Northern Ballad. Hurdy-Gurdy, Organ Dron & Drum
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Channel: Andrey Vinogradov
Views: 836,604
Rating: 4.9762101 out of 5
Keywords: hurdy-gurdy, zanfona, organistrum, leier, drehleier, bettlerleier, bauernleier, symphonie, chifonie, sambiût, sambuca, vierelète, vielle à roue, vielle, ghironda, lyra tedesca, rotata, sinfonia, tekerő, колавая ліра, колісна ліра, ріля, риля, роля, lira korbowa, niněra, колёсная лира, hurdy gurdy, world music, folk, ethnic, ethno, acoutic, russian, traditional, viking, scandinavian, song, Nyckelharpa
Id: 6wZk2_pJUCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 40sec (220 seconds)
Published: Mon May 14 2018
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I enjoyed every second. Thank you!