Nomadic Luxury. A Visit to the Ocean Fills Our Freezer for the Season. Destination Adventure

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[Music] I would like to cordially invite you all to take a gander upon the inside of my box now I know you're thinking Dustin that is a nice little freezer you got there and you're absolutely correct but the thing about this freezer it has never seen a single piece of food that was not bought from a store and where we're going this year the ability to Source affordable or quality food is pretty limited so one of our main goals in rert stock in the [Music] freezer pressure is higher than it's ever been between licenses and gear we're into this office operation for $1,000 we need full limits of everything in this night it's too hard for me to say now if the Rays of Hope will shine again someday stoked to have nice new warm gear but can you believe Prince rert early May sweating in this jacket the Stars got it me to God shows now was the devil s me drif in once more will these clouds ever live and the map will begin some Tales are just too dark to tell phase one is dropping the crab pots first time ever owning two pots which is pretty awesome we can actually with the two licenses we can have four pots but uh I'm not on an unlimited budget here I always had great success in this little Bay in previous years but I seen nobody else's crab in there so think I might try a different [Music] spot jeez when you buy it it's perfectly coiled oh look at this you can do it I think so got get this is got come there oh that's looking [Music] promising that's it that's it okay I want to go deeper believe it or not there's actually a direct correlation between massive bird's nest and full limited d jeez when you're shaking up the pot you shake up the bait crabs can smell it way more ancient Fisherman's trick we're cing okie dokie dropping the other one close to Salt Lakes and after a full morning of screwing around we have still 3 hours of incoming tide wouldn't say I'm proud of us but uh could be more dis disappointed see that nice coil goes out super SM I mean I'm not the kind of guy to lose my patience but this is about enough it's like 10 ft deep here as a matter of fact I can see the bottom what need to fix that depth sounder immediately oh scored some seaweed W round three looking for about 80 ft here have a BF look at that that's the spot I can see the crabs tugging at it already pretty straightforward run today and if you're coming into Prince rert there's only two ways you can do it on a boat the big ships come through there that's like the cargo ships the fairies and the cruise ships it's uh really deep going through there we're going to go through met laat laass there's some very shallow sections so you have to go in a small boat or do your research for uh plotting a course through there it's a beautiful little pass though and that'll bring us right out to the open ocean and then a short shot straight across to Lucy Here We Go Fish Town front and center made it got Lucy island off to the right open ocean off the bow they say you're not supposed to bring a small boat out into the open ocean but what they don't tell you it's all the same ocean just less rocks and stuff to hit if anything it's actually safer that's why the fish come out here but little do they know when Dustin's around there's nothing safe about it so if you're wanting to learn how to catch fish there's a pretty good chance you're watching the wrong Channel also if you want to watch somebody catch a whole bunch of fish there's a pretty good chance you're watching the wrong Channel here's the basic system couldn't tell you what it's called but there's a big chunk of lead on the bottom then a t-shaped thing then some octopus and I guess that just goes right down to the bottom that's the bottom oh yeah we're fishing oh it's heavy [Music] already I guess basically the goal is to catch two halet before either of us get seasick changing locations okay here it is hung up in the bag guaranteed fish right here in this spot it's not deep at all Bottom's right there it's a Bel to happen I can tell caught some weeds I think if you're in the weeds you're definitely not in halet [Music] County spot number three feeling super optimistic I'd give it a solid 8 out of 10 guaranteed success this spot freaking sucks spot number four coming right up oh yeah that's the one they like it right there on the drop off I tell you Emy and I traveled 33 countries together living on a cruise ship not once did she talk about being seasick first day out on the skiff sicker than a dog I think she's faking it I think she's just sick of my jokes I'll tell you what I'm sick of no fraking fish oh what the heck trying to look cool for all the new viewers that don't realize I'm not a very good fisherman there's a a rock what do you think you can make some octopus sushi tonight maybe we can cook up the the chicken from the crab traps JK those pots are going to be full okay spot number five this is the spot right here going down welcome to the hbet hangout see the reason we haven't been catching any hbet yet is because we weren't in this spot this is the hle hole there's the bottom just shy of 1,000 ft right at the junction of hle heights in chicken wing Crescent and just give it the old one two jig what's today Thursday yeah maybe they don't like octopus on Thursdays this is the problem that I have I get all the advice I buy all the gear talk to all the people go go to all the places fish in all the good fishing holes never catch fish the old Google machine tells me it should be an aggressive upwards jig and a controlled freef fall giving it a whirl what do you think this next spot some fresh octopi direct correlation between fresh octopus and Fish on I think we're at spot number seven or eight maybe number nine not entirely sure but this is the spot changing spots maybe I'm not deep enough found a deep spot yes throw up in the ocean because it's called chumming that's how you catch lots of fish got to Chum for them Emmy has come back to the land of the living trying her luck at some fishing and let