finally, we have   the storage layer in which the indexing of data  happens. The reason I'm using datasets Astra is   that it will allow us to create all four types of  database types for this tutorial, so I won't have   to sign up to separate database management systems  for each section. However, you don't have to.   There are literally dozens and dozens to choose  from, so please feel free to take your pick. We   can group these database management systems into  families according to the CIP theorem. According   to the CP theorem, a no SQL database cannot  achieve consistency, availability and partition   tolerance, it must sacrifice one of the three for  example MongoDB and Kafka chose to focus on CP and   the database management system we are going to be  using datasets Astra is not an Apache Cassandra,   which chose to focus on AP. So to recap, what  we are doing here is using data sacks Astra   which is an interface essentially, that will  allow us to work with our no SQL database,   which is in this case, Apache Cassandra, to  be exact. Apache Cassandra is an open source,   no SQL distributed database. The language  we will use to communicate with our database   is Cassandra query language, or SQL for short,  which, as I mentioned, is very similar to SQL.   Most no SQL databases have their own  query language or not. Once you are on the   data sex Astra platform, we're going to create a  database. So I'm just going to head over and click   this button right here. And that will take me to  the page in which I'm going to create our first   database, and the database name, I'm going to  call it FCC underscore tutorial, I would recommend   calling your database exactly the same in order  to avoid any issues further on for this tutorial.   Of course, once you have the knowledge  that you gained out of this tutorial,   you will be able to name your databases, anything  you wish. This is just a suggestion. However,   now under keyspace name, because the first  example we're going to look at is tables,   I'm going to call the key space Tabular.  Once again, I would recommend that you call   your key space name the same thing so that  you don't run into any issues further on.   Okay, and next we can provide a region, we  can choose Amazon Web Service, or Microsoft   Azure or Google Cloud, I'm just going to  stick with this one. And I'm just going to   select a Europe as I am currently in Europe, and  I'm going to create a database. And there we go,   we have created our first database, it has a  database ID, the status is currently pending. So   we're gonna have to wait for that to turn active  before we can go ahead and use the database.   And there we go, we're active. As you can see,  here, the status has turned to active in green.   Great. Now that we have set up our database  management system, let's start getting to some   examples. Okay, great. Now let's look at the first  database type, which is a tabular database type,   also known as a column database type or a  wide column database type. What you need to   know is that tables are relational and come with  a schema, we are going to be making a table called   books in this next section and defining what kind  of rows the table can take, and what kind of types   the rows are made of. For example, I'm going to  have a table called books. And in it, I'm going to   say that we can only have a row that has a book ID  and author a title a year release the categories   the books belongs to and a timestamp for when  it was added. I'm also going to say that the   book ID needs to be a UU ID or a universal unique  identifier. The author field needs to be some text   and the title needs to be some text to the end  has to be an integer and the categories needs   to be a set of texts. And the timestamp needs  to be a type of timestamp format and only that,   okay, so what I've done here is essentially define  a schema. The next thing that is important to know   is that we are going to be saving this row based  on a key. This is important As this is how we are   going to be retrieving our data with queries later  on. Okay. So for example, if my UU ID for this   row looks like this, and I can save it, the only  way I can find it is by searching for this key,   and the whole data row will be returned. This  key is also what is known as a partition key.   Because our no SQL database is a distributed  database, it means our data can be sold on   loads and loads of different nodes. So if two  rows had the same partition key, they will be   stored together on one note, and when we query  for that key, they will both return. Got it.   Good. Now let's use it in practice with an example  in which we are going to be storing books in a   tabular database. So now that we have created the  database and has access to us, let's go ahead and   create our first table. To do this, I'm just  going to double click on the database itself,   it should take you to this page in which you  will see the key spaces associated with this   database. At the moment, there is one as we only  created one key space called Tabular. Great.   So now I'm going to do this part using the CPU  or console. So as we know, tabular databases   organize data in rows and columns. Okay, so  that's what we're going to be doing, we're   going to be building a table with rows and columns  to store some data using C QL, or Cassandra query   language. The first thing I'm going to do is use  a command in order to get our key space. So to do   this, I'm going to enter the following command, it  is called describe key spaces. And if I hit that,   you will see all the key spaces associated with my  database, you will also see that tabular is right   here. Just to make sure we are all on the same  page, it keyspace is simply a word for a logical   grouping of tables. So now that we can see our  tabular key space, let's actually get to using it,   I can use it using the following command, use  Tabular. And just hit enter. Don't forget to   put the semicolon at the end. Okay, so now you'll  see that I'm actually in the tabular key space,   I'm inside the key space, I now want to create a  table inside the key space. And I'm going to use   the following SQL command to do so I'm going to  write CREATE TABLE if not exists, okay. So that is   something you're going to need to create a table  in your key space. And I'm going to call the table   books. Now, I'm going to actually define what goes  into my table as well. I'm going to define what it   is I want to put into my table and what type it  is. Okay. So for example, if I choose to put in a   book ID, and then also going to state that this  is a unique identifier. Okay, so from now on,   I can only use Universally Unique Identifiers, or  UU ID as the book ID. For those of you who don't   know what a UU ID is, it is a 128 bit label useful  information in computer systems, I will show you   the structure of it as well as what it looks like  when we get to using it later on. Next, I'm also   going to say that my table of books is going to  have an author and the author. So whatever value   I have as the author is going to be text, okay,  so a string. In other words, we're also going   to have a title, which is going to be texts a  year, which is going to be an integer. Okay,   so a full number, we're going to have categories,  which is a set up texts. Okay. So once again,   I will show you what that looks like we're going  to have multiple categories. Or in other words,   it's going to be a set of texts. And I'm also  going to have added, which is going to be a   timestamp I have defined added to be a time stamp.  So timestamp is also a type in C QL. And finally,   we're going to have a primary key. A primary key  in basic terms is how we're going to search for   a book in our table. Okay, so imagine our table  has hundreds and hundreds of books. We can filter   through the table, we can search through the  table by the book ID, thanks to this primary key   right here. The book ID that I've passed through  into the primary key is also the partition   key that we discussed earlier in the introduction.  Okay, so I'm putting in a partition key   into the primary key. Great, and we're just gonna  close that off and don't forget the semicolon and   press enter. And there we go, we have now created  our very fast, super simple table using CQ L, just   to make sure that has worked, I'm just going to  use the command describe key space Tabular. So the   time I'm picking out the precise key space, and  putting the semicolon and then just hitting Enter,   and there we go, we can see that our table  has been created, okay with the book ID   added author categories set, and yeah, wonderful.  So now that we have finished our table,   we have created our table, let's actually get  to putting things into our table. To do this,   I'm going to use the command insert into. So  I'm going to use Insert into that is a command   that we're going to use to insert data into our  books table. So I'm just gonna write the word   books. And then once again, I'm just going to  put in a book ID and author, a title a year,   the categories that are belongs to and added and  just click enter. The next thing we're going to do   is actually add the values. So we didn't actually  finish off this command, there's no semicolon,   so we did not finish off this command, we're just  making a new line so it's more readable. And I'm   just going to put some values into our books.  So I'm just going to open up the parenthesis,   and I'm actually going to create a  unique identifier. So this is a function,   I'm going to call this so that it creates  a universally unique identifier for me.   The next thing I'm going to do is write a string  of Bobby Brown as we defined author as text. So   this needs to be text and needs to be a string.  And then we're also going to give it a title,   which is also text, it is a string. So I'm going  to put dealing with tables. The next is year,   which we defined as an integer. So I'm just  going to put 1999, and then categories,   which is a set of texts. So to do this, I'm just  going to open up some curly braces this time.   And I'm going to put the string of programming and  the string of computers. This is because I defined   categories as a set of text. So I can only put  text into this set. Okay. And finally, once again,   I'm going to call a function, the function is  called to timestamp. And I'm going to open up   my parenthesis, and I'm just going to put an  another function is called now I'm going to call   it, this will essentially create a timestamp  with this very second. Okay, so timestamp of   this very second that I'm going to put into my  table. I'm just gonna close all this off, and   finish it off with some semi colons, because I'm  done with this command now, and just click enter.   Wonderful. So now let's see if that has worked.  I'm going to use the command select all.   So this little asterix means all from our table  called books. So we have chosen to call the table   books. So that's what I'm using the word books  here, and then let's get our semicolon and just   click enter. and wonderful. Here is  our table, we have created a table,   we've put some data into our table. Let's  have a look. Here, you will see the UU ID   has been generated. This is the structure of  universal, unique identifier that looks wonderful.   Next, we've got added. Okay, so this is the  function that I wrote to timestamp. Now, if I use   the function, today's timestamp down to the second  has been used to populate this cell right there.   And next we have the author of Bobby Brown, the  categories and the title dealing with tables,   as well as the year which is an integer. Great. So  we've created one row in our table, let's get to   adding a nother row into our table. So to do this,  once again, I'm going to use the command insert   into again, I'm going to pick out the table that  I created earlier, which I chose to call books.   And I'm going to say that into this row,  I'm going to put in a book ID, an author,   a title a year categories and add it okay and  then the values that I want for these cells   are going to be once again I'm going to use the  UU ID function to create a universally unique   identifier for me. I'm also going to put a  string of let's put Andrea Agnes as the author   for the title. I'm just going to put the moon as  the title of my book, and for the year I'm going   to put 2001 is an integer, so not a string,  that categories, I'm going to put space and   non fiction, non fiction like so. And then  added. Once again, I'm going to use the to   timestamp and pass through now and  call it. Okay, so there we have it.   Once again, I'm just going to close that off,  and then use a semicolon to finish this command   and hit enter. Wonderful. So now if we  look at everything in our books table,   so I'm just going to use the command to select  all books, oops, we didn't use the semicolon,   select all books. Select all from books, apologies  select all from books is the command we need.   Wonderful, we can see now that two rows  exists on our table that we created. Great,   this is looking really good. As you can see, a  new unique identifier has been generated a new   timestamp, the author name, some categories,  a title, and the year as an integer. Correct.   Now what if I just want to  select one thing from our table?   Well, as we mentioned, we know that we can  use a primary key to the book ID to do this.   So let's go ahead and try do that. I'm going  to use the command select all. So once again,   select and then we use the little star or Asterix  from books. And I'm just gonna hit enter. So I'm   not gonna close up this command yet. And I'm  gonna use the command where and then use book ID   equals. So I've chosen book ID for myself. I've  called it book ID. And I'm just going to select a   unique identifier. Let's select this one. So what  do we expect to return if we run this command?   Correct? That is correct. We are now getting  one item from our table. This because we chose   to select an item by its unique identifier.  Okay, so there we go. We have now successfully   picked out one item from our table using the  book ID, or in other words, the primary key.   So we have now seen how we can pick out one item  from a table. However, how can we filter out   multiple items from a table? Well, to do this,  we're going to work with partitions. So let's make   a new table for this. I'm just going to refresh my  page, you can actually also use the clear command,   instead of refreshing the page. If you want to  clear all of this, it's up to you. So once again,   this is going to be some great repetition for  you some great muscle memory practice. First off,   let's actually get to listing out all the key  spaces using the describe key Space Command.   There we go, we can see the key space that  we want the tabular key space, I'm going to   use the command use tabular in order to pick out  the key space that we want. Next, let's actually   get to creating a table in the tabular key space.  Okay, so we have one table already called books,   I'm going to create a nother table this time.  