Niemand kennt dieses Rezept! Ich habe noch nie so leckere Zucchini gegessen! Einfach und lecker!

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2 zucchini. Cut zucchini into thin slices. Hello dear friends! Salt. Today I'm preparing a delicious dinner for the whole family! Let the zucchini rest for 15 minutes. 1 onion. Subscribe to the channel, I am very happy to meet new friends! Olive oil. Fry the onion until transparent. 1 carrot. Salt. Black pepper. Fry for 5-7 minutes. 3 garlic. Fry for another 2 minutes. Dill. Mix well. After 15 minutes, dry the zucchini with paper towels. Friends, thank you for your comments, likes and subscriptions! This is very important to me and helps to further develop the channel! Add cheese 1/2 cup / 150 gr. Roasted vegetables. Cheese. roll up I fasten the roll with a toothpick. Repeat after me! It's very easy! 3 eggs. Greek yogurt / sour cream 1 cup / 200 gr. flour 5 tablespoons. Salt. Mix well. Pour in the egg mixture. Vegetable Oil 3 cups/600ml. Brown the zucchini on all sides over low heat. Lay out on paper towels. Fry the remaining zucchini in the same way. 2 tomatoes. Olive oil. Fry on medium heat. 3 garlic. Tomato paste 1 tablespoon. Salt. Black pepper. Fry for 5 minutes. Delicious tomato sauce is ready! Very tasty and fragrant! You can start with dinner! Bon appetit!
Channel: Frische Rezepte
Views: 29,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Frische Rezepte, yt:cc=on, Abendessen, Zucchini Rollen, vegetarische rezepte, Unglaubliche Rezepte, Gemüserezepte, Niemand kennt dieses Rezept, rezepte, zucchini rezept, zucchini, zucchini rezepte schnell, Zucchiniröllchen, gefüllte zucchini rezept, Zucchini mit Hühnchen, Zucchini mit gehacktem Hähnchen, gebratene Zucchini, Zucchini im Teig, leckere Zucchini, Zucchini mit Soße, zucchini recipe, zucchini recipes, Zucchini in einer Pfanne, zucchini rezepte, Gemüse Rezept, essen
Id: DZPjsDn8DAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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