Decoding the Human Mind & Neural Nets | Noam Chomsky | Eye on AI #126

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/JerseyFlight 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2023 🗫︎ replies
NOAM What's called AI and today has departed to   basically pure engineering. It's designed  - the large language models are designed   in such a way that in principle, they can't  tell you anything about language, learning,   cognitive processes, generally. They can  produce useful devices like what I'm using,   but the very design ensures that you'll  never understand, they'll never lead to   any contribution to science. That's not a  criticism, any more than I'm criticizing captions. CRAIG This week, I talk to Noam Chomsky,   one of the preeminent intellectuals of our time.  Our conversation touched on the dichotomy between   understanding and application in the field of  artificial intelligence. Chomsky argues that AI   has shifted from a science aimed at understanding  cognition to a pure engineering field focused   on creating useful, but not necessarily  explanatory, tools. He questions whether   neural nets truly mirror how the brain functions  and whether they exhibit any true intelligence.   He also suggests that advanced alien  life forms would likely have language   structured similar to our own. Chomsky’s 94,   and I reached him at his home where he appeared  with a clock hanging ominously over his head. You're in California. NOAM Actually,   I'm in Arizona, which is on California time. CRAIG Yeah. So, you know, I wanted to talk to   you because you have the, you know, one of the few  people with a deep understanding of linguistics   and natural language processing, that has the  historical knowledge of where we are, how we got   to where we are and what that might mean for the  future. I understand the, your criticisms of deep   learning and what large language models are not  in terms of reasoning and, you know, understanding   the, the underpinnings of language. But I thought  maybe I could ask you to talk about how this   developed. I mean, going back to Minsky's thesis  at Princeton when he was, you know, before he   turned against the perceptron, when he was talking  about nets as a possible model for biological   processes in the brain. And then, you know,  how did how you see that things developed? And   what were the failures that didn't get to where,  presumably, you would have wanted that research   to go. And then, and then I have some other  questions. But is that enough to get started? NOAM Let's, let's take an analogy.   Suppose you're interested in  figuring out how insects navigate.   Biological problem. So, one thing  you can do is say, let's try to   study in detail what the desert ants are  doing in my backyard, how they're using   solar azimus, so on and so forth. Something else  you could do is say, look it’s easy. I'll just   build an automobile, which can navigate. Fine  does better than the desert ants, so who cares?   Well, those are the two forms of artificial  intelligence. One is what Minsky was after,   it's now kind of ridiculed as good  old-fashioned AI, GOFAI. We're past that stage. NOAM Now we just build things that do it better.   Okay. Like an airplane does better than an  eagle. So, who cares about how eagles fly?   That's possible. But it's a difference  between totally different goals.   Roughly speaking, science and engineering. It's  not a sharp difference. But first approximation.   Either you're interested  in understanding something,   or you're just interested in building  something that'll work for some purpose.   Those are both fine occupations. Nothing wrong  with, I mean, when you say my criticism of large   language models, that's not correct. I'm  using them right now. I'm reading captions.   Captions are based on deep learning, clever  programming. Very useful. I'm hard of hearing. So,   they're very helpful to me. No criticism.  But if somebody comes along and says, okay,   this explains language. You tell them, it's kind  of like saying an airplane explains eagles flying.   It’s the wrong question. It's not intended  to understand leave any understanding. It's   intended to be for a useful purpose. That's fine.  No criticism. And yet, what's called AI and today   has departed to basically pure engineering. It's  designed - the large language models are designed   in such a way that in principle, they can't  tell you anything about language, learning,   cognitive processes, generally. They can produce  useful devices like what I'm using, but the very   design ensures that you'll never understand,  they'll never lead to any contribution to science.   That's not a criticism, any more  than I'm criticizing captions. Yeah. CRAIG Geoff Hinton   says that, you know, his goal was to understand  the brain how the brain works. And he talks about   AI as we know it today, supervised learning  and generative AI as useful byproducts,   but that are not his goal or not the goal of  cognitive science or computational biology.   