Node-Red Tutorial - Common Nodes Explained! (Chapters in the Timestamps) #nodered

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all right hello everyone kyle80zed here welcome to the channel and welcome to the node red every two week stream um every other thursday we get together at 8 p.m central talk about node red you got a question put it in the chat um we'll be fielding some questions ron's there steven's there uh people that are much smarter than me on node-red can field your question and maybe make better use of words than i um one thing i want to show is if you are new to node-red there's a whole playlist the link is in the video description below and we start from scratch we start with a raspberry pi and a uh blank sd card we get it up and running we get node-red installed we did uh last week or two weeks ago we uh took a digital loggers pro web switch and went through the flow got that up and running but if you have any more questions then i can't answer here or anybody can answer or if you have this burning desire to ask a question at 3 o'clock in the morning what you want to do is go over to the group's io node red for ham radio web page and there's over a thousand people in the uh 1195 members we got almost a thousand topics 939 topics that you can go over and ask questions and there's a lot a lot of smart people over there that can answer your questions so tonight what we're gonna do is two weeks ago we did the digital loggers pro web switch but i'm gonna take a step back and we're just gonna go over some of the common nodes that you will see whenever you're building your first flow or you're loading a flow from from the file section or maybe you got it off the internet or wherever on how you can maybe decipher what that flow is doing and put some debug nodes on the flow and see the output the message payload or maybe the message topic or something else that's coming out of that node and um do a little troubleshooting if you're not getting what you're what you're expecting so what we're going to do is as you as i go through here put your questions in the chat you might want to put the word question before your question so that uh signifies that you got a question uh if not ron is there uh we've got other some other mods don n5 skt uber geek uh hello hello we got uh k5 yvy in the house so put your questions in the chat they will field them i'm going to continue on so let's get started here so what are the first things that you're going to to use in a flow is your inject node so what that does that typically starts a flow so you probably have got if you're you know running left to right the time stamp are the inject node is going to start the flow so if i double click on this timestamp we've got quite a few things that we can choose from message payload message payload is just a um it is the default um piece of information that is passed from node to node okay you can pass other things you can see that there's a message topic in here uh we can add something and call it message let's call it uh rate because we're a contester and we can add some things to this inject node that will start and inject those pieces of information into the flow okay so message payload by default is sending a timestamp that time stamp is epoch timestamp and i forget if it's um somebody in the chat keep me honest i don't can't remember if it's milliseconds since january 1st 1970 or if it's seconds i can't remember but anyway we'll see whenever we put the debug node so um i'm going to erase the message rate just for a little bit january 1st 1970 stephen says and he he knows he's a programmer unix is in seconds not sure what node red is in okay well we will find out real quick so here we are injecting a time stamp and uh we're gonna erase this message topic here and we're only gonna do uh the timestamp in uh injects so let's go ahead and hit the done and then in order for us to see what is being injected we need to drag over a debug node and wire that up you can see that the only thing that that is going to display the debug node is message payload okay keep that in mind so let's hit the deploy and then to start this are this inject node you have to hit this button now let me go back into the the debug node you can come down here to this inject after 0.1 seconds and then you can let's say you want to start the flow every every one second so you can automatically start this flow every one second let's just uh let's keep that there let's deploy this again so go up to the red deploy button and let's start that well it automatically started because i said inject so this is what it's giving me and let's uh let's stop this here because this is going to drive me batty oh let's um none and hit done and deploy so you can see that it was injecting once a second there which was expected behavior here so let's clear this by coming up here to the trash and clear all the messages all the debug messages and by the by the way this is called the sidebar and then we are clicked on the little debug icon up here for debug messages and that's where these messages are going up okay so let's inject this timestamp and it gives me a message uh payload is it says it's a number and then here is the time and you see that whenever i click on it it changes the value this is the epoch time by default so uh whatever that is 1 trillion billion gazillion if i double click on it it gives it in that is in utc so the 22nd march [Music] 4th time is o207 23 zulu if i click on it again it gives it another format which is human readable and then it gives it i guess that's hex that it gives it in not really sure but anyway you you get the point so let's come over here to timestamp and if you click on the drop down menu you got a totally uh or you got a ton of new things that you can inject so we're not going to inject a flow or a global variable but let's click on this string and let's uh give this a string which is a bunch of characters