Noelle's Mother Worries Me | Deltarune Character Analysis

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[Music]Deltarune is a mysterious game that  captures the imagination. From Kris and their   relationship with the player to the disappearance  of Dess and Ralsei's unclear intentions, there's a   lot to digest, discuss, and debate. Yet one topic  I feel gets overlooked is not Noelle herself,   nor her missing sister, nor even whether Rudy  will live or die, but her mother. The mayor, whose   name may or may not start with C, who otherwise  remains an enigmatic presence in both chapters.  But though we may not have seen her, we've  learned quite a bit about the mayor and her   worrying relationship with her daughter. So  in this video, I'd like to discuss what little   scraps of information we've been granted  as well as what it might mean for Noelle,   the cast, and Deltarune as a whole. Chapter 1. Chapter 1 of Deltarune   sets a foundation for what we know about the  mayor. She's established early on as busy,   cold, and lacking in charisma. She works hard,  with zero opposition, and so she's remained   the mayor for a long time. She's described as  icy and even keeps the AC on full blast. This   chilling vibe sets up Noelle's ice-based magic  in Chapter 2 quite well, as well as her habit   of standing in front of the refrigerator at the  grocery store. More interestingly are the words   of the hand receptionist: If you want to see her,  try causing a terrible crisis. This suggests that   when we do finally meet the mayor, it'll be when  the story takes a darker turn. This could even   shed some light into Kris' intentions at the  end of Chapter 2, though we'll have to wait and   see how THAT develops before drawing too many  conclusions. But there are a few other places   that give us insight on the mayor. At the end of  Chapter 1, Noelle lost the key to her mansion,   and when pressed on why she doesn't ask her  mother for help, Noelle gets uncomfortable,   mentioning how her mom doesn't like being bothered  at work. She insists it's fine and she'll just go   spend time with Catti instead, but this already  sets a worrying tone for her relationship with her   mother that only grows worse in Chapter 2.There's  also an eviction notice in Asgore's flower shop   berating him for giving away free flowers  instead of selling them. The tone is blunt,   harsh, and uncompromising, which fits  well with the descriptions of the mayor   from the other NPCs as well as Noelle's personal  intimidation. Interestingly, it's signed with C,   which has led many to believe that the mayor's  name starts with C, with popular guesses being   Clarice and Carol. However, this is only a popular  hunch: we don't know for sure if it IS the mayor,   but given her looming presence, it's  a reasonable assumption to make.   Beyond that, we didn't have much to work with,  until Chapter 2 presented some interesting new   content… Which brings us to a certain character  who certainly knows how to make an entrance. [Music]   Queen is the Chapter 2 antagonist, and one  many have viewed as a parallel to Noelle's   mother. There's a great video called the Universal  Mother Theory by Kooki Autumn that I'll link above   that goes into great depth about how Queen could  represent the mother figures for multiple party   members in the chapter. But for the purpose of  this video, I'd like to zero in on the obvious   choice: Noelle, and how Queen might represent  her complicated relationship with her mother.   At a glance, it's easy to see the similarities.  Queen is controlling, overbearing, and tries to   make Noelle do things against her will. Noelle  also has extreme difficulty saying no to her,   having been roped into being Queen's peon due  to her timid nature. But one thing that's clear   from the start is that Queen… is not a literal  copy. She's very goofy, bombastic, and far more   emotional, for one. She has a loud, over the  top presence like a cartoon villain, and while   she is very controlling with her use of wires and  her desire to make Noelle's face into a robot one   and keep her as her peon, she is simultaneously  trying to impress Noelle as well as Kris through   grand displays of her power and quirky things  like dropping an arcade cabinet outta the blue,   blasting her mix tape, and creating rooms  tailored to each lightner's preferences.   Queen is not necessarily a good person, as  she enslaves the wires and later Berdly,   is willing to endanger teenagers to get what  she wants, and disregards the agency of those   around her. However, she is also acting out of  a genuine desire to make Lightners happy, to   make Noelle stronger, and expand the dark world to  everyone's benefit. She values Kris as a trucee,   was moved by Noelle's sad searches, and while  she pressures Noelle to unleash her full power   by threatening her friends, all of this paints  a more… layered picture of a mother figure than   what we know of the mayor so far. Which begs  the question, is Queen really a parallel to   the mayor's true personality and intentions,  or is she a rose-tinted parallel at best?   