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hey guys we got some new stuff in and it's been really difficult buying stuff we're always looking for cool stuff and i've resorted to going back to some of my buddies that i've dealt with over years and kind of making offers they can't refuse some of them are making a pretty good profit on uh some of the guitars they bought for me before some of them uh are other people that we've we found for some stuff um this is a really important guitar i just want to show you this thing this is a 1951 fender telecaster this thing it may be it could possibly be the first telecaster ever made where they put the telecaster label on there if not it's definitely in the top 100 the first 100. it's number 942.0942 it's a 1951 it's got the flat screw screws in the pickguard and uh you know it's um in remarkable condition it's got the original case original strap um just remarkable remarkable and and uh it doesn't get any nicer than this and this is a really important guitar this is somewhere between a broadcaster and no caster the number is low enough for it to be a broadcaster but and it's uh most of the no casters uh here's the story the broadcaster was the first uh guitars those in some of the earliest esquires and generally those numbers were between uh one and one and one thousand um this one is right in there um then they um gretch had the name broadcaster copyrighted so he contacted fender and said you can't use that name anymore so what they did is they clipped the decal so that it just said fender up there and didn't say broadcaster anymore so and then with the advent of television they started doing the telecaster so this one it's got a number that's um could be like a broadcaster number 0942 um the thing is hardly played there's a little bit of wear but i mean it's like a car with a couple thousand miles really nothing even on the yeah little things and um so and the broadcasters had no channel in between the pickup and the control um the no casters and the telecasters had that channel in between there for the routing of the wires so but this thing man it is badass somebody is going to get a really historical and really mint guitar these are the original owners right here and this guitar had one thing done to it and it's not a big thing this pickup was rewound and i think what happened is um these guitars were wound with it were wired in a dark circuit so these pickups sound like they're really we you know really weak when you go to the normal wiring of this so um they may have rewound the pickup just because they thought the pickup was weak anyhow uh pickup's putting out fine round but it's still dark circuit so it still sounds like it's a weak pickup but with a slight modification you can make this um more usable as a pickup but it's wired the way it normally would be stock dark circuit man it's ridiculously clean ridiculously cool here is the original bridge cover with the um solder inside the very first black guards have solder inside the bridge covers got some early national guitar spring sets in here this is seriously one of the more major guitars i've had in a long time really proud to have it and somebody i paid too much for it now somebody else can too i'll uh i'll not be on my desk okay and i'll just run down some stuff i mean some of it is reissue stuff some of it is not so this is really important stuff this is just a fender p bass custom shop reissue what's kind of cool about this it was a one that they did where it has like the tele style headstock which says precision bass um and it's a two-tone sunburst so this is i guess they made it to look like some type of a transitional base here um normally with that headstock it would be the tele body but this is the contoured body with the regular precision pickup yeah they're kind of a 57 really 57 relic yeah so uh it's really nice just a very cool yeah p-bass and uh so we'll get to some of the other stuff i'll go to some of the vintage stuff that's kind of cool uh what do you want to look at well i'll i'll pull this out here this is a really unusual guitar right here this is a 1964 um es-335 but this one was uh made with a veritone and it has different pickup surrounds because of that there's a choke for the baritone and it's underneath this so this is the way they wired them nickel covers early patent number pickups um just uh beautiful condition guitars original stop i'm sure it was they probably saw uh 345 and said we don't want it stereo but we want the veritone um again a black neck stop tail no nonsense beautiful condition these really weird uh surrounds by the pickup covers and pickup rings and as i say very little wear and uh just an outrageous guitar crazy 1964. going to this was gotten from a friend of mine and uh just a really cool guitar now i'll show you something else that's really whacked out this is a another 64. but this is a 345 but what's really unusual about this it says 1964 345 with a short maestro vibrola original case and everything but this one is factory walnut this may be the first walnut uh 345 es guitar ever made because they didn't really introduce the walnut until 68 so it's a regular 345 with the gold parts and the binding you know with this little strip there the split parallelograms um you know gold tuners and all that but it's in walnut so this is probably where they got the idea to start making those walnut guitars i'm guessing this could be the first walnut es so whenever they start they started making a few more and around 68 68 whatever yeah yeah so this yeah generally at this particular point they're either making them in red or sunburst occasionally blonde uh but this is very unusual it's a very dark walnut it almost looks black when you look at it from a distance so just a really crazy guitar um crazy again i paid too much for it and so can you okay this guitar is a guitar that we sold to a buddy of mine and this is one of the very first silvertone guitars ever made it's a peanut which means it's a small body um it's a single cut you know with the um kind of this tan or gold contact paper instead of having the metal lipstick pick up it's i don't know what