NOOB vs PRO: POLICE STATION Build Challenge in Minecraft!

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today we're going to be having a police station build battle in Minecraft guys are you ready to lose this thing no I'm not going to lose um yeah Daisy you kind of are because I'm the best builder in the world I'm not going to lose at all I've been in a police station like five times why why uh I'd rather not say I can't wait to make a big old police station I'm going to make all the bad guys go to jail oo yes I'm going to make a huge prison and then I'm going to put my daddy in it oh no you are not putting me in prison well guys you have 20 minutes to build the best police station and whoever makes the worst police station is getting a wedgie what I don't want a wedgie really don't want wedgie uh what's a wedgie Gooby it's when I take your underpants and lift you up in the sky no no no no so you better build the best police station are you guys ready ready yes everyone start building in three 2 1 go go go H how do I build a police station so I think the blocks I want want to use is white and blue I think those are the colors of police stations all right I'm just going to start building and hopefully it doesn't come out like poop I'm going to start by adding a bunch of Windows there we go this is looking pretty good now I'm going to do something like this and then I'm going to add the windows just like that there we go this is already coming out so good no one's going to be able to compete with me all right so I got to make a big police station I don't want to be that I don't want to make it that big because then it's going to be too much to build with with okay uh what do the police stations look like I think they have white floors so I got to do quartz smooth quartz we got to make this a decent size so I think here dig in this direction towards Daisy then we go back this way what I'm going to do is I just got to mine all this out and put quartz down it's going to look super super cool man this came out so good I think this is definitely the right color for the floor but now we got to try figuring out the walls I think the walls are usually gray mixed in with some blue so we got to look for a nice gray color I think think maybe we kind of go for a concrete let's see ooh light concrete or a dark gray I don't know let's see let's see how this looks okay that's a good color that's also a good color I think we got to go darker we got to go darker then now we need a blue nice blue like this I think will work so then we'll layer it so we'll do like two layers of gray and then two layers of blue just go all the way around like this man I hope my police station's the best I mean I've been I've been to the police station a few times i' rather not say why but I think I know what it looks like now if I had to guess who's going to make the worst police station I would say it's going to be Gooby I don't even think Gooby knows what police station looks like then Johnny would be second obviously I would be first and then Daisy would be third Daisy's going to make it look all pretty and ugly and put flowers everywhere but I think it'll be okay okay so I have to build a police station but what color even is the police station oh no well I think we should start off with concrete and I was thinking maybe white blue and red because that's the color of the lights on a police car so the police station has to be those colors right okay so now that I have my colors I'm just going to make an outline of like a building ooh I going to make it like two stories so it's going to be really really tall okay now that I have the front of the building done I just need to work on the back so how big should this building be H yeah I think that's big enough so now we just have to connect to all the side there we go and now I just need to work on the second floor oh my gosh this is going to take me forever to fill in oh not going to have enough time we only have 10 minutes go go go I have to work so fast and done all right two of my windows are now completed this is going to be the left part of my police station now over here is going to be the entrance and then I'm thinking over there I put a helicopter that'd be freaking shck all right let's get to work we have so much work to do I wonder what the others are up to okay so the gray wall is finally D now it's time to do the blue to make it all police station like we're going to go this way wow that's starting to look good but H I don't know I feel like it needs something like what if it was white in between what if I raised it one floor ooh I think I have to do it actually I don't know maybe I just leave it like this I don't know I I'm going to go around with the quartz I got to do it I think it gives it more of a police look like from back here it looks pretty good I think I think I like it but now I think I need to raise this even higher oh my gosh I'm making too many mistakes okay so I fixed the walls a little bit I think it looks a lot nicer and cleaner this way but now I got to figure out what I'm going to do for this roof I think the roof also has to be a smooth quartz so maybe I just get the slab smooth slab let's see how this looks I just did the whole top like that yeah I kind of I kind of like that I I think that works now I just got to fill the whole roof with these white slabs oh my goodness it's going to take me forever a few more boom looks amazing but now I think don't police stations have like a little little board on the top where they put like a pee where they put police something