Norwegian Prima - Main Dining Room FULL Review For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

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hey everyone so in this video we're going to review and show you some of the food available in the main dining rooms on board the Norwegian primier so there is two main dining rooms on board this ship and that's the Hudson and the Commodore yeah so we will show you one of each for breakfast lunch and dinner yeah the Hudson's on Deck s and the Commodore is on Deck six yeah they're on two different decks we have eaten in these more than just what we've recorded for this video so we'll put a few pictures and little Clips on that of other items we've had during this twoe cruise from each uh location yes I just want we point out as well not only are they on deck six and seven but they're at there after the ship as well so there is some nice views from the back of the ship yeah especially in the Hudson the Commodore not so much the Hudson's the nicer one to go to yes but uh why don't we just get into it and start with breakfast yeah the sat in the Hudson's now for breakfast now this is the only main dining room out of the two the other one being the Commodore that has been open for breakfast whilst we've been on board but the Hudson has got the best views the out of the back of the ship so roughly breakfast time is open it's just probably about a 2hour window from about 7:30 to 9:30 but always just double check your Sal whilst you're on board cuz that'll give you the most accurate times no reservation needed or Freedom dining you just turn up for your breakfast sometimes if it does get a little bit busy in the main dining room they will ask you when you're when you check in if you'd like a shared table or a private table now even though it's been busy we've always requested private and we've always got it so um they are they are very accommodating to what you want the breakfast menu is here just to show you quickly there's an Express breakfast they have two daily features which these change so these could be different depending on when you come in then you've got fruits and yogurts hot and cold cereals down there then you've got your breakfast Entre which are pretty much your warm breakfast you can have eggs how you like omelets eggs benedict salmon Bagel buttermilk pancakes B muffle Cinnamon French toast which you'd expect those fre probably on a more American style Cruise then your side orders to add to any those breakfast Entre and then it's just like a selection of breads or pastries and your different beverages you can ask for there our beverages have arrived we've we've had some juicies I've had a tea Stacy's got a coffee over there she did also order some sweet rolls which look like a uh kind of cinnamon roll without the icing they pan raisin raisin yeah but yeah there's all different juicies and Breads and teas and coffees you can order it now one thing is they don't come around with bread no and if you did want any toast or stuff like that yeah you must order it off the menu yes oh if you get a chance try one of these they are moist full of raisins really soft juicy cinnamony raisiny goodness it's the first time we've um tried the pastries in the main dining room but to be honest whether it's been the buffet the observation Lounge when they have some pastries in there for breakfast or the uh indor food haul I've always thought the pastries are quite nice on ear just as we were talking to you about the sweet rolls they brought us breakfast this come really quickly about to come in less than 5 minutes so I've had uh wos raneros which as you can see comes with two fried eggs there on like a flour tortilla with some chili underneath and a little bit of avocado ped something a little bit different this morning and I've gone for the eggs benedict and it's on Canadian bacon we said and obviously on the English muffin with hollay sauce and then some potatoes breakfast potatoes breakfast potatoes that's it yeah I love the little cubed breakfast potatoes Owen and I did have a side of the breakfast pancakes I wasn't expecting free so uh Stacy you going to have to eat one of these I'll give it a go yeah so I went for the wos raneros just fancy something a bit different this morning than like sausage and bacon and this looks delicious uh two very runny yolks so I can imagine this is going get all down me but it'll be okay that's really nice yeah some people might think that having chili for breakfast is a little bit weird but I'm getting used to it now cuz I also had it in the indulge food haul it was really nice and it's delicious with these runny eggs and that soft flowery tortilla just hold it all together I went for the eggs benedict I think that's my go-to breakfast now when we come on these cruise ships because it's quite Posh isn't it really and I wouldn't really have that at home because we're not posh should stick with me cornflakes so it's a nice treat when we're away and I do like Poached Eggs yeah that's lovely the eggs are C nice there's a big piece of Canadian bacon on there which is very similar to what us Brits called called B bacon it just hasn't got that little flappy fatty