right so let's say um the frequency is and let's inject that so let's deploy that and then whenever i inject that it's going to give me a string so the message payload is string and it's going to say the frequency is it's expected output okay um you can also inject a number so let's do a number see where i clicked on that do a number and let's do a frequency 14.200 i think that's going to truncate it to 14.2 and deploy that and it did yep so we injected a number of 14.2 and there's the frequency you can do a boolean which is a true or a false let's inject true here deploy there's our boolean and what else can we inject here um we did the timestamp so let's take a look at so that's about all that i want to cover on the inject node but what i want to do is i want to cover this message payload debug node so in previous training sessions we talked about um choosing the complete message object so right now it is only giving me message payload which is just this um uh this value right so it gives me the epochs the string a number a boolean okay so what happens if i come back up here to my timestamp or my inject node sorry and i add a message topic which might those are common uh payloads for some of the um the dashboard nodes and i give it a string and i say my frequency is hit my done button deploy that and because i'm only debugging the message payload i'm not going to see the message topic i'm only going to get the um well it puts it it puts it up here but the default that i'm going to see on my debug is only message payload okay so let's add another one let's let's add a message dot rate okay and de deploy that and inject that and you see deploy rates which i believe was was false are for um blank let's give it a number let's give it a number of uh 14.200 i'm gonna truncate it to 14.2 so let's deploy that come back here and inject it so the only thing that i'm going to see is true what do i need to do to see all of those messages that are coming across from that node well you got to come up here to the debug node and you have to change this to complete message object okay once i do that and inject this again i should see all of my let's clear this real quick so you guys can see it up there now whenever i click on my debug node you're gonna see that it's got this message id the payload is true the topic is my frequency is and my rate is 14.2 and that matches up with payload true topic my frequency is and rate 14.2 so that's all the things that i wanted to show on um the inject and the debug just to make sure that everyone knew what was going on most of the time you're just going to have this time stamp and it's just going to inject the time stamp and once it starts the flow that time stamp that epoch timestamp is usually just thrown away and uh it just is a trigger to start a flow um let's move on to the switch node okay so switch node in my mind is just a big if-then-else statement maybe it's just a big f if statement so this switch the default is message payload okay we learned about that but then here you can give it a bunch of rules that it will traverse through and if it sees it's true or it matches one of those rules it will send it out the node in the correct slot so you can have many slots here and um uh send it out um per um uh per i lost my train of thought i was reading stephen's um uh message here repeating injections you'll have to i don't have any contacts with that stephen but um so it's got in this drop down menu the check is a bunch of different things and has some equals it's not equal greater than less than greater than or equal is between is good if your reading frequencies contains is uh if it contains a word or if it contains a number um regex is uh you'll have to um um you'll have to look up regex it's a uh kind of a syntax on matching things is true is false is null does not know his type of is empty is not empty um we're gonna concentrate on maybe like this equals so what we'll do is we will say um oh yeah steven says you can set an inject node to repeat every x sentence or x seconds and such yeah we reviewed that in the um uh before and showed that um but yeah that is uh let's say you want to repeat a a flow over and over and over you can set that um that inject node all right so let's go back to the switch node here and let's say we want to on this number we're going to choose a number and for some odd reason somebody in the chat can tell me why uh equals equals a double equal i forget but um so let's say we're gonna give it a number of zero and then let's add another one and we're gonna give it a number of one and we're gonna add a number of two okay we're gonna come down here and we're gonna say we're gonna check all the rules and you can see another option is stopping after the first match so it's gonna start at the top and work its way down so here we've got um we got three options zero one or two right okay you can see that that switch put in three little um outputs here so we're gonna put our time stamp here and we're gonna give it a number and we're going to start it out with zero okay so we're going to inject a zero here let's um let's inject another one here and let's give it a number and let's give it one and let's bring over another one you can see that you can wire up many nodes to a single f um to another single node so here i've got zero one and two right so i'm gonna wire all these up to the switch and here in the debug node we're just gonna do message payload and we're gonna we're gonna wire up every single one of these oops uh these outputs okay and we're gonna call and you can name these outputs so you can call this output one output two and you probably should name your debugs because once they you get a bunch of debugs you can get a little bit hairy here okay so i've got a switch coming in i've got these debugs i've got 0 1 and 2 as injects into the switch we're doing 0 1 and 2 for the um our checks and output 1 output two and output three