Noob To Pro Only Using Guns In Blox Fruits...

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did you guys know there are three main types of PVP in Blox fruits the first type is fruit PVP you typically see people using Kitsune leopard and stuff like that just focusing on fruit combat the second most popular fighting tactic is using swords such as the kurul katanas or even the shark anchor but the third and final tactic is probably the most underappreciated tactic of all and the most impressive it takes the most skill in my opinion and if you don't know what that is it is the gun combat people that use stuff like the acidum rifle the soul car and stuff like that and let's both be honest we always see fruit users or sword users we never see gun users in the wild and that simply goes back to what I said about skill imagine trying to shoot a Target that's constantly moving around with this little tiny dot on your screen so I decided I'm going to accept the challenge of becoming a gun M but in order to do that we got to change up our stats as of recently I've become a sword M but now it is time to change that up as a gun main our stats should look a little something like Melee defense and gun so with the proper stats a shot from our gun should deal a lot of damage look at how much that is ticking for 3.5k damage and if we're good enough to just constantly hit somebody we could poke them down very low wish me luck boys cuz we're about to hop in a public server and just hope I don't embarrass myself here we are there are two max level players one of them is a Buddha player and I don't know where the others is there's a guy right in front of me let's go ahead and try killing him real quick do any of them even have their PVP on oh this guy absolutely does have his PVP on this is perfect cuz now we have a chance to destroy it oh this Buddha user might be teaming with him I'm not 100% sure but let's find out let's go ahead and try killing this guy real quick oh he is using the rumble balls everywhere he's trying to run for it he's trying to run back inside of the Mansion there we go he's about one shot away from dying and we got him before he could teleport away perfect what about his buddy his buddy's after me now let's just go ahead and do this real quick he's trying to make a run for it as well but is he just sitting at the tables bro you know you still got your PVP on right I'm just going to shoot him with my gun until he dies okay that is pretty funny I went over to sea castle and I noticed somebody down there trying to get on a boat and drive away let's go see if we can hunt them down before they can get away he's right under me there we go we stun him can we combo him and oh my gosh we absolutely can that was kind of messed up because he was just buying a boat and I instantly deleted him with the gun I'm not going to lie this thing does a lot of damage the combo is pretty simple all you have to do is just hit him with like a z or an X Auto them and then use the other ability next but honestly this is not cutting it where are all the sweats I need somebody to fight back and oh do this guy hear me or something cuz it looks like he's ready to fight or something or maybe not I'm not sure what he's doing but doesn't look like he's trying to fight me let me just go ahead and try comboing him back go ahead and do that oh I missed he's trying to run away all right there we go we got him using God human I guess so I decided boys I don't see people using the soul guitar for PVP gun main why don't I try it out do people not use it for a reason I don't know let's find out let's go ahead and deal some damage to somebody here do they even have their PVP on I don't know oh yes they absolutely do have their PVP on they're also using the shark race here let's just go ahead and do that oh we got somebody else stuck in the combo let's just go ahead and do this real quick oh never mind they hit us back there we go we got this guy kind of low hit him with the combo real quick he's pretty low now we got somebody else trying to get involved here let me just go ahead and combo Broski oh my gosh he awakened himself too okay I'm going to awaken he's using human race so the lower he gets the more damage he's going to deal this is kind of scary but I'm not going to let it slide brosi is going to get comboed even if he likes it or not I don't care there we go we got him stuck in a Perfect combo go ahead and hit him with that there we go that did a lot of damage actually there's a Max Level player over here let's go see what's up with him does he have his PVP on and he absolutely does but oh my gosh he just dodged everything it's a Buddha user okay that is interesting go ahead and just do that real quick throw him there combo him with God human just a little bit the soul guitar barely does any damage cuz of the Buddha defense oh my gosh but we can still just repeatedly combo him non-stop I'm going to have to do like 10 combos in order to like kill him let's just go ahead and do that real quick go ahead and combo him one more time throw him back into it but the soul guitar honestly doesn't deal enough damage to be used I can see why a lot of gun Mains don't typically use it let's go ahead and God human real quick go ahead and shark anchor throw him back into the floor he untransformed let's go ahead and do that hit him with the soul guitar and wait he canceled my ex ability he awakened he's got ghoul uh-oh he's just going to life steal the heck out of me I have to finish him off now if he's Awakening this is not good let's just go ahead and combo him here how is he not dead yet I am so shocked on how he's not dead let me just punch him there we go the god human finished him off so I decided to switch to the serpent bow because the soul guitar isn't that great to use as a main weapon and there are people going crazy over there so I think it's our time to shine oh this guy's pretty low don't mind if I just snag that kill real quick and oh my gosh this guy's got V4 active he's got Angel V4 n we got to chill out for a second I just stole his kill and he is so mad right now oh yep yep there it is can I go ahead and jump out of here oh my gosh that is scary boys we could go ahead and awaken here perfect I did not mean to walk in here hello all right go ahead and do that we're out of there we got to go ahead and try catching this guy off guard the problem is we can't really combo him that easily and oh my gosh the de user came to combo me bro this is not good I'm getting teamed up the butt right now oh he is so low and the angel user took the kill because all he had to do was stand next to to him but hey we snagged a kill using the serpent bow not bad and there is a guy hunting me down as we speak we went ahead and shot him with that shot him with that and oh my gosh he is trying to move so hard go ahead and combo him real quick and