Norman Kennedy Spins Flax: Wheel and Handspindle

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[Music] now when it comes to flux linen this would have been one of the first fibers that mankind used way before wool and well in Europe before cotton because of course some parts of the world didn't have flux and here's flux that's been processed this is called when it you buy it when you get it if you can get it it's not easy to get nowadays because there's a lot of hard work involved in this it comes twisted up and called ass trick and this is this is fair to middlin quality think the quality stuff you can get notice isn't really anything like you would have got 100 years ago or 200 years ago and there's just more and more attention paid to the growing where it was grown this is fluxes are very heavy feeder it takes a lot and nutrients out of the ground so you have to plant it in different places now this is the older style much older than we'll spend them the spindle I'm sitting to this bit of course commonly people would would if they're going a journey I'm going to market not to be spending all the time there was old folks they didn't hang out and do nothing they were working what can work in yeah you keep adding fibers this isn't particularly fine but it's usable now you'll notice I don't let go of the spindle this drop spindle business when this would be really inappropriate I'm more used to you know as I see if I was doing this when I was doing this you know stand and things like that in South Wales and sir I don't spend much lemon now it just bro I used to spend quite a lot when I was young and foolish and if you keep at it you can get a lot done of course I could spin it course illness if I wanted for a heavier purpose you just to gain more more fiber well now I go to this stuff dress you dress at this stuff in good order and it looks just so spinning fine there's a rhythm this is very rhythmical work it's all see dusty it goes up my nose but it cradles and dress pull it up again now at this stage just know you're not spending through the mouth as you would quite commonly with the the distaff and spindle because it's a different different action but um in the old days they had these stories about women having thick lips you know but the thing is there was truth to that just maybe in the winter came from their lips were chapped and things and they were doing this may be a better straw would get in and they swole up there is an old song saying why look for a good-looking woman how her lips gonna be swollen just like all the rest of them so don't bother I tightened up tonight because it wasn't running in just smoothly it needed some work pool to go in but you don't need to title fast with this with her long fiber you don't need an offload head twist because the long favor it'll hold itself something shortly curtain you need a good twist but this is this make bit look who's strong at is I couldn't break that at all it would cut my fingers [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Long Thread Media
Views: 17,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: handspinning, Norman Kennedy, spinning flax, spinning cotton, dressing a distaff, spinning on a spindle, spindle spinning, spinning linen, linen thread, linen yarn, spinning long fibers, spinning short fibers, spinning long draw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 25sec (265 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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