Node.js Crash Course Tutorial #11 - Express Router & MVC

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a rather than gang so if we take a look at this app.js file at the minute it's getting quite long there's a lot of code in it and before long it might start to look a bit messy and hard to maintain and updates so what we're gonna do now is explore a couple of things the Express router and also MVC which we'll talk about later just to neaten this over maybe split our code into different files so first of all the express route it so the Express router is something that come was fully baked into Express and we can use it to manage all of our routes more efficiently and more tightly as well especially as the size of your project grows and grows and you've got many different routes so we use the Express router to split our routes into different files and manage them in small groups of routes that belong together and it makes the app more modular and it also becomes easier to update those different parts of the app later on and it will mean that we don't have to have everything justified in one big messy file so if we take a look at all of our routes from the top a lot of them have this init forward slash blogs forward slash blogs blocks blocks so these are all the blog routes right so we could split them into their own route file because they're all concerned with one type of resource and they kind of belong together so let's create a new folder to do this over here I'm gonna say this follow that will be called routes and inside I'm going to create a new file called blog routes because this will contain all of the blog routes now the next thing I'm gonna do is grab all of the blog routes so from here I'm gonna cut all of these from this file so this file is already looking a bit tidier because we don't have those and I'm gonna save this and paste them in or right here so now all of those routes are in this file now obviously at the minute this is not going to work because we're trying to attach all of these around handlers to this app instance which we have bought this app instance isn't defined and set up in this file it's way over here in up jas so instead what we're going to do is a couple of things first of all we're going to require Express so let me say Const Express is equal to a require and we want to require the Express package the next thing I'm going to do is create a new Express or router so I'm going to say Const router and you can call that constant whatever you want and I'm going to set that equal to Express dot router with the capital R and that creates as a new instance of a router object so what we can do now is we can attach these request handlers to the router instead of the app so let's replace all of the earth times we say app right here let me just go down and select all these just holding down alt by the way when a double-click to select them all I'm going to delete that and replace each one with the router so what we're doing is creating an instance of this router which is like a mini app it's like the app but standing alone it doesn't do anything we have to use the router inside an app so we're creating this instance of the router we're attaching these handlers to the router and then at the bottom I'm going to export this router so to do that I say module dot exports and set that equal to the router ok does that make sense so we're exporting this now this kind of mini app with all of these different route handlers now what we can do is we can import this inside app yes and we can use that inside our app so let me go to the top and now let me say over here we want to say Const blog routes is equal to require and we want to go into the routes folder then we want the blog routes file ok now also before we go on this thing right here we don't need that in this file anymore because we're not interacting with the blog model in this file directly so let's cut that from there and instead paste it over here where we are using it up here at the top because we using it in these route handlers so let me save this and come back over here now we're importing these blog routes how do we use them inside our Express app well all we need to do is come down to here where we had the blog routes defined and we can see app use as we would use a bit of middleware and all we're gonna do is use the blog routes like so that's all we need to do and this is going to say okay well I'm going to look at these which are over here and I'm going to apply all of these handlers to the app that's what it does okay so if I save this now everything should still work the same way let me try this out I'm gonna refresh and we should still get this page with all of the blocks but we don't so there seems to be some kind of error let me open up the terminal and we see right here module not found let me scroll up and see what's going on okay I think it's because up here we're requiring inside blog routes the models but we need to come out of the routes folder first of all so let me double dot that means come out of the current folder then go into models which is right here then I want the blog file so save that hopefully this should work now let me first of all go to the home page let's see if this works yep it does and if we go to Yoshi's party this should work yes it does all right so these are all working the same way let's try adding a new blog and this is just kind of hanging so let me see what's going on let me just go to the blog routes and see here right the problem is we have this URL handle right here so forward slash blogs at forward slash create but we also have this one at the top right here get forward slash blog /id right now when we go to forward slash blog forward slash create who's to say that that create part shouldn't be an ID because remember the code runs from top to bottom so what I actually need to do is grab this and I need to paste it above this one right here so when the request zyne for /blog forward slash create this one fires first and not this one because if this one fires first then we're going to try and find a blog with the idea of create and that's not going to work so that's the reason that's not working let me save that and let me go back and try this again so new blog and hopefully this should work down and lead us ok so let me add this new blog submit it and see if this works and voila so everything now still works so then that is the Express router it allows us to extract the routes into a different file create kind of like a mini app and then use those routes in our app when we use app don't use blog routes now if we wanted to we