this is they're like handmade aren't they yeah oh this one in particular yeah and got the old knobs but check this out and this is so primitive and it's so cool look at how this neck was constructed and there's a bang here but i mean look at how it's raised over here and it has these dowels over here this is again this is one of the very first ones ever made and um yeah so um yeah so again this is about as early and cool as it gets i think this one is a 57 55 55 okay earlier yet crazy yeah all right uh let's see so this is a 1965 guild uh duane eddy and um this one is in beautiful condition with the original taggers gold parts thinner body beautiful guild tuners i love those tuners and um yup the guild humbuckers um guild bixby um metal bridge um ebony board with uh the um block inlays but with a little v in there yeah just so cool and these pickups are fantastic yes they are and this is a really fantastic example of a great guitar and has a tags too so uh i love it and you can too all right you know what here's here's one that's really really unusual so sometimes i kind of sniff this stuff out and uh this is a really cool fender precision base this is a 1960 i believe right yeah 1968 see-through blonde finish maple neck actually ash bonnie but this is a maple cap so there's no skunk stripe over here this is so rare i can't even tell you and uh you know the blonde see-through body one of the coolest p basses ever and much rarer than even the 50s bases because they made so few of them without the skunk stripe if they were a maple neck so what this is is a maple cap it's called so there's really like it's like the rosewood fingerboard over the maple neck so it's a two piece there is a fingerboard on this of of maple but they instead of having a channel back here with the brown skunk stripe to insert the truss rod there's uh it was like open and then they put the fingerboard on this so this is kind of like hendrick strat that he had there was a four bolt that was a maple neck they did very few of these and uh this is one that i really dig and it's a great player too and so cool nothing to not like really nice condition and there you have it and let's go with that uh uh you know you do that firebird yeah ah that's pretty good okay okay so this is a firebird three and it's a 1960 what is it 65. but this is a reverse and this thing is ridiculously clean has a banjo tuners this is one of the last of the reverse firebirds so it's a non-reverse headstock right on on a reverse yeah it's it's just a little bit different because this is one of the later ones got the fiber pickups uh short maestro tailpiece it's about as clean as you're going to see crazy clean yeah really unusual to see one from that area that's clean in it yep i love it and uh this one really plays and sounds great so again you know i've gotta you know because you guys are insatiable and i'm insatiable we gotta just keep trying to find some cool stuff for you because this stuff uh it doesn't just fall in my lap they ain't making any more of it we could do that um this uh epiphone over here this is my favorite actually i have a nice bunch this thing is really cool this was allen rogan's favorite electric guitar yeah so this is a cornette but it's a thick body cornet with the new york pickup short uh well not the short meister but the epiphone uh vibrato um inked on serial number original black finish this was like the epiphone junior of the time but these are a thousand times more rare than even uh uh tv junior and they made so few of these uh great guitar with a viprola yeah it's no this is a very this is the one that jimi hendrix used to play before he started on fenders yeah and got the taggers with it yeah so um some sheet music easy pickings for christmas yeah beautiful and this is kind of cool here this is uh another guitar this is a jaguar that we sold it's a pre-l i believe it's a 62 yeah super clean um wow it looks like it had one of those uh coil straps in there and a cord and it reacted against the finish a little bit look at how clean this is you know neck is beautiful tuners are gorgeous um just one of the prettiest jags i've ever seen also insanely clean for that yeah yeah but one of the earliest ones uh let's see what else you got here uh do you want to look for this gretch this is the sixth so this is a 6121 grudge this is a 1957 with the armin pickups so the deal with this is uh it started out as the roundup uh with the leather trim around there and gbrand and all the cactus and cowl inlay you know etching there this is what happened after that and this one is in remarkable condition has the uh gretch bigsby diamonds beautiful gold guard um pretty stunning the metal tail piece uh original white case um and i'm being summoned [Music] okay so this is an epiphone riviera yeah and this is in that sparkling burgundy metallic color it's kind of uh metallic almost like a candy apple red there is a little metal flake in this but it's a nice clean guitar um and this is a 67 and just um really nice plain 12. i mean gibson had a 335 12. this is the epiphone riviera 12 which is basically the equivalent of the 335 12 except it's got the mini humbuckers yeah which i think sound better in the 12. it sounds really clear it's chinese yeah really good sounding guitar very very cool very cool very cool let's see what else we got so there's there's more stuff but uh um by the way we did get some of those tom murphy uh murphy lab uh les pauls we got five of them just came in and a black murphy lab 335 uh that's really cool three three thirty five use a stoner this is really cool this is another another wreck before yeah sorry so [Applause] how about that one so jen you're not going to put in like that phone call where i couldn't even answer my own phone no i'm not going to uh you can you can put it in i can take a joke you guys make fun of me over here yeah well anyhow this is an epiphone professional 1963 single pickup with all these different um effects uh buttons and stuff that you can get on this crazy it's really crazy and you have to use a special amp with it and we have the amp it comes in this set the professional yep yeah so um but what's