Noelle's arc of standing up for herself and to  Queen does mirror a path that Noelle will need   to tread eventually with her real mother  to find happiness, and yet Queen in many   ways feels like the inverse of the mayor.  She's so doting that it's suffocating,   while the mayor is distant. She's expressive  and fun, while the mayor is cold and stern.  She is INCREDIBLY outgoing and seems to enjoy the  attention her status grants her and is very eager   to impress. The mayor, on the other hand, remains  within her office, hates being interrupted,   and her presence is felt solely through word of  mouth so far. The difference is night and day.   That's not to say the comparison is without  merit. After all, many see King in Chapter 1 as   a foil to Susie- her worst traits amplified.  Knowing that Susie is a new girl in town   who seemingly has a poor relationship with her  parents, is largely friendless, and spends the   initial part of Chapter 1 trying to be strong  and intimidating, then comparing her to King,   who not only quotes her verbatim at one point,  but feels resentment at being 'abandoned' by the   lightners and is willing to stomp all over others  to retain his fragile position of power… Well,   one could certainly argue that, while Queen is not  EXACTLY like Noelle's mother, she still serves a   purpose as a thematic parallel and foil, while  being an independent character. Much as King   accentuates many of Susie's worst traits, we  could then take those rose-tinted glasses off   and see Queen as a more symbolic analog to Noelle  and her mother's relationship. We know that Noelle   gets high grades and performs well in sports. It's  also entirely possible that the mayor holds her to   high standards. She very well could want Noelle  to live up to her "potential," and is simply   less doting and smothering about it. However, I  advise caution in using Queen as a template for   the mayor's character, just as I advise caution  in assuming everything about Noelle and Queen's   relationship is identical to that of Noelle and  her real mother. No, I believe that, for now,   we had best turn our attention elsewhere to  grasp the mayor's personality and character.   Intimidation and Abuse. Luckily, the second town  segment of the game provides a lot more context   not only to the mayor as a character, but to her  relationship with Noelle, which has further been   accentuated by the Spamton Sweepstakes. First,  there's Alphys and the NPCs in the police station.   Alphys sets the tone by mentioning how with the  mayor around, the police are just "eye candy",   that she's got such a good track record in  stomping out crime that you could even argue   that they get in her way. When you add  this to Asgore's removal from the force,   it does raise some interesting questions about  his relationship with the mayor and if, perhaps,   they were at odds over something, such as Dess  and her disappearance. I touched on this in my   recent video, which you can find above and in the  description. But to add to the mayor's iron grip   on crime, the Wet Nosed Bandits talk about  how they tried to rob the Holiday Mansion,   only for a terrifying figure to descend upon  them, sending them fleeing right into the jail   cell. Given every other descriptor thus far,  it's safe to assume this, too, is the mayor,   and she is a force to be reckoned with. The first  truly worrying sign comes when you walk into the   hospital room in the normal route, and Noelle  laments about her lack of healing magic. When   she says, "it wouldn't just be me and mom," she  looks genuinely heartbroken and scared. Though   Rudy tries to comfort her about her mom, he trails  off, instead reassuring her that he'll be on his   feet again soon. This doesn't bode particularly  well, especially when you consider the dialogue   that comes after she leaves, where Rudy says  that while Noelle seems like she has it all, her   mother is tough on Noelle. He may balance it out  normally, but without him, there's this unspoken   undercurrent of worry for Noelle's well being  and safety. I think I may have an idea of where   Toby is going with this, though it's far from  pleasant. Rudy's inability to truly comfort   Noelle about her mother coupled with Noelle's  fear of said mother has undertones of abuse.   While Rudy is open, loving, and shares interests  with daughter, the ice palace glacier page of   the Spamton Sweepstakes shows that this side of  the mayor existed even in Noelle's childhood.   