bit at the end it's it's like the pork loin section of back bacon yes yeah that's what it's like but yeah they poached eggs and Ice there's plenty of holay sauce on there the muffin is nice and the potatoes nice and like another cruise ship we went on they've actually brought out both they've cut the muffing and brought out both pieces where once they brought out just one piece and I was like where's the other half of the buffing so at least I've got two oh and Stacy has ordered two more of the sticky bun sweet bread things so it's her fault we've got them now I am a sucker for pancakes I do love a big pancake and these seem pillowy already they seem delicious oh they come with blueberry syrup some things come with maple syrup this one comes with blueberry syrup and it's a good job I love blueberries as well they're really really tasty nice and soft little bit of a crunch on the outside and pillowy soft in the middle delicious we're all done absolutely stuffed delicious uh oh just to let you know as well you can order as much as you want off that menu so if you want two or three dishes order two or three dishes so long as you eat it they aren't bothered but we will see you back here in the Hudson for lunch we're back for lunch now and we're in the Hudson's main dining room on board the NCL Premier so whilst we're on board this is the only main dining room that has been open for lunch and it has been open only on C days there hasn't been a main dining room open on uh Port days at all so we have got a lovely spot by the window it is a little bit choppy out there the uh ocean so if you see us going like this or you hear like glasses kind of rattling away there then that's why Always check your freestyle daily magazine either there's a paper copy in your cabin or check the one that's downloaded onto your app cuz it will also tell you the opening times for lunch so again you know obviously for 100% accuracy check yourselves when you're on board but just for a Rough Guide like today the main dining room is open for lunch 12: till 1:30 so yeah there's just a 90 minutes there where it is actually open so there is no booking system whatsoever for lunch you literally just turn up and uh join the queue we got here um at 12:00 well just before so we were literally second or third in the queue so we soon got in and seated and again you know some cruise lines are different or you haven't cruised before and you're not sure how it works so we did just pop into the restaurant before and we spotted this lovely table right by the window because you don't have the same table every time that you dine in the main dining room and we did request table 120 cuz we like this spot and they did kindly um let us sit here so you can always you know if you kind of have a look in the restaurant and there's a table that you like remember the number take a photo or something and then you can always request it and then it may or may not be guaranteed they do seem very good in year so I'm sure they'll try the best yes and it also does say at the bottom of the table number nobody does dining like Norwegian so we'll let you know so I'll just show you the menu quickly now this does change so there's some appetizers there it's quite a long menu it's been a very good menu so far on this ship we've really enjoyed it so there's some handhelds this is now handhelds refers to like sandwiches or maybe like a taco or a burrito something like that so if you're wondering what handhelds are because they're different than the Entre so we've also got some like normal style Entre sorry like we said it's a bit Rocky today so yeah and then they do have wine recommendations there as well and a couple of desserts there at the bottom and then as always we always say this just cuz if you're new to cruising you don't know you can have as much of each one as you want so if you want three appetizers uh a man and two desserts you could do that if you want so just to let you know you can't pre look at the menus for uh the main dining room on the app but if you wanted to know what was available before you came in there's a screen just outside where you come into the restaurant and it tells you the home menu and that does change from I'm guessing lunch to dinner as well I think yeah it does breakfast then it'll change to lunch and then it'll change to dinner that was it right so the appetizers are here but before we get into those just quickly uh just to mention water is free they do bring you that round or it's included depending on how you like to look at these things yeah so before they brought the appetizers they didn't come around with any bread I know that they do when you're in here for dinner because we did eat in you will see that in this video but we did eat in here on the embarcation day and they did bring bread round for dinner but I'm not too bothered I'm guessing if you ask them for some they would bring you some maybe but to be honest um I could do without it anyway I'll get it gets me too full I could do with some because I've had soup not nor I wouldn't normally do this but I've had Italian wedding soup so you know I could do with a little bit of bread okay well may if they do come over we