like that I think I think that looks good I'll just throw this on top match it all now my building is actually done oh no I did the math wrong 1 2 three one two I need to go up one more on this side now it is good the outside looks good and it looks clean it looks mean maybe we do a little lip make this look a little nicer uh maybe something like this I go over here I want two right something like this I think this looks good something like that maybe we get a pillar pillar we go in the corners we do it up like that boop boop nice it's starting to come together I'm liking it I'm liking it now we have this whole big space to work with so what my idea is we put jail sales all in this side and then in this corner we do like a little work office space we have computers we have security cameras everywhere so the prison people can't get out now I just got to figure out how I'm going to map this out okay we're going to do uh let's do the walls we're going to make this room over here little security room I think I just got to follow the same color pattern as the wall doed up really really nice something like this kind of works maybe we do this room first too since we're already starting here so you walk in very boring I think we need some glass to maybe brighten it up a little bit so we can see the crooks outside we'll put some glass there and we'll put a thing of glass right there and two right here nice nice looks good now we need to put a big desk right there so we need a desk what kind of desk do we choose hm we need something official something that that screams police so we're going to do blue nice now we need filing cabinets blue blue here we go that looks good that looks good then we need a few computers so let's get a few of these H I think they would use a big camera like this big PC system get some chairs need a very policy type chair uh maybe we go with the white brighten it up a little bit go boom boom security security boom Oh we need keyboards how they supposed to even work these do the keyboards right there one right there nice coming together okay I finally finished the outline now I need to get started and fill everything in what if I just make like a bunch of Windows okay so I need to grab some glass what color what color ooh what if I do blue glass does that look cool M no I think I'm just going to go with clear ooh yeah this looks so much better I think of instead of filling this in I want to make it a door so they can have like a second floor that goes outside okay and now I just need to grab some fence so I don't fall off what fence do I want to use I think this one looks really cool ooh my police station is really coming together done and done add some pillars right here oh no I have so much work to do I have to fill in this whole roof I have to go so so so so so quick quick okay just a few more blocks and finished oh my gosh the roof took forever but I still have to do the walls put like three blocks here three blocks here and I want some windows 1 2 3 1 2 three I wonder how everyone else's police station is coming along all right that's looking pretty good now I got to add some more windows over here there we go check that out oh wait a minute I messed something up no no no no no no no and boom that's looking a lot better now thinking about adding some signs up here too later me just do this for now boom trust me that's going to look amazing all right now I'll just add another window in here do something like this and now we need to work on the top part it's going to be a little bit different than what we've been doing gosh I can't wait for this prison to be done and then I can put a bunch of criminals in here yeah it's going to be a lot of bad people in here all right there we go just do this blue outline on the roof just like like that then we're going to go in here and just add some windows boom that's looking amazing all right now let's continue over on this right side I think I'm going to end up putting a helicopter here I think could look really cool right now I'm just working on making the garage and then on top is going to be where the helicopters are going to be there we go we're just going to make some garage doors going to look something like this then we'll just cover all these up and boom that looks awesome and now for the roof we're going to use this block we're just going to make a giant square and then we're going to make a big circle it's going to be the landing pad all right let's see how we can make this 1 2 3 four five I think something like this is a good shape there we go now let's go one more with this and then one more with this boom yep that looks amazing now let's just put the H in the middle and that's how you make a landing pad all right now let's start working on the side of these builds we can't just have the front completed we need everything completed oh my God stop placing so many blocks there's no way that anyone else is placing this many blocks I'm definitely going to win this H but maybe we put more computers on this side I feel like you kind of need a few of these right to see how many bad guys are in your prison who's doing what maybe they're like trying to bust out we don't want them busting out we want them to stay in here nice okay so when you walk in it's like waa whoo we got computers in here that's so cool but don't they have like filing cabinets in here too with paperwork so we need cabinet nope uh H ooh we definitely need a wall wall medicine pack just in case you know someone gets stabbed in the prison it's not kind of good to not have one of those maybe we