Was there a point at which you think the  research lost a bead or is there research   going on that people aren't paying attention to  that is not caught up in the usefulness of these   other kinds of neural nets? NOAM  Well, first of all, if you're interested in how  the brain works, the first question you ask is,   does it work by neural nets? That's an open  question. There's plenty of critical analysis   that argues that neural nets are not what's  involved even in simple things like memory.   Sure, there's arguments that go back to  Helmholtz. Neural transmission is pretty   slow as compared with ordinary, there's much  sharper criticism by people like Randy Gallistel,   cognitive neuroscientist, has given pretty  sound arguments that neural nets, in principle,   don't have the ability to capture  the core notion of a Turing machine.   computational capacity, they just don't have the  capacity. And he's argued that the computational   capacity is in much richer computational systems  in the brain, internals themselves, where there's   very rich computational capacity goes way beyond  neural net. Some experimental evidence supports   this. So, if you're interested in the brain,  that's the kind of thing you're looking at.   Not just saying, can I make bigger neural net?  Okay, if you want to try it, and maybe it's their   own place to look? So, the first question is,  is it even the right place to look? That's an   open question in neuroscience. If you take a vote  among neuroscientists, almost all of them think   that neural nets are the right place to look. But  you don't solve scientific questions by a vote. CRAIG Yeah. The I mean,   one of the things that's obvious is,  is neural nets, they may be a model,   and they may mimic a portion of brain activity.  But there are so many other structures, NOAM There’s all kinds of stuff going on in   the brain, way down to the cellular level. There  are chemical interactions, plenty of other things.   So maybe you'll learn something by  studying neural nets. If you do fine,   everybody will be happy. But maybe that's not the  place to look, if you want to study, even simple   things like just memory and associations. There  is now already evidence of associations internal   to large cells in the hippocampus. Internal, which  means maybe something's going on at a deeper level   where there's vastly more computational capacity.  Those are serious questions. So, there's nothing   wrong with trying to construct models and seeing  if we can learn something from them. Again, fine. CRAIG Building larger models,   which is kind of the rage in the engineering  side of AI right now, does produce remarkable   results. I mean, what was your reaction when you  saw chat GPT or GPT-4, or any of these models,   that it's just sort of a clever, stochastic  parrot? Or that there was something deeper? NOAM If you look at the design of the system,   you can see it's like, an airplane explaining  flying, as nine do with it. In fact,   it's immediately obvious, trivially obvious, not a  deep point, that it can't be teaching us anything.   The reason is very simple. The large learning  models work just as well for impossible languages   that children can’t acquire, as for the languages  they're trained on. So, it's as if a biologist   came along and said, I got a great new theory  of organisms, lists a lot of organisms that   possibly exist. A lot that can't possibly exist,  and I can tell you nothing about the difference.   I mean, that's it's not a contribution to biology  - doesn't meet the first minimal condition.   The first minimal condition is distinguish between  what's possible from what's not possible. If you   can't do that, it's not a contribution to  science, that if it was biologists making   that proposal you’d just laugh. Why shouldn't  we just laugh when an engineer from Silicon   Valley says the same thing? So maybe they're  fun, maybe they're useful for something,   maybe they're harmful? Those are the kinds of  questions you ask about pure technology. Take   large language models. There is something they're  useful. Fact I'm using them right at this minute.   Actions. Very helpful for people like me. Are  they harmful, and that can cause a lot of harm.   Disinformation, defamation, preying on human  gullibility, plenty of examples. So they can   cause harm, they can be abuse. Those are the kinds  of questions you ask about pure engineering, which   can be very sophisticated and clever. The internal  combustion engine is a very sophisticated device.   