Nomad Blade and Sorcery Mods I was Still Keeping From You

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hello grimos and welcome back to downloadable content it must be Tuesday because say it with me now it's mod showcase to luckily enough we have some blade and sorcery Nomad mods we can take a look out today so without further Ado Joseph it's time for the mod showcase oh man I am super excited because the first mod we're going to take a look at today is a working mandolin by vians 1997 found in your Exotics category of the book we have the Croatian mandolin and yoink hey I said yoink I yoink it there we go now let's bring it outside in the light so you guys can appreciate look look at this hi fidelity thing the lighting on this is excellent and the strings they they technically work trust me you guys are going to love this mod now I did show this off already on the PC build but I want you to know that this fully works here on Nomad so you're going to hold down the spell button while holding this one and then you're going to strum away how fantastic is this and then when you move your hand it stops and then it starts get ready to woo the ladies my friends because we have this working mandelin and it's also great for beating someone down so look at this Mage you don't like my Mage song how about that huh huh okay come on I said I said it's good for beating them down it's working this is context liquid so you don't have to worry about that which reminds me it's time to talk about context you see this is made of wood so it's kind of a blunt object but you'll notice that there's like all this like dirt and and oil stuff getting on this one because if you use something like this to hit someone like that and cause something like this well unfortunately that's just how physics and the the rule of law works I hate to break it to you so if you need any more context to the situation that's what's going on but don't feel bad because we can play him a song I'm sorry that I broke your face when I hid it with the mandolin you don't like the song fine you know I do wonder if an NPC can technically hold this or or play it hold on let's get another guy all right so I'm G to hold this down and I'm going to take your hand not that your hand I'm going see if it's going to play wow dude it works yeah are you better at this than me that's upsetting I don't need you to show me up on a mod showcase man so why don't you be it but this does bring up a good point though can the enemies use this let's make an angry guy right there hello angry guy listen um no I need the that can you drop the blade come on drop drop the blade please I'm going to hold you like this this will entice him to drop the blade boing boing okay he's not dropping the blade so he's useless to us now sorry if we act quickly I can stop him no don't pick that up you don't get this one or this one you can have a Mandel and I will take these swords just in case you know you get a little too oh well please pick that up yes he can use it this is a great day now can you play a song for us no you play s not Escape all right well he's not going to play a song so um where I guess he technically is moving on we have an awesome new map to take a look at and play on so let's go to cathia by Mythic here we go look at how actually good it looks I'm surprised you know this is also available on the PC but right here we go ONN and I kind of feel like I'm back in Assassin's Creed Nexus game we're not going to talk about look at how cool all this stuff is I didn't install the wings mod for proper navigation so we're just going to have to do this the normal way let's go up these stairs and they did a good job of making these a ramp and not actual stairs except for these rocks don't pay attention to the floating rocks but this is cool I I think I said it in the last showcase that Nomad doesn't get enough like levels to play on so it's cool that we have this obviously not a massive map but it's it's a cool map but I don't think that these are usable these are just oh no they are usable whoa I didn't know these were usable I I am I am excited to use this let's actually go back down and uh start a wave too Assassin's Creed jump look at this this is what Assassin's Creed Nexus was talking about like wow we found a way to do this congrats we already had it still throwing shade about the game for no reason now let's say that there was um a war zone going on there was Gladiators and the Knights battling and I'm going to be using this I'm excited to stab someone I didn't know it came with custom weapons that's really cool hey dude we're you're part of the war zone you should be fighting the Gladiator Not Me Now from a distance the trees look pretty decent but as you get obviously closer you know it gets a little worse and worse you see like the nice Alphas but it's believable let's check out these main buildings also so of course there's some wreckage Over Yonder looks like a massive thing attacked this entire Island and obliterated it let's see what is up here is there another custom weapon I can take a a peek at can I use this rope no we can't use the rope hey look another Shield all right so now we have this and they have a very high level of specularity on them it almost feels like they're glowing so this building is cool you could probably climb to the top of that which is awesome and a pretty good uh choice for Sky Box too like I really feel like I'm here