all right so let's deploy this and let's clear the debug so if i inject a zero zero is going to come out of which one is it going to come out of and you hover over and see how it it highlights one that's how you can tell which one it is also you can come up here and it's going to say node and it's going to give you the name of the debug okay steven says the the s double equals is read single equals is sent and a third equals is equivalent ah very good okay uh oh no that was uh dp5 dre even says is assignment in this comparison okay i learned something new today yeah i couldn't remember when two or three were reused but anyway back to our example so zero comes out of output one that's expected so now let's inject a one so that comes out of output two which is our second output number two right here okay we inject a two we should get it out of output three so if we erase uh output one and output two and clear our debug and we inject a 0 let's see oh i have to deploy it like why did it say it so now i don't have any outputs i'm sorry debugs on output one or output two so if i inject a zero it's still gonna come out of that output but it's we're not gonna see it because we don't have a debug attached to that switch node okay so um let's do uh one other thing let's do um is true and then let's remove the rest of this okay now it's only got one output okay and let's keep this output three and now let's change this to a boolean which let's say that one's true and then let's make this input our inject a boolean of false and then let's get rid of this one okay so now we've got two inputs a true and a false our switch is is true and then we've got this output three so if i inject a true it's going to give me an output of true if i inject a false it's not going to give me anything because it's looking for a true so that's the way that you can um do a check and keep things from flowing you know if you want to stop a flow basically you can give it a switch with one output or just out or you could give it two outputs and just not wire up anything to the uh to the other output but uh yeah this is a good check like the switch node here um i think that's all i'm gonna do on the switch node i get the um the gist of that so what i'm going to do is i'm going to keep this intact and let's go down to the change node so a change node will take something and either change it to something else so there's a bunch of different things it can do it can set a value it can change a value it can delete a value and it can move a value okay so whenever something comes whenever a payload comes into that node that is a change node it's going to do some type of work on that uh either message payload or um or whatever payload you have set and this is where you designate where it needs or what it needs to do so we're all going to do is we're going to do set message payload to the value of um this is my frequency low frequency right yes okay so i set message payload to the value of this is my frequency and i'm only going to do that right whenever true comes out of the switch node so then i wire up output three i'm going to change this to say output one i like to do that and so if i inject a true it's going to go to the switch node it's going to see if it's true if it is true it's going to send it over to this change node and it's automatically going to just set message payload to the value of this is my frequency and then then we should be able to see this is my frequency on output one so let's see if that happens and it does this is this is my frequency if i inject a false here it's not going to give me anything hopefully nothing it's not going to give me anything and it didn't i just injected it and it didn't if i set this switch to is false and deploy this and go back to the false it's going to shoot out or it's going to i'm going to see in my debug my output 1 this is my frequency and i did so that is the switch node in a nutshell so let's play a little bit more with the change node here so let's change to keep in mind coming out of the switch node is the payload true or well actually now it's false so what we're going to do is we're going to take and let me just make sure that it is false so coming into the switch node or coming out of the switch node is false so it's looking for a false coming out of the switch okay and then into this node we're gonna say so message payload equals false right because it's coming out of the switch node so now we are going to change that message payload we're gonna search uh let's see now we're gonna we're gonna search for the boolean false and we're going to replace it with let's say [Music] this is my frequency and that's a string okay so another way that you can change the the payload okay so coming out of the switch is false we're going to search for message payload equals false and we're going to place it with this is my frequency so here after i clear this and i deploy if i inject a true i'm not going to get anything if i inject a false this is my frequency this is what comes out of that debug node ah let's see what else can you uh [Music] can delete message payload or move message payload so this is if you're moving from variable to variable not going to get into that but you get the the gist of what a change node looks like uh let's see what else did we have um did we have a filter so let's put a filter in line here and this used to be the rule by exception so this filter here let's just bring it see how i just covered it over there and it automatically turned to a dotted line and then whenever you let go it uh became solid and connected those two nodes together so and you can tell by now those two nodes are connected only whenever there's a dotted line okay what's the frequency can it maybe we'll pass some rem um in the payload so the filter node used to be the rule by exception node and it is going to block unless the value changes okay so i can't remember if it passes i think