Nomad Sculpt Beginner Tutorial - 3D Sculpting & Modelling a Pigeon

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[Music] hello everyone this is quantillion and welcome to a new video tutorial in today's video as you've seen from the title i'll be showing you how to model a pigeon i'm excited about this video because we will be using two main tools and i'll show you how some of the 3d principles that we use in traditional 3d software can apply or can be applied on nomad sculpt so without further ado let's start with nomad scout by the way thank you so much for all your engagement for all your views consider subscribing to this channel this would help me a lot moving forward as usual i'm showing you some of behind the camera scenes that i have been working on on nomad sculpt this is entirely done in nomad sculpt and as you can see there are various elements that i have put together to create this scene now without further ado let's start with the actual tutorial for today so i'll start with a new scene we will be basing this tutorial on two tool as i've mentioned the first is the try planner tool which i've explained in a previous video so if you haven't watched that please consider watching it the other is the idea of subdivision and i want to explain what do i mean by subdivision here before we jump into modeling this pigeon but before we do i just want to change the environment to make it a little bit um lighter so somewhere like this could actually work and if i go to the post process i can turn it off and if i go to my background i can choose the environment to impact on the background so i'll remove the sphere as i usually do and i'll show you what i mean by the basic 3d modeling principle so i start with the box as you probably see the box here has been created if i click on the wire here if you don't have the wire here you can customize the shortcut through the not the display setting but the interface sitting here where you can check what you want to show i think the wire is already checked automatically for you anyhow you have the wire frame showing the different polygons that creates this cube if you want to understand how 3d modeling work it's based on principles of a point a line a polygon or a face and then all of these phases is creating this volume so if you look here you you could find thousands of small faces creating this cube now before me validating this cube what i need to do is i want to show you that if you go to the topology box you have the density and then you have the size the size would change the size in here you could say that i could change the size by just moving these gizmos yes you can but i i sometimes have like to have more control of my uh geometry and in here you could change a cube to be a more of a rectangular shape by clicking or unclicking same size cube so keep that in mind so if i do that i can definitely change some of the other axes which is x y and z in this situation now for the constant density what i would like to do is i would like to reduce that and when i am reducing it i am actually reducing how many polygon is creating this volume or how many faces and once i have done that i can clear click on validate and under validate you would have this baked so it is ready to work on remember if you have less density you have less details showing but it is good for blocking big volumes now if i click on subdivide i want you to see what will happen so suddenly the cube has become more chamfered and if i click subdivide again you can see that it is becoming more smooth and we are losing some of the edges that the cube has if i click undo undo again and then undo returning back to my validate and change this to be division of zero which means actually one face one phase one face creating each of the faces of this volume and then click again on subdivide you can see that this is making this cube sphere and what does subdivide do is taking every one of these faces or these polygons and then divide it into multiple ones so if you have only one phase it would divide it and it will keep dividing it and it will keep dividing it if you have a high density the subdivision would only add details without changing much of the volume with this knowledge in your mind i want to start actually modeling my pigeon based on a cube and that's why i'm thinking of this as modeling rather than sculpting of course this is not the only way and not the best way probably it depends on your style of learning and in your style of achieving your design so um i would like to auto save this and i would rename this as pigeon and i have now here page and written so it is okay and done to start with the pigeon i want to have a little bit of a division so somewhere like this would be fine let me see if i could actually have a little bit of more details so it could be five five is good you could actually enter the number if you want so if i remove everything and into five here you can see that that i have five actually five is a little bit uh much i don't need all of this data uh by the way the higher density your cube is the more ram and memory it would have so i have here for division i would click on validate and i am good to go i just want to make sure that i am facing the front because i don't want this to change uh later on got because we're also using this symmetry so what to do once we have the the actual geometry validated what i would like you to think of is that in nomad sculpt similar to any other 3d software you can control points and you can control faces if you control points unfortunately i've tried many times you can't extrude them as introduce new geometry but you can extrude them by moving the existing geometry so how can we do that simply go to your tools and find the mask tool and the mask tool