just add books if we just add a bunch of books everywhere ooh nice we got some paperwork some of that got one of those all these books boom and we'll put them on this back wall something like that's kind of cool get a book there that looks good that looks good maybe put some books here like paperwork okay okay doesn't look bad there more paper H we have more paper paper paper put it all on top here looks like a lot of documents looks like a lot of work work we'll switch these up too nice this is coming out really good now maybe we put like carpet o I like this globe o I like this microscope too and there's a lot of good stuff I like maybe there's like a chemistry desk or something on this side maybe we could do a bunch of sciency stuff because we're like in a lab they're trying to like find evidence on people okay I like that idea I like it a lot all right we're going to finish this room now iron doors pressure plates so you can go in and out they're locked cool get some carpet bright the place up a little bit nice I think this it's actually coming out really really nice in here this looks like a very uh security spot security like spot yeah nice that section is done now we got to do some jail sales so this is the part where uh going to get a little scary so what I think I need to do is I need to actually put a double wall and what I mean by double wall is I need to make all this look like Stone and I got to make it look disgusting and scary cuz this is where all the crooks are going to be living ooh it's looking scary let me just do a weird pattern like this and I'll fill it in and it look really really good okay so I just finished a little prison set all I did is I made the walls and I did the roof and I made kind of like the the area where the door is going to be so we know you know obviously how you get in and out what I need to do now is add bars and I need to add doors we have bars and I need iron doors maybe a lever we go like this right over here do the same thing and right here we do the same thing and then all we got to do is fill up all these sections with iron bars so you know the bad guys can't get out now what should I do on these little top pieces maybe I'll just fill it in make it nice and easy boom prison done looks good looks scary looks super ugly and and whoever's in there is going to have the worst time of their lives now we have this area what do I do in this area maybe I put like a couch or something and then the little chem area you know to find evidence on people so what if H I need to put TV can not have a TV in a prison no one's going to be happy all right so we maybe maybe we do that like right there that looks good now we get a slab h no I think we need a stair we do a little reverse stair action boom boom we get a sofa nice blue we go like that and we go like that oo I'm liking it I'm liking it then this was one block off we do the same thing right there this is like a nice little section and then over here in this corner we'll do H maybe in both Corners we'll put the brewing stand so let's get some Brewing breing nice slabs smooth Court slabs we do something like that and go one two and over here we do the same exact thing one two nice it's coming really it's coming together really really good I can go and I can add like some Globes and make it look more sophisticated after when I do some detailing but I think this is kind of the I think this the vibe I'm liking I'm liking this Vibe oh my God I forg one thing we need to add cameras cameras here we go so we're going to have a camera here camera here we'll have one in this corner one in that corner may we have them in each prison cell are we allowed to do that yeah we're allowed to do that one right there one right here nope that's too close they're can break it and we do one on top of this door as well nice put one in that corner maybe we put one in each of these Corners as well nice and we got to do in the security room too one there and one there this is coming together really really nice oh this side wasn't even I had to fix it I just need to make this side look exactly like that one and then it'll be perfect just need to fill in these corners and now I need to fill in the walls I think I'm just going to make this one solid cuz I'm going to put the little cells back here ooh my prison's really starting to come together just's add some windows I like how I extended it I need to do the same thing right here my police station is almost finished and then I need to start adding so much detail cuz right now it kind of just looks like a white building okay this side is finished so I only have one more side left I got to get it done so fast finally all of my walls are completed except for this one but we'll get to this after I make the floor so I need to make a bottom floor and then I need to make a second floor but what do I even want it to look like H let's see I could use wood ooh and I could do like Checkers I love Checkers Checker flooring is the best flooring in Minecraft so I have to do it in my prison oh my gosh making this floor took so long now I need to figure out what I want to do for the second floor and I was kind of thinking iron blocks because maybe put the gel cells up there and it has to be super strong so I'm just going to grab some iron I'm going to fill this whole thing in okay now that I finally finish the floor in here I need to add this door so all the bad guys can't break out so I'm going to look for some trap doors because I want to make it really really cute just put some trap doors right here and right here now that