Norm Macdonald interview - April 2011

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is an exceptionally funny man he's an actor comedian and former news anchor for Saturday Night Live next week comedy history will be made with the premiere of Sports Show with noor mcdonald you can watch it tuesday nights at 10:30 on comedy central please welcome Norm Macdonald thank you you scared me alright let I don't know I felt like you were coming to attack me but I like getting out of here fast I find people don't like people walking all right right so the joke's get jokes in some people really milk it the walkout to the yeah yeah I admire that in a way cuz I don't have that kind of confidence to stand there and to do this to do the big thing and wave unless they go in and people don't care too much for you yeah you me yeah we're us together how are you well I'm glad your ankle is better cuz I know you hurt your right yeah I pulled my I pulled my tendon that's bad right oh it's good hey you like Rickles right I'll tell you why it's bad this is a thing you have a boy I know you have a boy I know and a girl yeah and but I don't have a boy mm-hmm yeah on a girl but I have a boy as well and they get to a certain age you know like I always let my kid when I ever play basketball with him I would let him win cuz I thought that was the the gentlemanly thing to do she was six yeah right no I would pretend like he would win but easily I can easily beat him so then a day came when all of a sudden he beat me like for real he beat me you know and I don't know if you've ever gone through this but it's a it's a it's a change you know change every everything changes and you realize that you're you know you're irrelevant is that how you got the your son hurt you or your yeah my snot hurt me yeah Wow have you been where Christmas and he said my dad's like yeah this is he can't he never beat me in my is whole my whole life he never beat me at basketball I said no no I let you win when you were a kid he's like yeah well you gonna proof of that yeah yeah so you think I couldn't be him when he was say yeah there's really that's really another you have the right you might be right you have to write it down and mail it to him good postmark that's right I'm glad you're I know you're in the middle of your big promotional tour for sports yeah yeah I was on Letterman who's better than Letterman right nobody no I didn't oh I agree with you no but I didn't think I'm making a joke right now of course that's why we want to do this yeah exactly I don't want to do it but it's why we we've agreed to do yeah but what's awesome is you get to meet like guys right so as on Letterman I yeah I met willing else is my you know one of my heroes because I love country western music and my buddy Billy Joe shaver is buddy buddies with that really so when I was that letter last week I was like how am i I gotta go talk to Willie you know yeah so then the guy that segment producer is like hey I'm Norah Jones is with them you know I don't know that is the day you know have you get you get all legends to sing with some young right yeah so I don't I go okay okay whatever so he goes yeah but she'll be there like you don't forget to say anything I go out right away so I go down and there's Willie Nelson oh my God we're talking all these stories and everything and then there's a lady standing beside him yeah so then he hits me like this you know like wow and then I remember I go oh I go Nora Ephron Norah Jones I said Norah Jones after but I said Nora Ephron cos well here's the thing when you say Norah fast it's hard not to say Efron right after it's one of the hardest easy to ever hear in life but it's funny it's hard for me you know the people and especially the ladies to remember because many of them look alike and and laymen look alike to you what about you ever see them old movies that's why they really like you know if you ever tried you know I did always go hey Charlie Chaplin man that was a comic genius never try to sit through that honestly no it's pretty tough yeah but it was in the 1920 movies and stuff you see the ladies back then and they'd all have big round white faces you know it's of a hair up here and then they would look like everybody else but then if they'd say that one's gorgeous you gotta take their word thing she's a great beauty yeah but anyways no as you say I don't know the ladies that well you know and really it's Hollywood's fault for not giving them good rules that's yeah so I was on the show they invited me on this show my name is earl TV show my name is ROH yeah yeah this is would-wouldn't this was a couple years ago man it's up but it was a very successful and a very incredibly funny show although I never said uh-huh because you can't see everything or me you can't you really can't you know it's heard enough to see anything so I said they say I say send me some you know a thing to watch they say we'll send you a link I go excellent but I don't know what a link anyways I don't watch it right so I figure I'll just pretend I saw I've seen this show you know and so I go in and I'm like hey everybody man Earl that guy's good and everybody else too you know not only a role you know I'm trying to make it so then I sit down I go this is great man and you guy can't see it cuz you look when you lie you overcompensate better just tell a true so I'm standing beside a lady goes by the name a Jaime Pressly oh yeah yeah sure so here she is she sitting beside me pregnant you know she's in the family way as they say so I look over at it and I see she's pregnant so I say listen Jamie that's amazing like you're pregnant it's cool how they shoot around that on the show you don't look pregnant she says I'm pregnant on the show so then then I say I know I know that work oh yeah I was trying to confound her but I just saying I you probably did really loud when you move here from Canada did you go did you come to New York or Los Angeles man I met the guy for me I met the guy from last play Jon luck you hear that fella of course yeah Theriot query O'Quinn yeah I love lost you much lost yeah I'm obsessed with the show yeah yeah I'm still watching it I watch it I wash it on the on the link zelda yeah you got that working on the computer or you can watch like one other you could watch them right after each other see if I have there's no cliffhanger you know yes you're not drunk you probably watched a lot six do you think I'm 80 no I probably watch the show though I get I watch it during so that must be incredibly frustrating no it wasn't why would you say that well because because I couldn't wait thirty Seconds to get into it I write DVDs oh no it's better to space things out so and discuss it with your friends have a little talk about what happened and then you wait have to wait a week and it's you know it's the late gratification yeah I guess yeah yeah yeah that's what's fun about a book club but uh I'm serious I'm fish fish but