maybe try and ask them if you can have some bread with sou I'm okay I'm not that hry to be honest but I'm just joking cuz it's I've gone for the loaded baked potato for my appetizer I was expecting one big potato that they kind of cut down the middle and shove everything in but it's come like two they cut it in half and it's two like crispy skins so yeah that looks really nice it's also got beef chili quite a lot of beef chili on there as well and then aside of it just looks like a bit of Rocky salad so yeah there is a lot of chili in there and just as I was cutting it then you can eat like the CR the crispy potato skin smells delicious as well that potato skin is really nice the potatoes fluffy yet the skin is really crispy which is how I love my like beak potatoes and then the Chili's nice it's got a little hint of a bit of spiciness but not too strong and I love sour cream as well and there's quite a good drizzling of that on top of the potato so yeah that's very nice so I went for the Italian wedding soup I think she spilled quite a bit of because of the choppy se's uh me my tablecloth is now a bit yellow underneath so that wasn't me but it's uh it's something different it's got like three tiny tiny meatballs and some like little bowls of pasta isn't like a clear broth it seems quite nice I mean it's okay it's just a light soup it's not like a thick creamy let's say like a tomato soup did it need bread or is it too watery for bread no I like bread so for me personally I do I would have bread normally but we've got to eat more later so I think I can live without bread the um it's got really crunchy small vegetables in it which gives it a lot of texture but it's not the most flavorful maybe a bit of salt and pepper would help with that but if if you don't what this something too stodgy a bit light it's a nice option yeah so as we comeing here I said to Kev I'm not quite sure what I want because it's a bit Rocky I thought oh I feel a bit thingy and I was just Waring it down Jo cuz it was really really nice that was and Kev just said you didn't do too bad see as I thought you know you didn't really want much cuz you weren't feeling well but the waves had have to be really really bad before it stopped me from eating right okay so just to let you know uh whilst being a little bit nosy trying to see what everybody else is eating somebody has had a basket of bread delivered to their table as well so if you want it just ask for it and I wouldn't worry about being nosy Kev because people watching this are being nosy and watching what we have so we can all be nosy together so I've gone for the chicken flst now I have had a look at what kev's got and I am hoping he's going to be very kind and want to go hares because it looks delicious and um I've got two um you know decent size fles I've never had it before it looks like a crispy is it a crispy tortilla yeah it's deep fried deep fried yeah I like that part of it anyway and then it's com with like a green salsa that I'm going to dip it in right here goes so that's very tasty the chicken is shredded and then it's in I would say a red pepper sauce maybe like a ready tomato peppery sauce yeah it's really it's really tasty though and I love the um crispiness on the outside it's not because it is so Saucy in the middle it's not made it soggy or anything it's still got that ultimate thin crispiness to it so it's also got a avocado cilantro cream sauce on the side maybe cremer did he call it cremer in Mexico we probably just cream but I think it's but I have just dipped it in there and add a taste with that as well and and it's very nice show them Kev what you're going to be sharing with me for lunch this is mine and mine alone so I went for the Monty Cristal it's like a Hamm and cheese club sandwich that's um deep fried comes with raspberry jam or jelly depending on where you want to come from so I'm going to put some on the sandwich to be authentic don't know how to eat this I actually really really like that with the raspberry jam or jelly uh I don't think Stacy would like it with the jelly on do not think no but the cheese is all melty the Ham's a little bit warm it's like a um a chip shop batter like a crispy batter it's not um I'm trying to think what it's called what you have at breakfast French toast it's not really French toast kind of style it's like a Chip Shot B and it comes with fries which I'm going to dip in the raspberry jam that's quite not actually it's like the jamming of Crispy Cream Donuts so I love it well look what's appeared on my place you didn't really have a choice did you care that was polished off I'm surprised that I polished off so much of that raspberry jam stast left a little bit should end up eating half my chips though or fries I'm just checking the magazine to see what's on after we've eaten or I might need to lie down do we have the dessert I had the cocoa flan flan the Coco that was it I was going to say loco not Coco and I've gone for the milk chocolate cheesecake and it comes with a chocolate orange sauce I'm intrigued what that little display is that they put there Kev said it looks like white chocolate so maybe it is we have asked for some ice cream on the side