let's see if there's like a custom sword right now we have a custom Spear and shield any over here another same spear come on please another weapon this is is that slightly different no it's the same thing okay well you know still cool though oh look at that battle area over there I have to go there yeah look at this Zone this is cool in fact I think I'm going to have to spawn some NPCs of my own to fight because they're all doing whatever so let's get a couple let's get like three enemies here and now oh yeah I can feel the the frame rate falling right now hard but cool map quick stab hit you with the custom Shield the weapon's awesome too I love the Ambiance this is a great map very well done when did you say my friend good good should we move on up next we have the bakara armor by skelet now if we scroll down here we can select Baraka and you have the body The Head and the arm blade so let's get completely changed now let's take a look at me in the light of day oh my gosh this thing is horrifying and I have these blades as weapons so that's cool I dropped that one but they count as Weapons put them away here now I wonder if the NPCs can be this guy too I I'd really like to fight this thing well let's go ahead and um start having some fun so let's summon a knight here hey buddy what's going on look it's me I'm a a crazy monster you didn't think this day would come right where a monster would attack the village well it definitely has so oh my goodness jeez that was brutal dude I love these blades I know these are just simple blades but it goes really well with armor you really feel like a monster let's fight a couple of them on this beach here and then they will know true pain did you just fire a death Beam at me hang on you definitely fire you did fire a death Beam at me okay so how about this no arm for him you too hey now the cross slash oh my God this thing is so good hello no did you think that can stop me in fact actually have to turn monster voice here we go monster voice activated did you really think that can stop me beautiful human I could rip your body to pieces I told you pathetic human now listen I will destroy the entire okay so this thing's pretty cool I just want to be able to fight one of them so the mod author can make this you know equipable by the NPCs that would be great moving on we have some more armor and it is Arkham Knight by spec 17722 found in its own category you have the Arkham Knight helmet and you have the visor so let's just equip everything whoa look how cool this thing looks and let's get the pistols we're going to need two of them look at me I'm the Arkam KN dude this thing is awesome I'm having a good time already let's get some uh pathetic dudes to fight well that's actually just a basic one but we need to test the pistol oh he blocked it he tanked it huh Arkham Knight attack all right let's get close for you know now apparently you can combine these also so I have to figure out how to oh my God look at that oh wait come back I have to combine you come on no I will figure out how to combine this one I swear so we press the alt use button come on alt you okay there we go and then this is supposed to get clicked into there somewhere right oh my God yes now we just transformed it look I have the Arkham sniper now and the scope kind of works so that's cool like I could it's really a really tiny scope but I could see it working whoa we need to test this let's put a guy down there just wait for him good now let's test it without the scope I think I missed and now let's test it with this gu am I still missing oh no we got him he's jeez dude what about up close in person okay I guess nothing yeah so this is cool that you can combine it and you become the arcan knite but can you uncombine it come on you can almost uncombine it oh what look at that oh you can uncombine this is cool get this Arkham Knight stuff this is Awesome Moving On we have the daringer 95 by viin 1997 found in the other section of Vice guns we have a couple of different models so let's um equip like a couple of them and just really just take a look at we're also going to need this 41 pouch so let's grab that now a daringer is like a very small caliber pocket pistol it really didn't pack a shot I mean it technically can eliminate someone from the genan pool but it was pretty bad it's like the medieval noisy cricket and that's why we have this bullet Pou so grab that out and uh I think we put it in in there no I forgot where you put it in I'm gonna get yelled at again I know it where does it go in come on I know it doesn't go in there doesn't go back here does it I got yelled at the last time and they're like Drifter you have to do this and I was like I'm doing the thing all right well that's why we spawn the other ones so once you guys figure out how to reload this one let me know but for now let's grab the unlimited ammo one yeah this is what I'm talking about now let's just spawn some guys and uh test The lethality we need one volunteer and two volunteers all right buds your time is nigh medieval noisy cricket yeah that's exactly what I was expect to happen what about double shots one two okay well at least that took him down that's what you get for trying to rob my stage coach now the real question is can the enemies use these we punch him unconscious real quick and then we grab his weapons so he's not distracted and now we wait will he pick up the deringers he's picking them up will