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today I show you the best way to dry clean the carpet it takes only 2 ingredients this is a small carpet but the method also works on large carpets only with natural ingredients and in a few minutes your carpet will return to its former glory 1 tablespoon of salt 1 spoon of bicarbonate if the carpet is larger increase the doses salt and bicarbonate always in equal parts rub lightly with your hands over the entire surface leave it to act for 15 minutes this mixture does not eliminate old stains but removes dust and dirt inside the bristles I turn and vacuum the salt and bicarbonate in reverse as well, they remove dust and debris from a carpet that seemed clean if you also want to do a treatment to make the colors bright 20 g of citric acid dissolved in 200 ml of boiling water add 400 ml of cold water I rub it with circular movements on the surface the carpet is perfectly clean and sanitized now just let it air dry
Channel: Il Rifugio Perfetto
Views: 1,887,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: il rifugio perfetto, ilrifugioperfetto, cleaning, cleaning motivation, spring cleaning, deep cleaning, clean with me, house cleaning, cleaning my room, cleaning vlog, car cleaning, cleaning asmr, satisfying, organizing, before and after, time lapse, help, hoarders, 2023, sos, life hacks, car detailing, detail geek, 5 minute craft, do it yourself, 5 minutes craft, detailing, declutter, minimalism, self improvement, self help, productive day, baking soda, diy projects, lifestyle vlog
Id: jSfimQjm1E8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 58sec (238 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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