as well because um none of the desserts I don't think came with ice cream I think the laa cake one did did did that cuz I was going have that then I thought no no I'm going to have the cheesecake and so yeah we just asked for some vanilla ice cream on the side so do that if you're fancy that with your desserts especially some of the chocolate ones I think sometimes it needs it so just cutting through that then with me spoon there's plenty of cheesecake and it hasn't got the thick biscuit base which I don't always like yeah that that always seems to be an American thing where it's a thinner biscuit base than the British cheesecakes which we prefer a really creamy chocolatey taste I'm glad it's milk chocolate cuz sometimes it can tend to be dark chocolate which I'm not a fan of but yeah that's just really creamy the Bas is like I said thin uh but not very crunchy um I don't need the ice cream with it but I'm glad I've had a portion on the side and let me just taste what that actually is I think it is white chocolate c yeah it looks like the colors some white chocolate yellow yeah it's just white chocolate yeah so mine was the Flander cocoa and um it comes with mango and kiwi chutney now luckily there's no onions that's the first thing I think about when it comes to Chutney it's like a a c egg custard kind of flan and it comes with a little pastry fake tortilla chip which uh is got a bit soggy cuz it's stuck in it I like that if you don't want it oh I yeah it's just like one um these ones always remind me if I ever a Spanish or like a Mexican egg custard tart flan they're really nice maybe ask if if you could have more of the Chuy Chuy cuz it needs a lot more than the little dollop it came with but that is delicious if you like flans polish all that off we're absolutely stuffed but don't worry we will be back at dinner either in Hudson or in the Commodore to show you our dinner menu so we'll see you in the men right so we're in the main dining room for dinner now so you do have the choice of the Hudsons which we are set in now or you can go to the Commodore we actually haven't eating in there that's on Deck six the Hudson is on Deck seven um we just prefer the Hudson just because it's got nicer views of the ocean even though it's a little bit rough tonight we still like the views so the main idea on this ship is that it's Freedom dining there is a number on your phone in your cabin or stateroom and you can ring that to make a reservation um we just been doing the freedom dining of it so we've just been turning up literally we're pretty much as soon as it opens we're here but we haven't eaten any every night but when we have that's how we've chosen to do it we we haven't made any reservations ourselves personally by ringing the number there was an option now I'm not sure how far in advance you could do this cuz we only boot this Cruise about four weeks before we came on it but I did notice um when we logged on to the NCL website or the app if you download that you could pre-book some reservations for your dinner there was an option to book your main dining room in either the Commodore or the Hudson now the only thing was if you wanted to do it that way um you could only boook 530 or 8:30 so we just thought you know what we'll wait till we're on the ship and just like you say do e the freedom dining way and doing booking it online I remember I don't know if it how it worked if you were booed in as there was three of you it only give you the option to boot for 2 4 6 or eight yeah there was 2 4 six or yeah there wasn't like an odd number was it so we just thought you know what I think we'll just leave it and just turn up at the restaurant which I said at the beginning which is just what we've done roughly the restaurant's open for dinner between 5 and 5:30 I think the Hudson is 5 the Commodore is 5:30 and it runs roughly till 9:30 but again just check the Open Times yourself when on board the ship because you just never know they could differ slightly I don't want you waiting outside Hudson's cuz you said it was 5:00 when it's really 5:30 so just double check the times when you're on board so as you come down to the restaurant and you just check in with one of the um waiters they will ask um if you if the restaurant is a little bit busy if you want a private table or a shared table we've always asked for a private table and they've always been able to accommodate that if you know there's a a specific table you sat at before and you like that table because you like the views you can request that obviously that's you know if somebody's already sat there if you come down at 8:00 and somebody's already sat there you obviously can't sit there as well but obviously if you come when the restaurant first opens you've got more chance of than letting you sit at that table and the last thing quickly is the dress code now you can wear shorts not the classic is not short shorts but you can wear shorts in the main dining room for dinner cuz I know on some Cruise Lines they don't let you do that so you know you you guys out there if you want wear if you don't like wearing trousers you want wear some nice dressy or shorts with maybe a polo top or a shirt you