noob Girl RAIDS Underwater Minecraft Temple! (scary)

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guys you would not believe what Alex and I had to do to get this ocean Explorer map we went through some crazy hard raids some even more ridiculous trades and then finally we get to the monument and then you won't believe what Alex did at the end of the video just watch alright so we're back with Alex up to no good again completely flooded the house and I don't even know why but hey there's a perfect opportunity to show Alex a little something something about these oceans we're gonna need to find an ocean monument in gain because at the center of ocean god this is Oh God Alex what are you doing I can sit don't drag out of the water ridiculous we need to get ourselves an ocean monument map so that we can find an ocean monument we'll need to trade villagers to do that in order to do that we'll need emeralds and in order to get enough emeralds we're probably going to start another rate the raid Alex I told you to not keep changing to keep inventory I told her how to change the game rule that do keep inventory and she's abusing it alright in order to get a good deal on the map we're gonna need to do a raid so geez don't you know how to go down hills properly we've got a bunch of stuff ready for the raid we've got water breathing potions for the ocean monument later than potions of healing Oh actually I forgot we're gonna need to get some milk for hey hey leave him alone I didn't mean milk right now but more importantly we also found a heart of the sea and we've got some Nautilus shells so we're able to make a conduit so we can start breathing underwater but first we got take on these pillagers yeah yes Alex flies pillage close enough huh jeez all right there it is Alex we're almost there that is please just pay more test your surroundings won't you oh look hey the villager commander we left before already alive all right Alex come with me we're gonna kill this guy instantly get a raid going yeah bad omen you gonna have to watch out girl things are about to get real dicey are you are you still in the water Alex what are you oh gosh are you really can you look this is not what we need Alex I need your help with the village get out of there are you serious did you just hey no I'm gonna take care of the Drowned for you just oh boy all right Alex be on look at the moment we enter the village the raid is ina easy no don't look out for me the rate is gonna begin any second now although I'm not sure where all the villagers are in this village there it is okay raid is live but this is bad where all the villagers we're gonna need to trade with them if we want anything oh here they are Oh perfect I thought we didn't run into oh whoa hey that was awesome okay where are these villagers oh no they're abusing my friend I need these guys for a map later so if you don't mind did I all right there's only two mobs remaining in this wave I got one of them Alex do you see the other pillager somewhere all right now I'm not a pillager oh where is he I hear him somewhere where do you hear him where is he hey there you are are you good hide huh haha oh gosh I'll tell you what everybody will catch you in a sec Alex no no you're gonna make the pillagers angry that's that's faster oh hello there you x-men hey we got an emerald finally oh my gosh Alex get in there whoa how'd that happen hanging out inside don't punch use your sword oh gosh not getting all ambushed ever I that's me look a cartographer oh that's a library well wet it I'm sure there's a cartographer assembly Alex help me the giant pillager or whatever is it called ravager we got a team up on him you're attacking the wrong direction okay that's good Wow look at that Wow why don't you so good I guess oh my gosh you're getting so that is a fishing rod Alex come on what are you doing right now we need you to focus a little bit seriously we got some bad problems there's witches everywhere right now oh my gosh I'm poisoned oh please stay alive Alex I don't way to die again I'm tired of you popping everywhere perfect oh it's a creeper I know no Alex no that was so close hey I almost killed you Oh oh here we go the real guys now and they run no less you think you're so strong I'll take that totem thank you actually I don't think we've got one oh wow you got a rapid over there you should consider being careful Alex try and get the Ravagers stuck on a tree or something that would probably be the best thing for you to do or you know we could just spam on it and dilly dies kidding yeah all righty hear over the village and they're all thrilled to be a part you guys are welcome so mr. cartographer we're here for your lovely ocean map so we're gonna need some trades please emeralds yeah we just gonna load up on these maps right now don't mind if I do and look at that we see it right there the ocean Explorer map but we're gonna have to come back once we get more emeralds because I don't have enough to unlock your other tree that will Oh way Alex you just had a whole bunch of beautiful to item Frasier that's it all right well maybe we can find some more emeralds somewhere in the village there's chests I don't remember if we already looted this place or not but you know there's a good chance that we can find something of value around here somewhere there's a lot of villagers pepper what does that mean pepper huh okay what are you saying Peppa what is that what are you talking about what yeah what are you doing what is Peppa what is Peppa bro please paper become a paper oh yeah that looks like I was right okay do you have paper I don't have any paper we need paper for those trades do you have any hey nice one okay do you want to give me all of the paper you have three okay I you have you have a reasonable but oh gosh where'd you get all this from what have you been doing when I'm not on the server can you just give it to me like a normal human can you just oh my gosh how much how much paper do you have four stacks okay I'm not gonna ask questions I am just gonna unlock this next tray thank you very much well I mean hopefully oh there we go the maps are levels up really nice it's gonna take a little bit to unlock this next trade we need some glass - okay well we need more emeralds and we've run out of the first trades which means we also need glass panes which means we need to go get some sand all right so we're gonna collect some sand so we can turn it into glass panes and have a good old oh my gosh Alex are you okay you really gotta watch out sand it has anti-gravity or I guess it has gravity proper Alexander's get Alex get stop why are you doing this I'm gonna break look nice go go oh yeah babe that all right we got what we needed glass panes galore now if you could just oh yeah oh this is it okay hold on one more give me one more are we out wait oh no oh look the wait this this refreshed dude I think we got it yeah we unlocked it we can get ourselves an