could go one step further and we could scope this to a specific URL so I could say that I want to scope this to for example forward slash blocks now what is this gonna do well it means it's only gonna apply these blog routes when we go to forward slash blogs but check this out if I go to forward slash blogs now then it's gonna hang and it's not gonna work but if I go to forward slash blogs forward slash blogs then we should get the home page so what's going on well if we go to our blog routes we can see we have forward slash blogs here and also forward slash blogs right here so basically what we're saying only use these blog routes when the URL begins with forward slash blogs but then on top of that we're saying well after that should come forward slash blogs so if we're scoping it out right here we no longer need where we say blogs right here and we can just now forward slash because then that would mean we've already gone to forward slash blogs and we're just adding on the forward slash at the end of it which is the same thing right so we can take away the blog's bit from each one of these if we wanted to like this and because we scoped it out - forward slash blogs it's going to automatically apply that to the start of each one of these handlers so now we're scoping it out right here and we don't have to add that so each one of these handle its and that makes this a little bit more reusable because if we change the URL structure in the future we don't have to change everything right here all we're doing is changing it right here where we scope the routes out so if I save this now everything should still work the same way let me just test this if we click on this it should go to the home page yep it does and if we go to about we get the about thing that's got nothing to do with blocks so that doesn't really matter if we got a new block then we still get this if we try to add a new one it should still work awesome so this is all working so now we've done that let's try and split up our code a little bit more by taking an MVC approach so a lot of the time you'll hear developers say they want to take like an MVC approach now what does that even mean well MVC stands for Model View controller and it's a method of structuring our code and our files and it aims to make our code more modular reusable and easier to maintain it's not essential you use the methodologies of MVC but it can be helpful especially as your projects get larger so we've already seen the M and the V models and views so views are where we make our HTML templates that a user will see and models are how we describe our data structure and we use them to interact with the database so the last piece of the puzzle is controllers now controllers will be the thing that forms the link between our models and our views they're like the middlemen that use models to get data and then pass that data into a view now we've actually already done that directly in our route handlers right but the idea of using controllers is that we just extract those handler functions into a separate controller file then we can just reference those controller functions in our routes file again though you don't have to do this the idea behind this is just to make our code easier to manage and to understand we're just splitting our code into different areas of files and then each area of file has its own job to do so our route file matches incoming requests and it passes those requests to the correct controller function a controller communicates with the appropriate model to get data into a view and then the view then renders that data into its template and it gets sent to the browser so all we're basically going to do is extract our route handler functions into a separate controller file to make everything a little easier to read and understand so then remember the aim of all this is to make our code cleaner and neater so what we're going to do is extract all of these different handler functions from the routes and we're going to place those into a separate controller file and then we can just reference those control of functions from this routes file so what I'm going to do first of all is create a new folder called controllers and now notice we have muddles views and controllers MVC right and inside here I'm going to create a new file called blog controller jas so all of our functions for this resource blocks so all of these functions that we're using these routes they're going to live inside this blog control at file now that what I'm gonna do is create functions using a similar kind of naming convention as mdn so that looks something like this I'm going to create a function called blog index to get all the blogs and inject those into the index view I'm going to use blog details for the name of the function for this one to get a single blog which is this right here I'm going to use blog create get to send back the actual form so this is a get request blog create post to add a new blog and then blog delete to delete a blog so that's the naming convention I'm going to use for these control up functions so the first thing I want to do is create these functions so let me do that Const blog underscore index and that is going to be equal to a function oops let's spell this correctly I can never do that for some reason index this is equal to a function and inside the function we want to do all of this logic or right here right not that one we want all of this one or right here so let's cut it from there and let's paste it in here now then first of all we can take in the request and the response object because remember in these functions we get access to that request and response so I'm going to say request and response and then we also need to import the blog model so let me grab that from here because we're not going to need that anymore in this file because all of the logic is not going to be in here anymore it's going to be in this one instead so let me paste this at the top so we have it right there so now if I say at the bottom module exports is equal to an object and inside this object we're going to output the blog index as a property right so now we have access to that from anywhere we import this file so let me just save this for a second and we're going to import it over here so I'm gonna say Const and then blog controller is equal to our require and we want to require dot dot forward slash to come out of the current folder which is the routes then go into the controllers folder and then we want the blog controller right so now we have access to this and we can access this function on it blog index so now instead of this