he shoot them now will he just swing them like a goober dude I reloaded it for you it's funny that he has it but he still can't shoot and for that embarrassing so the daringer uh you pretty cool little pocket pistol I like that viin is adding like old western stuff to bla sorcery it's pretty cool I can imagine a blade sorer get an entire like Western update where NPCs can be like reach for the Scout but for now we can still dream moving on we have this Springfield trapdoor also by Vi Vince 1997 still found in the other category you have the Springfield 1884 and then let's get the unlimited ammo one cuz you guys know I'm already going to screw this up and we're going to need a 357 pouch man look at this thing it is cool now I should be able to figure this out right I I I undid the thing come on how do you do it I have it open in everything I'm too stupid for this I don't get it is it the wrong ammo okay I'm dumb it was completely the wrong ammo so now we take the bullet out yes oh it has animations too is it's not one at a time though is it that'd be crazy it is one out of it time now present arms and fire that's cool and then we have to do this pull this back open eject the bullet put another bullet in rack it back and then ready to fire dude this thing is this is intense you going understand why um you would get shot doing this let's try it on this guy nice little safety meeting okay don't move I need to know how accurate it is oh what it looked like he passed away but he made it guy I'm proud of you for making it let me just reload this one so this is cool I like the whole mechanism of reloading really makes me want to do a dungeon run with this one you know if only you can have a bayonet on this one I recommend a bayonet then we would have a awesome weapon let's try it on a couple of um real enemies him first and then oh no we should probably get one of these rain okay he's shot no death beams dude dude this is supposed to be the old wild Wist I guess you can do magic they had magic in the wild w right oh man what a shot and for you well we have the unlimited ammo variant of this one so we just pull back on the spell button fire it is powerful oh my God you guys need to get your hands on this because I'm loving it it even has proper Kickback look at this it kicks back that's so cool oh viin this is your magnum opus now the final thing I'm going to show you is something I have shown you before but I get a lot of questions about it everyone asked me how do you have the sheath framework with the Yamato so once again I'm about to show you so of course you need the yato by JX and then you also need the sheath framework by Hugh Jer then we go into the sword category we scroll down you'll see Mirage Edge but more importantly the Amato sheath not only can this be put on the side it actually can be stored in your person so you can go into your inventory and grab it whenever you want it so it doesn't actually hold it inventory slot and you can customize the yumato to your liking so if you don't want to do a beam you don't have to or if you wanted you know togg anime slice you can have all that stuff no judgment cut stop on judgment cut it's so cool it's all here Pierce dismemberment so that's if you stab them you know turn that off but I just like that it's all customizable and now the moment you've all been waiting for for me to un sheath the blade and look how satisfying that was and that is thanks to Hugh jer's proper sheet framework now for nomad now of course if you're twisting your hand you're you're like but it doesn't go in straight you know don't don't twist the wrist otherwise it's going to look stupid so for me I just unath it like so and that looks really cool and satisfying and then of course you could pull out the blade like this if you want to be like H right in the face so that's really cool very fun way to do it let me show you so you have a guy and you're like hey dude bnk quick one it's just nice and get up I'm gonna show them one more time yeah yeah bunk so cool and don't forget that the Auto is so fantastic it's easily pieres things and you could pull it out by holding the spell use button and then of course re sheath it fantastic Gen X fix the sword beams also so it no longer crashes when you use it and let's finish this thing off right with just some combat fighting these little dudes no I don't think so now prepare yourself jump with a flip and [Music] then this thing is so powerful it really is and I love every minute of it it is so good and now my friends it is time to finish this off in style so we're going to do the judgment and cut good good good good now the actual finisher if you guys can get this you know you've made it in life anime anime anime oh damn it that was so close you already know we got to try that again yeah so prepare for the end well my friends that is it for the for this week's mod showcase Tuesday I hope you personally had a ton of fun and if you did why not consider subscribing it's free click the big red subscribe button down below and join up I will greatly appreciate it but other than that thank you so much for stopping by and watching today's video I'm Drifter from downloadable content and I will see you next [Music] time [Music] yeah
Channel: Downloadable Content
Views: 31,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FufRnCG8Gn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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