i like it to keep the radius low and the reason i like to keep the radius slow is i don't want to choose or select any point that i don't need and if i am masking then this should be ticked this should be wide and now you can see that when i am drawing it is actually selecting exactly points you can see that there is a little bit of fade out or a fallout that's totally normal in this case and now i have selected all of what i would like to extrude to make this neck of the pigeon that we want to create if you want to move it you can simply go to gizmo however gizmo allows you to move the unmasked so i'll be moving the unmasked volume of faces for to move the faces we need you simply want to invert it so i have inverted my selection and even though it doesn't look perfect still when i move it around you can see that i have somehow been able to remove the faces as i want them to be now i have selected these uh nine squares and i would like to push them a little way up i want to create also a little bit of a nick so a boundary for the neck so to do so we simply need to select all the points around this region and then scale them down and we can do so similar to what we've done before by mask clear and then you can go manually and select them one way i like to do it is i'm always on my orthographic and you can use this cell mask and in your cell mask if you have selected [Music] one of the shapes that are available for you here you can simply in select any point within these shapes so as you can see i am selecting all of the points surrounding there's one option that you probably need to be aware of when it comes to selecting um a mask or an a brush which i've talked about before which is ignore back facing vertices this does not show in the cell mask so keep this in mind now i have selected all of these by simply selecting the point or the square that this point has again so i am in my cell mask and my in my cell mask i would make sure that the mask is uh active and then simply select all of these point by the way i think if i am double tapping by mistake that's where this is uh inverting this tool once that is done i can simply move these up and down again now what you need to do is make sure that you are in the mask invert the mask and simply take the gizmo tool and push it with this scale so now i am sure it is scaled down what you might see is that okay this looks okay we can do this with other tools such as the lathe tool we can do that with a normal cube and then sculpt it but what i like to do is to have this clean geometry and what i want to show you now is simply based on what i have explained before if i subdivided this you can see that the subdivision is allowing you to have a clean geometry and if i subdivide it again again it's a clean geometry that was done simply by extruding some points now i would do the same to give this a little bit of a tip click on mask i am using the mask tool choosing these sometimes i like the symmetry on sometimes not in this case it is not much needed because i only need to select these four points and then i want to move this up okay i have by mistake somehow cleared rather than inverted just to give a credit the idea of this 3d pigeon is not unique to to you probably you've seen i design showing you a tutorial on how to model a pigeon in cinema 4d and one of the pigeons that i find inspiring is the one done by aaron martinez um so he has this kind of an abstract stylized pigeon so i've moved these all the way up i go to mask and then simply clear if you are not happy with the way the geometry is especially when you subdivide it then it is a matter of you working with this geometry so what i do is i am in my front again i always like to keep the front uh view as the most active one i just want to make sure i am in orthographic cell mask i'll take these points here and push them all the way up again doing the same mistake mask invert and moving them all the way up somewhere to here i'll do the same mask clear cell mask making sure that i'm in the rectangle tool select all these click on gizmo invert you got it right and it gives more smaller and a little bit up now this would create a cleaner geometry if you click on subdivide you can see it is not as stretched as before now the body of the pigeon would be very simple in this case i would repeat some of these and you will see them while i'm repeating them so the knowledge and the skill would remain after this video so clicking on the mask clearing clicking on the cell mask in this case i want to make sure that the mask is selected i am in my rectangle tool you could use other tools as well including the polygon and go to invert and go to gizmo and this would allow me to just extrude all of these points downward and then i can scale it a little bit down so it looks like this bowling uh pen this would create a good body for the pigeon what i would need to do now is to give this body a little bit of a tail and to do so we will do exactly the same i am on my back so this is my back view i would click on mask clear everything we see in here and then start selecting this point that i want to be extruded i am turning off my symmetry so keep that in mind and then those would allow me if i invert it to move it and probably push it a little bit up and now you can see that we start to having this kind of a a very jagged pixelated pigeon but that's totally fine because this way of modeling and this way of sculpting is very friendly when it comes to processing so you could have many items with great details without the need to actually sculpt these items but rather model them in this way so i'll click on mask i'll click on clear and now i just want to show you the magic when we click on subdivide and subdivide and now i have my pigeon almost ready