So the command you need for this is create   table if not exists, and then we're going to  choose to call our table restaurant by country.   Okay, so I've chosen to call my table that as  you can choose to call your table, whatever you   wish. And now, in my table, well, I'm going to  decide that I want to have the following columns,   I'm going to have the country which I'm going to  define as text. Next we're going to have cuisine,   which I'm also going to define as text a URL,  which again is going to be some text. And now   I'm going to have a primary key. So from our  previous lesson, we know that we can search for   something in a table by its primary key, I'm going  to choose to search by the country. The country   is actually the partition key we refer to in the  explainer okay. So, we have a primary key command   and we are passing through where we want the  partition key to be if that makes sense. So, what   I have done is chosen one of the table columns  here I have chosen country to be my partition   key and I have passed that into the primary key  like so. So now also what is happening is that   all my data from now on is going to be distributed  in my database based on the value of country. Now,   the other values here that I have put so name  and URL are What we call clustering keys. So what   this means is that when I search for data based on  the partition key, so in this case, it's country,   I can make it come back in descending order, and  URL in ascending order. Okay, so there we go,   let's go ahead and run that command, not  forgetting the semicolon. And there we go.   Next is actually insert some data into this table.  So just like before, I'm going to use the Insert   to command. And I'm going to insert into the table  that I have chosen to call restaurant by country,   going to open up some parenthesis, and I'm going  to say that I want to put in a country a name,   a cuisine, a URL, and I'm just going to close that  off, and then start a new line with the values.   So open up the parenthesis again, and I'm going  to put the string of Poland the name, I'm going   to put VAs ska, catch ma as a string. And then the  cuisine, I'm also going to put some text for this,   I'm going to put traditional as a string, and  then the URL once again, this is a string,   I'm going to put w And close that  off and for the semicolon, and click enter. And   wonderful, I'm just going to insert a another  row while we are here. So once again, insert into   my table name is restaurant by country, I'm  going to open a parenthesis to say what exactly   I want to put in this row, I'm going to put in  a country and name a cuisine and a URL. And in   the next slide, I'm going to put the values this  time, let's put Singapore and I'm going to put   the shark as a string, this is going to be  American food as a string. And the URL is   going to be W W dot shack dot S, G, no, close  that off. And wonderful. Hit enter. Great.   We can also do a third one. So I'm just going  to actually press up this time, we will just   bring back the last line. And for the values, I'm  just going to replace that with United Kingdom.   And for this one, let's put the red rose.  And I'm going to put pub as the cuisine.   And as the URL. Let's just put red  and wonderful. So now click enter. And great.   Let's check if that has worked. So I'm  going to use the select command this time,   Select All. So the Asterix is all from restaurant  by country, because that is the table name.   I want to get everything from the table. Oops,  nice post I semicolon. And great. There is our   table. This is looking good. And once again,  let's try and get in one thing from the table.   So select all from restaurant by countries of the  table name where the country equals the string   Singapore. Okay. And that just puts in semi colons  and hit enter. And that should return back the   singular restaurant. So the shark because that  has the partition key of Singapore. Wonderful.   Now, what do you think happens if we add another  row that also has the country Singapore? Well,   let's check it out. For this part, I'm going  to involve you I'm going to break to an   exercise. So what I want you to do is actually  add a nother line. So now the road to our table   that has the country Singapore, the name of  the restaurant, the heart, the URL   and cuisine Lebanese, okay, so go ahead and add  one row to our existing table. But before we do   that, I'm going to ask you to refresh the page. So  go ahead and click that. And wonderful. Go ahead.   I'm going to pause here while you have a go at  doing this yourself before we carry on together.   Okay, so first things first you can of course  is the describe key spaces command to list out   all the key spaces in your database. Or you  can just go straight to it if you know which   key space You want to use. So I'm going to choose  Use tabular, just like Sir, making sure that I am   in the tabular key space. Next, I'm going to  essentially insert a row into the table restaurant   by country. So I'm going to do so like so.  First things first, I'm going to use the Insert   into command. And I'm going to insert into rest.  Durrant by country, just like so because that   is the name of our table, I'm going to insert  a country, I'm also going to insert a name, I'm   going to insert some cuisine and a viewer L. Okay.  So that's what I'm going to do. And I'm just going   to make a new line. So don't put the semicolon yet  insert into restaurant by country. And then I'm   going to put in values. And the values are going  to be a string of Singapore. And then the name we   said is going to be the heart. The URL is going  to be WWE dot heart dot S, G. And the cuisine,   which is the one we miss, I'm just going to  go back. It's going to be Lebanese, Lebanese.   Okay, so let's have a look. Make sure  that it's all correct. Okay, great. And   hit Enter. So now we have a look at everything.  So select everything from restaurant by country   that we go, you will see that line has been added,  a new row has been added. So now if we do select   everything from restaurant, we could actually  just press up. And then we go where, and I'm   going to get the partition key. So country equals  Singapore, what do you expect will happen? Tada,   we get back the two restaurants that are in  Singapore. Wonderful. So that is essentially   how you'd group data together in your  table and retrieve that group data back.   Now it's time to move on and look at document  database types, document or document oriented   database types are arguably one of the easiest  types to do. This is because they require no   schema. So before in the tabular database, we had  to define the columns that made up our table. With   this, we don't have to do any of that. As long  as our data comes as an object, it's fine. The   objects are made up of keys and values look like  this. So this is an example of perhaps an item   you might find in a to do list. So here you have  an object which I have given an ID with a zero,   a title with fixed bike as a string description  with a string and done which I have in this case,   given a Boolean that is not strict. The values  can be strings, numbers, Boolean arrays,   or even objects themselves. This is called JSON,  or JavaScript Object Notation, and is the most   popular format for document database types. Now,  a group of documents is called a collection. So we   will not be using the word tables anymore. It has  been replaced by collections. So keep that in mind   moving forward. So what are we waiting for? Let's  get to it. In this next section, I'm going to   make a collection of to do items using a document  API. Now for those of you who haven't heard of the   term API, let's do a quick crash course first. And  API stands for Application Programming Interface.   They allow for technologies to essentially  talk with each other and are essential to   serve the services we rely on today. They are  behind most apps we use on a day to day basis.   And they can shape information paths between one  technology to another. And they connect things   such as our cars, purchase pens, or anything  really, to the internet. API's are everywhere.   As a developer, you might use the Twitter  API to get like tweets on your site, a Map   API that will allow us to get data from a third  party to use a new delivery app we are building   or even use them in a two way stream to get  post or delete data from a customer relationship   management system. For example. There's a reason  why these words are popping up. And let's go into   why. In this next section, you're going to be  seeing these words I'm using them to communicate   with the database you make. In this context.  They are called HTTP request message. That's   the most common are the get request, post  request, PUT request and delete request.   There are others too. But for the sake of the  tutorial, these are the ones you need to know.   Get essentially gets data. And that's all it does.  So imagine you have a client or another word, your   computer and a server, you are on your computer.  And the URL, which is where you want to get your   data from is on a server, the client. So once  again, your computer sends an HTTP get request   to the server to retrieve the data we want. So  here we have a get request or a visualization of   a get request, the client is requesting the server  gives it the necessary resources we need. Then,   after the server has sent the response, so request  and response, we say that we've got it. Thank you.   After the server sends a response, it closes  something called a TCP or transmission control   protocol connection. We also have a POST requests  and put requests. So here we have a visualization   of how the request would work with post requests.  So simply sending something to the server.   And with the PUT request, which are the same,  we are sending something to the server. But   essentially to edit something or override it,  we will go into this in the next section. And   of course, a delete request to a delete request  will essentially delete something that is pointed   to an idea or endpoint. So to get interacting with  my data, you will see these different endpoints,   simply put an endpoint is where a  resource lips. So with this endpoint here,   forward slash burgers, I will get all  my burgers, I can also create a burger   to the same endpoint. To create a burger. However,  I use the post haich TT method. As we discussed,   I can also edit a singular burger, also, as  we discussed. And of course, we have delete,   which you guessed it will delete a singular  burger if we provide the end points with the ID.   Okay, so hopefully, this theoretical example  has made sense, let's get to using our knowledge   in our project. Okay, the first thing we're  going to do is actually create a new key space,   I'm going to call this key space document, I'm  just going to go here and save it. There we go.   Okay, so now we've got two key spaces, I'm going  to keep the workload separate. So one for tabular,   and for document, because we're going to  be working with document types in this   section. So to do this, I'm going to choose to  connect to my database using the Document API.   However, before we do that, we're  gonna have to get a token in order   to communicate with our database. So to  do this, I'm just going to go to settings.   And then under Application tokens,  organization settings, click that   the role I'm going to select as an admin user,  and I'm going to generate a token. So this is   the token we are going to use, please, of course,  do use your own, I will be deleting this after   this tutorial. So just go ahead and copy that and  make sure to store it somewhere safe. Okay, great.   Now, once you've done that, just go back. And  this time, we're not going to use the SQL console,   we're going to use this connect tab. And we're  going to use the document API to connect to our   database. Okay. So all I'm going to do is launch  swagger. And this will load some swagger Doc's for   us that will be useful in communicating with  our database. Okay, so this is all pre made   for us. There's not much we're gonna have to do,  we're just gonna have to fill out some blanks. The   first thing I'm going to do is actually create  a new empty collection in a namespace. Okay,   so before, as mentioned, we work with tables. Now  we're going to be working in collections. Okay.   So once again, we were working with tables before.  Now we're going to work with collections. So I'm   going to create a new empty collection in the  namespace and just click Try it out. And all I'm   going to do is fill out all of these empty spaces  that have been created for us while We are here is   actually important to note that you can write your  own code for these requests. So at the moment, we   are in a post request, I will be showing you how  to do this in the project portion of this course,   for now, we're just going to make use of this  pre configured UI to help us make these requests.   So all I'm going to do is actually put in my  Cassandra token in here. So that's the one that   we just created. And under the namespace ID, well,  we know that our namespace that we just created,   or in other word, a key space is called document.  So that's what we put in here, document, okay,   not tabular document. And next, we're going to  have to put something in the body of our requests.   Okay, so we're going to have to put in some  JSON with the name of the collection. So all   I'm going to do is choose what I want to call my  collection. And I'm going to choose to call it   my first collection, just like so.  Okay, so you open up some curly braces,   this is how Jason looks, we open up some  curly braces, we put the string of name   as we are prompted to, and the string of my first  collection. Wonderful. So now we can scroll down.   And just click execute, and then wait  for our response. And as you can see,   that has returned with a status code 201. Okay,  status code 201. So that has worked. If you   don't know about service codes, that is a really  handy website, I'm going to show you with all the   status codes that could return, it illustrates  them with little dogs. And it's really easy to   understand, this is something that I use quite  a lot in my day to day, developer life. Okay,   so we have now created a collection called  My first collection, let's carry on,   just going to delete all of this, and cancel  that. And now the next thing I want to do   is put something in our collection, right, so  I'm going to create a new document to do this.   Once again, I'm just going to click Try it out.  And I'm going to fill out all of these spaces.   So once again, it's putting the token that we  just created. Next we need the namespace, or   as it's called on our platform, the key space. So  once again, I'm going to put document and in the   collection ID. Well, the collection that I want to  put this in is called My first collection, because   we just created and in the body in the body, I'm  going to put in my first item into the collection.   