But we don't expect it to tell us anything about  how a gazelle runs. It’s just the wrong question. CRAIG Although,   you know, I talk a lot to Geoff Hinton, and he'll  be the first to concede the backpropagation is   not there's no evidence of that. And, in fact,  there's a lot of evidence that it wouldn't work   in the brain. Reinforcement Learning. You know,  I've spoken to rich Sutton that's been accepted   as by a lot of people as an algorithmic model  for brain activity in, in part of the brain,   the lower brain. So, in terms of exploring  the mechanisms of the brain, it seems that,   that there is some usefulness, I mean,  as you said there's, on the one hand,   people look at the principles. And then they built  through engineering just is the analogy of a bird   to an airplane they, they've taken some of the  principles and applied it through engineering and   created something useful. But there are scientists  that are looking at what's been created,   like Hinton's criticism of backpropagation.  and are looking for other models that would   fit with the principles they see in cognitive  science or in the brain. And I mentioned this   forward-forward algorithm, which you said you  haven't looked at, but I found it compelling,   in that it doesn't require, you know, signals to  be passing back through the neurons. I mean, they,   they pass back, but then stimulate other  neurons as you move forward in time, but   is there nothing that that's been learned in  the study of AI or the research of neural nets. NOAM If you can find anything, it's great.   Nothing against search. But it's just  that we have to remember you asked about   chatbots. What do we learn from them? Zero, for  the simple reason that the systems work as well,   for impossible languages as for possible ones,  so it's like the biologist with the new theory   that has organisms and impossible ones and can't  tell the difference. Now, maybe by the look at the   systems, you'll learn something about possible.  Okay, great, all-in favor of learning things.   But there's no issues It's just that the  systems themselves - and there are great claims   by some of the leading figures in the field,  we've solved the problem of language acquisition,   namely zero contribution, because the  systems work as well for impossible   languages. Therefore, they can't be telling  you anything about language acquisition,   period. Maybe they're useful for  something else. Okay, let's take a look. CRAIG Well, maybe for the audience   that this is going out to, I understand what  you mean by impossible, but could you just give   a brief synopsis of what you mean by impossible  languages for people that haven't read your work? NOAM  Well, and there are certain general  properties that every infant knows,   already tested down to two years old.  No evidence. Couldn't have evidence. So,   one of the basic properties of language is that  the linguistic rules applied to structures, not   linear strings. So, if you want to  take a sentence like ‘instinctively,   birds that fly, swim’ - it means instinctively  they swim. Not instinctively they fly. Well,   the adverb instinctively has to find a verb to  attach to. It skips the closest verb and finds   the structurally closest ones. That principle  turns out to be universal for all structures,   all constructions, in all languages. What it  means is that an infant from birth, as soon   as you can test, automatically disregards linear  word order, and disregards 100% of what it hears,   notice, as all we hear is words in linear order,  but you disregard them. And you deal only with   abstract structures in your mind, which you  never hear. Take another simple example, take   ‘the friends of my brothers are in England.’  Who's in England, the friends or the brothers,   the friends, not the brothers, the one that's  adjacent, you just disregard all the linear   information means you disregard everything,  you hear everything. And you pay attention   only to what your mind constructs. That's  the basic, most fundamental property of   language. While you can make up impossible  languages that work with what you hear,   simple rule, take the first relevant thing sociate   friends of my brothers are here, brothers are  the closest things, and the brothers are here   reveal rule much simpler than the rule we use. You  can construct languages that use only those simple   rules that are based on the linear order what we  hear now, maybe children, people could acquire   them as a puzzle, somehow, using nonlinguistic  capacities. But they're not what children, infants   reflexively construct with no evidence, whereas  many things like this impossible and impossible   languages. And nobody's tried it out. Because  it's too obvious how it's going to turn out. You   take a large language model and apply it to one  of these models. Systems that use linear order,   of course, it's going to work fine, trivial  rules. Well, that's a refutation of the system. CRAIG You   mean that if you trained a large language  model on impossible language, if you had a   large enough corpus, then it would generate  impossible language. Is that what you mean? NOAM  You don't even have to train it because the rules  are simple. Rules are much simpler than the rules   of language. Like taking things that are, take  the example the friends of my brother are here,   the way we actually do it, is we don't say, take  the noun phrase that's closest we don't do that   would be trivial. We don't do it. What we say  is, first construct the structure in your mind,   friends of my brothers, then figure out that the  central element in that structure is friends,   not brothers. And then let's let us be  talking about the broad the head of it.   