me tell you it's a good thing she makes good sandwiches because neither of us make a very good fisherman time to call her quits and head back [Music] hit no h ofit I certainly can't complain about the date it is beautiful out here nice and calm the sun came out and my optimism has only been mildly diminished there's going to be two full pots of Dunes coming up so far feels like nothing but rope oh please you want to pull it yeah yeah I think you should Li lighter than before I think it's still on the bottom there's no way oh it's at the top there's a couple crabs in it there three are you yep Oh that's oh so we weren't total losers just okie dokie look at that shiny new oh got you wet huh sorry about that you can already tell this one is heavier okay you're up this is the big momenty oh it's heavy yeah uhoh you're almost halfway H I don't know you tell me take a look over there I don't oh my God is it full Nick no I can't see it come here after this struggle this thing better be stuffed to the fraking brim oh it is too yes okay let me help you this is what a crab tra should freaking look like that's what I'm talking about oh finally a freaking success look at this size of this baby drastically more than large enough finally a bit of success today and some food for the freezer and the name of the game is food for the freezer so we're going to switch the one Crab Pot over to the highly producing spot and uh we'll retrieve them tomorrow we ended up doing doing really good crabbing two full limits our first day two full limits our second day spent many hours shelling them and we're leaving rert with about 15 lbs of beautiful fresh dungeoness meat in the freezer but I'd really like Emmy to experience catching her first real fish and lucky for me I have a little professional help in this town my buddy Hayden owns a charter company so we're heading out bright and early tomorrow see if we can get Emmy into her first ever salmon and her first hbit [Music] when you fish in the Lower Mainland it's quite often you see you know a 100 boats Fish in the mouth of the Fraser and the big traffic jam and it just doesn't really happen up here the fishing can be pretty good down south as well but it just doesn't compare to up north you know it's uh kind of the last the last uh Wild West as far as fishing goes you know and nobody talks about Prince but every goes to uh huay so Prince R's almost a well-kept secret still you know you have to yell fish on how's it feeling heavy you got this so if it pulls really hard you let go of his take l [Applause] there you go coming back here there we go good [Music] job again need no more reeling no more reeling that so steady gentle lift up high nice and high yeah there it is job that's a beauty oh man God that's a beauty you guys are going to be eating for a while wow that's a good siiz salmon you did good BC is a magical place and anybody coming to experience it for the first time it's it's just special to see and that everybody's in all of the mountains the ocean the wildlife how do you go wrong you can't beat the shanuk either the shinuk efficient like we still get monster Shooks here uh on the regular I've been guiding for 7 years now I got into it because I didn't want to be you know 50 60 years old and wish I tried something and once I tried it I fell in love and this is what I want to do for the rest of my my life you've been out here as much as I have put as many hours in and uh had good teachers it just becomes easier and easier once you you know your area and you you know how to read the tides yeah limits aren't aren't impossible in rert at all happens quite often it's um one of the best spots we have on the coast for sure here we go first fish of the season how you feel it's a trophy guarantee it it's going to spool me was like I didn't want this a little [Music] speed okay [Music] this one looking for a [Music] race woo good job nice wish yeah fish on [Music] [Music] Beauty good thing we were here to help you yeah [Music] time management is huge when you're out here you don't want to waste time so um getting dialed in and understanding what tied to Target what species is huge and uh we maximize time the best we can so depending on like you know first light salmon bite that's totally a thing um so you know try to get out there like we did today and get her salmon real quick and then uh move off and use a maybe a slack tide for halit after that would be perfect got another big [Music] one done good job honey lightful well there you have it that's how it's supposed to be done less than an hour of fishing and all of us have a fish in the boat going to head out for some deeper water and hopefully some [Music] halet halit is kind of the bread and butter it's one of the best spots we have uh on the coast for halit today the the weather picked up a little bit more than it was supposed to but it's pretty typical especially early season in May and then late season uh you know late August September sometimes it's a a mixed bag you don't know quite what you're going to get but it's about being able to adapt and make the best out of a situation nice part about rert is no matter what the weather is doing there's usually somewhere where we can go to get out of the weather and the fishing so good that we usually still get on to fish regardless look at these sea legs I'm like a human gimbal here we are right in the middle of the Pacific over there is British Columbia this island you can see right here that's Japan going down for some hies it's so heavy it's very [Music] heavy there you go up there look at him there he isy you to hold it then I'm going to grab good it's hard it's hard [Music] catching back to back salmon like that was a real treat but as far as halit our goal was really just one and lucky for us we got into it pretty quick because Emmy and I ended up fairly green out there nevertheless the freezer is officially stocked and more than anything we just had a great day with some great folks and I could not recommend Northwest BC fishing charters enough so if you guys want to come out and have a great day on the water stalk your freezer