And this is what I want it to look like. Okay,  so once again, we have the curly braces about the   string of ID, which I'm going to give it as one,  I'm going to give it the title of make dinner.   And then the description of make dinner to  apologize for breaking my housemates bike. And   done is a Boolean of false. Okay, so this is the  first document I want to put into my collection is   just an object that has some information, okay,  I can make this information, whatever I wish.   So this is what my information looks like.  Let's carry on. I'm just going to click Execute.   And there we go, we get a 201 code. And that  has responded, we also get a response with this,   which is the document ID. So the document,  we just created the one with ID one, the one   about making dinner has this document ID,  this is its identifier in our collection.   Okay, great. Now let's get to using this ID. So  now I'm going to show you how to do two things.   I'm going to show you how to search for everything  in a collection. And I'm going to show you how to   search for one thing in a collection. So let's  start off with the first one faster search for   everything in a collection. To do this, I'm going  to just select search documents in a collection.   And once again, I'm just going to put in the  Cassandra token. Let's click Try it out. I'm   also going to put in the namespace or key  space as it's called on our platform. So I'm   going to put in document for the collection.  I'm simply going to put my first collection,   and then I'm just going to execute it. Okay, so  I'm just going to scroll down and hit execute. And   there we go. We get a status code 200. And  we also get the response body. So that is   responding with all the data in our collection.  At the moment. There's only one item Okay,   so it might be a bit hard to tell you might think  it's just bringing about one item but it's in   fact bring back all the items in our collection.  Great Now I'm going to show you how to pick up   an item based on the document ID. So the thing  we created in the part just previous to this.   So to do this, I'm actually going to use the  document ID. So let's just go ahead and grab that.   And then let's go to get a document.  Once again, let's click Try it out,   I'm going to put any document ID, and then I'm  just going to fill this out. So once again,   the collection I'm looking at, and it's called  My first collection. And then the namespace is   called document and the Cassandra token, well,  we just need to paste that in. And click Execute.   And correct. So we're returning that one item from  our collection. Okay, based by its document I do.   Okay, so now that I've shown you how to create  a collection, add a document to collection,   get all the documents back, and just search for  one document in the collection by document ID,   I'm just going to show you how you would do this  in the project part. So all we're going to do,   or essentially all of that is happening here on  this platform is that we are constructing a URL.   Okay, so every time you fill out a field, you are  constructing this long URL. As you can see here,   we've populated it with a namespace, a collection  and a document ID. So this is exactly what we   will be doing in the project part, we're  going to be making a request to this URL,   however, with authorization. So at the moment,  if I just take this URL, and I paste it in the   browser, you will get a message that says role  an authorized for this operation, missing token.   Okay, there are tools that we can use to help  us if we do want to view this before building   our project, one tool that comes to mind is a  tool called hopscotch that I use quite often.   And then all you would do so I'm just going to  gravitate to hopscotch. And I'm simply just going   to create a new request here. So all I'm going to  do is put in the URL that we just created, making   sure that the method is a get request, okay,  because we are getting the data. And I'm simply   going to put the Cassandra token that we have.  So the one that we've saved the really long one   in the header. So once again, I'm going to get  that token, and first actually going to get x   Cassandra tokens, we can identify it, and then I'm  going to paste my long token. Okay, once again,   make sure that this is a get request because we  are getting data from the database, and Qlik.   Sense. Wonderful. So now we get a status code 200.  And we also get some response, we get the response   body to be the document we have just created.  Great. Before we move on, I'm just going to show   you how to do one more thing. And that is search  for something by a filtered field. So what I can   do, I'm just going to go to search for documents  again. And in here, I'm just going to add a where   string. So this to jog your memory is how we  return all the documents back from a database,   I can also filter out which ones I can filter  them out by title. So for example, I can choose   to filter out to this this syntax for filtering  out, I can choose to filter out by say title.   And anything with the title of make dinner will  be returned back to me. So once again, I'm just   going to do that that is the syntax for filtering  out all of my documents and search for any one   that has the title make dinner, or any multiple  ones that have the title made dinner, and then   click Execute. And anything with the title made  dinner will be returned back to me. Okay, great.   Okay, so now that we have done that tiver a  little exercise. Based on all the learning   that we have done so far, how would you go about  creating a new item to put in our collection?   So at the moment, we have one item in our  collection called My first collection,   I would like to add another. So which  of these do you think I should go to?   That's right, I will need to make a post request  to this URL, and replace namespaced ID and   collection ID as well as provide my authorization  token. So let's go ahead and do it. I'm just going   to refresh this so we can start a new and click  here. So once again, I'm just gonna click here   to try it out. Under the Cassandra token, I'm  just going to put in my token, the namespace   ID or as we know the key space ID is called  document and then the collection ID is called My   first collection. And now we need to create our  document. So I'm going to create an object for   this, I could simply just have an ID like so let's  give it the ID of two, and then a description.   And then make it clean dishes after dinner.  And if I executed that, that would work.   However, I have chosen to keep all my objects the  same, that is a personal choice. So let's go ahead   and add a title. I'm going to make the same title  that I did last time, and I will show you why. So   there we go, title description, and then done, I'm  going to give it the value of false, that does not   need to be in quotation marks, that is a Boolean  value that I'm assigning to the property done.   Okay, so now if I click Execute, we get a 201 code  with the response body that has come back with the   document ID for this document right here. Okay,  so we've added one more item, I'm just going to   add a another item, let's make this ID 10. Let's  give it a different title. So fixed shoes. And   take choose to fixed with done false. And  once again, I'm just going to execute that.   So what that means is, I now have three items  in my collection called My first collection.   Two of them have the title make dinner, and one  has the title fix shoes. Now, if I wanted to bring   back all the documents, or the title make dinner,  so all of them associated with making dinner,   how would I do this. So once again, three items  in my collection, I only want to bring by two,   and that includes the ones that  have the title make dinner.   That's right, I would have to make a GET request  to this URL. So replace the namespace ID, the   collection ID and provide an authorization token.  So once again, I'm just going to click to try this   out, I'm going to grab the Cassandra token,  the namespace ID I want to look at is called   document or in other words, the keyspace name, the  collection ID I want to look at is called My first   collection. And this is the syntax for  filtering out I want to filter out by title   and want to make sure that that title is equal,   making sure to put this in quotation marks  equal to make dinner, which is case sensitive.   Okay, so that's the syntax. And what do I  expect to come back, I'm actually going to   set the page size, let's just make it Max  20. So if I add more than two, for example,   and I only want to 20. To come back, this is how  I do it. And then I'm just going to click Execute.   And there we go. So now we can see  that two items have come back to us,   this one, this one, and we do not see  the item that has the title fix shoes.   Great. And once again, all we have done is  generated this URL by filling out all of the   above. Okay, so what I am doing is, there we go,  we see the namespace has been replaced, you will   see the collection name has been replaced. And  if we look where well, we are looking for a title   equal to make dinner. And we only want  to bring back Max 20 items. Wonderful.   So I hope you've learned a lot in this section.  Please do pause here, I can't stress enough how   much I recommend pausing here and having a play  around with all the different requests you can   make. So for example, if you want to delete a  document, or update a document to please have   a play around with that, and once you are  done, I will see you in the next section.   In this next section, we are going to look at  the key value databases. They are considered   to be the easiest database type and usually  come looking like this. So you have a key   column and then you have a value column. You can  actually have as many value columns as you wish.   The important thing here is that we can retrieve  data back to us. So an entire row by the key as   that is the identifier in this case. Let's  have a quick look at an example of a key   value database and how to make one next Okay, so  I'm going to click here and just add key value,   and click save. Okay, great. So we can now see  another key space has been added. Now, this time,   I'm going to use Graph QL, just as a little  bit of something different in order to create   our key value table. Okay, so this time, I'm  going to choose to connect using the Graph QL API,   just purely because we've already worked with  the document API. So I'm going to click here,   and just launch the Graph QL playground, just like  so. Now, the first thing we need to do when we are   here is to create a new table. So first off, I'm  actually going to put in my Kasandra tokens are   able to communicate with my database. So I'm  just going to grab it, just like so. And now   you should be able to see the documents populate  with all the queries or mutations that we can do.   So as I said, I want to create a table. So  let's go ahead and do that. This is a mutation   as it's under the mutations tab. And to create  a table, just going to write create, table,   and EZ Pass through the following things. So  a keyspace name, a table named partition keys,   and values. So the key space name, I'm just going  to put this on a new line. Well, we know that the   key space name is key value, as we've just created  it. Now the next thing we need to actually do is   give our table a name. So I'm going to call this  shop inventory just like so. And the partition   keys. Now, if you remember from the first section,  our partition keys is essentially the key that we   want to filter our table by or search for items  in our table by and it says here that this needs   to be an array. So that's what we're going to do,  we're making an array. And then what do we want   our partition key to be, I'm going to give it the  name of Ki. And I'm also going to define the types   that it takes. So I'm just going to put type,  like so. And I'm going to pass through basic text.   Great. So we have our key space name, we have  our table name, we have our partition keys. Next,   let's put in the values. As you will see, these  all have a bank after them. So they are required   values is not required, but we're going to need  it for our table. So once again, I'm just going   to put a comma and put in values. And this needs  to be an array. So I'm going to open up the array,   and I only want another one column. So at the  moment, we've got one column, which is a key.   The next column I want to have is values. So  I'm going to name this value. And once again,   I'm just going to give this the type of basic  text, just like set. And if we click here,   wonderful, we have created our table. Great.  So we've created our table, the next thing   I'm going to do is add keys and values to our  table. So I'm just going to go ahead and delete   this. And instead of having a Graph QL schema,  I'm going to have Graph QL forward slash,   and I'm just going to put in the key space. So  key value, just like sir. and wonderful. So now   we're in the key space key value, I'm going to  use another mutation to see who the mutations and   queries have changed because I can do a bunch  of other stuff. I'm going to use the Insert   shop inventory. Okay, so that is what I'm going  to do and start mutation as this is a mutation.   And I'm just going to say shop,   insert shop inventory, just like so. And I'm  going to use this to insert items into my table.   So I need to open up some parenthesis, and then  in here, well, I want to pass through a value.   And that's going to have my key. So what  key can we give this I'm just going to put   an A string as we said it needs to be text.  And I'm just going to choose to give it this   key. So this identifier just like so. And then the  value of let's have beans. So what I'm saying with   this code is that I want to put in this row into  my table that I have just created and the row will   have the key of this The value of beans, meaning  that if I want to search for beans in my table,   I would use this identifier. Okay,  so I'm just going to also have to   return something. So we know this works.  So I'm just going to return the key and the   value. Click here. Wonderful. So now we know  that we have inserted this one item into our   shop inventory into our table that we have called  shop inventory. Let's just add another item. So   I'm just going to make this random once again.  And then another item we can put in his shell.   And just click Yeah. Great. So now I'm going  to actually retrieve this data. But first off,   I just want to show you what this looks like if we  use the sequel console. Okay, so I'm going to go   back here. And under the secure console, well, I  am just going to write, use key value, because we   need to get the key space. And once we are here,  I'm going to use the command describe table.   