Norm shopping at the Vintage Guitar Show 2016

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everybody norm here Norma Attar's I'm at the Orange County guitar show and you know we go here a lot of times just to try to fill in gaps things that I'm a little light on and occasionally I had one really special guitar that I had a lady meeting down here for but I'll just show you a few of the things that we got I mean a lot of its store stock and then there's some really cool vintage things too this is a blonde reissuing es 3:45 just a really nice not an old guitar but a really nice guitar that I'm for one of our good customers is going to be interested in this is a later 60s es 355 what's cool about this is it's mono so there's no stereo no varitone and it's just a really nice guitar this is a beautiful ES 330 this is early 60s really in stunning condition with the black T 90s early 60s one of the nicest ones ever and this is my prize of the show over here this is a guitar that I have this lady beat me down here this is a 1955 the Ender Stratocaster in stunning condition with some of the most beautiful ash grained ass wood I've ever seen it's in remarkable condition a little bit of body we're here but stunningly clean and your neck is pretty white I mean hardly played this was her dad's guitar and it's a one-owner thing there's a whole story that comes with this but I do that some other time this is another mystery issue guitar this is a Peter Frampton Les Paul Custom it's the very nice guitar this is just good score stock we have a lot of people that just want this really nice more recent affordable guitars and we do that as well this is a Paul McCartney Rickenbacker bass no bindings and a movers headstock just a really cool base you know for a reissue and this is an early 60s Goldtop Les Paul Deluxe and onions a bunch of other stuff the few things out to just show you guys there's a lot of guitars here at the show but we kind of just try to dig through and see what stuff we think is really interesting for our customers and we have some wood stuff we want to find things that we don't have in this store so always you know just trying to come up with some interesting stuff and then I brought Joe our luthier and house nut along with me to kind of help and just look at things make sure that stuff is in proper shape and everything is what it's supposed to be so it's good to have a second pair of eyes on it and you got Jen over here doing the videos and we'll take you around we'll look at some of the booths and see what's what anyhow we're here at the Orange County Fairgrounds guitar show and hopefully we'll be bringing back some nice stuff everybody this is my buddy mark lip Koh known as that woods for many many years since we were both young men and I'm negotiating with him on a few guitars and it's usually painful for both of us is that true my absolutely but it's a good experience yeah but fair mark has good stuff and you know we always end up you know coming to some kind of agreement even though it's like we're moving it to some like fan buying this is a really gorgeous jr. and that is a 1959 right yep and I'm also buying this really beautiful epiphone casino this is like the John Lennon Beatles guitar it's a little earlier with the black bean IDs just real I'm buying a reissue Strad and so I go to some of my buddies here and we pester each other until we find every time I get to see them that's right we find it at the end it's the easiest way to go I get your love thing yeah totally so painful love thing but it's all it and it's actually quite easy believer my brother mark liquor I'm over here at the guitar show and I keep finding stragglers over here I'm trying to adopt people I guess thanks for taking this ahead again my buddy Dave and nobody happy to be a Dom typical head over here behind us always trying to get in the camera photobomb and those guys are in on from the east coast you live on Monday but you already nice goes guys over Tony's goes there yeah so what the damn show just came over to this show so yeah because I'll be more than happy to be adopted but for somebody by California so I could have my West Coast home because I love it out here so well he can't wait to get back to the snow yeah and two feet of snow that yep that they're dealing with right now actually I can just sleep at the shop you know be I'd be fully good at doing that get a card for you over hey guys know in case we'll be happy yeah nice yeah there you go they're right next to the 57 sure out I'll be fine so it's always good to see my old buddies that's one of the cool things about these shows so Haven hell he's OCD Jarvan everybody we're here at this show their arms County show and there's quite a few guitars here but you know as I always do I like to kind of cherry-pick and look through and see what are the you know prime examples things that don't have a lot of issues or no issues at all so and you know when you look at it when you first come in there's a million guitars in here but most of them have a story and we try to buy ones that don't so you know we just kind of gazed through you know look on both sides here weird huh pretty soon you again this money madam what are you gonna invest in today Norman well I don't know I mean come over to make us rich again your name is liquor and I know we're not ready so you want to be rich and famous all right buddy God Sylvester and Dewey Bowen good guys who are my old buddies and uh you know we always like to do a little business that most of the shows you I've already made him rich you know I mean I don't know wait what else am I good for you guys I have the it oh yeah hey Mike because he's as you can see when you look at a lot of guitars when you first look a lot of it looks right but you've got to kind of take a closer look in I think that's what a lot of people pay me for my eye to look at the stuff to know that it is what it is because they're totally original or if there's anything that's unoriginal that I can explain it willing to come forward with that and we say everything we know about any guitar we have so always try to be accurate in our descriptions so as you can see we're just walking on through all right you buy anything I bought a few things boy I didn't fall yeah cool free warm Epiphone Texan and a lot of food and alcohol it was good time and now I'm drinking a cup of coffee that's great intermixed with a lot of the vintage stuff even though they call us a vintage show there's a lot of newer stuff and then there's a lot of stuff that's in different states of originality and that's where we have to look very carefully so sometimes I'm able to make a deal sometimes I'm not sometimes I see little things on the guitars that I'm not super comfortable with I want to make sure my customers get the best stuff that they possibly can so they win some you lose some but I'm here at the show I bought a bunch of stuff a lot of it is more store stock but there are some really nice instruments that I'm very happy that I bought good to see y'all see you back to the shop you want to go through this yeah be careful i order in the accents you do it again dorsal I got it again I don't know this guy this is who I trust to bring my stuff out hi Cosmo good walk everybody Jenny asked me to say some closing words so closing words and we're about ready to get out of here our final load and we're heading over to the store so I hope we see all you folks over at the store to check out our new acquisitions come in and all the looks at fret 3 and fiver on pitch don't want this guitar here and joel has been very slow he's coming but I'm doing all the work I'm so pissed off at him I'm just going to throw it down just an empty cache well I tried not to buy too much but I got to go to the guitar buyers psych ward now because I did it again we got so much stuff and I'm still buying this was a light bye guys is everything that's everything Wow sure yeah the more last-minute pies no I'm done I'm done I'm done his nature yeah
Channel: Normans Rare Guitars
Views: 152,116
Rating: 4.8625956 out of 5
Keywords: Norman's Rare Guitars, Norman Harris, Guitar shopping, Guitar
Id: ti5fLVOJZQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2016
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