this is done I'm just going to place an iron door right here and boom I need to figure out how I want this entrance I should definitely have iron doors because they're so strong and we can just line it with iron just so it's a little different and of course we have that pressure plate uh-oh I got to get rid of that grass we cannot have grass on our police station before we start adding any detail I have to add a staircase going to the second floor so let's just put it in this corner so we'll just break out these blocks and we'll build up from right here and I want it to be a spiral staircase so we're going to use stairs and slabs boom this is perfect and now we can just line it with glass wait a minute before I line it with glass I don't want them to walk out up here I want to walk out over there oh no I have to redo this whole thing let's start from the top this time so I'll put a stair here and a slap here boom okay now it's perfect and we'll put the glass here just so no one falls off yeah this looks so much better okay the most important thing in a gel is where they keep the bad guy so let's just start putting some iron here and we'll leave him about and we'll leave the cells about we're going to keep the cells about three blocks wide so I'll just repeat it a couple of times now that our gel CS are completed I need to add beds o maybe a potty too we'll just put a toilet right there guess everyone has to be able to go to the bathroom even if you are a bad guy this is coming along so good I went ahead and grabbed some tables and some chairs because we need to have some places for people to sit down and I think we need to make a little entry way just so in case anyone needs to run in here and talk to the police they have a place to go put a chair here and chair here ooh we should have computers too okay this is looking really good and now I think we should add some offices so let's just go back here and add some we can do something like this put the chair here and then we can just line it with glass I think the glass looks really good I think I should add a couple of these rooms so I'm just going to repeat it a few times I honestly don't even know what goes into a police station I guess as long as it looks good that's all I have to do I think we set one more little office this is my favorite part so far I feel like I need to add some carpet just so this place looks a little cozy I don't really know if I like that maybe I take out the red I think the blue and white look so much better maybe just one more line ooh this is looking so good maybe we'll put some carpet in the office too perfect I think I need to work on the outside I need to make it look really good out here cuz right now it's just looking a little plain I'm going to grab all of the smooth quarts that I can and I'm going to try to make a sign that says police on it ooh ooh what if I made a little sign with blue concrete and then put it on there this is going to look so good let's start right here do something like like this that looks just like a pee I think this sign is going to need to be a lot bigger than I thought so let's just extend it this way a couple blocks and we'll do the same thing over here now this should be big enough just going to do the same thing to make the p and I need to make an o that looks like an O to me I think it's going to work and now I need an l and an I see uh-oh my sign's not big enough well we're just going to extend it over here I don't think they'll notice okay now that I've completed my police sign and I've added some banners I don't think I really like this door up here so I think I'm just going to take it away it just didn't look good at all ooh ooh also for the front I want to add something really cool all right let me just get some iron bars all right check this out there we go we're just going to line all this off all right we're just going to keep going this way now then we're going to have a pathway going down this side wo this is going to look so good and now we're going to just fill up the floor with some gray concrete and also add a bunch of these iron bars oh my gosh I need to hurry up time is running out all right there we go now my garage is looking pretty good I still might add like a cop car and a helicopter but we need to start working on the Interior right now oh gosh we have a lot of work to do all right the first thing I'm going to do is start by making just some big walls and I don't know just trying to figure out where stuff is going to be I'm starting to freak out I need to make sure I'm going to win this thing okay finally I just got done placing a bunch more walls I just got to finish this roof and then I could start decorating I think the first thing I want to do is add these jail cells that's going to be so much fun all right so I think I'm going to put an entrance right here yep that's going to look perfect we're just going to make it three wide break all this poop I think we're going to have some desk here and then over here is going to be the jail cells and we're going to make the floor right about here I think we're going to be able to fit like 10 jail cells here maybe more all right here we go time to add the gel cells all right so here we go I'm just going to put the iron bars right here there's pretty much one gel cell done ooh there's chain doors do I use these this might look really really good all right we're going to use this door and put it this way M that kind of looks like poop all right you know what there's going to be no doors once you're in here you're in here forever all right now