Non-Alcoholic Bitters! Aromatic or Orange?

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Hi, Friends of Cocktails, and welcome to 2023. A New Year is always a chance to try and to learn new things. And Dry January has been a growing trend for the last couple of years. And so has the popularity of non-alcoholic spirits and cocktails. But they can be hard to find and quite expensive. So I thought it would be fun to have a look at how you can make homemade ingredients to create the best mocktails for anyone that wants to -, or has to avoid alcohol. We’ll make zero-proof spirits, liqueurs, amari, and of course, cocktails. But today we’re starting with alcohol-free bitters. Aromatic and orange are the obvious choice, right? We’ll try different methods to make them both. This journey will be a learning experience for me as well, since I’m not as proficient in the zero-proof world as I’d like to be. But I’ve got a great resource right here. I’ll show you more in a second. If you’d like to see and learn about a different approach to zero-proof cocktails make sure you hit the like button and subscribe. Then let’s start the journey together. It’s… Mocktail time? Whatever the reason might be for you, or somebody in your life to opt for non-alcoholic drinks, there’s still a rich world of mixology to explore. And there’s no better way to dive in than with this book, "Zero: A New Approach to Non-Alcoholic Drinks". Written by the culinary team of Chicago’s Alinea, a three-Michelin-star restaurant, the book offers countless insights into beverage design, with a unique perspective on creating non-alcoholic substitutes for your cocktails. Just like the other famous book from the same authors, the Aviary Cocktail Book, it’s not the easiest book to find, and it’s certainly not the cheapest cocktail book either, but if you enjoy exploring new flavors, creating ingredients yourself and are looking into the world of zero-proof mixology, this is your Bible. You’ll get over 250 pages and nearly 100 unique recipes. Or let me know in the comments that you’d love to see me explore these recipes and we’ll do that together. So how do we make non-alcoholic bitters, if alcohol is what extracts the most potent botanical flavors from fruits, nuts, vegetables and roots? As anyone who enjoys tea knows: hot water can do a pretty good job also. But there’s something better - glycerine. Also known as glycerol, it’s a clear, colorless, and odorless liquid with a sweet taste and a consistency of thick syrup. It has a ton of uses in the food- and other industries. We’ll use it because it’s a great solvent for extractions without the use of alcohol. I’ll leave a link where you can find it, but also tell you about what you can use as a substitute. We’ve done homemade bitters before on this channel, we know how crucial they are to making a great cocktail, and we’ve seen they can be made in a variety of ways. Today we’ll make aromatic and orange bitters, which are usually the first kinds of bitters when you’re stocking up your bar. I think it makes sense to take the same approach for a zero-proof version. As mentioned we’ll make the bitters two different ways - Aromatic in a sous vide, which is my preferred method, followed by orange bitters in a saucepan. The book gives both options for orange bitters, but just the saucepan option for the aromatic bitters. I’ve tested multiple batches and techniques, and found that I prefer the sous vide method for Aromatic bitters as well. I’ve also taken the liberty to change the recipe slightly, to my taste. Here’s what you’ll need. The base will be water and glycerine, but you can add caramelized sugar in place of our solvent. The flavoring agents are cloves, ceylon cinnamon, star anise, dried orange peels, nutmeg, green cardamom, powdered ginger, allspice berries, black pepper, vanilla and tonka bean. If you can’t get tonka bean just double the amount of vanilla. For the bittering agents we’re using cinchona bark and gentian root. And just as a final, visual touch, a few drops of caramel coloring. We used this to make homemade cola as well. If you’re using sugar instead of glycerine and making these in a saucepan you’ll caramelize the sugar first, then toast all the botanicals for 10 seconds before adding the water and simmering for 1 hour. But like mentioned, I got better results Ž with glycerine and a sous vide. Let’s start by crushing some of the botanicals so they’ll release as much flavor