Noelle mentions being scared to cry or make too  much noise while gaming at night in fear of her   mother unplugging the console. Now, you could  view this as a concerned parent wanting to turn   off the thing that is distressing her child, but  Noelle was just as scared to yell with excitement   later. This paints Miss Holiday's actions  in a far more controlling light- that Noelle   expressing her emotions in such a loud fashion is  frowned on. There are other worrying signs, too…   In the city, Noelle mentions how Dess wanted to  take her somewhere far away, like Cyber City.   It's not conclusive, but it's entirely possible  that Dess, as the older sibling, saw the red flags   in her mother and wanted to take Noelle away  from it all, if only for a short time. Though   I must concede that it's just as possible that  Dess' disappearance caused a shift in the mayor's   personality. It could have simply have caused the  mayor to become this cold, intimidating presence   who crushes crime with an iron fist and refuses  to see anyone unless it's a real emergency. Add   that to Rudy's illness, and she could be hurting  deep down, as she's already lost one daughter,   and her husband could die, and she's coping  through burying herself in her work and taking it   out on Noelle. As I mentioned in my previous Dess  video, some have even speculated that the Mayor is   the Roaring Knight, acting out of a desire to a)  save her husband, and b) find Dess, and is acting   out a sort of faustian deal with the devil. As a  quick addendum, the mayor being the knight would   actually make Queen's motivations advanced  foreshadowing. If you look at her dialogue   the Giga Queen fight of Noelle and everyone living  free of pain and suffering, one could potentially   see the mayor's motives through that, but this  is still just a guess. t's a compelling idea,   to be sure, and would certainly lend itself to a  future confrontation with Noelle and her mother…   But right now, it's just too soon to say. We do  know the mayor is preparing for the festival,   and while some have speculated that this festival  will overlap with the Roaring, that, too, is pure   speculation. But while the fantastical and tragic  justifications have their place in the discussion,   I don't think they excuse everything. Because  regardless of reason, Noelle is scared of   her own mother. Noelle has been conditioned  to be a doormat who can't say no to anyone   but her father and Kris. That eagerness to please  others is often a sign of abuse and neglect. When   you are repeatedly faced with harsh expectations,  especially from loved ones, it's easy to fall into   the habit of saying yes, keeping your head low,  and going out of your way to make others happy,   even if it's to your own detriment.The Weird Route  shows this in how, while Noelle is apprehensive,   she ultimately cracks under the pressure and  proceeds down this horrific path all in the   pursuit of strength. Though she breaks from  the trance briefly to warn Berdly and does   question the voice that gave her the commands  and does want to get to the bottom of things,   she's still intimidated by Kris, which shows  our abuse still took its toll on her. The mayor,   of course, isn't making Noelle kill anyone. We  know very little about how she treats Noelle at   home other than being tough on her and distant.  Where Rudy supports Noelle's romantic endeavors   and shares her interests in gaming, the mayor  would sooner turn those games off. A parent's   job is to support and provide for their children,  yet the mayor would rather work, work, work rather   than support her daughter at a time where they are  both hurting from Rudy's illness. It's entirely   possible that the mayor copes with her grief and  fear of her husband's passing with her work, but   that doesn't change the fact that Noelle and her  mother NEED to communicate. I do not think Toby   needs to write the mayor as a villain. I think  there's room for the two to confront each other   in a dark world setting, laying the mayor's true  feelings bare and showing there's another side to   her. But if Toby does commit to the abusive parent  and unhealthy marriage angle, I would certainly   not complain, for it would be a bold storytelling  decision that might make for a relatable narrative   to many players. Not all parents are good.  Not all marriages are healthy and happy. And   Deltarune and Undertale have both already tackled  incredibly heavy themes, so this wouldn't even be   out of place. Lest we forget, Chara took their own  life. Flowey later would attempt the same thing,   even if he got cold feet in the end and reloaded.  