Shop inventory. Okay, so we can see here, we have  added that table, that table exists and exists   in the keyspace key value. And now if I  want to grab everything from the table,   well, hopefully you remember this from the first  lesson, select all this essentially means all   from shop inventory, making sure that I spelt it  correctly inventory. And there we go. We have a   table that has a key and a value. And we can find  any item in our table. So any row by the partition   key or the key right here. Great. Okay. So  hopefully, you can see how we can make tables   using the key and value approach. Just while  we're here, I'm going to show you how to retrieve   all the data from our table using Graph QL as  well, just in case you are not familiar with   Graph QL. This time, I'm going to have to have a  query. So I'm going to write a query just like so.   And I'm going to look in the shop inventory.  Okay, so I'm looking in the shop inventory. And   what do I want to return? Well, if I just  want everything, then I would simply put   values, key value, and click enter. And there we  go. We are getting all the items from our shop   inventory table. Okay, so if you want to use this  in the project, and you want to get all the items   from your shop inventory, this is the  query that you would use. Wonderful.   Okay, before we move on, I'm just going to do a  little exercise to see if you've remembered what   we've learned. So I'm just going to get rid of  this. If I want to add one more item into the shop   inventory. How would I do this? And what two  things do I need to check? Well, first off,   we need to check the we're in the correct URL.  Okay, so we need to make sure that the URL is   pointing to the key space. In this case, its key  value, because that is what I call my key space.   And that I also have my Cassandra token in the  header. Okay, so those are the two things you   need to check. And once you have checked that  we can write a mutation, okay, not a query,   a query essentially retrieves back data. And a  mutation adds data deletes data, or edits data.   So for this, because we are adding a new item  into our shop inventory, I need to write a   mutation. And that mutation is insert shop  inventory, because I'm inserting into the   table called shop inventory. Okay. And what do we  need to put in here? Well, we need the values of   key and value. And what are we going to have the  key well, at once again, I'm just gonna put in a   random string like that as an identifier.  And the value this time I'm going to put,   I don't know, Coca Cola. Okay, great. And just  to check this as work, I'm going to return the   values of key and value. I could technically just  return one, it is up to you, and just click here.   So now because that has returned, we know that has  worked. Brilliant. Now, how do you think and this   is something we haven't covered? So this is going  to require you to have a little bit of a think   based on what I've told you. How do you think  we would delete an item from the shop in entry.   Well, that's right. Because we are changing the  data, we're going to have to find a mutation   that will delete from our shop inventory. And  because we find stuff by the partition key,   so this, we are probably going to have to delete  an item by searching for this key right here. So   let's check it out. So I know this is going to  be a mutation. And I can also look in the docs   to find the Delete shop inventory mutation to  help me out. So that is a mutation that I need   delete shop inventory, and I'm just  gonna pass through the values of   key, I'm just gonna grab this one right here,  I'm just going to return the value of key.   Okay, and that should have worked. Let's go have a  look here. And once again, I'm just going to chop   list out everything in my shop inventory. And  amazing. So we added the Coca Cola, and then we   deleted the Coca Cola to great. Now, if I was  to say try delete something by the value, so   let's go ahead and put sham and then just return  the value, we will get an error. This is because   we cannot delete by the value we have to delete  or the primary key, which we set to be the key.   Okay, wonderful. So I hope you've learned a lot  in this section. And I'll see you in the next one.   In this next section, we are going to look at  Graph databases. Graph databases are a great   way to store data that has relationships between  other pieces of data, or in other words, notes.   Each node is connected by an edge to represent  this relationship. Think for example, your friends   on social media, he was you and here are three of  your friends. So you and your friends are nerds.   And the connection you have is represented by this  line, or as we are going to call it from now on an   edge. Easy, right? But wait, your friends can also  be friends with each other. So how do we represent   that? Well, by adding more edges to represent  the relationships, and as your friendship circle   expands, the more complex it can get. So that is  the simple idea behind how graph databases work.   Let's see it in action. In this section, we  will be doing an overview of an already existing   demographic database. The GitHub repository  for following along will be given to you in the   description below. So once it gets to that, please  go ahead and find it below. Okay, so this time,   we are not going to be using the datasets Astra  interface, we're going to be using the data stacks   enterprise graph. Okay, so let's go to it. For  this part, you're going to have to have Docker   installed. So please go ahead and download  Docker if you don't have it already installed   onto your machines. Okay, so once you have it  installed, it should look something like this.   All you need to do when you're here is just  click the settings and make sure that the   CPU and the memory, the swap and the disk  image size are all around about these levels.   Okay, so that is what you need to  do. Make sure that you have at least   two CPUs. So here you see eight,  and at least three gigabytes or RAM.   So these are the settings you need. Once you have  them. Let's carry on. And once you have that done,   I'm just going to ask you to get up your  terminal. And then in whatever directory you wish,   please write the following command. So please  go ahead and write the command Docker network,   create a graph and click enter. So what you  should have is this long ID right here. Okay, so   once you have that we are now ready to carry  on. This is your identifier for the graph.   The next thing I'm going to ask you  to do is clone this directory. So   this is directory I will be putting at the  bottom in the description. So just clone   the data stacks tabs workshop  introduction to no SQL and click enter.   Now I already have that in here. So I'm just going  to go into the directory, CD workshop introduction   to no SQL and once we are in here We are free to  start the container. So what I'm going to do is   Docker compose up D, and then wait for that to  open up empty localhost 9091. So this will take a   while please feel free to pause here have a break.  Let's get back to it once all of this is complete.   Okay, great. And now let's go ahead and  visit localhost 9091. Okay, so this is an   example from data size itself, please feel  free to use it and adapt it as you wish.   And there we go. So this is what you should  see here is the example that is given   to us from data stocks. Let's go ahead and first  check our connections. So I'm just going to click   here and on connections, it's going to click  on this one right here. And just make sure   that this is on DSC. Okay, so this  essentially is pointing to our local   Cassandra. So once that is done, let's test it  out. And great, so we are connected successfully.   Let's carry on. Now, let's go back to here  and just click on this example one, like so.   Now, you will see that you're prompted to create  a graph. So let's go ahead and create our first   graph. I'm just going to keep it as to do tutorial  graph like so. So just leaving all the default   settings. Okay, and I'm just going to click  Create. Wonderful, our first graph is now created.   Now if you move down here, you will see a language  called Gremlin. Okay, this is the language that   we are going to use for this tutorial, it is  essentially another query language. Okay, so   we've looked at SQL, we've looked at C QL. And now  we have Gremlin it is a graph traversal language,   okay, and it has been developed by Apache  TinkerPop of the Apache Software Foundation.   With this language, we are essentially creating  schema, okay, so just like we have been doing,   you will see here that we are adding a schema  called God. And we are giving a partition key.   In this case, it's going to be the name, which is  some text, and it also has a property, which is   age, which is an integer, and we are creating it,  we are also creating a demigod which has the same   partition, a human again, which has a partition  key of name, a monster, a location and a Titan.   Okay, so here we have the code in order for us to  essentially create our first graph, all about gods   and demigods and monsters. So I'm just going to  click here to run this. So run this in real time.   And wonderful, that has been a success. So,  now, if we look down to here, you will see   some more code again in the language Gremlin.  So just like we created labels here of God,   demigod human monster, we have now also included  edges. So these edges are essentially how each   one is going to be related. So this edge is called  Father. So this is going to show us a relationship   of father and son or daughter. And then  also we have mother and brother, too.   And it will also give us the direction. So a god  is essentially the father of a demigod, but also   can be the father of a god if someone is a Titan.  Okay, so that is how that looks. Let's carry on.   If we move down, we can see more edge labels.  Okay, so we can also write a relationship   of who's battled who, as well as father and  brother, we can also do where someone lives,   or if someone's a pet, and so on. And finally,  we can actually add items to our graph.   So this is how you would add some items into a  graph. So for example, here we are adding Saturn,   we are saying this is a Titan, we are giving it  the property name of Saturn and we are giving an   age of 10,000 and so on. And we do this  for all these other items as well. Okay.   So there we go, we are defining the items and we  are defining the relationships between the items,   or in other words, the edges between the nodes.  And finally, we can have a table of what this   looks like as well. So here we can see this in  table format. But what is more interesting is   the graph view. So this is essentially what our  information looks like once it has been graphed   out with nodes and edges. So the edges symbolize  the relationship. So if you have a deeper look at   this, we can actually click on these, and it will  give us more information. So for example, this   is a monster of Hydra, you will see the name it  has as Hydra, you also see as the labor monster,   and by its node, you will see that it's battled  the monster service. Okay, so there we go. This   is a great example of how graphs can really  illustrate information and an amazing way.   Now, this has been a lot shorter than the other  tutorials. This is because I just wanted to   show you how you can work with graph databases,  it will involve learning the Gremlin language,   but I think this is a good place to start in order  to get your head around it. So I'm going to leave   this information to you, I'm going to put the  link in the description. And please do have a   go at getting this up yourselves and having a  play around with it as well. So if we want to   add one more thing into our database, we can do  it right here. And just don't forget to run it.   So now because there isn't much of an exercise  here, I'm just going to give you a pop   quiz. When working with graphs, what  would these be called. So these right   here that I'm putting out this little red  guy right here, these monsters, and this god.   These will be called nodes. And what connects  the nodes? That's right edges. So once again,   these are the edges. And if we actually  gravitate over them in this UI, it will   give us the relationship between each note. Okay,  so as we can see here, we have a little house,   the location is the sky. And then this is where  Jupiter lives because he loves the fresh breezes.   Wonderful. Okay, so I think we are done  with looking at graphs to power this down,   I'm just going to run a command, it's going to be  Docker compose down, and just hit enter. Great. So   that is all four of the database types. I think  we're now ready to move on with some projects.   Now that we have covered the four main database  types, I want to quickly talk to you about the   multi bottle type. In this course, let's  actually recap what we've done. Well,   we created a database right and in it, we stored  the key value pairs as for the first tutorial,   after that we stored Jason document in  Astra DB as per the document type tutorial.   We then store data in tables as per the tabular  tutorial, section two. And finally, we stored   graph data. So that's a variety of different data  models, all stored in one place by the graph one.   All of this is possible because Astra DB  is actually a multi model, no SQL database,   you can use the same database to store  a variety of data models. What is cool   about this is that you also only need to learn  and maintain one database which makes your job   easier. Learn one database and use  it to solve many different problems.   Okay, wonderful. Now, hopefully through the  explanations, examples, and exercises you are   now feeling a lot more confident is not only  understanding the different types of no SQL   database types, but also how to use them. If  not, don't worry, I have two short term real   life projects that we're going to build in order  to show you how you would interact with your   databases when building JavaScript projects.  By using a data API gateway like Stargate IO,   Cassandra and Astra D view, developers can opt to  use a Graph QL rest or schemaless JSON document   API as an alternative to C QL. Let's do it.  Okay, and let's get to it. In this project,   I'm gonna be showing you how to use the document  type as well as the document API. In order to   create up first project. This project is going  to be a app which will show you all your favorite   burger restaurants. Okay, so let's get to it. I've  actually started with a fresh board. So you will   notice there are no key spaces, and we're going  to have to go ahead and create our database again.   So I'm just going to go here, and let's call our  database project work and our keyspace Bogguss.   And then once again, I'm just going to have to  create the area that I'm in and create a database.   Wonderful. So you will see my database is  being created and you will see the status is   pending and I'm just going to wait for that to be  active so that I can go ahead and start using it.   And wonderful, the status is now active, let's  go ahead and use our database. So to do this,   I'm just going to double click in here, and  you will see the key space name of bagus. Now,   let's get to adding some data. I'm going to  do this thanks to the document API as stated.   