I I realized that around season three that that these guys that wrote the lost they didn't know they were going for six seasons so they did not have this planned out you don't think they didn't know they did not write a four hundred hour TV show that the name cut it up they you know they didn't know when they were going to get canceled so then they're just making up stuff and everything and then and then crazy things they didn't get canceled though they plan to end the sh t ended the show early they that was their ending yeah that's even worse if it was their ending that was the right now I do not like I don't like ambiguous antes I want to know I'm going to try to figure it out what about Serrano's ending he didn't care for that I want to know I don't want to be left like I've knows his movie lost in translation bill murray couldn't love the guy more we ever remember that movie yeah at the end of the movie you see us all good and everything he runs through the crowd whispers into Scarlett Johansson's ears they don't have a mic that's unforgivable like what like yeah you figure it out but I'm like me I'm supposed to figure it out I'm watching doors like I like I like figured out movies in the same way that baby like me going hey man I'm gonna buy a car I think I'll go down to Detroit see if they need any help welding I can't believe you're not American it makes no sense than me though I got to do a commercial though see we do our new commercial right back with Norm Macdonald so called sports gelatin or McDonald coming to Comedy Central on Tuesday night at 10:30 very excited you place for cheer or you're an athlete you're like Rickles right i love rickles see our movies Rickles right uh-huh so so it's so awesome dirty work right hurry we're Ken awesome and and so he could remember remember now he can remember any lines you know so so I go like I write something I thought sounded like Rickles like I go hey say Don say this - already line you know say a baskin-robbins call me today and they're down to three flavors so then he goes because look at you he goes Baskins and johnson kabhi doesn't know what they told me they told me you ate all their rice tubs and tubs of ice and now they don't it's like 45 minutes so uh so but there's the buyers man he goes give Don Rickles like hey man let her come up with you you gotta let him go yeah that's right but Rickles man he's the real best yeah he's the funniest guy and so that week Sinatra was on his deathbed Frank Sinatra ranked Sinatra Rickles you know close friends right now so at lunch I was like people were like we should be mentions tonight Rach I don't think we should mention a bum amount you know but then I said I want to ask him you know so I said hey Frank like I mean hey done if you have you talked to Frank lately you know and he goes yeah I saw him last week there's a lot of this I died four days later and he goes yeah because it's a lot of me with my with my head two inches from Frank's face going I'm not Barbara well Frank wouldn't want it any other way I gotta be right that's very true but okay let's talk about this show because it is I think it's a good show is gonna be a big hit yeah I hope it is I mean for your sake oh yeah but I really do I think it's gonna be a big head I am looking forward to watching it about sports yeah are you a big sports fan yeah let's party you gamble on sports I'm tighter sometimes game a lot sports here well you won't be able to gamble on sports anymore now you're a figure you're a public figure no I quit gambling outs for it you didn't quit them altogether for real do you consider baseball a sport sometimes it depends on who's playing you're consider basketball sport yeah sure football yeah technically I still gambling yeah okay all right we have a clip here even though now I know yes I brought a crow starts on Tuesday I brought a clip but you brought a clip yes you want to see it I got a clip why not you brought it and we might as well see it hey what about this Super Dave has been on the phone he was born the great super Dave is and he's on he's been on the phone while I'm trying to get ready to come out here yes he was phoning me that's what he does and he goes this is what you do you walk out you're wearing a pompadour just look at G you don't say a thing for five minutes this is why we never invite him back anymore this is let me ask you a question it's fourth down and one you're the one yard line you have the choice you can head it to OJ Simpson Jim Brown or Emmitt Smith I'd go throw zio Donna then you got Kirstie Alley the whole witty away with your William sister in do Williams he's a punk singers alright oh yeah there's that Wendy Williams yeah Wendy Williams alone said hey ideas a look at you yeah you don't want to show the clip do you I'll sure to click let you have the clip this is robb maus for show take a look yeah that's not the whole there is more there's more there's more that's not the whole cloak is good good man there and that's it it doesn't on yet in Paradis it's what the kids call medical is that what the kids are calling yeah I went to a meeting once and I said Harry it's very meta and I'm I wasn't and it was like that it turned out it's a comedy term here I am in comedy I don't know the term yet this studio head knew it you know it and sir it's a comedy term for people who aren't funny yeah it is got and they use it regularly well it's great to have you here let's go
Channel: amasterofnothing1
Views: 519,952
Rating: 4.8712249 out of 5
Keywords: Norm Macdonald (SNL Actor)
Id: czg_mANOZYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2013
Reddit Comments

Really great impression! I never heard anyone do him. Around the 13:00 minute mark.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Turkeyfart2 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 09 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I am usually pretty good with impressions, but Funkman is so hard to imitate! Norm did alright here. I love Bob Einstein's voice so much, everything he says is perfect

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/menwithrobots πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 09 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Norm on Curb would be fantastic.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cryogenicsleep πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 10 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/whats8 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 09 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Entire video is great

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jr_fulton πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 09 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

That impression is so good it’s eerie.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jb_713 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
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