it passes the first value and then if that value is continually coming into that node it's not going to pass anything unless that value changes so and it's looking for message payload okay we're not going to get into apply search uh apply mode separately for each topic that's another that's an advanced topic so let's just put this rule by exception filter in and if i can remember right um this is my frequency is um if message payload equals or it's going to search for false and it's going to replace it by this is my frequency okay um so um yeah pd5 dre says can you can you give a purpose when you use these examples well um i can but um you know let me see if i can think of a uh a instance where you would um would use those oh yeah so ron and steven and um um don in the chat in 5 kst skt sorry n5 skt can give you some examples on where you would use some of these nodes um all right so rule by exception filter we're gonna block unless the value changes okay so how would i set this up for a good example um you know what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna make this switch uh i'm gonna create another node in here or another output and i'm gonna say is true goes to message output two and i'm gonna click done and i'm going to add another change node add another change node here and i'm going to say if message payload i'm going to search for for a boolean and i'm going to say if search for a true and then we're going to replace this rem is my favorite band okay and then i'm going to change this to what's the frequency and i think okay so i've got what's the frequency kenneth and uh rem is my favorite band if it is false we're going to replace it with what's the frequency kenneth if the message payload is true rem is my favorite band okay so let's just make sure that that is going to work i'm going to delete that i'm going to bring in another debug node and we're just going to take a look at what that message payload looks like so now i am clearing the debug and true comes in oh i messed uh i missed a wire here you can see that i missed a wire let's redeploy true rem is my favorite band correct gonna inject a false what's the frequency frequency kenneth perfect this is what i need okay so we're going to wire this filter up and we're going to deploy but keep in mind it's going to um pass the first one i believe pass the first message payload and if the message payload keeps coming into that node and it's the same payload it's going to drop it if it changes then it's going to pass it past the new payload with the new value so if i inject a true and keep in mind we're output one here so we're connected to the filter output one i'm sorry i'm going to inject a true and it's going to say rem is my favorite band i'm going to keep injecting i'm pressing the the button here my mouse button and i'm injecting ejecting injecting and nothing is happening okay now whenever i inject the false i should get what's the frequency what's the frequency kenneth in output one and i do because those two message payloads are different now now let's inject the false over and over i don't know if you can hear my mouse click but i'm injecting injecting and nothing's coming out so let's go back to the true i should now get rem as my favorite band and i do and i'm injecting injecting injecting yep so the rule by exception filter works and there's some other things that you can do for the rule by injection um we're not going to get into those but um just the default value is what you'll see in a lot of these flows all right moving on um what else did i put in here um did i put a delay okay so let's talk about a delay here so this delay is uh five seconds so it's gonna delay each message it's gonna give a fixed delay of five seconds and um we can put this into the flow so let's um let's just wire up an inject node and let's inject a um a number and let's let's get rid of this message topic and let's inject the uh the frequency uh 14.200 okay so and let's um i'm going to do this manually and let's put another debug node on here and let's wire this up so the delay is asleep yes yes so let's deploy this so i'm going to inject this whenever i say the word one and um and in five all right so if i inject now two three four five six oh there it goes five seconds later then i get my my payload okay let's inject one more time one two three four five there it is so it's just a it just uh uh delays the um uh the flow and you can say delete delay each message or rate limit each message or rate limit the flow to all the messages and then um we're gonna let's say uh we want one message per five seconds okay and all of the other messages we're gonna drop all the intermediate messages okay rate limit all messages we only want one message per five seconds and then drop intermediate messages it even says it will delay that flow but not all the flow lines so a limited sleep yes yes good point good point you could also have another wire that goes around it yes correct yeah good good point there so here is we are limiting one message per five seconds so now let's go back down to our inject node and let's do a inject interval of one every second so we should only get one message every five seconds right and you can tell that the uh inject node is a a interval because it gives this kind of half circle um i don't even know what that's called um somebody in the chat tell me what that's called in technical terms it's like a like a half an arrow with a in a in a circle okay so when i start this flow hopefully we will only get one message every five seconds here and it should be 14.2 so here we go there was our first one so it should come up every five seconds two three four five there's the second one two three four five there's the third one a loop yeah so this is good if you want to rate limit the um the flow and only send a certain amount of messages on okay so let's uh let's shut this down oh it's not driving us crazy yeah ocd i