NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER Scratch Game

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in this video I'm going to be making a scratch game as a noob versus Pro versus hacker so let's go let's delete scratchy and P our not so good sprite let's name him the player and costume player let's zoom in give him an outline of five and we'll make this guy make him a bit green now what I usually do is I round off the corners but I'm not going to do that cuz this is bad it's the entire point of this so I'm going to name him Noob for the game and I'm going to do Wing I clicked forever if key W I'm coding this as if I'm a Noob so S5 that's why I'm not going to use variables for the movement right now I CLI dup get all that replace this with an x d a five a five I think it should all be good so if we go here we can see that we can move around and yes it looks really choppy but that's what you get for when you're a noob let me add the invisible box around him I know this is not Noob like but at the same time you know it just looks too ugly to look at so yeah this is just going to do for now and I may as well do what they all do just because I'm nice I'll give him a shadow so now our boy is looking a lot more 3D going to make him go to z0 at the start and I'm going to paint gun if I zoom in here for the gun I'm going to give him an outline of 10 make it go up like this maybe it shouldn't be 10 maybe should be five I'm going to go up like that around like that right here and right here going to smooth out that corner name him to gun I'm going to Center him and I think I have to make him a bit smaller he's way too big an outline of seven looks like a could do so let's add the invisible box like that now I can code the gun script one careful click rub go to player point in Direction player Direction so it's pretty easy you know he's going to go there and oh I'm actually stupid what am I doing point in Direction Point towards Mouse pointer there we go and so now we can see that this guy has a gun on him at all times and yeah not a lot about it so now let's just make a really a very very simple backdrop we're using a backdrop because only noobs do that obviously make it a little bit of a bright yellow maybe I'll make it darker and I'm going to add some bushes just like this and we can copy and paste them around the place maybe we make one wider one lower one bigger one bigger and a wide and then we can make a little bit of white or not white green around the edges maybe for like a little Stone pad name it BG for background make a Sprite bullet and in the gun Winger F forever if face then create clone a bullet and if I go into the bullet costume make the bullet like this name a bullet and I'm going to do like wait 0.1 seconds so we have a bit of delay and in the bullet when I start as a clone well actually before that when gra clicks hide and when I start as a clone go to gun point in Direction gun Direction and repeat this until touching Edge move five steps and then lead itself so go in here we click Start nothing's working cuz I didn't make it show there we go and now when I click the green flag we can see that we're shooting but as you can see we're not shooting in the proper spot and since I'm a Noob I don't know how to fix that so it is what it is now we need to make the one last thing the enemy St in here enemy and the enemy can be this guy put red name him enemy go in here and wing wing wing GRE F clicked hide and then Forever Wait a second and I'm going to create to myself and when I start as a clone go to random position and then set y to just 400 so it's way up the top of the screen and then repeat until touching bullet point towards player five steps and I may as well make this guy shoot end steps and then we can delete this clone so now this is the entire Noob game wait no it's not make him show so now this is the entire Noob game oh my God I need to okay let me uh let me let me just set the rotation style to don't rotate and go now as we can see they're just coming towards me and I can just shoot them very very simple mechanic in game wow this is this is so bad and so the pro let's go delete paint player in 3 2 1 bam now you see I didn't add the most detail cuz he's a pro he's not a hacker but it still looks pretty cool go the code so let's do when gy clicked make a variable X speed y speed set them both to zero and then forever if he W going to change y speed by five right click duplicate S5 and I'll just do it all again except for the X speed so there we go and now we need to Wi G collect when G click forever change X and change y by X speed and Y speed and then forever just set X Speed 2 * 0.9 X speed and same with the Y speed so now I think it should all work so if I set myself to 0 0 Let's go check it out there we go now he's pretty smooth but he's extremely fast so I probably need to turn him that down like 2 2 -2 -2 and he's extremely slippery so if I just change this one to like 0.8 0.8 should become a lot harder there we go now it's pretty smooth now that's movement done now we can do paint gun and I'm going to try to make a more detailed gun and that'll be back when I finish and so this is what it's looking like move him in the middle make the Box gun and when green fly clicked forever go to player Point towards Mouse pointer it's pretty simple so now we have an actual decent looking gun except he's kind of blocking his face as we can see so I'm going to make him change X by 30 or something and as you can see he's on his right but if I go over here it looks really wonky so I'm going to make it so he switches over here once my mouse cursor is on the left of him I'll show you what I mean by that if I just write some code boom with this code here we can see that you know it's like really really cool smooth it works very very well and overall it just looks insanely cool to be honest like it's super smooth everything works perfectly fine and dude I don't even I my God so nice to look at it's crazy but now we got to work on the gun or no the bullet bullet Zoom all the way in here and instead of this one being a giant line I'm going to make it a bit of a circle now I'm going to make a outline just so it doesn't look really weird there we go name a bullet go in here and in the gun when I start wherever if key space or Mouse down then create a clone of bullet and wait 0.1 seconds we're going to go into the bullet when Griff I clicked hide and it's basically the same code that we used before so when I start as a clone go to gun Point direction gun Direction and just repeat until touching Edge it's going to move 10 steps and then delete itself but we have to show so as see what this looks like real quick if I shoot okay that's not bad just has to be positioned better so if I move this one has to be up a little bit that's