So first off, we need to create a token. So I'm  just going to click in here. And the role I'm   going to choose is admin user. And I'm just going  to create a token. Once again, please make sure to   keep this token safe, I would strongly recommend  saving it somewhere useful. Okay. So once we have   that, let's go back to this documentation right  here. Let's go ahead and launch the Swagger UI.   So I'm just going to go ahead and click that.  And these should populate in front of you.   So we have a lot of options here. And a lot of  endpoints. If you remember from the tutorial, the   one I need first is this one right? Here, we need  to create a collection in order to store our data.   So I'm just going to go ahead and click that and  click Try it out. Once again, I'm just going to   paste the Cassandra token in here so that we can  essentially communicate with the database. And   then let's go ahead and choose the namespace. Or  in other words, the key space, we want to create   our collection in as we have just created it, this  is fresh in my mind. And I know that the keyspace   name is bogus. Wonderful. And in here, we just  have to pass through an object that has the name.   And then whatever we want to call our collection.  So I'm going to call this burger info.   Just like so. And I'm just gonna click Execute.   And great, we get a 201 code, we've made a request  to this URL with our new authorization token. And   the status code we got back was 201. Or in other  words, let's have a look at the status docs again.   Or in other words, to have one for created.  Great. So now that we have created our collection,   what's the next thing we need to do, the next  thing we need to do is add some documents into   the collection. So I'm going to go ahead  and do it by selecting this one right here.   It is a post request to this URL. So once  again, I'm going to choose to try it out.   I'm going to paste in my Cassandra token, the  namespace or the key space ID that we want to   communicate with is called burgers. The collection  ID we just created is called burger info.   And then the body is essentially the document  that we want to put into our burger info. So   I'm going to choose my document to look like  this. I'm going to give each restaurant a name.   So for example, Bob's Burgers.  So that is a string I've chosen   to give it the string of Bob's Burgers.  I'm also going to give it a description   and I'm going to say tasty burgers   from a fictional character from TV, so we've got  the name, we've got description, we can also have   ingredients and we can do this if we wish as an  array. So in here I'm going to put a patty to beef   patty. I'm also going to put tomato   let's also put some cucumber, some lettuce   and some cheese. Okay, so those are my  ingredients. I don't only have to put   strings in here. I can also put an array  of strings if I wish. Okay. And one last   thing that I want to show you is okay, we  can also have Boolean I can have visited,   and I can have true. And then I can also visited  have objects within objects. So if I put location,   like so, as a property, I can have an object  as a value. So that is also an option. Let's   go ahead and do that, I'm just going to open up  my objects. And in here, I can have so location,   address. And then have that to be us  string if I wish. So 45, lambda lambda.   Drive, I can also have a, let's do zip code, which  is an integer. So I'm going to make this up. And   then I can also have the web address. So this is  just going to be WW do W dot Bob's   Okay, just like that. So we have a string here,  we have a string here we have an array of strings,   we have a Boolean, we also have an object,  which has an address, a zip code as an integer,   and a web address as a string. Now let's have a  look and see if this is working. We could also   give it a unique ID, we don't want it to  count from zero. So perhaps let's go ahead   and do that. I'm just going to go ahead and  maybe let's start from 340. Why not? Okay,   so now let's execute this. And great. Our  first document has been created. And we also   get a document ID that has been assigned to this  object right here. So we have one, let's go ahead   and add another. So I can just do so from here.  Let's go ID 341. This time, let's go Matilda's.   And Matthews, man hot turn Burger  Joint. And then let's change this   up. They have a tofu patty. Tomatoes,  let's have a pickle. So pickles.   Let's also have some letters. And then we can  have Bri visited I'm going to put as false. And   the location let's change this up. So I'm just  going to put in a random location. Let's put   Denver Avenue SIC code once again, I'm just going  to make this up. And then let's put and progress   and just click Execute. Great. So we have two  documents in our Bulga info collection. Let's   just add two more. So I'm just going to change  the ID again. And then let's have gertrudes place   hipster and gout in the city as the description  and I'm going to have a beef patty. Let's have   perhaps something else here so called Slow  pickles, lettuce and there's cheeseless cheddar.   This is it I'm going to have as truth and the  location. Let's have one or three darling turn.   Drive. Once again, just make up the zip  code. Go through its and just click   Execute. Let's go ahead and just add one more. So  there we go. And then let's have fancy burgers.   A new location for Burger snobs. Some  beef patty? Let's also have a onion   ring in this one. Some pickles some  letters. And let's just have some generic   cheese visited, I'm going to put  out false location, I'm going to put   one, Walter Street. Make this up. And have  and see and click Execute.   Great. So now we have four bugs in here.  But let's just double check this has worked.   So to get all of our burgers back, I'm going to  search documents in a collection. So I'm just   going to go here, this will be a get request, as  I'm getting the data, I'm just going to paste in   my token right here, I'm going to look in burgers.  That is the I quote my keyspace. The collection ID   is called burger info. And then I'm going to say  that, I'm going to have a max of 20, come back,   and I'm just going to click Execute. And there we  go, we can see all four of our Bogguss coming back   to us. Great. So that is exactly the data that we  need. Now let's get to using this in a project.   So essentially, what I want to do is build  a project in which I'm going to be making a   request to this URL right here and passing through  my authorization token. So let's do it. I'm just   going to go ahead and open up WebStorm.  So I'm going to go my WebStorm project.   And I'm going to say this is a React  project. So let's call this Barger   app, just like so I'm going to use the Create  react app command in order to build out   a React project for me all configured so we  can go. So I'm just going to click Create.   And as you can see, that command has sprung into  action. And I'm essentially just downloading all   the dependencies, fetching all the dependencies  and packages that I need in order to get the   boilerplate for my react projects. Of course,  if you're not using WebStorm, please go ahead   and get to this point as well. All you need  to do is create a project it will directory   using the command MPX create react up. Correct.  So now that we have that, let's get to it.   So as you can see here, the MPX create react  app has essentially populated all this for me   with the following packages and ran these  following scripts. Okay, so these are the   dependencies that have been installed. And  these are the files have come with create   react app. So if I actually run this, I'm just  going to go ahead and click npm start, like so   this is essentially what should show up on  localhost 3000. Okay. So that is something   that you should be seeing right now, if I go  ahead and actually delete all these files,   so I'm actually going to go ahead and just do some  deleting. So here is our app. This is essentially   the spinner that we saw. So you will see here the  spinner is this right here. I'm going to go ahead   and delete all of this like so. If I actually just  go Hello, I'm going to show you how this looks.   Okay, as you can see that is working. So  that is updating. So I'm just going to   delete this for now, I don't need a logo,  so I'm actually going to get rid of that.   I don't like to semicolon. So I'm just  going to delete that. And I like to use   functional expressions. So I'm just changing this  as this is my preference, but you are free to keep   it as as you wish. So there we go. We don't need  the logo. So I'm just going to go ahead and delete   that from this project. Don't need the report by  tools. So I'm going to delete that. Delete anyway,   let's delete the tests as well as we're not  going to be writing tests for this project.   And let's delete this test file. Okay, great. I  don't also need I'm actually going to delete the   CSS file as I'm going to be doing all my CSS in  this index. CSS file. So I'm going to delete this   I'm just going to put all my styling in one file  for this Project. So there we go, there's our   app js file. And if we look in here, we don't need  this as we've just deleted it. We don't need this   as that is now non existent. And once again,  I'm just going to get rid of the semicolons.   Like, so. Okay, wonderful. Let's just check,  we didn't break anything. And this is looking   good. It's good, my console locked up, too. Okay,  so now that we have a blank slate, let's get to   actually getting our data. So to do this, I'm  going to have to create a little mini backend.   So just in the root of my project, so on the  same level as Git ignore, I'm going to create a   new file, just a new file like this, and I'm going  to call it index j, s. Okay. So there we go. This   is essentially going to be my mini backhand in  which I'm going to build a backend using Express.   So first things, first, let's decide  what port we want our backend to run on,   I'm going to say that I want my port to run on  80,000 8000. Sorry. And we're going to have to   install a few dependencies for this, one of them  will be Express. So we're going to use Express for   this project. And use require Express. So I'm  just going to get up my terminal and install   Express like so I'm also going to need  cause Morgane node fetch so we can do   fetching in the backend, and dot EMV for  storing secret variables. Okay, so please   go ahead and just install these dependencies,  and I'll talk you through them as we use them.   Okay, so I'm just going to leave that  to install. And let's go ahead and just   actually use them in the backend of the project.  So require package cause. And then const. Morgan   equals require Morgan, Morgan is actually a  package that we're going to use in order to,   I'm going to show you what it looks like. So  I'm just going to go, Morgan is essentially   going to help us debug the backend better and  make everything a little bit more readable.   So this is the package, if you want to have more  of a look. It's essentially a little logger, that   will give us more information when we use it. And  once we do use it in our project. So once we do   essentially do this, so we're using the package or  storing it as Morgan we've done the same, we then   need to pass tiny into Morgan. Okay. So this is  essentially what is going to let us debug better.   So as you can see, I've got the package, and  I'm storing it under the constant Morgan. And   I'm just going to use Morgan and pass through  tiny so we can use the logger better. Great.   So we've got Morgan, the next thing I  need is a package called node fetch.   And this essentially works sort of similar  to the Fetch API, and will allow me to make   fetch requests on the so just like  that, that's how I'm going to use Fetch.   Just to be sure that everyone is using the  same packages, please be sure to be using   these packages that I have right here, there could  have been updates. So to prevent any issues, just   make sure that these other ones you are using, or  if you're in doubt, please feel free to check out   my GitHub project that I will share with you in  the description of this video below. And finally,   we also need v The package will  allow us to read secrets from the back as well.   And this is how you would initiate it. Okay. So  all I'm doing is actually getting this from the   documentation. I'm doing this from memory as I've  used these so many times. But if we search here   here we go. As you will see, all I'm doing is  taking this and using it in my project in order   to use the.nv package. Whoops, please spell that  correctly dot CSV. Okay, great. So this is looking   good. Now let's initialize Express. So the package  that I have just imported and stored as Express,   I'm now going to initialize like so. So now if I  use up like this, I can use Morgan tiny in my back   I can also use course, this will essentially  stop me from having any cause issues,   I will show you what I mean by this when we  get to building our app a little bit further.   And then I can also use Express, Jason. Okay. And  this will essentially allow me to read the Jason   in a way that I can use it in the backend. Once  again, I will show you what happens when I don't   use this. Okay, so just make  sure to have all of these,   like so and all this boilerplate done, so we can  start coding. Okay, so please pause here, make a   note of this, I'll make it a little bit bigger, so  you can see everything a little bit clearer. Once   again, things to remember are, please do make sure  index js files in the root of your project. Okay,   so on the same level as package, Jason, and then  this is the boilerplate setup that you need in   order to get going with our backend. So the first  thing I'm going to do is get all the restaurant   data. Okay, that's the first thing  you can do. And I'm going to show you   how. So to do this, and once again, you can  use app like so. So app is essentially what we   saved express as initialized expressed as, and  now I'm not going to use use, I'm going to use   get. And what I'm going to pass through into here  is an endpoint that I'm going to choose. Okay,   I'm going to choose this by myself. I want  to say that if I visit localhost 8000, which   is going to open this up in a new tab, if I  visit localhost 8000, forward slash burgers,   I essentially want the burger data to show up.  Okay, so that's what I'm writing here. By putting   forward slash burgers, I'm deciding that this is  where I want my data to populate. Okay, great.   So that is the first thing I'm going to  do. Before we get going actually, let's   listen out to see if the server's working. So  this I would do it once again, if you use up   this, I'm going to use listen. So not to  use and not get, I'm going to use listen,   I'm going to listen out to port 8000. And   it's all working, I'm just going to  console log out. Server is running on   port, and then whatever the port number is.  Okay, so this is looking good. Let's also   write a script for this because we don't have  at the moment. So I'm just going to go in here   and start front end. So I'm  going to keep that script,   but I'm going to say stop front end needs  to be written in order to start our app. So   our front end, and I'm going to add a new  script. So this time, if I start backend,   like so then I just want to run the backend.  