let's just separate these real quick there we go now how do we make a really good jail cell obviously we need a toilet then we need AED bed then what um that's really all we need in here damn if you're a prisoner your life sucks all right I think I'm going to replace some of the flooring with this cracked brick this is going to make it look way way older all right let's steal these things and put it in all the other jail cells yes my jail is coming together all right I also need a staircase I forgot about that okay we're going to edit over here in this corner there we go and then I think over here we're going to put a mega gel cell there we go we just added a bunk bed and then we're going to add a toilet add some crack bricks on the floor and there we go now let's just cover it up check this out the jail cells are coming together now let's work on the second floor we're going to pretty much do something very very similar oh yeah I'm definitely going to be winning this build battle all right there we go all jail cells completed now it's time to work on the main entrance we're going to make this look really really good check this out this is actually looking really professional okay they need like a computer of some sort Yep this one will work work perfectly and then also we need some chairs chair chair chair chair maybe this chair will look good okay I'm going to put up some item frames so I could put some weapons up here like that which is our handcuffed like maybe some handcuffs a Minigun a shotgun you know just some things that would be in a Popo's office all right now what I'm going to do next is add some seating areas all right just going to cover up these a little bit for the windows make them look nicer then I'm going to add some seats in the corners there we go just do something like this and then also we're going to add some dark gray carpet all right now what I'm going to do is start working on the garage I don't really know what I'm going to add in here but we're about to find out I'm just going to add some shelves maybe some tools I don't think I have time to build a car unfortunately but I'm just going to add some tools and some other stuff all right now it's time to start doing the final touches on the outside of my police station like the helicopter this is going to be very difficult but I think I know how to build it wo this helicopter is starting to take some shape all right all I need to do is just add these big wings on top this the thing that actually makes the helicopter move all right there we go just going to add a little bit more nice that's looking really good we just got to figure out the back the back is not looking really good I think I'm just going to do something like this there we go that looks like a sick helicopter all right now I just want to quickly add a quick car right here it's going to be really good there we go we're just going to do something like this this is going to be the front of the car ooh now I got to add the lights okay so we need red and then we need blue we do not have much time left I need to finish this car right now uh uh uh I'm freaking out okay I think this is the best I'm going to get this car to look in the time I have it's good enough all right all right now it's time to decorate this place up a little bit more may I'll put a flower here boom that looks sciency but I think I need actually potions to put in the Brewing stands and they'll actually look really good so let's get some Potions all right let's just grab bunch of different stuff just like that let's put two in each boom boom let's go over here boom boom this place is coming out really really nice so what I ended up doing is I had the cameras I put a new pathway in and I kind of decorated this little infotainment system area up a little bit I think it looks pretty good but I feel like I need to make prison sales you know a little scarier so maybe we get some Vines maybe we put some Vines around take a look you know scarier so I do it there and I feel like I kind of need to separate this up a little bit more H maybe I put more of these something like that that looks good maybe I put them right here as well in the corner oh ooh going to have an issue right there maybe I don't maybe I don't maybe I leave it open and I kind of need something to you know I need to put a door here what am I doing so maybe we go like that we do something like nope not like that just like that that'll work what happened to that door okay that looks good that looks good we just clear it up like that I still need to put a pee go down like that and we do p p for popo that looks really bad I wonder if I can use banners but I don't think I'll be able to manage to use banners so we'll see maybe I got to move it over what happens when I move it over one it'll probably look a lot better like that bang that looks amazing that looks so much better we'll put put some leaves in the front too dress it up make it look that much better coming out goodbe I'll do the corners too then maybe we do something like that I think this place is coming out good I think I'm going to win now a trick I like to use to make pants look a lot nicer is actually let me extend this a little bit fill this in make it look more natural I like to use coarse dirt and gravel I think it makes it look like a really good natural like pathway then I like adding a little grass just like that woo look how good that looks put some toall grass here in these Corners to block that up add a little bit more grass and some of there more big Rass make it look like bushes oh my gosh how