It's pretty complicated computation. But that's  the one we do instantaneously and reflexively.   And we ignore and we never see it, hear it.  Remember, we don't hear structures. All you hear   is words, and then you are, what we hear is words,  and then you order we never use that information,   we use only the much more look like complex. If  you think about it computationally. It's actually   simpler. But that's a deeper question, which  is why we do it. Move to a different dimension,   there's a reason for this. The reason  has to do with a theory of computation,   if you're trying to construct an infinite array  of structured expressions, the simplest way to   do that the simplest computational  procedure is binary set formation.   But if you use binary set formation, you  just going to get structures do not order.   So, what the brain is doing is the simplest  computational system, which happens to be very   much harder to use. Nature doesn't care about  that. Nature constructs, the simplest system,   doesn't care about if it's hard to use or not. I  mean, nature could have saved us a lot of trouble.   If it had developed eight fingers instead of 10,  then we'd have a much better base for computation.   That nature didn't care about that when  it developed and fingered. If you look   at evolution pays no attention to function. It  just constructs the best system at each point.   There's a lot of misleading talk about that.  You just think about the physics of evolution.   Say a bacterium swallows another organism,  the basis for what became complex cells.   Nature doesn't get the new system; it  reconstructs it in the simplest possible way.   It doesn't pay any attention to how complex  organisms are going to behave. That’s not   what nature can do. And that's the way  evolution works all the way down the line.   So, not surprisingly, nature constructed  language so that it's computationally elegant.   But dysfunctions; hard to use in many ways, not  nature's problem. Just like every other aspect of   nature, you can think of a way in which you can  do it better but didn't happen stage by stage. CRAIG Two questions from that one,   one. So, your view is that artificial intelligence  as it's being called, particularly generative AI   doesn't exhibit true intelligence?  Is that inside, right? NOAM I wouldn't even say that   it's irrelevant to the question of  intelligence. It's not its problem.   A guy who designs a jet plane is not trying  to answer the question how to eagles fly. So,   to say, well, it doesn't tell us how eagles fly  is the wrong question to ask. It’s not the goal. CRAIG Except that what we're what   people are struggling with right now. You know,  you've heard the existential threat argument,   that that these models, if they get large enough,  they'll actually be more intelligent than humans. NOAM That's science fiction. I mean,   there is a theoretical possibility. You can  give a theoretical argument that in principle,   a complex system with vast search capacity  could conceivably turn into something that   would start to do things that you can't predict  maybe beyond. But that's even more remote than   some distant asteroid maybe someday hitting the  Earth. It could happen. If you read and serious   scientists on this, like Max Tegmark, his book  on the three levels of intelligence. He does   give a sound theoretical argument as to how a  massive system could, say, run through all the   scientific discoveries in history. Maybe find out  some better way of developing them and use that   better way to design something new, which would  destroy us all. Yeah, it's in theory possible,   but it's so remote from anything that's available  that it's a waste of time to think of them. CRAIG Yeah, so your view   is that whatever threat exists from generative AI  it's the more mundane threat of disinformation and NOAM Disinformation defamation.   gullibility. Gary Marcus has done  a lot of work on this. Real cases.   Those are problems. I mean, you may have seen  that there was a sort of as a joke people,   somebody developed the deformation of the Pope,  put an image of the Pope, somebody could do it for   you duplicate your face. So, it looks more or less  like your face pretty much duplicate your voice   develop a robot that looks kind of like you have  you say, some insane thing would be hard. Only   an expert could tell whether it was you or  not. It was done already several times, but   basically as a joke. When powerful institutions  get started on it, it's not going to be a joke. CRAIG Another argument   that's swirling around these large language  models is the question of sentience of whether   if the model is large enough, and this goes a  little bit back to how there's a lot more going   on in the brain than, than the neural network  of the cerebral cortex, but that that there   is the potential for some kind of sentience,  not necessarily equivalent to human sentience. NOAM These are   vacuous questions like asking, does a submarine  really swim? You want to call that swimming, then   it swims. Do you not want to call it swimming?  