compounds as possible. I’m adding 20g of ceylon cinnamon, 5.5g of star anise, 3g nutmeg, 6g green cardamom pods, 4g allspice berries, 1.5g black pepper, and 4g of tonka bean. Grind all that we added, really making sure everything in there gets equal treatment. Cinnamon is guarding some of the smaller ingredients so I'll get that out of the way and ground some more. Once you're happy with that transfer everything into a sous vide bag. Follow with the rest of the ingredients, including 15g of cloves, 7g of dried orange peels, 4g of ground ginger, 1.2g of a vanilla bean, cut open lengthwise. Throw it in the bag, clean up as you go, and add the bittering agents - 10g of cinchona bark, and 10g of gentian root. You’ll find most of the ingredients in a well-stocked supermarket, but you’ll probably have to turn to amazon for some. Lastly, pour in our solvents - 50g of glycerine and 500g of water. And like mentioned you can add 20g of caramelized sugar in place of glycerine. To see how I make caramelized sugar check out the homemade cola episode. Carefully vacuum seal the bag, as always go for the double seal, then place it in the sous vide bath set to 90 °C, or 195°F, for 1 hour. This process will give us flavorful bitters but the lack of alcohol also means a shorter shelf life for the bitters. We’ll talk about this in the future as we try different non-alcoholic ingredients. After 1 hour take the bag out and let it chill to room temperature before opening and straining the contents. You can speed this up by placing it in an ice bath. Use a cloth filter to strain the bitters. Once it's mostly filtered I like to put the filter and everything on it into a potato ricer, to squeeze out all of the flavors from the solids. Then strain again through a coffee filter, to catch the smaller sediments, but the bitters still won’t turn out completely clear. During the R&D phase I tried adding pectinex, 0.2% of total weight of the liquid, and while the result was clearer, it still wasn’t perfect so it’s not worth the extra step. But if you’re using sugar instead of glycerine the pectinex clarification might work better. Like I said, I’m learning too. For the sake of faster shooting of the episode we're not waiting for everything to filter, but I'll just move on with what has filtered by now, and let the rest continue on the side. At this point I’ll add some caramel coloring, to make the bitters closer to what Angostura Aromatic Bitters look like. 7 drops per 100 ml of bitters. This doesn’t add any taste, it’s purely for presentation. Bottle and store in the fridge for up to a week or two, then it will lose the intensity of the flavors. Glycerine is a natural preservative, but we didn’t add enough to work that way. A great hack is to split the bitters in small batches and place them in the freezer. That way they’ll be good for several months. With aromatic bitters done we can move on to orange bitters and the second method of the day, cooking in a saucepan. This will actually be a 4th different way we’ll make bitters on the channel - we’ve of course used sous vide just now, but also for the Allspice bitters; we originally made orange bitter the old fashioned way by leaving a mason jar on the countertop for a few weeks; and we made rapid-infused Winter Spice bitters with the help of nitrous oxide and a cream whipper. And here’s what you’ll need to make non-alcoholic orange bitters in a saucepan. The solvents and the bittering agents are the same - water, glycerine, cinchona bark, and gentian root. If you don’t have glycerine use honey this time. For flavoring agents I’m using coriander, orange peels, cloves, cardamom, star anise, and caraway. If you’ll use a sous vide follow the same procedure as with Aromatic bitters. Here everything will go into the pot and cook for an hour. Again start with the mortar and pestle and crush 4g of star anise, 5g of cardamom pods, before adding to the saucepan. Follow with everything else - 40g of orange peels, 15g of coriander, 2g of cloves, 1.5g of caraway and the bittering agents - thistime only 4g of cinchona bark and 25g of gentian root. The glycerine and water amounts are the same as before - 50g and 500g. In place of glycerine you can use 30g of honey. Bring the mixture to a boil over high heat, stirring to mix everything nicely. Then cover the pot and reduce the heat to maintain a slow simmer for 1 hour. So the same time frame as with the sous vide, but much harder to control the right