nobodyknows+ - Hero's Come Back!! / THE FIRST TAKE

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This song is awesome.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Totalanimefan 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2022 🗫︎ replies

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Listige 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2022 🗫︎ replies
This song's become a staple at our shows. Let's do this song that always gets the crowd going. Let's do it, THE FIRST TAKE, "Hero's Come Back!!" Hear a hint of a voice from far away, one by one, our comrades rise I'm ready to overturn this repetitive normality ARE YOU READY?  Vibrations rock my body to the core Energy rings out like vehement STOMPING Always raring to go, CALL ME Unchanging, I keep reaching for that STORY. Come on!!  Everybody stand up!  Rise up, today's your best shot You're a speed hunter moving at lightning speed Everyone's spellbound, a headliner. Yeah! (Come on!) Everybody hands up! Kept you waiting, but the Hero's Come Back!!  Above, COUNT DOWN  on our fingertips Let's go, 3-2-1 MAKE SOME NOISE!  What you gonna do? What you gonna do? I etch that incessant ring into my heart A shock greater than a déjà vu takes hold and races through me, BREAK DOWN Turn It Up (Turn it up) Hey, can you hear me? I yelled. Everything up to yesterday - will change, setting off to the unknown tomorrow Taking all the emotions that have spilled over A long-awaited SHOW TIME Destined to bloom and fall, who will be victorious? Resting on your laurels will ensure immediate failure Wipe off your own blood and sweat Hope and pride, we carried them all Mercy will be your ruin, maintain your potential and your mental strength A hero awaited by all, to be viewed for just one night, a romantic flight Oh yeah, that's not it KICK ON THE CORNER, is that not enough? A ruthless personality so different from usual, gonna protect everything like a Terminator Stand up on the 4th, the 5th try (Fly high. Yeah!) Shall I just tell it all here? Everybody stand up!  Rise up, today's your best shot You're a speed hunter moving at lightning speed Everyone's spellbound, a headliner. Yeah! (Come on!) Everybody hands up! Kept you waiting, but the Hero's Come Back!!  Above, COUNT DOWN  on our fingertips Let's go, 3-2-1 MAKE SOME NOISE!  You're willing to take some risks, right? Get back up no matter how much you fall (Get it on)  We're not colluding, it's a paper-thin session Pent-up feelings become a crystal of emotions Made in a prolonged human drama, just like Yoshiwara in full blaze Daily lives that roll on endlessly Just means the more you laugh, the more empty-minded you can be Won't let a headwind beat us, even if we're outnumbered Gonna take them in, I've run into this so many times I've stood here countless times to face this battle Let me show you how this battle should be fought A night or two spent in hasty preparation doesn't compare to my resolve  So you better wave your white flag Longing for the sun, understanding the shadows Won't listen to your excuses, that's what makes this REAL With every fight, I'M PROUD We haven't lost everything It's not about YES or NO's , I aim to laugh about that one day Gonna ace it in a blink of an eye, c'mon partner The rising tide of cheers will give me courage Getting back up this time will be tougher than ever But I know we'll end up smiling We'll get everything -victory and the cheers Everybody stand up!  Rise up, today's your best shot You're a speed hunter moving at lightning speed Everyone's spellbound, a headliner. Yeah! (Come on!) Everybody hands up! Kept you waiting, but the Hero's Come Back!!  Above, COUNT DOWN  on our fingertips Let's go, 3-2-1 MAKE SOME NOISE!  Everybody stand up!  Rise up, today's your best shot You're a speed hunter moving at lightning speed Everyone's spellbound, a headliner. Yeah! (Come on!) Everybody hands up! Kept you waiting, but the Hero's Come Back!!  Above, COUNT DOWN  on our fingertips Let's go, 3-2-1 MAKE SOME NOISE! 
Views: 5,729,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the first take, first take, ファーストテイク, ファステク, 一発撮り, 緊張感, COLORS, DSCVR, Tokyo sounds, lute, tiny desk, nobodyknows+, nobodyknows, ノーバディノウズ, ココロオドル, NARUTO, ナルト, 疾風伝, ヒップホップ, Hip Hop, HIP-HOP, ラップ, Rap, MC, Hero's Come Back!!, 名古屋, ヒプノシスマイク, ヒプマイ, スカイピース, kiki vivi lily, SEAMO, HOME MADE家族, R-指定, ココロジョジョル, マサオツモル, ススミダス, エル・ミラドール, シアワセナラテヲタタコウ, メバエ, goosehouse
Id: DcM_lDvx5ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2022
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