Then it's not. It's not a substantive question. CRAIG In the, in the sense that it,   it supports the view that that  there is no separation between   consciousness in the mind, the  material activities of the brain NOAM As a separation,   that hasn't believed been  believed since the 17th century.   John Locke, after Newton's demonstration  said well, this leaves us only with the   possibility that thinking is some property  of organized matter. That's the 17th century. CRAIG But the   belief in a soul and consciousness as something  separate from the material biology, it persists. NOAM People believe in all kinds of things,   but within the rational part of the human  species, once Newton demonstrated that the   mechanical model doesn't work, there's no material  universe in the only sense that was understood,   the obvious conclusion was that since  matter, as Mr. Newton has demonstrated,   has properties that we cannot conceive of,  they're not part of our intuitive picture.   Since matter has those properties. Organized  matter can also have the property of thought.   This was investigated all through the 18th  century ended up finally with Joseph Priestley,   chemist, philosopher, late 18th century  gave pretty extensive discussions of how   material organisms, material objects could have  properties of thought. You can even find it in   Darwin's early books. It was kind of forgotten  after that, rediscovered in the late 20th century   is some radical new discovery. Astonishing  hypothesis, matter can think. Of course it can,   we're doing it right now. But the only problem  then is to find out what's involved and what   we call thinking, what we call sentience. What are  the properties of whatever matter is we don't know   what matter is, but whatever it turns out to be,  whatever constitutes the world - what physicists   don't know, but whatever it is, the something  - organized elements of it can have various   properties, like the properties that we are now  using, properties that we call sentience, then the   question whether something else has sentience  is as interesting as whether airplanes fly?   If you're talking English airplanes fly. If you're  talking Hebrew airplanes glide. They don't fly.   It's not a it's not a substantive  question. Just what metaphors do we like. CRAIG But what you're saying then is that   neural nets may not be the engineering solution,  but that eventually, it may be possible to create   a system outside of the human brain  that can think, whatever thinking is. NOAM Can do what   we call thinking, thinking how that whether it  thinks or not, is like asking do airplanes fly,   not a substantive question. We shouldn't waste  time on questions that are completely meaningless. CRAIG Going back to the history, then, you know,   Minsky was very interested in the possibility of  nets, neural nets as a as a computational model, NOAM In Minsky's time, it looked as if neural nets were   the right place to look. Now, I think it's not so  obvious, especially because of Gallistel 's work,   which is not accepted by most neuroscientists,  but seems to me pretty compelling. CRAIG Can you talk a little bit about that   because I haven't read that. And I, I'm guessing  our readers haven't our listeners haven't. NOAM Gallistel is not the only one. Roger   Penrose is another Nobel Prize winning physicist,  number of people have pointed out Gallistel mostly   that have argued, I think, plausibly, that  the basic component of a computational system,   the basic element of essentially a Turing  machine cannot be constructed from neural net.   So, you have to look somewhere else with a  different form of computation. And he's also   pointed out what in fact, is true that there's  much richer computational capacity in the brain   than neural nets, even internal to a cell. There's  massive computational capacity, intracellular. So   maybe that's involved in computation. And then  there's by now some experimental work, I think,   given some evidence for this, but it's a problem  for neuroscientists to work on. You know, I'm not   an expert in the field, I'm looking at it from the  outside. So don't take my opinion too seriously.   But to me, it looks very compelling. But whatever  it is, neural nets or something else, there is   some organization of them of whatever's there is  giving us the capacity to do what we're doing. NOAM So, if you're a scientist, what you do is   approach it in two different ways. One is, you try  to find the properties of the system. What is the   nature of the system? That's first step, kind  of thing I was talking about before with stone,   what are the properties of the system that  an infant automatically develops in the mind?   