So that's the command to do so. Okay, great.   So let's go ahead, and I'm  going to stop this from running.   I'm going to change the script to start front  end and run it. Okay, so the front end should   have started. And now I'm going to open up a new  tab. Okay, there we go. So that's just running.   Let's go back to our project. And now I'm going  to open up a new tab. So new tab in our terminal.   And this time, I'm just going to run this command  that I have written. So NPM. Run, start back end.   Okay, great. And I'm just going to comment this  out for now. comment this out for now because   we are not using it. And there we go. Okay,  server is running on port 8000. So this is   looking good. Obviously, at the moment, we don't  have anything coming back. So I'm just going to   continue with this. So if we visit this  endpoint, what do we want to do? Well, we   want to fetch the data. So for this, I am actually  just going to don't have a request or a response.   Let's just have it in here for now. And  we might change that later. And then   Okay, actually, let's just get rid of  it. So we'll just have a function a   callback to be precise with passing through  a callback. And then we need to essentially   fetch data from the URL. So if I just save this  as URL for now and make this a little bit smaller,   we essentially want to fetch data from this  URL right here. So I'm just going to copy that,   I'm going to paste it as a string, like so.  Okay, so that's all I have done for now.   Okay, we will be tightening this up. But this  essentially is what this looks like at the moment.   So there's a URL, now I need to make a get this  is a get request. So let's go ahead and do that.   So now it's time to use Fetch. So fetch  takes a URL, okay, which is essentially this.   And we're also going to have to  pass through our Cassandra token Ks,   or our authorization token. So I'm going to do  this along with options. So let's define our   options. So const options like so. And in here,  we know that the method is a get method, okay.   And we also need to pass through some headers.  So the headers that we need to pass through,   we need to accept this like so as a string. And we  also need to pass through the X Cassandra token.   Okay, so we need to pass through essentially  this, just like we are passing it through. Okay,   you will see this is part of the header.  Okay. So essentially what is happening   behind the scenes here, we are now coding out.  So I'm just going to once again as a string   posts, my token. Okay. So now when we make  a fetch, let's just uncomment this out. Now,   when I fetch I am passing through this year,  well, we are fetching data from this URL,   it is a get request. And we are using this in  order to pass through our Cassandra token. Okay,   great. So we are making a fetch, and  this is going to return a promise.   So I then need to chain it with  the then keyword. And the response   is going to be the response. Jason. And this  is also actually going to return a promise.   So we need to chain it again. And this  time, I just want to get the Jason   Okay, so great. Now we do actually need  to pass through a request and response.   So let's just do that now. Okay,  so whatever's coming back to us,   we need to view as JSON and then let's catch  any errors. So I'm just going to catch the   errors by console logging out any errors  that will turn so we can see. Just like so.   Okay, so there we have it. There's a lot of  tidying up to do. But let's first make sure   that this works. Just make sure that is in the  string itself. Cool. So let's give it a whirl.   Now if I visit localhost 8000, forward slash  burgers, this is the endpoint that I have chosen.   Tada, you will see all my four buggers show up.  You will see each object has its own document   ID as well. Great. If you're not seeing it in this  format, it could be because you don't have a Jason   view extension added. This essentially will make  your your JSON much more readable. Okay, so if   you don't have that, please go ahead and add the  extension. Now. This is what it should look like.   Okay, wonderful. So we have our data coming  through. Now let's get it into the front end.   But first, I'm just going to tidy this up  real quick. So we don't need this anymore.   Okay, keep that as it is the URL.  So essentially what we are doing is   Passing through the key space, which is burgers  and passing through the collection name, okay,   so you could save it as separate things and pass  it through. So for example, I could say key space   as the name, focus, and then pass it through into  here with this syntax, like so. So what's gonna go   barbers and then make sure that these are  backticks. So there we go. So that is an option to   if you want to make things I'm sorry, that should  be key. So what do we save this as key space,   key space. So that is an option if you  want to make this more readable, or   you can and this is what I'm going to choose  to do. Because we are not going to be changing   this is pretty much going to stay as it  is, I'm just going to get the whole URL   just like so. And I'm going to save this as a  secret. So I'm just going to go in here. And   once again, on the same level, I'm going to  create a new file, I'm going to call it dot   n fi. Okay. And now I'm going to save  this in here as endpoint. So just   like so. And I'm just going to paste it in here,  just like that. So there we go. And now to access   this right here, I'm going to use process NV and  put, okay, so this wouldn't work if we didn't   have this package and didn't use it  just like so. And now I think we have to   rerun this. Let's just check that out. Okay,  now that seems to be working as it is. Great. So   we've saved our URL as a secret back here. One  other thing that I'm going to save is my Astra   token. Okay, so there we have it. And once  again, I'm just going to save all of this   is going to grab that as it is, and use process.  EMV. And then whatever we call it in our Astra   dot EMV file is what we need to call it here. So  let's say that and I'm just going to paste that   in here like so. Okay. Great. And that seems to be  working just fine. Okay, so we've cleaned this up   a little bit, got a URL, we're passing  through the URL and the options into fetch.   And great, one thing we can do is write  some middleware. So if I write function   not found, and we post you the  request the response and next.   And then in here, if we get a four, four  status, so let's go back to our status dogs.   Okay, so you will see that for four means  not found. So if we get a four of four, well,   then I'm going to get a new error, the error is  going to say, not found, so we're just making   debugging a bit easier with this, we're going  to get the message that says not found, okay,   so that is what we are going to do. And then if  it's none of these, we move to the next function,   which is just an error handler in general, and  it's going to be less specific error. And law.   We're gonna pass through the error to this  error right here. And then request and response.   And this time, if the response if the status code  is whatever the status codes, it's, so wherever it   comes back as or 500. So any error or sorry, any  status code or 500, then I want to send a message.   That is, whatever comes with that status code.  Okay, so there's two ways of doing it. So I'm   just going to show you what this means. Okay,  so now let's get to using it. So once again,   I need to right up use and I'm  going to use the function not found   and I'm also gonna pass through the  function error handler, just like so.   Okay, so what I've written means that if I say  misspelled this URL, if I wrote burgers like that,   I get the message, not found, I get the error  message, not fat. However, if I didn't have this,   so I'm just gonna come on out, and I go  to here. Oops, actually would have this.   See, it just says cannot get burgers, it  doesn't really tell me why it doesn't give me   enough information. However, if it's not found,  so for for iMessage, telling it to show me an   error that says not found, okay. So that is how  we do that. And then any other error, we get a   different error message. So we essentially just  get the error message that goes with these status   codes. But this way, we can be more specific, I  can go pay, you are in the wrong place, buddy.   Hey, we're on their own pace, buddy. Okay, so  cool. It's gonna pull it back to something more   general. Okay, so we are guessing all of our  baggage data. Now let's get to using this in   the front end of our project. So once again,  these are all the packages that I have used,   or the dependencies I've used, just make sure  that you're using the same versions. Okay, great.   Now, let's carry on. So essentially, for my  front end, so we can shut down the backend.   Now, in my front end, I essentially  want to get all the data from   this URL, so we can use it.  So let's go ahead and do that.   To do this, I'm actually going to import a nother  package. So I'm just going to get up my terminal.   And I'm going to install the package Axios. Okay,  this package is essentially going to help you make   the requests and fetch the data. So let's go  ahead and do it, I'm going to write a function   right in here. So a function to get the data and  we're just going to call it constipation data,   like so. So this is a functional expression. And  this is actually going to be an async function.   Now, to fetch the data, I'm going to use Axios.  So let's import Axios, import Axios from Axios.   Once again, this is the package that  I am using Axios. So import Axios from   Axios. And now I'm going to use Axios. And  we're going to make a GET request to get   the URL, this URL right here, because Okay, so  because our backend is running, that should work.   Of course, if our back end stops running, that we  will not be able to get to this data. And this,   we need to use await as that comes back with  a promise. And let's save this as broker   data, just like so. So they should get the data.  And now I'm actually going to save this. So I'm   going to use use effect to const. Burgers, set  burgers, if you haven't used US state sorry,   use state is the one that we're going to use.  And we're going to use this to set the state   in our app. So of course we have to import it. So  I'm going to import that just above here. Import.   Use state. We're also going to use  use effect I might as well just   import that too. We can short spell it correctly.   From react, okay, so there we go. So  essentially, if I now use set burgers,   so at the moment, our state for burgers is now  but if I use set burgers, I can set boggers to   whatever I wish and I want to set it to the ogre  data, just like so. Okay, so let's check this   out. Let's see if this is working. So what I now  need to do is going to use use effect for this.   And I'm going to pass through a callback function  that will essentially fetch my data, just like   sir. And I was going to pass her an empty array,  so that this doesn't keep on fetching over and   over again. So let's go ahead and do that. Let's  see if that has worked. I'm going to console log   bogus. And see what happens. So let's go  back to our front end. So localhost 3000.   Just inspect the page, a console, log out. And  there we go. So this is what burgers looks like.   Now we actually just want the data. So we're going  to go into the burger data, data. And there we   have our four burger objects. Great. So I'm just  going to go ahead and do that. So burger data,   data. Data. Let's see what that looks like now.  Okay, great. So there we have it, we actually have   an object of four objects. Cool. So this is  looking good. There you go. As you can see,   there they are with their ingredients, and  occasions and so on, I'd actually like to   make an array out of this, so it's easier to work  with. So I'm going to show you how to do that. So   just here as well, I'm going to change this  into an array. Let's actually just save this as   data this time. And I'm going  to get the burger data data.   And for each one I'm going to, so let's get  object keys for it. So I'm going to make some   object keys for it. Because at the moment, it  doesn't have anything to sort of differentiate   each of the objects. And I'm going to map.  So each burger object I'm going to turn into   I'm going to grab it from the burger data.   Data, Data. And I'm going to turn it into  put it into Okay, so now whatever comes back,   I've said that as data, and that is what I'm going  to say, Save As my buggers. And there we go. So   we now have an array of four objects, each with an  object key. Wonderful. I wonder if I do need these   object keys, or if that will just work without  it? No, we do need we need the object keys. Okay,   as does what we are essentially working off.  So there we go. Wonderful. So we have our   four burgers. Now let's get to actually  displaying them in the browser UI. So let's do it.   So for this in here, I'm actually just  gonna create a data go into my favorite   burgers, the styling for this is going to be  extremely minimal. As we have a lot to go through.   I don't want this to be all about styling,  I want you to actually learn how to retrieve   data into an actual project. Okay, so I'm just  going to do this, I'm going to create a div and   this is going to be the bag of feed, maybe give  it a class of burger, fuge. Just like so burger   feed. And in here, I'm just going to  create a card and this is going to   take our burger data. So let's actually map over  each card. Let's actually create a chord first.   So in here, I'm actually going to create  a folder or directory called components.   So new directory, and it's called components.  And then in here, I'm going to create a new   file and score card J S, just like so. And  then let's create our card. So const card,   and then I'm going to return at the moment, I'm  just going to return two types like that. And I'm   going to use export default card not first to use  this card. Okay and other files. So now in here,   I'm going to import the card input card from  make sure to get the path correct. So in here,   opponents Right, yeah, okay. Then, called J  S. Cool. We actually don't need that. Okay,   so this is fine. So now we've imported the  card. And at the moment, we aren't passing   anything through into the card. However, I can  actually start this up. So let's go ahead and   I'm just going to give this a class name just so  you can see what's going on a little bit file.   And I'm going to say card. And now in here in  my style sheet, anything with a class of card,   I'm just going to give a give a height for now of  200 pixels. a width of, let's say, at view width,   and a background color. Of what color should  we go cornflower blue border, radius 40 pixels.   Okay, so at the moment, I've just put in a card.  