temperature throughout the process. Once you’re done remove from the heat and leave to cool completely. Then it’s the same process as before - strain, press, and strain again. If you're still in a rush, move the filter and keep going. Again you have the option of trying additional clarification with pectinex, to get clearer looking bitters. As you’ll often hear with these homemade ingredients - store in the fridge and use as soon as possible. Or split up and place in the freezer. So, now we need a zero-proof Bourbon and we can make an Old Fashioned mocktail, right? That’s actually what we’ll do for the next time we’re doing a non-alcoholic episode. If that’s something you look forward to, let me know in the comments. Today we’ll use these bitters to make two easy-to-build drinks - soda & orange bitters in one glass and a tonic & bitters in the other, basically making an aromatic tonic. Just like typical bitters these are too potent to enjoy on their own, so mixing them into a light, subtle 0 proof cocktail is the perfect way to see how well we pulled this off. I’ll mix orange bitters with some club soda and a little honey syrup. It depends on your glass, but I’m going for a little under 7 oz or about 200mL of soda water, with 0.25 oz or 7,5mL of simple syrup and 6 good dashes of our non-alcoholic orange bitters. And a Cocktail Time staple - 2 drops of saline solution, to really enhance the citrus notes in our cocktail. Lift everything with a barspoon to gently mix the ingredients and garnish with a lemon wedge. That way you can add more acidity later, if you want. As for our own aromatic tonic you could make it completely homemade by making your own tonic syrup, but here I have a bottle of Fever Tree tonic. This is exactly 200 ml or 6.8 oz. Then we go straight in with the aromatic bitters - 6 dashes. Fever Tree actually sells an Aromatic Tonic, but there’s something special about adding the rich spices of the bitters yourself, and this time without any alcohol. And like before, 2 drops of 20% saline solution. For this one I’m adding a lime wedge. Beautiful. Dry January, sober October, being on the wagon, pregnancy, religion, health reasons, being underage or just a personal decision - whatever your reason may be for looking into mocktails - here’s to you. Cheers. Soda and bitters is one of my favorite ways to make a simple and refreshing drink by adding a little complexity. Fresh citrus notes of lemon and orange transition nicely into the balanced mix of the bitters and sugar. If you want it with more acidity just squeeze the lemon wedge and give it a little stir. All in all, a subtle sipper, but you still get wonderful botanicals from the bitters. As for the tonic, you get aromatic spices with lime freshness on the nose. Interestingly our homemade zero ABV aromatic bitters give the tonic a subtle cola undertone, pairing it nicely with the bitterness of the tonic. It definitely enriches the experience, and you go further by adding a splash of fresh lime juice from the garnish. Both of these bitters are standing up to the task, even without alcohol to extract and bolster their flavors. Both bitters try to overcome the lack of heat that comes from the alcohol with a sharper bitterness that stays on the aftertaste. For a 0% ABV alternative these work great. I look forward to finding more ways to use them. If you have any ideas please share them below. And I have to say, it’s a different feeling ending an episode without a drop of alcohol. If you’re partaking in Dry January I hope this gives you something fun to try out. Here on Cocktail Time it will be just a dry week, not month. Next week we’ll make a cocktail with another super interesting homemade ingredient. I’ll see you then. Cheers, Friends of Cocktails and Mocktails alike!
Channel: Cocktail Time with Kevin Kos
Views: 29,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make bitters, bitters recipe, angostura bitters, easy bitters recipe, cocktail bitters recipe, diy bitters, make your own bitters, orange bitters, cocktail bitters, best cocktail bitters, fee brothers, how to drink, how to make bitters for cocktails, how to make bitters without alcohol, zero abv, non alcoholic cocktails, diy bitters for cocktails, diy angostura bitters, diy orange bitters, orange bitters cocktails, regans bitters, cocktail time with kevin kos
Id: _cftg-WyA2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2023
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