am I not going to win how am I not winning this looks like a good police station to me come in waa what's going on in here this looks serious I still feel like I need to decorate this place a little bit more so we put that there I guess I did we're going to break up the floor to make it look like it's aged a little bit like this is an older police station they know what they're doing here start breaking this up okay I think that looks good now we needed some Redstone to emulate blood some of this around I think I can hit this ooh and it makes it smaller like little droplets of blood then I think there's skeletons in the game I think there's some like skellies yes we got a plush uh that looks good and that looks good so maybe we just put a head there put plush guy there like they've been here a little bit nice looks disgusting lock that up on to the next I'm just going to do the same thing for the next three and I'll come back when I'm done Boop and I'm done I did it they look amazing they look amazing but I still feel like I need to add some stuff what if I added like a table here with desks and I put like police uniforms on there that's such a good idea uh okay let's get some desks desk what type of desk do I use I need to be like more of like a workbench let's see let's see maybe we go for wood maybe we go for some type of wood let's go for a stripped Spruce bench like this and we go like that oh I'm liking it I'm liking the way it looks now we need some armor stands got the armor stands we do 3 three 3 three and maybe we put I don't know a crafting bench on the corner just to put something in to fill it up make it look yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I like that a lot we need some armor what kind of armor would police people wear H maybe blue maybe we maybe we try to make uniform right now we have that now we need a helmet what type of helmet would they want Frost helmet would that be cool okay so what I recently added to my police station it it's kind of a lot so when you first come in I have this little gun area cuz obviously police officers need guns you know God forbid they need to save the day then I have all of these amazing little things right and now I have all of these amazing uh now I have all these amazing police suits this is what we're going to be wearing to you know go get some robbers then I have these little tool stations cuz you know we need to make the guns we need to get some ammo and this little booket area for all of our little files for all these CR that's kind of it I think I'm done I think I finished my police station this this place came out really really good so I think I'm just going to fill it in and I might add another cell over here ooh maybe I make it like a super secure one in case there's a super bad guy grab these bars just put them down grab the bed and the Potty boom and boom it's looking a little plain so I think I might just add some tables and chairs put some over here what can I do doing this empty space H maybe I just put some carpet down it has to be checkered just so it's cute maybe I can add some couches too now I need to work on the downstairs cuz there's barely anything down here I think I just need to add a waiting area we one right here and right here time to add some carpet and do the exact same thing over here I feel like I could add some more table and I think I'm done ooh my deal looks so good Johnny times's up everybody stop your building okay okay no more building no more building whose police station are we looking at first um daddy how about we see yours first I want to see what you've been doing all right everybody come over to me all right everyone go to my daddy's whoa what the heck is that Daddy P for police station or daddy pee for PE pee sure what whatever you want to say but everybody follow me look better wait you're going to make it look better what are you doing what are you do she actually made it look better daddy she added staircases it looks horrible all right follow me it looks like the gold no took the day off out here okay relax Gooby I was trying to make it look good so welcome to my police station behind you there's a wall of guns cuz obviously you need guns to you know take care of the crooks wa the little hangout section all right which is kind of cool for all your police friends we got some lockers we got police uniforms we got some uh this is like the science area to find evidence on Crooks and robbers get your fingerprints exactly then I have prison cells that are you know there's dead people in there don't go in there they've been there for a long time daddy um and then this is the little area the secure area okay we got some computers to look at all the security cameras with all the robbers in the cells all the bad guys and that's kind of it this is a pretty good police station I thought you were going to make something way worse you thought I was going to make something worse yeah well no I I was not going to make anything worse this this is amazing this is really good well guys what rating would you give my daddy's police station I'm going to give it a seven yes well let me take one more look around right here got this oh yep we got that oh yes okay those are pretty cool my one thing is what about this guns like here don't you dare use it oh God Gooby don't use it please don't Daddy he needs to test it out oh God stop Gooby oh no oh my gosh oh my gosh why you blowing everything up okay I'll put it back right here oops oh my goodness okay go just give you Daddy a n out of 10 than goodness all right well Daddy I'm