got a little ocd i got a lot of three letter acronyms going on in my life um let's see what else uh did we talk about the trigger yeah let's talk about a trigger i'm not as familiar with the trigger it's got quite a few options here um so what we're gonna do is how can i demonstrate this um send a one and wait for so let's let's do this let's um send a boolean true wait for um five seconds and then send a a string and that string is um what's the frequency okay so whenever we start or something comes a payload comes into that trigger it's going to send a true it's going to wait for five seconds and then it's gonna send a string that says what's the frequency so how do we start that node oh we and inject a timestamp now let's uh let's take our input one here and let's bring it down here and let's take a look at the um the output of that so let's clear our debug okay let's deploy and let's uh oh this is gonna drive me crazy no we gotta get rid of this debug sorry guys gonna drive me crazy okay so now we're concentrated concentrating on this flow right here okay so let's inject this so we should see true and then five seconds later the string what's the frequency so there's our true and then five seconds later we should get what's the frequency pretty straightforward um there's a whole useful you know things that you can do with the trigger um i can't think of one off the top of my head you never do math on camera the golden rule of youtube never do math on camera and i'm doing math in my head so uh let's see what else could you do um and so let's say you wanted to start a flow um five seconds after uh you got the input but you don't want to send anything well you don't want to send any then nothing and then maybe you want to send um uh let's send it true okay so here we're gonna send nothing and then five seconds after i start the flow it's gonna send it true so i inject now two three four five sends it true uh ron says um yeah i noticed kyle selected a bunch of nodes and dragged them yes so you can let's go over that ron that's a good idea so you can see that i selected a bunch of nodes and i can you can't left click or right click and pull down like a menu like you can like in you know microsoft word or or windows or whatnot but what you can do is i am clicking on control c you can see where it came up here and said three nodes copied and then i can come down here and hit a control v and copy those same nodes over and over so i can grab these copy those i got duplicates and i can do that not with whole flows but with just individual nodes so now i've got these four debug nodes selected i can hit control c and i can put another set of debug nodes here and then because they are all highlighted i can move them around the screen so some stuff getting around the screen here um some other things that you can do is you can zoom in and zoom out so if i zoom in and zoom out you can see that um it navigates for the zoom i've got this pretty big so um you guys can see it out there that's a little bit of navigating so let's uh delete all of these so i just selected all of them and hit the delete button and that deletes them get rid of this one let's get uh now let's keep all the rest of these all right what else is out there um i'm gonna get to the link in and link out here in a minute um what else was i gonna do um man i need to go back to my thumbnail and or actually my um my description all right so i talked about the change node the switch node the link and out link in and link out nodes we'll get to that debug inject split and join so this is kind of an advanced topic but i have a um i have a example down here that i want to show and this is something that i'm working on with uh with another another person for the missouri cuso party and what we are doing is we are um going out to this website and we're gonna pull down a bunch of data from a website okay so let's just take a look at that real quick let's uh um clear the debug and whenever we inject this um well that's unexpected i didn't expect it to do that um do i have this as a ut oh i want a parse json buffer that's what my my json buffer okay yeah yeah yeah all right so sorry guys had an incorrect uh output here all right so if i inject this it is going to give me um this output okay um this is just uh some spot information that we are working on and um this is the the the payload right it's got an id spotted call sign spotted spot or call sign the time comments in that field frequency mode counties and a flag okay so if i clear that i think that i've got a different type of call to the api yeah i do okay so this is where a split node comes in um nice is let's say you're you're grabbing a bunch of data and it isn't an array so an array is just a a grouping of values somebody else can tell me in the chat what um an array the technical term for a programming term for an array so here i'm going to get a bunch of different values that's a bunch of different values you can see 0 through 9 and if i drill down through here you can see that i've got this object and i've got a value i've got this other object that's got a value i've got this object that's got a value and i've got all the way down to 80 objects here that how do i get the information out of that this payload that i want to split every single one of these these values out to it's in its own individual payload well you use the split node and typically i kind of i just use the default split and node red is smart enough to know where to split it typically and it gives me you'll see after i run this and i run it through the split command that all of these this right here will be one payload and this will be another payload and this will be another payload okay so let's wire this up and let's remove um actually let's turn this debug off i didn't even talk about how to turn debugs on and off you can turn debugs on and off by clicking on the button on the right hand side so now let's deploy