Toriel struggles with alcoholism, as confirmed by   the Alarm Clock dialogue, and Asgore, Alphys,  and Sans can all be read as suffering some form   of depression. Beneath the bright and wacky  exterior, Toby's games have often delved into   heavier themes, even as far back as the Halloween  Hack. And Deltarune already deals in much more   explicitly dark tones, with Rudy's illness, the  themes of existentialism and control with Kris,   everything involving Spamton, the broken Dreemurr  family, and so much more. Undertale released in   2015, and I can absolutely see Deltarune growing  up with its audience, so to speak… But this is all   conjecture, for now. You might wonder how Rudy's  love of the mayor factors in, and there I would   say… it really depends on the direction Toby is  going. Marriages are not always happy and stable,   and there are times where one partner in a  relationship may not even be fully aware of the   red flags, or is willing to excuse them. I don't  think Rudy is a pushover, or that he's remotely   on board with how Noelle is being treated. But I  also think it's much harder for him to do anything   about it when he's in the hospital. And because  it's entirely possible he will die, I truly do   worry for what this could mean for Noelle and her  mother, because if Rudy dies, I can only see their   relationship getting worse before it gets better.  But who knows? Perhaps Toby will surprise us by   giving us a Rudy recovery plot twist. Perhaps  there is hope for the Holiday family, whether   he lives or dies. While, Rudy died in Undertale's  world, to be fair, Gerson is dead in Deltarune,   yet lives in previous game. Asriel died in  Undertale, yet is alive and well in Deltarune. We   cannot, nor should we, assume that everything will  directly parallel Undertale. One pervading element   throughout Deltarune has been a state of things  feeling… off compared to what we know, from Bratty   and Catty's rivalry to Undyne and Alphys being  relative strangers. As for what I HOPE will happen   with the mayor… that's difficult to say when  there's so much of the story up in the air. But   given what we do know, I really would like to see  Noelle put her foot down. I'd like to see Susie,   Kris, and all their other friends show solidarity  toward her. Just as Noelle was able to stick up   to Queen, I so desperately crave her finding the  conviction to set her own boundaries and live her   own life. And I think that, in a way, Noelle's  relationship with her mom could mirror Kris'   relationship with us. Perhaps in the normal route,  Noelle is able to mend that relationship and find   happiness, and we are able to form a healthy  partnership with Kris… while in the weird route,   things take a far darker turn.For now, I'd  like to ask what you all think of the mayor,   her relationship with Noelle, and where you think  the story will go. Comment among each other, and   let's get the discussion going! We've reached the  end of the year, and I'd like to thank everyone   who has supported the channel in that time. It's  still hard to believe we passed 20k! This time   last year, I think I was still sub-10000. It's  my hope that in 2023, as my content output grows,   we can hit even bigger milestones, like 25k and  beyond! I have a lot of ideas for videos I want   to make for both Undertale, Deltarune,  and other fandoms like Kingdom Hearts.   People have requested an Asgore analysis,  Mettaton, and I really do wanna discuss Ralsei,   do some videos on various Undertale fanworks I  adore, give a proper introduction and overview to   Inverted Fate, and so much more! But naturally,  there's tons of Kingdom Hearts characters and   other fandoms like Sonic SatAM that I'd love  to tackle at another time. If you'd like to   stay up to date on my various projects on a more  behind the scenes level and weigh in on polls,   see work in progress scripts, and enjoy concept  art and music demos for Inverted Fate, among   other content, please do consider pledging on  my patreon, like these fine folks pictured here.   Every bit of support allows me to keep producing  content as a career. If you like Kingdom Hearts,   consider checking out my recent Terra analysis  video! And to all of you, I hope you are having   a wonderful holiday season, regardless of what  you celebrate. Thanks so much for watching! [Music]
Channel: Dorked
Views: 158,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deltarune, deltarune analysis, deltarune theory, deltarune mayor, mayor holiday, noelle, noelle holiday, deltarune noelle, noelle deltarune, queen, queen deltarune, deltarune queen, character analysis, deltarune chapter 2, kris deltarune, video essay, spamton sweepstakes, dess holiday
Id: dG7TlVVve-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2022
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