So there we go. That is, that is my card. Now if   I map all my data onto this, okay, onto each card,  it will actually produce as many cards as I need.   In this case, it's going to be four. So let's go  ahead and do that, I'm just going to pass through   some props into this card. So I'm going to pass  through Well, first off, maybe let's just map.   So let's get our burgers map. We're going to map  each burger, and I'm just going to get that and   card and I'm going to pass through the   burger data. Okay, so this is looking good. As  always, we should probably have a key with this.   Let's just see how this is looking. So there  we go, we've created four cards, as we have for   burgers, let's actually add the key prop as  well. So I can use the key just use the burger ID   as we do have one. So let's go ahead and do  that. Okay, so we are creating the burgers,   let's maybe give each packet some padding  as well. So margin, even margin pixels,   just so it's a bit more space out and on the  card itself, or passing through the burger. So   I'm going to D structure the burger like so the  wise we don't have to get the props. So I'm just   destructuring the burger. And then it's me, this  may be a little bigger. I'm going to sit in here.   Grab that   at each of these. So let's give them an h2 tag.  Let's pass through the burgers name. See what   that looks like. So there you go, you will see  the burger name is being shown just right here.   What else can we pass through, we can pass through  the burger description. Maybe let's make this a   p tag. So there we go. And then we can also  pass through as much information as we wish.   So maybe let's put in a another  P tag and call this burger.   What did we have? Location? And  then burger location? Address.   Okay key location, web. I think that was one  of them. Or was it just website? Website.   You can always check what it was.  Go and hear what the description,   got the name description we've got visited.  We have location is web address web zip code,   probably don't really want the zip code. So I'm  just going to keep it as Web. Okay, so there we   go. And then we could also hide it if we've been  there or you know, which would mean we'd only   see the ones we haven't but that is completely up  to you. Okay, in fact I'm going to do this so if   Berger visited is true. Then we want to hand back.   I don't know what we can return back to sort of  freestyling here, a div that has the class name.   visited. Otherwise, we could just go if it's not  visited, there's probably neater ways to do this,   I am just freestyling here at the moment,  as I said, when we can do not visited,   and it will show based, or show this div if we  visited it, and this one if we haven't visited,   so then I can go visited and just sign up.  And if it's visited, I can just give it   green, or red actually, let's make it red  height 30 pixels with 30 pixels. Border.   Radius 15 pixels, background color,   red as we don't want to see it and if  it's not visited, we'll give it a green.   Okay, and let's make this Okay, so there we go,  we know that this means we visited and the green   means we have not visited these ones yet. You can  replace this with icons, I just wanted to show you   one way of doing that. Wonderful. Okay, so this  is how you would get data, usually document a p i,   and also using the Document Type. Okay, I'm just  going to start this up a tiny little bit before   moving on paddings give the study pixels.  Let's make all the font white font color.   White, of course, please feel free to you know,  take this project really improve on it go crazy   on the styling because that part, my friends  is up to you. This is not a styling course.   Whoops, cannot Okay, so we just have to what is  happening here? It's gonna come out from now.   Okay, so it's not picking stuff up in here.   This is because sometimes the burger data  might not come back fast enough. So I'm just   going to put that right here. Okay, good. Okay,  so it might not read it first time. So the first   time this renders the burger data might not exist,  which is why we put this question mark here. And   when it re renders then that will show these cuts.  Okay, great. So this is looking a lot better.   Great, and then I'm just going to override the  font if there's an h1 tag and give it the font.   color. Black. Cool. And let's just go back here.  That back. Wonderful. And one last thing I would   do on that is center everything. So on the  body itself, I'm going to do display flex   justify content, center text align, center.   Great. So wonderful. I hope you've learned a lot.  Once again, this code will be available to you   in the description. If you're watching this  in the future. Some of these packages might   have changed, just make sure to use these  same packages for this project. Wonderful.   Thanks for watching and onto the next project.  In this project, we're going to learn how to   use the Graph QL API in order to build out  a hotel app. Okay, so once again, I'm going   to start completely from scratch in order to  build out our react up. First things first,   I'm going to create a new database. So hopefully  you are familiar with these steps already,   if you have been following with this tutorial.  So what should we call our database this time,   let's go ahead and call it whatever we wish. So  I'm just going to call it project work again.   Just like so. And it's cool are keyspace  name hotels. The next thing I'm going to do   is just select where I am at the moment. So  I'm going to go ahead and let's pick Europe   and West Europe and just create a database.  Okay, so there we go, there is our database   it is currently being created, you will see  the status as pending. And we're just going to   essentially wait until that is active in order to  start working with it. And there we go. So let's   go ahead and click into here. And then here we  will see our keyspace. Now, the first thing we're   going to do is just head over to the connect tab  in order to start working with our Graph QL API.   We're going to be using this documentation right  here to help us. So the first thing that we need   to do is just create a new application token.  So I'm just going to click here to do that.   And once again, I'm going to select the role  I want. I'm going to choose admin. However,   there are many others with different mutability  levels. And I'm just going to create a token.   Once again, I'm just going to copy this  right here and keep it somewhere safe.   Now, once we have done that, I'm just going to  close that down. And I'm going to launch the   Graph QL playground by clicking right here.  So there we have it, there's our playground   and a row to communicate with our playground, we  need to just put the token we have just created   in the HTTP headers, just like so. So now we can  communicate with our database. Let's go ahead and   create our first table. So I can use the docs to  help me with this. So this is the mutation I'm   going to be using. Once again, if you watch the  tutorials, you will know that we have queries and   mutations to our disposal queries will essentially  find data for us. And mutations can create, delete   and update data for us. So we need to create  a table. So I'm just going to get rid of this.   And this is a mutation. And the mutation that I  want is create a table. Now if we look under here,   you will see that to create a table I need  to the bank indicates that this is necessary,   I need a key space name. So let's go ahead  and pass that through a key space name,   I'm going to put this on a new line. And  the key space name has to be a string.   So I know that my key space name is called  hotels, okay, because that is the key space   that we named it right here. So if I go back  to my databases, hotels is the key space name.   And then the table name, this is something that  I'm going to assign right here, I'm just going   to call it hotel data. So I have just chosen  to assign this to the table name right. Now,   the other necessary thing that we need is a  partition keys as an array. So let's go ahead and   add that partition keys as an array, and I want  my partition key. So if we just click on here,   I need to give it a name and a type. So I'm going  to go ahead and do that, I need to give it a name,   which is a string. So I'm going  to choose to sort all my hotels by   a ID. And then I also need the type. And the type  that I want this to be is actually going to be   basic text. As I don't want this to be an integer,  I want the ID to take letters and numbers. Okay,   so that is one column that we have made. So far  the partition keys. If I want to add more columns,   however, I could do so thanks to values. So once  again, values is an array. So I'm just going to   my values. And if this is one column, this is  actually the column we are going to filter by   and search by. And all these additional ones  are going to come back if we search for this   column. So let's add another column.  Again, we need to have a name for this,   which is going to be the hotel name and  the type for this. I know that I want this   to be text. And if we want to add more columns,  so at the moment, we have one column, a second   column, and I'm going to have three columns  in here. So this is actually going to have the   rating. So I'm going to call this rating.  And I'm going to give this an integer.   Value. Okay, so there we go. So now if we run  this mutation, great, we have created our table.   Wonderful. So now that we have created our table,  let's get to adding data into our table. So   all I'm going to do is navigate into my key  space. So as you can see here, datasets is   actually generated the URL for me, I need to go  into the hotels. So I'm just going to go up here.   And instead of Graph QL schema, I'm just going to  go forward slash hotels to make sure that I'm in   the correct key space. Okay, so there we go. And  now, instead of creating a table, if I look at   the docs, they will be changed, I need to insert  hotel data. So now this is the mutation I need.   Once again, it's a mutation as we are going to  be inserting data. So let's get up mutation.   And this time, I need to use Insert hotel data,  just like sir. And what do we need to put in here,   in order for this to work? Well, I  need to put through a value, okay,   and that is necessary that has got a bang there.  So we have to do it, I'm going to give it a value.   And this time, I'm just gonna give it  the ID, I'm going to make up an ID.   I'm also going to give it a name, so the  name of the hotel, let's say Abby's hotel,   and a rating, which is an integer, so I'm going  to give it a four out of five. So let's just   actually put this on different lines of just  like so. And let's just return back the value   of have a name to check this has worked and  click Run. So great, we have just inserted   some data into our table. Okay, let's go ahead  and just insert some more. So I'm just going   to change these around a little bit. This  time, I'm going to call this set Tories   give it a rating five, there we go. That  has worked. Let's give me another it up.   This time, it's gonna go motel, Mays rating of  three. And then one more, and this one is going to   be awesome. Hotel and give it a rating of five.  Great. So now we know we have just added four   hotels into our database. But how can we actually  see this? Well, for this, we need a query.   So to query this, I would simply I  can go here and have a look, if I need   the queries, I need his hotel data. So I'm just  going to write a hotel data like so. And because   we are not filtering out by anything, I can just  get the values and then choose whichever values   I want to come back so I can get all of them, I  can get the ID, the name and the rating. And just   click that. Or I can just get the name and ID. So  that will return back. Or I can just get the name,   whatever you wish. So however you write that  query is what will return back to you. I want   everything. So I'm just going to do that. And  there we go. So that is essentially the query that   we need in order to get all of our data from our  database. And we also need this Cassandra token   as the HTTP header. And also this URL, as that is  where essentially our data lips. So let's go ahead   and do it. Let's start up our project now. So all  I'm going to do is get my WebStorm up and just   create a new project. Once again, this is going to  be a React project. So I'm just going to use this   and I'm going to call this hotel up just like so.  And using MPX create react app. This should create   a project for me with all the React configuration  ready to go. So I'm just going to click sexer.   And there we go. You will see  my hotel app project right here   and all the dependencies being installed ready  for me to use. Of course you don't have to use   WebStorm. If you're using another code editor  or IDE that is absolutely fine to just make   sure Get Up to this point where your project  is installing all the dependencies ready to go.   And great, we are ready to go. So the first  thing that I'm going to do is actually just   delete anything we don't need. So here are all  the files that have been generated, as well as the   package and all of its dependencies and  scripts. So in here, I'm actually just going to   get rid of the logo as we're not going to need  this anymore. So just delete that. Anyway,   I'm going to delete the report of vitals and  setup tests. So once again, just delete that   as we don't need it anyway. And then I'm going to  delete the app CSS file, as I want all my styling   to be in the index CSS file, and just delete  the app, test J S and just delete that. Okay,   so this is looking good. Just going to  minimize that. And delete this as we   don't have any more I'm going to delete the  semi colons as I'm not a fan of semi colons.   There we go, save that. And then in the  app js file, I'm going to delete all of   this as we don't need it anymore. And  once again, get rid of the semi colons,   and we don't need the logo as we don't have  it. We don't have this file, either. Okay,   so this is looking good. Now, if we run this, I'm  just going to click this to run the start script.   You should see the project show up here, we've got  rid of all the styling, so you should just see a   blank slate, like so. And let's get up our console  log. Wonderful. So now that we have that, let's   get to making some requests. So I'm just going to  minimize that for now. In the previous project,   we built a little mini backend using Express.  However, this time, I'm just going to show you   a different approach. And that is using Netlify  serverless functions. So to do this, let's get off   our terminal and let's install the Netlify command  line interface. So we can use it to npm install.   Net LIFFE phi CLI, and I'm going to install it  globally. Okay, so that is what the juice for   that is to install that locally and just let  that run. Okay, so I'm going to leave that to do   its thing, the next thing we're going to do is  actually create our first serverless function.   