the angel user came back again bro get off me his Angel race just messes up my whole combo 90% of the time go ahead and do that and he just stole my kill bro he's a professional kill stealer come on bro chase me down we're going to wait till your angel race goes away because that's like his crutch right there brosi cannot catch me look at that he tried his best but better luck next time buddy a for effort all right there we go we dealt 2,000 damage there he's getting stuck in my combos uh-oh not good let's go ahead and do that real quick go ahead and hit him again he can't catch me which is so funny go ahead and do that yep yep all I have to do is just click on him he is stuck in my combos he is so mad right now I could tell he can't grab me he is so mad there we go we hit him with that go ahead and combo him real quick there we go bye-bye broki goodbye oh he survived nah there is no way he survived that let me just go ahead and uh use the uh rabbit race there we go goodbye broki there we go 16, th000 Bounty oh my gosh that was the longest fight I've ever been in bro and look at him he's talking smack he's saying fake Bounty he's so mad I got this bro mad cuz bad I don't know about you guys that was probably the most intense fight I've ever been in especially by using a serpent bow hey we have a fan that appeared out of nowhere yo W and there's another guy that's freaking out right next to him I don't know how you gun Mains do it it is so intense but hey The Show Must Go On Let's go ahead and switch to another gun we're probably going to use something like hm what if we use something like the bizaar rifle the Z ability basically has like an Aimbot built into it it looks like somebody summoned rip inra while I took out my bizarre rifle so now it looks like I'm going to get some kills here hopefully I don't know who has their PVP on and who doesn't so I'm just going to go ahead and shoot it in there and just hope it deals damage to somebody that has their PVP on it says my thing is in combat that means somebody's got their PVP on and oh it looks like it's this guy right in front of me I don't even know who I'm fighting right now oh it's this guy right over here he's fighting me back perfect this is what I want let me just go ahead and shoot him there go ahead and try using God human oh he stunned me this is not good uh-oh go ahead and use our Aimbot there we go how did that even hit me what what in that he missed that doesn't matter though I got 11.4 th000 Bounty cuz I slaughtered him and now let's see if anybody else comes outside a safe Zone oh this guy's got his PVP on perfect he's trying to make a run for it we got a runner all right another 10,000 Bounty kind of love when people host events it's like free kills he's yelling hashtags at me I don't think he was too happy I kind of like the bizarre rifle I'm not going to lie what does this guy's thing say nah skill issue that's crazy bro there's three people fighting over there this guy's trying to run into safe Zone but I'm inside a safe Zone oh this guy's just clapping him with the rang Goku sword oh oh let's see this come on give me a show fight him he's like 1 HP kill him before I steal your kill bro this is funny all right let's go fight somebody for real this guy got his PVP on oh his observation actually dodged that that was pretty impressive let's just go ahead and hit him there go ahead and hit him there he's over there in the sky let me just go ahead and hit him there oh my gosh the dark fruit's clapping me go ahead and shoot my little Aimbot at him there we go dealt some damage there but he is making a run for it hey brosi you don't mind if I just go ahead and uh do this real quick do you oh his observation saved him that was impressive and it saved him again wow observation could actually save you from a lot but doesn't matter oh he's Awakening now we're going to have to be careful because he's also using human so the lower HP he has the more damage he's going to deal so it can be pretty scary he's trying to make a run for it oh he ported oh my gosh he teleported super far away brosi is going to probably one-hot me if I'm not smart here where did he go did he make a run for it he's all the way over there I'm going to catch up to him you can't run away I got the rabbit race brosi you're not getting away from me there we go I hit him midair go ahead and try shooting him there we go he is one shot goodbye 14.4 th000 Bounty oh my gosh I love this rabbit race I move so fast I could catch a guy running a mile away wait what did he say in the chat after I killed him he said portal Mains are mad fake Broski I am not a portal man I am a gun man I don't have any points in the Blox fruits people are so toxic today I don't know why everybody's toxic I really wonder is the kabuchi any good if you're a gun man I know people use it just like the soul guitar with other combos but you using that as a main priority of damage I don't know let's try using it on an NPC and see how much damage it deals it has a very fast attack speed but the damage is pretty low what about the Z ability that's pretty good but what about that one that one deals a good amount of damage but it is very difficult to hit I don't know boys should we try it out I think we have to it's only our duty as a gun main right speaking of which I see a Max Level player all the way over there let's go hunt him down I really hope he has his PVP on otherwise this is all going to be for nothing it looks like he does have his PVP on I can't tell yes he does perfect let's just go ahead and just try comboing him oh he's got the rang Goku sword okay I don't typically see people use the rang Goku sword that's a really good sword is he just going to give me the kill I kind of feel bad he's just walking up to me okay 11.2 3,000 Bounty I guess I feel mean I'm just bullying poor people I don't like when they don't fight back I want a challenge but you know what boys I think we should end it here using all these guns hurt my brain so I have to stop here I got to do a lot more practice to get better but if you guys enjoyed this video and you want to see more like it you know what to do smash that like and sub subscribe button and I'll catch you in the next one peace
Channel: Numberskull
Views: 80,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bloxfruits, Roblox, Gaming, DevilFruits, PvP, Update, Codes, BossBattles, Farming, LevelingUp, Trending, Viral, Challenge, Speedrun, Record, Adventure, Treasure, Marine, Pirate, Strategy, TipsAndTricks, RareItems, Exploration, Community, Multiplayer, Numberskull, Roblox Blox Fruit, Blox Fruits, Update 20, Gameplay, FunnyMoments, BestMoments, Montage, Event, NewUpdate, Tutorial, kitsune, kitsune fruit, blox fruit kitsune, kitsune bloxfruit, blox fruits kitsune
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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