ocean Explorer map but we need a compass Alex do you have any whoa what did you do Alex hit me iron gosh rad stone huh well I'm gonna assume that's redstone and I just found enough iron for this compass all right come on down I'm cooking up the iron we're gonna trade it to our cartographer a friend we can hit these oceans Alex come okay what's redstone do you have oh this again and there we go a nice compass all right mr. cartographer hate to interrupt your job here but I am after a oh hey nice oh wow look we have just enough emerald thanks Alex hello Mattamy weren't you Oh should explore a map beautiful let's head on out Alex we have a long journey home so what are you doing oh no oh no Alex your stuffs gonna pick on the cactus wait the cactus isn't breaking it that's weird all right I see it it's I'm what are you are you fishing well I don't think that's gonna work Alex but you know hey you can keep trying look at that the ocean monuments right there okay Alex did you grab your milk we need it for the Guardians look at the little dolphins you guys are adorable I'll have to worry about you later yeah okay well at least you got that huh now we need to be very careful get your water breathing potions ready Alex get your instant health potions ready and get at least one of your milk buckets in hand no that's why don't you fine I'll tell you what we're gonna see what happens to you there are a whole mess of baddies that are hanging out right outside the front here look there's the Guardian you can see him I'm gonna do my best to just mine away get in line and uh but to tell you what yes all right now we're gonna get away as fast as possible so that I don't get hit with mining fatigue oh look you see this ice spikes over there no Alex what are you doing you're supposed to get the bow with me oh gosh all right everybody we're ready Alex drink your water breathing potion I also happen to give her no L don't drink that did you just drink your health here grab that gosh anyways I gave Alex the totem of undying so she should be safe she's holding it right now outs drink your water breathing potion it's the blue one by the way No Oh Alex are you no please Alex please drink the water breathing push it out drinking water breathing bush drink that water breathing potion I don't want you thank you and say wait from them all right we're in the temple stay away from the drowns yet great oh she's smart Oh get it no one baby came out of nowhere all right Alex followed me through here we do not have that much time before another one of those Guardians is gonna strike we need to find the hallways in this thing and I'm so so surprised you're still alive okay look this looks perfect I think we're in the hallway all right Alex this way you're about to see the scariest thing you've ever seen hold on before we go any further Alex are you ready oh well I think she's sways please okay sure nice all right so get your shield ready oh wait you'll have your shield on all right I'm gonna tip with the shields don't even help alright just attack this thing Alex attack and every single time you attack it by the way oh gosh you will have damage dealt oh okay well that was anticlimactic all right so check this out look what I got wet sponge you're gonna use this to clean the house well well let me know if this up the water but come with me we have two more of those to kill and there's a special treasure hidden somewhere let you have it if you help me if I'm not mistaken this could lead us all the way to the other hallway yo look at Alek she's keen she wants to battle seriously what are you doing what's it's a problem oh my gosh that is a lot of Guardians I understand okay that's okay we got weaponry for this I got a crossbow that somehow magically works so watch out for the beams and oh really oh my gosh how many of these are there yo the other elder Guardian knew that we were coming it's got some backup here Alex try and attack them when they don't have their spikes out when they don't have their spikes out that's when they won't deal any damage to you when you attack them hey that one that bad we did good well I could good well you did okay I don't take leave yeah look here's a chance I want you to go tick come over here I way to go take on that guardian over there okay attack get it going you got some decent gear on you too huh yes this is good you're that The Guardian doesn't even wanna play with you probably trying to attack me now this is your fight come on the Guardians right there it's the fish kill the fish kill I'm gonna assume you're gonna kill I'm gonna take out the elder pine it sounds like you got this handled okay there yeah all right baby oh gosh hit me again with it how would you okay so we need to get one more elder guardian after this guy is all sorted be careful I'm not the fish all right now it's we got to get out of here we have mining fatigue drink your milk and then once you drink your milk I want you to drink your water breathing potion right after because the milk will get rid of your water breathing a thin now we just escaped ooh nice and the final guardians at the topic ilex drink your water breathing potion drink your water breathing potion Alex drink it come on Alex the potion do you have more right Alex what are you doing oh I'm gonna tell you the drought please don't pop oh oh oh oh top your totem get up Alex please Alex what do I need to do alright so down here is the final guardian let's just take him out get home already I'm kind of panicking about this Alex please please don't die Alex oh gosh why alright we're back at the house and alex is doing some spring cleaning I guess Alex here these are the sponge I want you to come check out how these work come get the sponge alright so all you need to do is go find where you place the source water blocks come up here with me pal no its source water glasses fine where you first put the water it looks like it's coming from right there and put a sponge right by it right by right that's good now clean up the rest of the house and don't fall down the Wow hey kind of know what you're doing between all the sponges some dirt here and there we should have enough to have cleared out this entire okay not bad huh Alex all of the day what just happened
Channel: Minecraft PE Logdotzip
Views: 321,955
Rating: 4.831502 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft pe, alex, herobrine, alex the noob, noob, minecraft noob, minecraft survival, survival minecraft, survival series, noob vs pro minecraft, noob vs pro, girl, random, girl gamer, girl minecraft, roleplay, minecraft roleplay, minecraft 1.14, logdotzip, logdotzip minecraft, logdotzip pe,, alexbrine, diamond, in minecraft, funny minecraft, minecraft diamonds, ocean, minecraft raid, ocean monument, monument, sponge, scary, underwater, temple, minecraft temple, raids
Id: qXhcipluTKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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