I'll have Hayden's information Linked In the description below and now it's time to go do a little bit of [Music] cooking this is the official maiden voyage of the outdoor kitchen and I could not be more excited about it been really looking forward to trying this thing but it's just been too cold but I've boiled a limit of Dunes inside the rig before and it's not very nice helps if you turn it on there she goes just had to purge the system staying at a brand new spot today which is pretty exciting and it's right on the ocean so I don't even have to mix the water can just get it right out fresh and clean it would be crazy to say I didn't love the outdoor kitchen but it does take a while to get to a boil certainly not a complaint sipping on some locally handcrafted beer but as you can see we're at a vigorous boil here so time to go in and I think we're going to do two or three at a time two I think there's room for three we're going for three and a bonus leg those will be in there for 17 minutes exactly plus a little bit cuz I forgot to set the [Music] timer first batch of crabs is done skis I'll show you guys how we're cleaning these crabs here's a large [Music] one a lot of people don't like it but it's a real delicacy to have some of the crab sauce and then you're left with this you got the baline on the side that's garbage the mouth pieces come off the breastplate be very careful when you're peeling this off I've gone in from the bottom one time and got stabbed by uh these are actually penises under here funny thing about crabs is they're actually converted legs and then you're ready to break them in half give them a [Music] shake and there you have a nice clean crab ready to eat beautiful something pretty exciting this season on destination Adventure is a little bit of diversity within Cuisine myself I'm a pretty basic eater but Emmy on the other hand completely different culture and Cuisine and blending the two should be pretty interesting we caught one white meat shinook which we dropped off with the halet at Rupert Meats it's getting vacuum packed and Frozen and then the pink meat shinuk we are going to cure for sushi and sashimi there's a hole in our pan already right here oh dang it you're in charge of the paper towel phase one is just making sure that all of the pin bones are out and everything is nice and dry there is in fact a special tool called a pin bone puller what we have here is a Leatherman serves the same purpose there we have half of one salmon and now we need to Salt just to clarify sushi is an absolute art form of which neither of us are trained for but going through the curing process makes it safe to eat and should be delicious and it is relatively easy I mean from what I can tell online so far we are struggling phase one kosher salt so you're not salting it to the point of wanting to dry it out you just want coverage on the surface of the salmon front and back look at that you know what I'm feeling actually quite optimistic already it's looking great we watched this a couple of different ways and we're choosing to cure with the skin on because you do shave off the cured section before going into actually preparing it for a meal and I think curing it with the skin on we're just going to waste a little bit less meat I'm not going to make you guys watch me do this entire other filet but that is the deboning and salting procedure we're going to let that sit in the fridge for approximately 1 hour ready for phase two of the two-phase procedure and I can't believe the difference that the salt has made there's still a bit of salt on top but the amount of water that's come out of here is pretty remarkable again the idea is not to dry it out but this pulls all of the fishiness out of the fish so a little bit of salt that was left on salmon we're leaving on there and the second part of the recipe is really easy just regular old rice vinegar and then water excuse me everybody so the idea is you just want your salmon submerged and unbelievably you can see it's already starting to cure add in your rice and then this goes back in the fridge for 1 more hour one more hour here's our final product just came out of the fridge and it's looking quite nice what you want is that little bit of cloudiness on top and that's what the Cure does that's what will be actually cutting off in the future but it almost seems like it's actually firmed it up a little bit but the Final Phase is pretty important you have to freeze it for at least 48 hours I think we'll do a little bit more but that verifies any bacteria or worms or anything will be killed during the freezing process then it's safe to eat we do have our little freezer here but I think we're going to go and drop this off at rert meats and they'll freeze it because they flash freeze atus 40 and our freezer takes a couple of days but the last little step is just patting it nice and dry and then it's ready for the freezer what a glorious feeling got to stalk the freezer got to watch Emmy struggle in her first fish and got to share it with all of you big thanks to Hayden for helping make that possible and most of all thanks for watching everybody as always take nothing but pictures leave nothing but Footprints and I'll catch you on the next one pray pray pray for another day I went down to that River wash my sins free the devil's on the other B staring back at me I'm a dead man walking I'm a dead man walking I'm a dead man [Applause]
Channel: Destination Adventure
Views: 61,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food, cooking, fish, fishing, foraging, harvesting, nomad, nomadic, hunter gatherer, tiny home, living off of the land, living off the land, vanlife, travel, adventure, explore, expedition, expedition truck, overland, overlander, overlanding, stocking the freezer, travek vlog, travel series, docu series, discovery, history, nat geo, nat geo adventure, Destination Adventure, Dustin Porter, BC, British Columbia, Canada
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 54sec (1854 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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