this let's clear our debug and now whenever i inject this it is going to go out there it's going to grab that array that split node is going to split it into its individual payloads and you're going to see a bunch of stuff fly by and if i click on one of these here is oh [Laughter] we were we were messing with the here let's let's do some one that's uh a little more uh family-friendly here um so let's uh take a look at message payload id number 63. there is uh k4 kev kv k0kev and you can see that it is split this payload into individual or the the array into individual payloads okay now the way that it can figure this out is let's go back to our debug node and let's do a complete message object and let's do the done let's deploy that again let's clear our debug nodes and let's take a look at some of the more advanced debugs that you're gonna see here okay so here is go down here and come up here um so here's the message payload that we're used to seeing and then every message has got this headers part that gives some more information but the real proof in the pudding here is this message id uh down here all right i thought it was in the parts now there's a lot of things going on here but this is where if you need to split something and then you need to join it back together it uses this information to join the information back together so let's let's do this just for um where is the split here let let's bring over a join and let's put it back in here so hopefully it's going to take the split it's going to take uh it's going to split it and then it's going to rejoin it and then hopefully it's going to take it's going to look like what we did before we split it so let's deploy this and actually let's clear this let's turn this message debug on and let's this was the original it's all in the array you can see that this first one was id number 120 so now we're coming down to the second debug which is this debug node here and if we take a look at this array it's the same array and if we go to there it is the same thing right id number 20. um this is a comment because we rejoined we split it and we rejoined it it's in a it's in the same format okay and then because we we um let's move this to message payload let's do that one one more time okay they're exactly the same this debug coming out of the http request this debug coming out of the join both these are exactly the same all right so that's the split and the join those are two useful nodes um one last oh let's see we did the filter node um maybe if we have time we'll get to the exact node let's talk about link in and link out so the link in is let's go back up here to our let's get rid of this and um i forget what's coming out of this filter here um [Music] deploy this rem is my favorite band on true and false is what's the frequency kenneth okay so what we can do is this is basically just using the link in and link out is exactly what it what what you think it is so we've got this link out and we're going to call it link out okay and we're going to wire this up it's a link out right so now this is going to send all of that data somewhere else typically it is somewhere else in the flow or it's a new flow or um it's a new tab could be anywhere it's it's a global parameter here so now let's let's create a new flow and let's bring in the link in okay and let's put a debug node on this and we'll call it link in and as you can see here in the drop down is that link out that we just created so we're going to link these together by clicking on that the link out and hit done okay so you could see over here it when we click on it it shows us where it's going to if we click on that it's going to come back and it's going to highlight it over here and you can see where these things are the links are are connected to okay so if you remember this was connected to the filter and it the true was rem is my favorite band and false was what's the frequency kenneth so now if we come over here to flow 2 and we connect message payload and clear this and deploy yes invisible wires that's a good good definition for it steven is now everything that i send out of this link out it's going to come over to this link in and be displayed on this message payload debug node all right so let's start so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna change this drop down to um uh well we're gonna keep it all nodes okay but what we're gonna do is we're gonna come over here and we're gonna rename this message debug and we're gonna call it flow to debug okay so we know which one we're looking at we're gonna redeploy that now we're gonna come over to flow one and now we're gonna hit the true button well out of node the debug node flow to debug rm is my favorite band if i come over here to false i should see what's the frequency kenneth and i do so if i double click or i single click on that it's going to take me to debug that is connected to that link out so if you have some data that you need to send over to another flow or another tab or somewhere else you it doesn't have to be in this flow it can be in the same flow so now let's take another um link in and let's um [Music] let's do another debug just for spite here and let's link this one to the link out so now there are two so let's say you've got a big long flow but you don't want to you know keep going you you can um bring another flow down to our all of the messages down to a uh another flow and continue that on the same page or on the same tab and you're gonna see the same outputs here so not not only does it go down the page but it goes to flow too so now we've got um this debug and we're gonna call it a flow one debug done and then we're going to hit the deploy so now let me clear this whenever i click the true hopefully i'm going to get two debugs here in my debug window i do and now if i click on debug false or inject false i'm going to get to what's the frequency kenneth so um one last one real quick um