And there's a lot of work on that. From  the other point of view, you can say,   what can we learn about the brain that  relates to this? Actually, there is some work.   So, there is neurophysiological neurophysiological  studies which have shown that there are artificial   languages that violate the principle  that I mentioned, the structure dependent   principle. If you train people on those, the  ordinary language centers don't function,   you get diffuse functioning of the brain, which  means they're being treated as puzzles, basically.   So, you can find some neurological correlates  of some of the things that are discovered by   looking at the nature of the phenotype. It's  very hard for humans, for a number of reasons. NOAM And we know a lot about human   the physiology of human vision. But the reason is  because of invasive experiments with non-humans,   cats, monkeys, and so on. Can't do that for  language. There aren’t any other organisms,   it’s unique to humans. So, there's no comparative  studies, you can't do, you can think of a lot of   invasive experiments, which teach you a lot. You  can't do them for ethical reasons. So, study of   the neurophysiology of human  cognition is a uniquely hard problem.   It’s in its basic elements like language,  it's just unique to the species.   And in fact, a very recent development in  evolutionary history, probably the last couple   100,000 years, which is nothing. So, you can't  do the invasive experiments for ethical reasons,   you can think of them but can't do them,  fortunately. And there's no comparative   evidence. So, it's much harder to do, you have to  do things like looking at blood flow in the brain,   MRI kind of things, electrical stimulation,  looking from the outside stuff. It's not like   doing the kinds of experiments you can  think of. So, it's very hard to find out   the neurophysiological basis for things like  use of language, but it's one way to proceed. NOAM And the   other way to proceed is learn more about  the phenotype. It's like chemistry for   hundreds of years. You just postulated the  existence of atoms. Nobody could see them,   you know, why are they there? Because unless  there are atoms with Dalton's properties, you   don't explain anything. Or early genetics. Early  genetics were before anybody had any idea what a   gene is. You just looked at the properties of the  system, try to figure out what must be going on.   That's the way astrophysics works. Most  of science works like that. This does too. CRAIG When you   talk about invasive exploration that there are  tools that are increasingly sophisticated. I'm   thinking of Neuralink, Elon Musk's  startup that has these super fine   electrodes that can be put into the brain  without damaging individual neurons. NOAM There's actually I think,   much more advanced than that is work that's  being done with patients under brain surgery.   Under brain surgery because the brain is basically  exposed there are some noninvasive procedures   that can be used to study what particular  parts of the brain, even what particular   neurons are doing. It’s very delicate  work. But there is some work going on. One   person is working on it is Andrea Moro, the same  person who designed the experiments that are   described before about impossible languages.  That seems to me a promising direction. NOAM There are other kinds of work that is If   we could mention some that Alec Marantz at  NYU is doing interesting studies that have   shed some light on the very elementary function  how do, how do words get stored in the brain   what what's going on in the brain that tells us  that Blake is a possible word, but Bnake isn't for   an English speaker. It is for Arabic speakers. And  what's going on in the brain that deals with that.   Hard work. David Poeppel, another very good  neuroscientist has found evidence for things   like free structure in the brain. But the  kinds of invasive experiments you can dream of   ,you can think of, he's just not allowed to do.  So, you have to try it in much indirect ways. CRAIG Do you think that understanding   cognition has advanced in your lifetime?   And are you hopeful that we'll eventually  really understand how the brain thinks? NOAM  Well, there's been vast improvement  in understanding the phenotype.   That we know a great deal about that  was not known even a few years ago.   There's been some progress in the neuroscience  that relates to it, but it's much harder. CRAIG I'm just curious about where you are in not   physically, you’re in Arizona, but where you are  in your thinking. Are you still pushing forward in   trying to understand language in the brain? Or are  you sort of retired, so to speak at this point? NOAM Very much   involved in I mean, I don't  work on the neurophysiology.   