what i would like also to do is sometimes i go back in my subdivision i use the smooth tool i want to turn the symmetry on so it's applied to both sides and when i smooth the sides this would give me when it comes back to the highest division more of a smoother edges so as you can see this has like a chamfer so it is good for hard surface modeling this would be more of an organic and i would like to keep that as we look into it now so the pigeon has different elements the first is the body which i've covered now we have a peak we have eyes and we have licks and wings and to create these licks and wings i would show you the try planner tool again so i've showed i've covered this in a in a separate video as i mentioned but i it wouldn't hurt to show it again i am in my tri planner i want to isolate it by clicking on solo i want to select the cell mask and i want to unmask everything i see in here i want to keep the wire frame as you can look into it here and before playing with anything i want this to be the least division or controllable division that i could have in this case is eight so i can't go lower than eight and i want you to pay attention to what would happen so in the tri planner we are drawing on three faces and those three faces is translated into an actual geometry let's start with the top so this is my front this is the top i would like to create something look like a feet of a bird and you can see now i am just experimenting around of course each time you do this you might have different uh shape you might have different volume and this is the beauty of experimenting yourself with the tool so what i i'll do now is i'll try to create as you've seen here a little bit of a fork shape for the leg and i want to extend that fork shape to be sometimes i'm clicking as you see and that's changing how the mask work i want this to be this gives me a high control over my mesh which is i really like this looks really good now it is time to show if it disappears don't panic it's basically because there is not enough information to show your design if you start drawing or giving this a little bit of information you can see that this would start to show back now i don't need this symmetry tool in this case i want to control my um brushes and i have what it looks like a feet a duck feed i want to make it a little bit more rectangular or angular rather than organic i just need to add a little bit of a leg to this feed and if this leak didn't show up that's simply because there's not enough information and now i have the leg created if you're not so happy with the leg and you want it to be more defined you can simply go to the tri planar topology setting and reduce the smoothness and as you can see this is what is happening i can even give this a little bit of a more detail and that's simply by adding a little bit of detail here and now you can see this is looking good i can change even some of the details that you see in here so i remove this from this side actually i i need it here so the reason i always not try to uh cut my videos it's because i also want to show you that it is a time consuming and it does the model does not been or is not created within eight minutes or ten minutes it's a matter of you experimenting and it's a matter of you be happy with the design now i can also give it a little bit of a tilt if i want to and that would be how i would think of it as a leg that's perfect there's no need for me to change anything in this smoothness or the division of course you can change the change the cube size so you don't always need to work within a cube click on validate and simply i can remove the solo and now i can go back to my gizmo and you can see now that i have one leg in place what i need to do now i can simply apply any of these tools or i can scale it a little bit up and make it a little bit tinier and once i am happy with that i can mirror this to the other side and if this is a little bit uh thick for me i can make it a little bit thinner using my different scaling tool and once i have this looking good i can simply measure it and i'll show you how to measure it before we move into the wings doing the same exact steps i want the leg to be a little bit in the middle of the body if you're not happy with your leg with the leg of the pigeon i'm sure you're all happy with your legs you could simply redo it again it wouldn't take much time until you're satisfied with it for this video i think this will do now i want to mirror this without the need to clone it and try to rotate it if you go to the cemetery here and under symmetry you would have mirroring and then you have left to right and right to left if i click left to right it would say that it would enforce and i'm happy for this enforcement to take place and now i can scale these together if i checked cemetery when i moved them it would allow to move them along the axis and now i have the legs and feet in place let's do the same for the wings click on the scene go to your tri planner click on solo so you're isolating it click on cell mask make sure you're unmasking i would select everything to be unmasked in here and simply go to my topology put the division down you need to be careful if you're changing division after drawing because this would fade some of your brush strokes so keep this in mind now for the wing i want i don't you could have like a very style stylized wing i just want to have similar to the legs like similar to this fork style wing so i am just creating a very thick geometry i can go back here unmask some of the elements uh probably undo this unmask and focus on here this would be it for now like a flapping edge cartoony style of course you don't have to do exactly what i'm showing you you can go as realistic as you want or simply as simple as