like basically perfect I see look at that I move it more to the right there we go now it actually looks like it's coming out of the gun look at that that's actually like quite cool I'm going to move it 15 I'll see if that looks any cooler that looks good all right and I think it would be cool that every time it's key space it would move negative 10 steps so backwards and I I'm not even sure if this is going to work but like oh it does work that's oh my God that's so cool dude look at that it's crazy oh no yeah what's the problem with this one hold on on a minute why is looking weird from this side that's is very funky let me bug fix this real quick all right I think it should be fixed now yep there we go dude that actually looks so sick I can't get over that oh my God never like actually put this much effort into trying to make a gun maybe it's a bit too much recoil so I'll do neg five there we go that's more realistic that's actually crazy man so now let's do paint enemy like last time we're just going to copy and paste this guy into here but we're going to make him red red and we're going to make him look sad but more realistically he would be angry so there we go and something like this looks decent enough so one graph one green one green one green fly clicked hide and forever wait a second and create a clone of yourself instead of wait a second we'll do one 2 0.5 to 2 seconds just a little bit more random and you've already seen this code before so boom boom bam and there we go all the code so if we go back into here what is bro doing hold on okay this is not all the code apparently Point towards player that's more like it let's go so now as you can see we have wait My Bullets don't destroy them now we need to make them to die by our gun cuz right now they're just going to infinitely come out and try and kill us so you until touch bullet I had the wrong thing there in the player Wing I clicked forever if touching enemy then we're going to do the basic thing of stopping all to show that you died and while we're at it we may as well make a score and when I start I'm going to set score to zero and then when touching the bullet going to set score it's going to change score by one so let's see how this looks okay we have these guys wait why is the score going up oh I'm actually dumb has to be below there so here we go one two oh I can just kill them behind there can I now it's looking pretty good so far this is only what a pro would do and believe me will not believe what a hacker is like just to finish it off a little bit more more we can make a background boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom bo bo bo bo bo boom bo bo boom maybe move the score down here and now we have an entire R like game if you made it this far you may as well like And subscribe I may as well be doing something right so let's move on to the hacker one eternity later upgrade the gun very slightly get its color make it lighter just a five or something go like that do the exact same thing this way and I'm going to make him rounder at the bottom just like so so now he's all round and I'm we going to steal this color right here and add a little bit of a box down here or a little bit of a whatever that is I don't even know streak now the man's looking a lot fresher and the bullet it can basically just stay the same it's not even that much of a difference the enemies these guys look like garbage so I'm going to change them to just these guys but I'm going to make them have a bit of a animation I'm going to make him squeeze down very slightly I'm going to make him squeeze down half one of these blocks I'm going to do it again so that's going to be an entire full block and I'll maybe just do one more half block so now it's going to look like boom boom boom then we'll do five which he's going to be very much outstretched so I'm going to copy and paste this one here I'm going to make him go up one so boom and I feel like this movement is going to be a lot different I'll show you what I mean when we start I'm just make him do a second so it's completely even I'm going to repeat this until that I'm going to repeat well hold on I'll just do it when I'm finish I don't even know what I'm doing okay so with this jumbo mess of code I'll tell you what I did so I basically this is entire like animations I gave it its animation and then it's going to move it's pretty simple this one if it's touching the bullet that's going to do a little bit of a death animation change the score by one delete itself and then I also added layering so if I take take off the layering I'll show you what this looks like you can see that they kind of like overlap really weirdly that like one like for example this guy should be behind him but he's not cuz there's any layering and so if I shoot them you know a little death animation but then if I put this layering on you could see that I just got to wait you can see the guy at the back that they're like behind each other so I basically said if their wi position is less than the other person's wi position then it's going to go to the back pretty simple but it really drastically improves the game so I can just get rid of all these guys it's really satisfying I'll let you know that and so this video's going off for long enough and so I'm going to finish the entire game now see you when I finished and so here's the finished game as you can see everything's basically the same except I got a score round start screen and three new enemies well three in total I did add sound effects but you probably won't hear anything right now I click Start everything Fades off and we can see these guys they have animations and they look really cool if I hit him one time I only do 50 damage I hit him again he dies so I H him twice it's pretty simple then we go back to the slim St screen and it is quite fun to play with I can just shoot enemies for as long as time it goes on plus this game is infinite so it's going to infinitely get harder and more complicated with enemies at least and so now what you've been waiting for the entire hacker game [Music] [Music] now [Music] e [Music]
Channel: ZonxScratch
Views: 134,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #scratch, #scratch coding, #scratch programming, #ScratchGame, #ScratchGaming, #BeginnerProgramming, #ScratchGameShowdown, #NoobvsProvsHacker, #GameDevelopment, #CodingChallenge, #BeginnervsAdvanced, #GameDevelopmentTutorial, #ScratchGameDesign, #ScratchGameTutorial, #NoobGamer, #HackerGamer, #CodingChallengeVideo, #noob vs pro vs hacker in scratch, #noob vs pro vs hacker scratch game, #ScratchGameProject, #GameDeveloper, #game dev, #ScratchAnimation, noob vs pro, hacker, noob vs pro vs hacker vs god
Id: RpL2k_xn0p0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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