But I mentioned under Andrea Moro who is a good  friend. Alec Marantz. also a good friend, I follow   the work they're doing, we interact, but my work  is just on the phenotype. What's the nature of the   system? And there, I think we're learning a lot.  And we're in the middle of papers at the moment,   looking at more subtle, complex properties. The  idea is essentially to find what I said about   binary set formation, how can we show that from  the simplest computational procedures, we can   account for the apparently complex and apparently  varied properties of the language systems. There's   a fair amount of progress on that, unheard  of 20 or 30 years ago. So, this is all new. CRAIG Understanding is one thing and then   recreating it through computation   in external hardware is another is that  a blind alley. Or do you think that that? NOAM  Well, at the moment, I don't see any particular  point in it, if there is some point, okay. I mean, the kinds of things that we're  learning about the nature of language,   I suppose you could construct some sort of  system that would duplicate them. But it doesn't   seem any obvious point to it. It's like taking  chemistry and, 100 years ago and saying, can I   construct models that will look sort of like a - suppose you took a diagram for an organic molecule   and studied its properties, you could  presumably construct a mechanical model   that would do some of those things. Would it  be useful? Currently chemists didn't think so.   If it would, okay, if it wouldn't, then don't. CRAIG Nonetheless, I mean, we   are using neural nets, even in this call. Do you  see? I mean, setting aside the question of whether   or not they help understand, help us understand  anything about the brain? Are you excited at all   in about the promise that these large models hold?  I mean because they do something very useful. NOAM They are. Like I said, I'm using it right now.   I think it's fine for me. Somebody who can't  hear to be able to read what you're saying.   Yeah, pretty accurately. That's an achievement.  Great. That's indulgence. Technology. CRAIG Who do you think is, is going to carry on   your work from here? I mean,   are there any students of yours who you  think we should be paying attention to? NOAM  Quite a lot. There’s a lot of young people  doing fine work working closely with a   small research group. By now spread all over  the world, we meet virtually from Japan,   and other places recently working on the  kinds of problems I was talking about.   Right now, I should say it's a pretty special  interest. Most linguists aren't interested in   these foundational questions. But I think that's,  happens to be my interest, I want to see if we can   show that, ultimately try to show that  language is essentially a natural object. NOAM And there was an interesting paper,   written about the time that I started working  on this by Albert Einstein in 1950. An article   in Scientific American, which I read, but didn't  appreciate at the time, began to appreciate later,   in which he talked about what  he called the miracle creed.   It has an interesting history. Goes back to  Galileo. Galileo had a maxim saying, nature is   simple. It doesn't do things in a complicated  way, if it could do them in a simple way.   That’s Galileo’s maxim. Couldn't prove it.  But he said, I think that's the way it is.   And it's the task of the scientists  to prove it. Well, over the centuries,   it's been substantiated. Case after case. It  shows up in Leibniz’s principle of optimality.   But by then there was a lot of evidence for  it. By now it's just a norm for science.   It is what Einstein called the miracle creed.  Nature is simple. Our task is to show it.   Can’t prove it. Skeptic and say I don't believe  it. Okay. But that's the way science works. NOAM Well, the science works the same way   for language. But I couldn't have proposed that  50 years ago, 20 years ago, I think now you can,   that maybe language is just basically a  perfect computational system. At its base.   You look at the phenomenon doesn't look like that.  But the same was true of biology. Go back to the   1950s 1960s. Biologists assume that organisms  could vary so widely that each one has to be   studied on its own without bias. By now that's all  forgotten. It’s recognized that since the Cambrian   explosion, there's virtually no variation in the  kinds of organisms, fundamentally all the same   deep homologies, and so on. So, even been  proposed that there's a universal genome,   not totally accepted, but  not considered ridiculous. NOAM Well, I think we're   moving in the same direction with the study of  language. Now, let me say, again, there's not many   linguists interested in this. Most linguists, like  most biologists are studying particular things,   which is fine, you learn a lot that way. But  I think it is possible now to formulate a   plausible thesis that language is a natural object  like others, which