you want now i want to use the cell mask tool just to project the thickness of these again i just want to make sure i am in the masking tool and now you can see that i have a good looking wing the problem with this wing now is that it looks a little bit flat so i can change some of the details but before i can easily see that i have left some of the points in here i can even extend it to be a little bit longer and i think i'm happy with that i can give it a little bit of change in the um thickness and if i remove symmetry and delete this side i could simply add this thickness into areas like here for example so you can see this looks more like a wing now if you're happy with this without the need to go and change the smoothness you could again take the smoothness down so if you're creating a minecraft figure it would be very very simple to mask this figure outline and you would have it but in this case again i would like to have a little bit of smoothness to it and this looks okay click on validate out of smoothness and out of the solar tool and then i can simply move it all the way up i can simply start rotating it and sometimes you're rotating and you want to to change the scale without losing uh the proportion in this case you just click on the pivot and this pivot is something you could change and allow you to change the pivot in order to work your geometry getting back to what i i was uh trying to do so undo undo with clicking on this element which is the wing and expanding it i can simply rotate it push it all the way back bring it closer to the body so it is touching it and if you are happy with that then that's it if you want to do a little bit of tweaking and moving it all up down whatever it is then by all means feel free to do so i just want it to be a little bit extruding out or hanging out there is an overhang and now i have the wing in place similar to what we've done before click on the symmetry and this time rather than left to right it is on right so right to left and yes remember because i haven't changed the position of my initial cube you can see simply that this geometry is working perfectly for me of course if you feel that this is a little bit jagged by the way a little tip which i've explained before but you might have missed it is if you don't have this geometry showing as smooth as this is because in the display setting you have the smooth shading off so it would look something jagged if you're taking this to blender you have similar setting so just click on smooth shading and this would done it do it for you now we have this wings in place we have this very weird pigeon shape or volume looking now simply to add a peak i'll use a cone for the snapping i will take the rotate up to 90 in the gizmo and that would snap it to 90 and i can simply bring it all the way up and i don't want to rotate it by by any mistake so i'm just moving it around again i like to see the geometry so i'm turning on wireframe and in here i can change the height i can change the radius and you can simply change the density so if you want to have a little bit of more of a rough peak or if you want to you could start by the way with this and then subdivide it so again there are no limitation of what you can do you can have something like a a pyramid i just want to have this in an accepted geometry and once i'm happy with that i don't want the mirror to be on i have the peak in place now the last bit which is very simple and probably you are aware of it is the cylinder so i would use the cylinder to create eyes i have the symmetry oh sorry the snapping on and i want this time the mirror to be on and if i start moving this cylinder the cylinder can be either as it is and then you are scaling it down but i prefer always to have a clean geometry and if i have less edges especially on the sides that would give it a little bit of a pevel when i smooth it and that's what i'm going for here so i will push the division down somewhere like here and then push it all the way up i want these eyes to be on this side this looks a little bit big for what i'm trying to do so going to the topography and pushing the scale down remember that the scale and the height are proportional so i need to change the height back it is still very thick it looks like a wheel on his face i don't want that i just want to bring it down into being this smooth eye and once you're happy with that you could click on validate and if i start now removing the snap and moving it it would move both of these but if i move it with symmetry it would allow both to move so i can simply move it down bring them closer and if this is too jagged as i've mentioned before i need to subdivide it anyhow and you can see what i mean by this bevel feeling into it and i can subdivide it again and that would not help now i have the eye in place i just want to give it an iris and for my iris i just simply want to duplicate you could duplicate from here or clone it from here or from there once i've cloned this i can take it all the way up and then small it a small scale it down so it is a little bit smaller and now we have the pigeon ready to go the simple thing i need to do is to apply some material and i show you a little bit of stylization for this material so let's start with giving this a little bit of a gray body i don't want this to have any smoothness or reflection so i'll push all the roughness up force paint all and force paint o for defeat i can simply like to choose this color which is this skin color i might need to keep the roughness as it is for the peak however i want this roughness to be lower so it has this kind of shyness to it if this is again too jagged you can simply subdivide it so you can see what would happen here and again and for the eye i would like the eye to be