Norfolk Southern train 277 gets stopped because of hot wheels on the DPUs

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he keep coming on signation we got to pass for you all right yeah got wait out on the line for a job briefing if you don't mind all right I'm on here over that's CP yeah when this crew pass a twins L detector at 3.0 FD Fox TR Bravo both of the both of their DP units line 37 and line 38 that line 37 shows to be at b n 97 56 right behind it shows to be at 4,300 even both of those Local Motors showing some wheel Heats um and the short breaker through that whole train so I just going to expect those two locomotiv and do a good St and release uh you know once they stop over come on good set release try to stop point [Music] let me talk maybe cond maybe they walk up and you can pull them by and they can they can is that possible side yeah I got that Kevin okay yeah I appreciate that Kevin apprciate Del really just few minutes he won't be he just waiting for to pull by I don't know 20 30 minutes long 30 minutes back okay okay we'll be delayed because of the over oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that's correct that's correct all right that's a good copy y 427 you okay what about I can see about 10 cars or so so when I get when I get [Music] 11 should be holding up so be a little bit by the time you get up there shouldn't be too bad by the time you get there just little up boy w we're looking at a BNSF 2 3 9 7 9 8 about 65 from that one 65 that's right 74964 B 13 in front of I got you like I said I can see 10 cars back so I just give 10 thank you welcome [Music] I I see your DV coming around the corner back there give me about 20 21 give me about 10 more on the 277 2 five give me three more three he by the time you make a normal that should be good [Music] he did say it was both DP units right that's correct yeah I'm seeing nothing back here your highest temperature rating on a bearing is like 120 the rest of your wheel HS are between 70 and 90° all right I'll let them know uh give me that information again had one bearing that was 120° uh the rest of them around 80 and uh you had all your wheels are between 70 and 80° all right one at 120 the rest are 70 to 80 yeah that's right you're welcome we're going to release you releasing them that's right all right go ahead [Music] for still appli on this DP let to build up some more call up down everything checked out thank you for your help no problem sorry I didn't find anything that's all [Music] good 27 way all break uh set and released was good uh I didn't see anything wrong with him back okay I got that brother did a s release everything applied and released it Le on the locomotives as intended um if you want dis your brother and we'll get you guys back on the Move okay sry that was all that yes sir I'm sorry about that I was just saying if we your dispatcher and we'll give him that news and we'll get your drive back on the move all right we'll do thank [Music] [Music] you 27 Kevin on the line [Applause] do yeah goad with know you guys all right yeah we did a good set and release uh brakes uh were released uh didn't find anything wrong with back there he Mr dispatch kind of caught him at the end I said no defects found at all no sticking braks hand braks or anything no restrictions to way side okay no restrictions no restriction side relase everything good DET up on got it7 come on all right roll the roll thank you thank you way thank you Bo for your assistance over oh you're welcome right go oh you ready to go that's right Wild Man l i baby here we go right once it CLE we light them up you app thanks again guys no problem not all heroes wherease oh all hell to John per all hell okay
Channel: Central Virginia Train Spotting
Views: 3,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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