function firing right here we can just say blog controller dots blog index so now all it's going to do is get this function all right here and it's going to place it right here so it's doing exactly the same thing it's just that now we've extracted it from here and we've placed it in a controller file and we're going to do that now for every single function down here so now let's do the next one which is blog details so let's create that function so Const blog underscore details and that's equal to a function we're taking the request and the response object and in here we just want to paste all of the details so that's this thing right here so let's cut that from there and let's paste it right here instead and then I want to export that as well so blog underscore details like so okay so that's that one done well let's go and reference that over here as well so I'll say here that this should be blog controller dots blog details okay now the next one over here is blog creates get so that's the one for sending back the actual form so when we click on that that's that request so let's create this function down here Const blog underscore create underscore gets that's equal to a function request and response goes into that function and inside let's go and grab this thing right here where we render the create page so let's cut that from here and paste it inside here I've noticed a spelling error so let me fix that so we need to export that function as well so blog underscore create underscore gets and we can now use that over here instead of this function so blog controller dot blog underscore create get okay so two more to do let me go back and let's do the next one which is blog creates host so in fact let me just copy this so I'm not typing out the same thing over and over blog creates post and then inside here we'll delete that and then we'll export blog create post and we need to get all of the details from here where we send a post request which is this thing right here so let me grab that and paste it on right here now we can reference this function over here instead of this so blog controller dots and it's blog create post and finally we need to do this one down here so let me go back over it and this function is called blog delete so we'll say Const blog delete is equal to a function request and response goes into that and then inside we want to get all of this logic right here cut it from there and paste it all right here and then finally export that which is blog underscore delete like so and then we can come back over here and we can say right here blog controller dots blog underscore delete and that is it awesome so now we've extracted all of our different handlers into a blog control file or right here so we're keeping all of the controller logic separate from the routes and that way our routes look a lot neater and we're kind of modularizing our code a bit more so it's easier to read and easier to update in the future so before we get too carried away let's just make sure this Allston works nothing should change everything should still work the same way because we've not changed the functionality of anything so yep the home page works if I go to about that should still work if I go to new blog that should still work try to add this submit that still works if we go to a details that works if we delete one this should work but it's not doing so let's just go back and see what's going on over here ok yep my mistake this should be delete not details all right so we just had the wrong controller method applied to that so if we go back over here now and try to delete this hopefully this should work if we click on delete yet it works and then redirects was back to the home page awesome so now our code is structured in a much more logical way which is easier to maintain and for every new type of resource and set of routes you would follow this pattern you'd have a route file for the routes and model for the data and a controller for the handlers and then a folder for it to views as well now just speaking of views I think it actually I'd like to structure our views a little better too since at some point we might have multiple different resources right you could have users Paul's comments categories as well as blogs therefore you might need for example a create a details and index for each individual resource right now we couldn't create multiple of those in here because the names would clash so what we could do is we could scope these by putting them in their own folder so for example I could create new folder called blocks inside views and then I could place the create in there the details in there and the index in there they're all the views that relate to blogs right then if I had a different resource in the future I could create a folder for that and do the same index details and create in that so what I'm gonna do now just quickly is go to the blog controller and I need to wherever I am rendering a view update that because we've put it in a new folder and now it should be blogs forward slash create so it knows to go into the blog's folder first of all and where else do we do this blogs forward slash details and then blogs forward slash index and if we save that and come and refresh everything it should still work the same way but it doesn't we get an error and that's because remember we're using partials inside these things right here and now they're in a different location so we need to go back to these three things here and we need to add double dots each one of these so it knows to come out of the blog folder first of all then into partials so let's do that for each one of these so that's the index let's do details and add a dot in front of that one in front of that one and I think it's the top one now yep and then finally let's do create and do a dot here and a dot here and a dot here save that and now if we come over here and refresh hopefully this works yep everything now still works awesome okay there my friends so there we go that is MVC not essential but definitely helpful
Channel: The Net Ninja
Views: 89,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: node.js, node, node js, node.js tutorial, node tutorial, node js tutorial, node crash course, node.js crash couse, node js crash course, crash course, tutorial, install node js, install, node.js introduction, what is node.js, what is node js, what is node, node vs deno, node mvc, mvc, node.js mvc, express mvc, express router, router, routes, node router, node routes
Id: zW_tZR0Ir3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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