black and fully reflective and i could make it a little bit bigger even now i have this in place looking into the wireframe looking into how much you've used of the available um power of your ipad and this looks really good now a little bit of style style stylization would not have apologies for that now what to do in this situation is i just want to paint give it a little bit of a change in color and to do so remember that the paint and any other tool works based on the density of the geometry so if i have here my paint and i have the alpha as normal i can change the color to be black and the roughness top higher and you can see that there's a little bit of fading happening on so this is a good opportunity for you to crack up the subdivision and the more subdivision you have the more detailed you mesh is so i can push it a little bit high so you could have a nice smooth lines you could even push it higher if you want and what i want to do now is make the radius a little bit smaller and start drawing some of the neck lines that you probably can see in here and if i make this bigger and then just start drawing i have ruined some of my lines so i'll go back and change them i think this star black is too much so i i would like to make it dark but not that dark so let me go back again and give it this shade of grey now pushing the radius a little bit down and start giving my pigeon some details and you probably start seeing some of these elements showing of course i've missed a back side of the pigeon that's not a problem go back and draw it now you have this pigeon it looks okay i want to give it a little bit of a tail that is not a problem i can choose the move or drag tool in this case and you could start dragging like a tail for it and now we have a tail and i have it on a higher resolution that's why it looks clean if this is too much and you feel that you need to have a smoother edges then simply what i would recommend is go down with your subdivision somewhere in here and then you can simply smooth by the way smooth also works on the paint so if you're smoothing geometry you would you might find that your paint has been messed up so keep this in mind as you can see here my paint job is on clean as it used to be before and now i have this in place you could also start doing some of the stylized decision or details so for example i can go to the crease tool and i start give this pigeon a little bit of details this is not clearly visible now but what i do if i remove the subdivide up again it is giving me a warning you could see now that if i remove this radius up and make it a little bit bigger i i give it a little bit of details while it is not very clear what is going on here if i turn the ar the ambient occlusion you can see the differences you can take all the time you want by creating all of these stylized further so my pigeon here is a feathery pigeon and we end up with a little bit of a detail that you probably could be happy about the same we've done for painting the neck you could do for painting the wings i'm not 100 percent happy about the painting that is happening here but that would do again i don't want to take much of your time when it comes to actual painting that is only requiring some time as you can see i have gone around and give this pigeon a little bit of a detail and you could use the clay with this radius with no symmetry and even give it a little bit of a more detail so you could always play of how you would like your pigeon to look like once you're happy with this uh it is a time now to render it you might find again some of the details or some of your geometry is jagged so what i need to do is just subdivide it subdivide it and then go again here and subdivide subdivide and i end up with this stylized pigeon now i just want to make sure that the display setting is on the highest resolution and if it is on the highest resolution i can simply turn on post processing to b max for resolution to be high reflection ssr and the ambient include occlusion and one thing i always like to do is remove the curvature push the strength to be highest and then play a little bit with this eyes and then push it a little bit back from there up until i'm happy with it changing this into perspective and applying a little bit of a light and in this case it's a directional light i can simply select the 100 which is the light and move it around and now you have your pigeon in place so that would be it for today's video i hope you've enjoyed it if you have please leave me a like do not forget to subscribe to this channel and let me know what do you think of the tools that i'm showing you let me know how you're using it and i am active on instagram and on twitter and while i am on instagram not only posting no mad sculpt i'm very interested to see your work so share that with me i hope you i hope you've enjoyed this video and you've learned something or too up until we meet again in the next video i'll see you soon and bye bye now let me just leave you with a turn table of our stylized pigeon bye bye now i
Channel: Q Quantillion
Views: 4,233
Rating: 4.9820628 out of 5
Keywords: Nomad Sculpt, Nomad Sculpt Tutorial, Nomad Sculpt Beginner Tutorial, Nomad Sculpt Character Sclupting, Nomad Sculpt Character Modelling, Beginner Tutorial for Nomad Sculpt, iPad 3D, 3D for iPad, iPad 3D Modelling, iPad 3D Sculpting, iPad Sculpting Tutorial, iPad Modelling Tutorial, iPad 3D Art, 3d sculpting, 3d model, iPad 3d, 3d ipad, Nomad Sculpt for beginners, Nomadsculpt Tutorials, iPad Zbrush, iPad 3D Sculpt, iPad Nomad Sculpt, Nomad Sculpt iPad, 3d modelling ipad
Id: nve2xYAkOO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 19sec (2359 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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