going to give you a seven out of 10 it's pretty good let's move on to the next police station how about we move on to Daisy's right here let's do it mine's not good on the inside oh gosh police wa it looks so good on the outside impressive how' you even get it to say police like this it took me so long wow it's good at least I know it's a police station wow let me see the inside uh it's a little boring yeah I ran out of time looks like a look like a gym or something looks like the inside of a bank looks like the inside of a T-Mobile you some Jael cells all right Daddy get in you got to test it out let me try let me see if I'm I'm really going to lose my my mind in here let me sit down in the bed the bed's pretty comfy M you like Daddy Let Me pretend to be a police officer I got to pretend to you did a crime you so many crime you're going to go away for a long time wow thanks gooy that was really scary and now let me out no dad I think we're going to keep you in there just to see how bad it really is I'll shoot this hey Daddy Put the gun down okay okay okay thank you all right well guys what rating do you give Daisy's base I don't think it's better than mine I think I'll give it a five a good five that's not too bad yeah I'll give it five I'm giving this a two Daddy this is poop a two really yep you're getting a two what you're getting it's not your best it's not your best I think I'll give you a six okay that's actually a pretty good score then but how about we go over and see goobies and here's the shortcut the window shortcut there we go oh Escape stand wow JY that was a good shortcut it wasn't a real shortcut Gooby he broke the window really Gooby what the heck is this it's my super police station oh my goodness this is the ugliest thing I've ever seen in my life I just want I just want everyone to know that this is actually terrible Gooby o you have dogs though oh that's so smart doggies some police dogs right here why are you feeding the dogs hot dogs that's what they like I guess so since it is a dog in the name okay so you go in here the security cameras so they can see who's going in W he got a bunch some paperwork this is the security desk where they're going to see all the criminals and make sure they wait is that a chica cupcake yep oh my goodness this is actually really cool then watch out guys there's a pison on the loot on the loose he's right here Daddy's looking at us he's so scary don't look at him for too long cuz he teach you how to commit crime teach me your ways no don't know Mar you're going to become a criminal man I'm feeling pretty evil right now oh God the SCP P let him out now stop it all right I feel good I'm good I'm happy now I think I did my job wao that was pretty close I think Marty needs to go to jail what yeah Daddy you got to get in the cell with them yep I think you got to go in there no I don't go look at let's go look let's go see what he did God oh God oh God everyone out everyone out everyone out he's dead I took I got him well guys what do we want to rate goobie's base three yep Dy that's being generous I'm giving him a negative five what why would you do that it's trash that's why what do you mean it's got doggies it's got a criminal then naggot Daisy what are you going to give it the criminal escaped so I'm giving it a two no no no pretty low score Gooby I think you're in last place no that's not fair all right well you guys want to see the best police base in the world yeah all right come over here definitely not mine's definitely the best check it out boom police base we even have a helicopter he's got a car I got a helicopter I got a car it's pretty cool right W I want to go on the inside all right well go through the front right here Daddy all right so you walk through there's like a little desk where people are going to be sitting here got the garage yeah we got a garage with a bunch of weapons and then over here are the jail cells there's a bunch of different jail cells you have a second floor mhm got a second floor daddy wa this is definitely the best base this is definitely the best base out let's go I didn't even my and over here look there's a bunch of weapons and guns and scary stuff nice I want that mean that I won the build battle since you guys give me 10 out of 10 EAS you're the winner easily let's go and I guess Gooby you're the loser so you're getting a wedgie what did you to say um um uh Put the gun down why do you have that in your hand I'm getting a wedgie too buddy hey hey you shot my glass wa calm down I'm going to break this police station cuz I'm a criminal now oh my goodness okay guys okay go you're not getting a wedgie you're not getting a wedgie I'm not getting a wedgie guys we need a run Gooby went crazy get out of here well if you guys enjoyed watching this video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now bye
Channel: Here's Johnny
Views: 302,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i built a secret room, minecraft, family friendly, cash, no cursing, no cussing, no bad words, nico, cash and nico, minecraft mod, kid friendly, cash minecraft, minecraft mods, minecraft funny, maizen, aphmau, skit, Minecraft, here's johnny, heres johnny, johnny, minecraft johnny, johnny minecraft, johnny and marty, minecraft challenge, ben azelart, NOOB vs PRO: POLICE STATION Build Challenge in Minecraft!, noob vs pro, noob vs pro vs hacker vs god, hacker, noob
Id: n0pneXENonY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 16sec (2056 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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