the exact command so we kind of covered this in the digital loggers pro flow this is where you can give it a basically a linux command and it will give you all of the output of what uh that linux command on the the command prompt would give you so let's do an ls ls is uh short for um list of directories so let's inject this and the debug standard output is going to come to this first um first output oh another thing you can you can hover over the outputs of a switch node or any node that has multiple outputs and it should tell you what the output is so let's hover over this first uh node or this first output on this exec command and that's standard out second one is standard um error and the third one is a return code so we would just want the standard output of what's going on here so if i deploy this i clear my debug node my mouse get all right so if i inject the ls hopefully in the message payload i'm going to get the the um directory listing and the files listing of um the what would it be the default user that this is running off of which is pi so let's see if that it did so there are um is that correct i see here let me putty into uh yes i and ls oh yeah there it is um let's see ron told me how to change this and now i freak um oh appearance no um hang on guys um i can't remember how to make this bigger um change settings i thought you went to window let's see i know this is riveting anyway you're gonna have to take my i can't find it so anyway uh ls yeah bookshelf desktop documents downloads music pictures podo that's the same stuff as this over here because i issued an ls and it gave me an ls of my home directory on a pi so you can put this like you know if you want to get uh cpu temperature if you want to get the um you want to do a ping well the pink's got a that's a bad example um there are some other things that you can get from the command line let's say you want to get um what the ip address is maybe you want to shut down the pie and do that so that is it um we've gone through everything it's exactly an hour uh change node switch node link in and link out a debug node an inject node a split and a join a delay a trigger an exact and a filter that's it it's nine o'clock central time i turn into a pumpkin in 30 minutes anything else that you guys want to um kyle show the search window on top of the list of the notes ah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so up here you can see this uh let's see so you can search for nodes let's say you have a ton of nodes um [Music] loaded here so i want to search for a uh let's say a function there's the function node i want to search for a switch node there's a switch and it shows two because it shows the dashboard i want to search for a change node there's the change node um let's see what else so you can search for your different nodes that you've got loaded in your palette and remember let's take a look here let's let's see if i got any updates so if i go down here to manage palette and i click on so these are all the nodes that i have installed if i click the install um i'm sorry i'm in the wrong place this is where you're going to see if you have any nodes that need to be updated update updated you can see that i don't have any nodes that need to be updated you'd see a update to version whatever it is over here the install is where you want to search for node so let's i want to do let's see a countdown down that's where you install nodes from the internet that people have published as verified nodes and then you can go over here and do some research on if that node is is what you need but i guarantee you the community out there has put together so many nodes that you can download unless you're stephen and you got a flex radio and you're you're designing nodes um someone else has probably done a node for you that does what you need it to do um there's a ton of stuff um yeah i think that's it anything else anything else um i've got the delay super super quick on the chat here so this is almost real time there's no like 30 second delay going on so um i will stick around for a couple more minutes if you got any questions put them in the chat if you want to do a subscribe and a thumbs up for this video appreciate it it's more people uh this video about node red in front of more people shows them about um shows them about ham radio yes w uh j s t x w j s t x there's a bunch of nodes for that also i believe so um yeah if you haven't gone out uh again the group's io out there we've got a bunch of great things here's the file section here's where all of the nodes by type are uh this is the wiki location that dave has put together go out there and if you got um if you need to or fr stack um fr stack is only for flex users keep that in mind um you can go out there and take a look if you want to that's out there too so now thanks everyone for hanging out appreciate it thanks uh john and michael and ron for moderating and uh pd5 dre uh don's in the chat who else is in the chat out there that's uh um nature's child hello hello dan martin thank you thank you uber geek thank you so yep if you have any questions go out to the ham radio for our ham radio for node-red for ham radio groups io ask your questions out there so very good i'm going to shut it down thanks everyone uh we will see you in two weeks i don't know what we're going to talk about but we'll talk about something maybe we'll learn some more flows so but anyway hey iowa hawk iowa hank sorry iowa hank hello hello so we're going to shut her down thanks everyone talk to you later i always forget how to shut this thing down all right later
Channel: Kyle - AA0Z
Views: 29,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amateur radio, ham radio, qso, sota, npota, iota, contesting, radiosport
Id: 0osGkVHMugI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 59sec (3959 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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