Okay, so when that is done, I'm just going  to ask you to create a file in the root of   your project. So make sure it's at the root of  your project on the same level as the package,   Jason is going to minimize that new. And the file  is called net live by tunnel. Okay, and in here,   I'm just going to give you some code to put in  in order to build out the sub list functions.   So this you can just copy, these are some  commands that we're gonna have to put in   here in order to build them out. functions  here is essentially the whatever you call   the directory you want to store your functions  in. So let's go ahead and create that,   I'm going to create that on the same level.  So just make sure that's in the root of your   project and call the directory functions just  like you did here. Okay, so that is where we're   going to store our functions or serverless  functions. And then we just need one more.   Command. Okay, so there we go. Make sure  to write this exactly as I have written it   in a Netlify TOML file in the root of your  project. Great. So now that we have done that,   I'm going to create my first function. So  making sure you are in the functions directory,   create a new JavaScript file, and call it whatever  you want your function name to be. So I'm going to   call this get hotels. And this is a JavaScript  file, so that will add the J S extension.   Now with any surplus function Netlify serverless  function, this is the syntax that you need.   So let's go ahead and write it. I'm  going to have to write export handler   This is an async function. Let's make  this a little bit bigger. Nicholas who no   And then we are going to have to essentially  fetch some data. So just like we did before,   so we're going to import another  directory. So we're going to get   node fetch, I'm just going to install it right  now. API node, fetch, and let that install. Okay.   So while that is installing, let's go ahead and  use it in this file const, fetch equals require   node fetch. Just like that.   Now, as we know, with fetch, we pass through two  things. And that is a URL and options that will   have our HTTP header along with the authorization  token. So let's go ahead and do that.   So once again, let's write the URL. And we  know that the URL, so let's go back to here   is this right here, and this is where  we're gonna make the requests to.   See, I'm just going to paste that in here, like  so. And then Let's also get our options. So const   options, say this is const URL. And the options  are going to have a method, which is a get   request, and the headers, okay, the headers,  which will consist of the content type.   Content Type, and the X, Cassandra token,  okay, so there we go, I'm just gonna make this   the same, as we see here exe Cassandra token,  and I'm just gonna grab that. So the whole thing   and just put it in here, just like, so.  It's gonna make it single quotes. Great.   So we have our options. And then we also have  our new R L, format this a little bit better.   So URL options, I'm going to use Fetch. However,  this time, we're actually going to save whatever   comes back from fetch. So we know this promise,  const response. So whatever that returns back,   we're going to save as response this time.  And this is not all we actually need to do.   And because this time, we actually  have a query to pass through, okay,   so we do have a query to pass through. And  that query is I'm just going to save up here.   So I'm going to save as constant query. And  I'm just going to use backticks for this.   And I'm going to paste in my query. So let's go  in here, this is essentially the query I want to   make. So I'm just going to paste that in here  like so, maybe formatted a little bit better.   We need to pass that query through in with the  options. Okay, so this is no longer a get request,   as we are posting, we are sending this query. So  make sure to change this to a POST method. And   let's get to passing through the query into the  body. So I'm going to pass through the query,   but I need to pass it through JSON stringify and  then pass through the query like so. Okay, great.   So that is looking good. We are now passing  through the query in with our options,   so along with the Cassandra token, the method  and then we are putting that into the fetch   that we imported from node fetch. Great.   Now we're going to use try and catch in order  to do this. So this is the syntax, we'll try   and catch we've got try and I'm going to catch any  errors. So e4 errors. Okay, and to try to do this,   we actually have to make sure  this is all in the export   handler. So let's just grab that and make  sure that it is here. We are going to   what essentially we're getting the response  I'm going to call this was response   body. So we could use this, but we also need  the JSON from it. And this returns a promise.   So I'm going to have to use await in front of it  just like sir. Okay. And then if that comes back,   then we're just going to return a status code  of 200. Because that has worked. And then we are   going to show in the browser, the response. So I'm  going to use JSON, string five for this to work,   I'm going to show the response body in the  browser, and if it doesn't work, where we catch   the errors, and we're just going to console  log the errors, okay? We can also of course,   return a status code to someone do return  status code 500. And I'm just going to show   the error in the actual browser too. So let's  use Jason string phi and pass through if error.   Okay, so this is looking good before we  clean this up, let's just check that works.   So to do this, I'm gonna go in  here and I need to run the command   Netlify. Net LIFFE pi, Dev.  And that is do it's much okay.   So there we go localhost 888. Let's inspect  the page. And now if if we want to get that   data, if we want to run  this function, essentially,   I need to go into functions and get  hotels. Okay? Oops, make sure this is an s.   So, I'm going to go forward LIFFE fi,  forward slash functions as the directory that we   created and then get the Taos and wonderful. So  now we are getting all of our data. And Wonderful.   So is saying something's already running on port  3000. I thought I did shut this down. But I didn't   cancel. Okay, so we need to stop that running.  Make sure that stopped. Okay. Essentially,   what is happening here is that localhost 888  is now our front end. Okay, so we don't want   anything running on localhost 3000, because we  want everything to be running on here. Okay.   So that's what we want and to, and essentially,  our front end, and our backend are now on this   URL. So here we go to get our data. And here is  our front end. Great. So I hope that makes sense.   Once again, just make sure that Netlify Deb  is running in order to get that to work.   Wonderful. So once again, I'm just  going to show you the package Jason,   these other packages that I am using, if yours  have changed, or if you're watching it's in the   future, then please use these for the tutorial  in order to get this code here to work. Okay,   so there we go those other packages that  you need, along with their versions.   Wonderful. Now that we have our data, let's get to  clean this up a bit. So just like we did before,   I'm going to create a new file, a dot n v file  in which we're going to store all our secrets.   So once again, I'm just going to put the endpoint  in here. And I'm also going to put in my Astra.   So just like that, and then from here, I'm just  going to get this URL to get the whole thing.   Put it in here. And I'm also going  to get my token, okay, so that we go,   just like so doesn't need to be a  string. You can just save it like that.   Okay, and now this means I can use process EMV  in order to get my Astra token. And I can also   use it to get the URL, but now it's hidden.  Okay. So now it's a bunch safer, and   points. Great. And we have to actually inject  these variables. otherwise this won't work. So I   just inject the variables by running Netlify dev  again. So just like Sir, okay, and you will see   injected endpoint and injected  Astra token. Okay. So there we go.   Let's try that again. Only absolute URLs and   point and point and point A misspelt endpoint.   Okay, so once again, I need  to re inject the tokens   and nullify Dev. Wait for that to be run.   And Wonderful. So now we have a URL or get back  our data. As long as the backend is running,   let's get to using it in the front end. So  I'm done with this. For now let's have a look   if this needs any cleaning up, so here  we have all the code that is necessary,   this will be available to you below. So please  make sure to use it, you don't actually need   to pass through an event for this. This is  looking good. Okay, so there is all my code.   Great. Now let's move on to the front end. So here  is my front end. As you can see here, once again,   I'm going to have to essentially fetch the data.  So I'm just gonna do fetch data just like we did   before, we're gonna make this an async function.  Okay, let's change this to a function expression   just because I prefer working in this way.  And now let's actually fetch the data.   So now this time, I am going to  actually use Fetch. So the Fetch API   going to await it as it's going to come back with  a promise. And I'm just going to fetch this URL   right here. So we're gonna copy that and paste it.  And well, we don't need all of this, I can simply   put forward slash Netlify functions get Hotel.  So that is essentially the same thing. Okay,   so we're getting the data from that. And then  let's go ahead and save it as something. So I'm   going to save it as just the response for now cost  response. Great. So that's the line we need to   write. Now, once we have whatever comes back from  us. So the response need to get is Jason. However,   this also returns a promise. So we need to use a  weight. And let's say this as the response body   this time. And we're going to have to actually  save this into state. So I'm just going to import   use state and also use effect as we're  going to need it later. From react.   Okay, awesome. So we've got the response body,  let's actually save it to the state of the app.   So let's use what should we have hotels, set  hotels, and then use state? I'm going to start   off with the state. No. Okay. So all this means  is that at the moment, hotels is now and I can use   set hotels to make hotels, whatever I wish. But at  the moment, we're starting out with hotels being   not so this gets passed on to that.  And I can use this to also change that.   So I'm going to use the set that tells  to change hotels to the response body.   Wonderful, I think let's check out if this has  worked. So I'm going to now use use of fact.   And then a callback function, you don't know  about use effect, I would suggest doing some   research on these hooks at the moment. So use  effect, just like so I'm going to fetch the data,   okay. And then I'm just going to put up an  empty array, so it doesn't keep fetching   that data over and over again. So I'm going to  call that and now let's console log with health   to see if this has worked and to see  what's being returned back to us.   So now, let's go back here, and just go to the  front end. And there we go. We are getting the   response body data, data, hotel data. So data,  who told data values is what we need, and that   is an array. So I'm just going to go back here and  go response body data, hotel data values. Okay,   in order for that to bring back just the array,  and there we go. We have an array of four tells.   Wonderful, let's carry on. So now that we have  that and we have checked that that has worked,   there's the whole code in its entirety. Please  feel free to stop here and make a note of it   or just catch up, press pause and if you What  up, let's carry on. So just like we did before,   I'm actually just going to map out all  the hotels, I'm not going to create card   component this time as you know how to do  that. So I'm just going to grab the hotels   if they exist. And I'm going to map so dot  map. And for each hotel, well, I wanted to   return a div.   Let's give it a class name of a towel. And then in  here, let's put an h1 tag that has the hotel name,   a p tag that has the hotel, what are the other  ones hotel name, then we have a hotel rating.   So let's see how that looks. And there we go,  we get all four of our hotels with a little   rating, too. Now, let's get to  setting this up a little bit.   So here is my app, I'm just  going to get my CSS file.   Let's put everything in the body as justify  content. Center, of course, we need to use   display flex to initialize this. And align  text, text align, apologies, text, align,   center. Okay, so that is looking good.  And anything with a class of hotel,   I'm going to make sure that the background  color is salmon. And border radius is 50%.   Okay, so maybe that's a  bit too much border radius,   we can of course, change it  as maybe make it just 10%.   Or whatever, really, that  you wish it is up to. Yeah.   Great. So of course, please, again, feel free  to go wild on the styling, I don't want to go   too crazy on the styling. This is not what this  is about. This is a tutorial to show you how to   get data into a project. Okay, so I'm just going  to put my hotels here, and we will let's make   this an age. Tag, like so. Great. And maybe  let's give it some padding from the top,   let's give it 10 pixels. And from each side,  I'm going to go 50 pixels to make it look really   long. Okay, and then also margin. five pixels.  Correct. Okay, so hopefully, you've learned a lot   in how to get data, this time using Graph QL. And  the Graph QL API, if you want to learn more about   how to make more advanced requests. So in making  the functions including stuff like pagination,   I do suggest watch my Netflix clone in  which we use Graph QL to do this, okay,   so that is an option for you. Please try go ahead  and watch that, if you wish, it is reviewed by an   actual Netflix engineer. Once again, the code for  this project will be available in the description   below. And that's it. So to recap, during this  video, cause we have learned what is no SQL,   SQL versus no SQL and why you can't compare them  types of no SQL databases. So document databases,   key value databases, wide column stores or tabular  databases, graph databases and talks about the   multi model databases. We also talked about how to  get data into projects with to real life examples,   and also how to look at the document API and Graph  QL API as we did this. So action packed course   really. And if you're looking for ideas on where  to go next, to really solidify your knowledge,   I would recommend using the Document API and  SDK to build your own Tinder app with me here,   or using the Graph QL API to build a  Netflix clone here, or even learn how   to federate data from two database types with  my Graph QL Federation crypto app right here.   Thanks so much for watching  and I will see you again soon.
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Length: 174min 53sec (10493 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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