Nobody Needs a Digital Rangefinder | Leica M11 Street Photo Walk

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] all right [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] let us begin I love one and welcome to my Leica M11 Street photo walk video I was out and about with Chris meets Chris in Chinatown Vancouver with it like M11 as well as the Leica m10r thank you so much camera West and Lancaster San Francisco I have this on a long-term loan since I was in Germany I got lots of videos to still edit but they let me borrow this on a long-term loan use it in Germany love this camera and as well as when I got back to Vancouver and then like USA thank you so much Kiran and the rest of the team Nathan for sending this out to me the M11 and just had a great time it looked right out at me like you just did like kind of a Wes Anderson Style not like super liver this way because the bread the fire fire hydrants in there yeah the m10r was the first M to go to the moon this video is not going to be about specs and numbers I shot another video sort of talking about the differences between these two cameras but in this video it's more about just the shooting pleasure of the Leica M system and as well I'm not sure how much of it we showed in the video that we shot but also the my M7 I love this camera this uh shot my Hong Kong neon project with this I've traveled the world with this camera with the 28 that's my favorite focal length using on the Leica M shot with this in Germany as well shot with this here the M11 this is the black chrome so it is using an aluminum top so it is nice and light but this M10 are it's uh you know it's all brass top and bottom does have the camera craft grip as well as the Retro photo York brass shutter so it's just a beautiful looking camera and when you're out and about shooting with any Leica M these are competent cameras it's like an air cooled Porsche 911 it's a real sports car you can definitely race with it and keep up with modern sports cars depending on what you're doing obviously it's not the same as a brand new water cruel 911 sports car but you know these things definitely the Optics are as good if not better than a lot of other manufacturers and having a 35 millimeter F 1.4 and the lens is small I mean no other full-frame manufacturer can make a lens uh quite like this with this kind of quality because there's there's no auto focus to have to deal with and so uh as you will see in the video as I'm out and about walking around you don't need autofocus or some things my buddy Jason Roman stock easy he shoots at F 1.4 F2 on the streets he's sort of scale focuses he knows where he wants people to hit you know at a certain point when he's at a certain f-stop and he can just hit it because that's his primary camera and he does you know actual work shoots with his Leica M's even though he has an SL and I'm sure he has different reasons why he shoots an M over an SL over q and so if you want to use this as a professional tool you can I use my Fujifilm cameras like right now I'm shooting on the xt4 and I need autofocus for some things but I come from the generation where autofocus didn't exist and so you know think of all the great photos that were taken by Magnum photographers so just photojournalists in general some of my favorite photographers Fred hertzog Greg Gerard unreachable song they didn't use autofocus it didn't exist at the time and so to say that you can't you know like I think people have gotten so used to technology in their cameras that they become heavily reliant on it and that's all right if you're doing jobs I guess but I not only like The Art of Photography because you know you could have an artist's eye and use an iPhone and take fantastic photos but know nothing about ISO aperture or shutter speed it's just you just kind of have that eye and there's other people that understand the craft of Photography so they can shoot with a large format camera meaning for magic load their own film but they might not have an artist's eye they just enjoy just the ritual of loading film and shooting film and just saying that they took it and they're completely happy with it they don't need to be famous photographers I believe in for myself being able to be a competent photographer uh with a great eye but as well as understanding the craft of Photography and enjoying the craft of Photography and what the like is you get to do that you get to manly Focus you get to really engage with the camera you're actually mechanically moving lens elements so you are focusing and using this focusing patch and as well you set your shutter speed and if you don't it just has an electronic shutter on the M11 the m10r doesn't so either you use MD filters or you stop down you use all these different ways to capture your images working within the limits of what you have and yeah I can use an autofocus camera I can use my iPhone and get certain shots that would be a lot easier to grab if I had autofocus and auto exposure and all those I mean this has Auto exposure this has live view on it so the M11 is a modern iteration from the original M3 film camera came out in 1954 so we're approaching like the 70th year of the Leica M changes on a classic like this it can't be too radical but this is probably one of the most radical upgrades for like a m even though in something like the Sony world where there's the new camera every six months and you know it's like oh this camera is thinner oh this camera has a new battery system it doesn't seem that big but you know when you have a seven Year Legacy a seven year history of both Form and Function there's only so much you can like like Leica says they're not interested in making the M into an autofocus system because that's what helps keep this Compact and reasoning lightweight for what you're getting but the thing is people love these because they're manual focused because you get to kind