can do that in the main dining rooms on board this ship so the menu's here I apologize if the uh camera's a bit shaky it's a roughy day so here's your list of appetizers this will change daily so this is um quite a long list of appetizers there's a good choice to pick from there and then your classic Entre these six items will always be the same so these don't change but these ones on today's featur onree Change Daily so these items won't be the same and this is the same for both this restaurant the Hudson and the Commodore now there is Kagney Steakhouse so these three items you can pay extra for if you fancied like the steakhouse steaks cuz there is a steakhouse on this ship but we've had where is it oh it's on the classic one Stacy has had this grilled New York strip uh steak a couple times now and it's delicious I can't tell you what these ones are like cuz we haven't tried the steakhouse but the steak on the classic contre is honestly one of the best free steaks included steaks we've had on a cruise anywhere and then there's just a couple of wines there that they recommend and just to let you know uh you can't access the menus on the app or on the T in your state room but you can have a little preo once lunch is finished there's a a tally outside of the the dining rooms that shows you today's menus so once lunch is finished you'll be able to see what you can have for dinner if you want to pre-o and think oh don't really fancy anything I might try somewhere different so they have just brought us some bread they do bring you uh obviously there's two others they do bring you four rolls and you get two different ones so at least that's a bit different you got bit different every a we haven't had the seed one yet we have this one but not the C Ron and then um they do give you included water as well so you don't have to have a drink from the bar if you didn't want to if you can remember you guys might cuz it won't be long ago in this video but for us it was a few days ago when we filmed the lunch part of this video um they didn't bring any bread but you could ask for it if you wanted it and we didn't ask for any cuz we both weren't feeling great because of the sea now we're both feeling a bit better it's like yes let's talk into the bread start toy here uh I've had the brushetta and uh you might be shocked if you've watched our other ones we've only had they coming one each cuz you can have as many as you like but we've only gone for one each cuz we're not hungry normally we have three appetizers between us but yeah we've just add the one each this time so I've gone for the tempora rice roll so it's just a vegetable one there's no meat in there I don't even know what the sauce was that you come with I think it was like a soy sauce so sace yeah it looks like a deep fried sushi roll sushi roll it does yeah looks really nice let's have a look there's three quite big pieces as well it's got the nice white sticky rice but then the crunch of the veg in the middle and then the outside bit no not greasy at all just nice and thin I don't know if you can see how thin it is there just a nice light and crispy texture to it love it with the sauce definitely needed that dip in there but they are yeah they are very tasty yeah so I've had the Bretta just toasted like garlicky bread with uh tomatoes and I think it's got cream cheese and Basel on on top as well and I'm guessing this is a balsamic drizzle that's really tasty oh I'm getting a bit Rocky now that's really really tasty with the cream cheese on top it just makes it a little bit different than over brettas just has like that that creamy Tang goes nice with the tomatoes that's really tasty so the mains are here uh you might see a portion of chips or fries in the middle somebody has to have a portion of fries I've had the uh pineapple and chicken so it's come on two skewers and then it's come with black beans and some white rice so I'm just getting a chunk of the chicken and pineapple on there there's quite actually uh there's about three big chunks of chicken on each skewer and a couple of pieces of pineapple I won't touch pineapple on pizza but with chicken I really enjoy it that is delicious so the chicken is dead juicy and tender but then obviously theyve put some herbs on there and then it's been caught on the grill so the outside of it is grilled slightly but the chicken's not dry and then I like the taste of the herbs as well with the pineapple and chicken it's really nice right so I had the um rotesserie chicken mine comes with just a scoop of mashed potato and a tiny tiny piece of broccoli but I've got half of a chicken we both were like when mine came out we couldn't believe how bit the bush of chicken was I've pulled some off the leg with me fork for just get a fork for a try and it's so tender I'm really glad I picked this now that chicken has been kissed by the Angels it's so soft and the the chicken skins it's not crispy but it's not soggy it's just that nice like freshly rotisseri chicken skin and that's got herbs on as well salt pepper and herbs and it comes with a bit of a a chicken gravy as well and as I said the smallest piece of broccoli I've got half a chicken and that much broccoli