cool about this this has a neck like a 63 block neck 335 wide at the nut just the killer killer neck i mean too bad this isn't a 335 it would be much more valuable but man what a great neck and there's some really nice shape the outcast well it's in the family of the alcheol i'm not i don't know how the uh what came first but the al kaola was he was a professional guitar player who was a studio guy and his guitar also had all these knobs and stuff i think that may have had a reverb on it i know i don't know how that works but uh we just got this with the amp and it's just really cool so uh she gotta let let limo play that one yeah limo have to do a guitar of the day on this we'll never see him again if we get it yeah and again this is uh the gray case with the blue interior so very very cool here comes a phone call again never stay in five minutes hey there you go hey keep that one in hey pete what's going on buddy that's me good and we're back again we're back so this is a 64 gretch and it is a uh country club 6192 in sunburst and it's a really nice shape it's got the uh filtertrons melita bridge sunburst finish cool gretch tuners there gretch um it's a very nice guitar in really nice condition and so some of these are you know cleaner than others but this is still a very very nice guitar then over here this is a guitar i sold to guy a long time ago and this is a 1969 es340 so what this is it's basically a 335 it had a little different wiring and this has been wired back to be more like 335 we did that because the other wiring is not not everybody likes it so it's basically like a blonde 335 and it has a multiple piece back back of the neck here that's the difference this in the wiring but it's a basically a late 60s blonde 335 really nice guitar just a really good player instrument and blonde finish kind of like that that's cool what would go in here this is a 1991 uh fender um and it is a uh it says custard hot it is a custom shop and it was uh it's made by a master builder called j madore okay so um so anyhow this is rose with telecaster like the george harrison model this is american-made um they did you know some in japan they did some in mexico they did some regular ones this is a custom shop for sure there's no signature back there usually the it's in the uh it's in the mechanic in the cavity yeah so just a really cool guitar um if you're into these guitars roses they have a chamber of those because they got sold out oh yeah just a beautiful example yeah um beetle fans very cool guitar it's got the uh um split here that's how they kind of uh put them together so they just didn't weigh a ton they made the very first one for george right absolutely yeah for their let it be yeah which uh delaney bramlett had i have a whole story where i could have actually bought that guitar really but it was uh it was weird because um i went over to see delaney my buddy jerry mcgee from the ventures took me over because he said uh delaney had it and uh so i went over and um i looked at the guitar delaney put a humbucking pickup in there and i could have probably bought it for 60 dollars but there was some rumor that george had loaned it to delaney and the way delaney remembered it he gave it to him so i the last thing i want to do is end up in a lawsuit with george over it and so i kind of backed out i really oh you got my guitar back thanks norm yeah thank you right yeah so and i was friends with both and you know so uh but but this is the next best thing amazing yeah beautiful all rosa sound fantastic uh all right oh and then here's just uh just the old 66 strat so this is just the player grade guitar and yeah we haven't cleaned it up i don't think there's too much cleaning that we can do but um it is a 66 strat pretty hammered but if you like it been refretted if you like you know kind of hammered soul free guitars it's got yeah it's got the the uh the vibe to it yeah it's still gonna sound in a great way maybe not quite as big as rory gallagher's one of those or you know but pretty cool and it's of course the price is indicative of the uh the condition so anyhow this is just some of the stuff that we just got one other thing that is just such a pretty guitar i felt like we should probably oh yeah this sort of people is because it's just glorious yeah there's um this is a very 1958 hoffner arch top it is a model 456 s e2 in blonde and uh just very unusual has like the club type pickups and uh blonde finish yeah it's just a really cool guitar this would be a great guitar for a video or something um what's not to like yeah so anyhow we're always trying to get as many cool guitars as we can because we do our guitar of the day videos and you guys are so kind for watching the videos from us so you know i kind of feel obligated to get out there and norm keeps working real hard for an old man so but i you know i gotta come through for you guys and uh so i hope this interests you and there's loads of other stuff and we have one this is a black uh custom shop 335 i'll just show you this this is a new um murphy lab 335 got one of these and we got five sunburst glass balls we're gonna show you some pictures on those coming up and so just a very cool guitar these things apparently selling off the hook this is our first batch that we got of the murphy lab so i hope you guys like the video we'll keep coming at you with more stuff thanks again thank you nick for helping me absolutely any time my friend anytime so thanks you
Channel: Normans Rare Guitars
Views: 100,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Norman's Rare Guitars, Vintage Guitar, Vintage Guitar Store, Fender, Gibson, Martin Guitar, Gibson Acoustic, Playing Guitar, Amp, Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Stratocaster, Les Paul, Epiphone, Fixing Guitar, Musician, Guitarist, Luthier, Rickenbacker, Gretsch, Demo, Bass, Instrument, Guitar of the day, Norman Harris, Mark Agnesi, Jen, Nick Dias, Michael Lemmo, Joel Whitehead, Los Angeles Guitar Store, Todd Wisenbaker, guitar store, rock band, r&b, rock and roll, live band, guitar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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