of play with it right you get to engage with it you're not just shooting with one-handed without looking you you need to look you need to focus you need to be able to figure out what you're trying to get and yeah you could chimp a little bit and look at what you shot or do live view and with the m10r you could do that with the M11 you could do that and you can get like the MD and and can't do that because there's not even a screen on the back but the overall shooting experience with a Leica M system it doesn't matter if you have an M11 an m10r m10p m240s m246 M9 M8 it doesn't matter even going all the way back to the film like M7 when I'm going from film to digital and that's kind of what I did when I was in Germany I was shooting with the film like an M7 and then the m10r swapping lenses back and forth and the way that I shoot was basically the same it did I didn't have to change the way I was shooting so a lot of people people who say they love the process of shooting film well I get that it's not exactly the same but you get a similar feel and you get a certain flow shooting with the rangefinder or going from film to digital it was just a great way of shooting when I was in Germany and maybe the total volume of photos are less than if I was shooting with an autofocus Auto everything camera but I don't really care because I'm shooting for the pleasure of it and that's kind of why I love photography and so I had a great time shooting with the M11 thank you so much Chris for walking around with me we went to a couple of cafes so we went out walked around took some shots went sat down talked about photography and talked about watches talked about sneakers and and our our likes and dislikes when it comes to food and and drink this is wrong you're not supposed to really use honey in your Hong Kong refined sugar but I don't want you wasting your money and then we went to sneaker shop and looked at some sneakers and again that kind of plays into sort of you know the pleasure of wearing something that is beautiful but as well as functional right so you can pretty much shoes don't need to look cool and really if you just got a black pair of shoes and they're functional why do you care what they look like and some people are that way right some people said look I just want to wear a pair of Skechers and I'm good they don't need to be legit they don't need to be on point as long as they're comfortable I'm happy and that's fine but you know for me I'd love the functionality of sneakers and I think they should be functional first depending on what you're doing especially if you're running or hiking or or something like that but as well the style the history of where the shoe came from like Stan Smith Superstars Air Force Ones you know those things mean a lot to me and then sort of like it's poetry it's poetry on my feet my clothes what I wear expresses how I feel the watches I wear where they all expressed something about me and shooting with the Leica other than the history of the camera it is an expression of my my fashion sense an expression of me understanding the the historicity of these cameras and yet they're able to still capture beautiful photos and knowing the the greats that use these cameras to capture one of the photos it just kind of plays into the whole poetry of when I'm out and about and shooting and so thank you so much Leica USA for sending me the M11 unfortunately I have to ship it back but I still have the Leica m10r and for those of you the wondering should you get an m10r or an M11 the m10r I think the value in it is finding one used because these two are still selling the same price Leica told me when I was in Germany they have no intention of dropping the price on the m10r and so for the same price M11 is the way to go but finding these used the M10 m10p m10r the m10r I think right now at camera West and Lancaster San Francisco things like six thousand dollars so you save three thousand dollars from buying a new one as well as the availability of accessories like this camera craft grip as well as like tons of used batteries or Chargers or third-party options there's a lot more options with the Leica M10 body because it's been around for I don't know what five or six years so there's a lot of third-party accessories for it so I would recommend you know looking at used prices so go to I'll leave the link down below for camera West as well as like a store sound Cisco to find a minty copy of an m10r either in silver black still has the brass top and bottom place so it's very classic like a m and a little bit more fiddly right I mean you get to play with a little bit more because you have to take the bottom plate off some people aren't huge fans of it I wasn't but with this camera craft grip I do have access to the battery and the memory card slot without having to take that bottom plate on also the Arca Swiss type connector so I can just put this straight onto my tripod so thank you again Chris for shooting with me and let me know down below if you guys like that type of video I'll do more just kind of walking around with uh whatever cameras they have but for now it's going to be the Leica m10r pretty much as I'm out and about in Vancouver as well as my Leica M7 because I am testing out uh some new film from camera film photo the Kiki pan so that's what's loaded in here right now so I'm having fun shooting with that and I gotta ship this back to Leica so goodbye like I am 11 we will perhaps run into each other again sometime soon in the near future we'll talk to you soon happy shooting it's a nice hey all right peace [Music]
Channel: bigheadtaco
Views: 85,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: +bigheadtaco, +photography, +streetphotography, Leica, Leica M11, LeicaM10-R, LeicaM7, rangefinder, bigheadtaco
Id: mKn95qEMVzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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