evolved in such ways to have   perfect design, but to be highly dysfunctional,  because that's true of natural objects, generally,   it's part of the nature of evolution, which  doesn't take into account possible functions. NOAM In the last stage of evolution, the reproductive   success that does take function into account,  natural selection. That's a fringe of evolution,   just peripheral fringe, very important  not denigrated. But it's the basic part   of evolution is constructing the optimal system  that meets the physical conditions established   by some disruption in the system. That's  the core of evolution. What Turing studied,   Darcy Thompson others by now I think it's   understood. And I think maybe the  study of this particular biology,   language is a biological object. So why should  it be different? Let's see if we can show it. CRAIG There's been a lot of talk in the news   recently about, you know, extraterrestrial craft  having been found by the government. And you know,   I don't put much stock in it. But imagine that  there is an extraterrestrial life, advanced   forms of life. Do you think that their language  would have developed the same way if it's based   on these simple principles? Or is it? Could  there be other forms of language in other   biological organisms that would be quote  unquote, impossible, in the human context, NOAM Back around the 1960s, I guess, Minsky   studied with one of his students, Daniel  Bobrow, studied the simplest Turing machines,   fewest states, fewest symbols, and asked  what happens if you just let them run free?   Well turned out that most of them  crash, either get into endless loops or   just crash, don't proceed. But the ones that  didn't crash or produce the successor function.   So, he suggested, what we're going to find if  any kind of intelligence develops is that will   be based on the successor function. And if we want  to try to communicate with some extraterrestrial   intelligence, we should first see if they have  the successor function and maybe build up from   there. Well, turns out a successor happens to be  what you get from the simplest possible language.   The language is one symbol. And the simplest form  of binary set formation basically gives you the   successor function. Add a little bit more  to it, you get something like original to   add a little bit more to it, you get something  like the core properties of language.   So, it's conceivable that if there  is any extraterrestrial intelligence,   it would have pursued the same course. Where  it goes from there, we don't know enough to say CRAIG And back to the idea that there   is no supernatural realm, that the consciousness  is, is an emergent property from the physical   attributes of the brain,  do you believe in a higher   intelligence behind the creation  or continuation of the universe? NOAM I don't see any point in vacuous hypotheses.   If you want to believe it.  Okay. It has no consequences. CRAIG So yeah, yeah. But do you believe it? NOAM No. I   don't see any point in believing things for  which there's no evidence and do no work. CRAIG Yeah. And another thing I've   always wanted to ask someone like you, clearly,  your intelligence surpasses most people's. NOAM I don't think so CRAIG Well, that's interesting   that you say that. You think is just a matter of  applying yourself to study throughout your career. NOAM  I have certain talents I know. Like, not believing  things just because people believe them. And   keeping an open mind and looking for arguments and  evidence, not anything we've been talking about.   When meaningless questions are proposed, like, are  other organisms sentient or do submarine swim? I   say let's discard them and look at meaningful  questions. If you just pursued common sense,   like then I think you can make some progress. Same  on the questions we're talking about language.   If you think it through, there's every reason why  the organic object language should be an object.   If so, it should follow the general principles  of evolution, which satisfy what Einstein called   the miracle creed. So why shouldn't language. So  let's pursue that? See how far we can go. I think   that's just common sense. Many people think  it's superior intelligence. I don't think so. CRAIG  That’s it for this episode. I  want to thank Noam for his time.   If you’d like a transcript of this conversation,  you can find one on our website, In the   meantime, the Singularity may not be near, but AI  is about to change your world. So, pay attention.
Channel: Eye on AI
Views: 24,336
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Keywords: Eye on AI, episode 126, Craig Smith, Noam Chomsky, neural nets, human brain, language acquisition, limitations, large language models, mysteries of the human mind, research
Id: wPonuHqbNds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 27sec (3507 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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