I'm not complaining cuz I prefer the chicken and the broccoli really it's dessert time they bring you a separate menu this changes all the time as well that's just an example and then um they do have a no no added sugar daily selection and H a chocolate cake at the bottom but we have seen that say a flowless chocolate cake so I don't think it's the same one but then you can also order if you want a special coffee for afterwards you can have some Starbucks and even a a buen Vista style Irish coffee never heard of it but it's $10 so desserts are here I've had the strawberry and rhubarb crisp looks like crumble to me but it says crisp and Stacy's had I've had the dark Sweet Cherry cutti um the waitress recommended these by the way um she says these were the best two to have so we went with their recommendation and I was a bit confused because I think I'm confusing KLU with something else I thought I'd had that on another ship and it was pastry but it's C and it's like an egg custard which is fine cuz I absolutely love egg custard that's just me not knowing what a cfti cfti is I really like this and I don't know what else to compare it to apart from if you are a fellow Brit and you have tried a you've had an egg Custer before you most probably have it's like that in other words an egg Custer to us is like a custard but it's very eggy tasting I don't know that sounds a little bit strange but it's actually very delicious with the sweet cherries in there as well I wouldn't necessarily have it with the ice cream it's automatically come with the ice cream so I'm going to eat it anyway but um unless a dessert says specifically that it comes with ice cream then it won't so if you would like some ice cream just ask them for a scoop on the side and they'll get that for you yeah so I had the strawberry and rhub Bob crisp uh it looks I don't know what's crisp about it cuz it looks like a crumble or a a cobbly so I don't know where the crisp is coming from that's more like a cinnamon kind of cobbler topping it's chunkier than a crumble it's got big like bits of bisc topping and it's got fresh strawberries and rhub bar I keep saying raspberry rhub Barb in there and it's really nice it's um the sweetness of the topping is kind of mowed out by the Tang of the rhubarb it's really nice and it comes with lemon SOB to take away some of that sweetness as well right so that's everything there in the main dining rooms on the premier for your breakfast lunch and dinner we did only eat in the Hudson just because like we said before it's just got the nicer views um it is a little bit more busier the Commodore is a lot more smaller and in intimate but yeah we just preferred sitting in the Hudson ourselves yeah always great food great service yeah very very very good service in there I don't think we probably mentioned it each time um we ate but overall amazing service in there yeah very good yeah really friendly stuff uh we'll just mention quickly now the chicken if if you see Chicken on the main dining room menu it could be anything from Stacy's chicken skewers to my half a roast chicken cuz it doesn't say like half a chicken or my chicken and pineapple didn't say it on skewers so I mean you liked the chicken didn't you but maybe ask am I getting half a chicken if you just see the word chicken ask is that cubes on a skewer or is that a half a chicken yeah and then uh Stacy's steaks oh um definitely I've said a few times throughout this video um but definitely the steak the New York strip steak like I said before is one of the best included steaks I've ever had on a cruise ship before yes I did have the sirloin we'll put a picture over now the sirloin State one night it was okay um s chewy yeah it was it was a bit chew wanted yeah it was nice cuz they had like the crispy onions on top but that New York strip steak definitely recommend the one that's on the uh is always on the menu as well yes yes that one doesn't change that's a good good one there every night if you wanted but uh there's plenty other food places on this ship and there's plenty more things to do on this ship other than eat which we would either put out or we're still in the process of putting these videos out we probably no we'll still be in the process of putting lots of these videos out so make sure you stay tuned for them yeah but uh yeah so subscribe leave a comment hit that like button and as always thanks for watching guys and we'll see you next time bye
Channel: One Couples Adventure
Views: 17,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ncl prima, norwegian prima, norwegian cruise line, ncl, ncl prima food, norwegian cruise, norwegian prima food, norwegian cruise lines, cruise ship food, cruise, cruise vlog, cruise ship, cruise food, norwegian prima review, norwegian prima cruise ship, cruise tips, cruise ship reviews, ship tour, norwegian cruise line prima, indulge food hall, norwegian prima dining, main dining room, cruise ship food review, cruise news, norwegian viva dining, norwegian prima hudsons
Id: oOCvT5mYX_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 57sec (1917 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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