No, Silencers on Guns are NOT Silent

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gun myths did you know that most people in our society have no idea how a gun actually works thanks largely to the embellishments and OV exaggerations of modern Cinema games and other media much of our knowledge now stems from an erroneous set of gun myths which will be busted in this video silencers aren't silent to many gamers simply adding a suppressor to a gun can transform their character into an invisible Menace able to unleash volleys of fire with the quietness of a mouse but although a staple of stealth builds in video games in real life this component doesn't actually suppress much noise a suppressor Only quietens The Sound by slowing down the release of propellant gases it doesn't affect the main source of noise which is the Sonic crack that emanates from the bullet when it breaks the sound barrier nor does it reduce the clamor of the gun mechanism which can be as loud as a 115 DB in some guns in addition to this it doesn't dampen the sound produced when the bullet flies or hits the target overall modern day suppressors can only cut out about 30 DB on average which is about the same a pair of standard ear protection headphones can provide most guns release over 140 DB when fired meaning that on the quietest of weapons a silencer can typically reduce this down to 110 DB on the other hand since hearing loss can occur from as low as 85 DB a suppressed gun can still cause permanent damage attention soldiers this video was proudly presented by War Thunder prepare yourselves for an expedition into the most comprehensive and intensive vehicular combat experience known to date War Thunder select from a formidable arsenal of over 2,000 Vehicles spanning A Century of Warfare on land sea and in the skies each vehicle is meticulously crafted down to the smallest detail embodying historical accuracy that demands respect and fear for your enemies as you decimate them on the battlefield grip tightly onto your resolve for we engage in Warfare of the highest Stakes you must be determined ready to sacrifice everything to become Victorious or at least it's more fun to think of it that way each battle offers varying levels of immersion tailored to suit the resolve of every Soldier whether seasoned tactician or steadfast infantrymen planes tanks and ships converge in Warfare ensuring that no two engagements transpire alike this game encompasses the essence of warfare a realism that commands attention and textur is so vivid they immerse you in the very heart of conflict should you seek to dive deeper into the anals of History every component of your vehicle awaits scrutiny bearing the weight of past glories and sacrifices all these vehicles are 100% historically accurate down to the Last Detail so seize your weapons with unwavering determination and rally alongside your comrades on this battlefield for we embark on a journey of conquering ing your foes to partake in the glory of War Thunder free your spirit on PC Playstation or Xbox register Now using the link below and receive a bonus package your Testament to the commitment to the cause featuring three premium Vehicles as well as 50% experience and income booster two Advanced vehicles for rent 100,000 silver lions and 7 Days of premium account time it is a testament to your resolve amidst the turmoil of War a reward not to be taken lightly flamethrowers don't blow up if shot with a bullet since its introduction in the first world war by the Germans the flamethrower has become one of the most terrifying weapons of the modern Arsenal guaranteeing excruciating pain and agonizing death to anyone unfortunate enough to find themselves on the receiving end according to common myth however this seemingly Invincible Armament has a notable weak spot many believe that a flamethrower can be killed than a fiery explosion if bullets are aimed at the gas tank but as it turns out this is just a misconception starting with the basics even if a bullet hits the gas tank it will very rarely penetrate the thick metal wall of the gas cylinder and will probably just bounce off but even if the bullet was able to rupture it it is still highly unlikely this would cause an explosion since the most likely outcome would just be a fuel leak this is because although the bullet would be hot when it entered the gas chamber its temperature would not be high enough to ignite the fuel inside lastly even if by some miracle the bullet did cause a spark there's only a remote possibility that it would produce the necessary 530° fah heat required for the fuel to spontaneously ignite hangman ropes don't always cut when shot in a lot of westerns it's a safe bet that at some point in the movie the protagonist will fire a perfectly aimed pistol or rifle shot from a distance at The Hangman's rope as the victim Falls from The Gallows cutting it completely to allow The Condemned to quickly Dash away in an instant in reality however to actually pull this feed off is near impossible as popular Sharpshooter Jerry Mitchell performed in 2015 to put the theory to the test Mitchel X set up a western style jibit attaching a sisle 3/4 in rope commonly used in the wild west to a mannequin weighed down with an additional 200 lb to simulate the moment the victim's feet leave the ground a cult single 45 pistol and a larger 1874 Shiloh Sharps 4570 rifle both standard Cowboy weapons were then fired at the rope from a couple of meters shooting the pistol the bullet barely scratched the surface displacing only a few rope fibers since the Rope remained largely unscathed even from such a short range Mitchell Illustrated how the pistol was not powerful enough to slice it in half from a long distance like most western heroes are able to do with the rifle however the results were a lot lot more promising and the Rope was cleanly shot in two so with superhuman accuracy it is actually possible for a gunslinger to perform this deed with an adequately powered rifle but it's impossible with a pistol bullets don't cause people to fly backwards a lot of the time whether on the Silver Screen or in a video game when an enemy is shot it's become standard practice for them to fly back dramatically sometimes across an entire room upon their demise this is is of course false for the very way a bullet is designed to operate makes such an outcome impossible a bullet is a streamlined object carefully crafted to reduce as much aerodynamic drag as possible with the help of this feature the bullet is able to go faster helping it concentrate an enormous amount of energy onto a small area with high kinetic energy and so endowing it with penetrative Force as such bullets are easily able to pierce flesh but because of its low mass it has very little momentum this means means that when it impacts a human tens of thousands of times heavier it can't generate enough Force to knock them off their feet so while it's certainly likely that a direct hit from a heavy weapon such as a missile launcher would cause the victim to be blown backwards this cannot be said for smaller arms which naturally pack less of a punch dropping a gun very rarely makes it go off nowadays in pretty much any action flick dropping a gun to the floor so it discharges and kills the enemy has become one of the most over used tropes of the Hollywood action star curiously this has some truth to it for during the era of the old west it was indeed possible for a cowboy's gun to go off in this manner providing that the hammer a device that activates the firing pin or cartridge primer was struck when it hit the ground on the other hand technological advances mean that today's weapons are not so trigger sensitive firstly the stiff trigger pull of all modern armaments requires several pounds of pressure to set it off meaning it's unlikely to activate if it slips from the Gunner's hands furthermore the internal mechanisms such as the firing pin and Hammer block guarantee that the movements of the firing pin and Hammer are obstructed until the trigger has been fully pulled back while the trigger disconnect prevents the gun from shooting until the trigger is squeezed again other Innovations include the bolt interlock mainly found in shotguns and rifles which prevents the trigger from being pulled when the breach the area where the cartridges are loaded into the barrel is not fully closed finally integrate trigger safety installed in many guns today only let off rounds when both the top and bottom half are pressed a combination of all these safety features ensures that most of the time a gun will not accidentally discharge if dropped blank rounds can be deadly whenever someone announces that they're shooting blanks it's usually because they want to let everyone know that the projectiles they're firing are harmless yet this phrase is actually incredibly misleading because it fails fails to address the blank rounds inherent danger a blank round is essentially the same as a bullet possessing the same Sleek outer casing Fuel and primer apart from one key difference a bullet is lethal because it's made from heavy dense material that enables it to pierce flesh while a blank is considerably less dangerous because the metal is replaced with paper or cotton as a result if shot from even a couple of meters away the blank round will quickly lose speed and merely graze the target without causing any major damage however if fired at Point Blank Range it can have deadly consequences since they're utilized for dramatic effect a blank will often be loaded with far more gunpowder than normal and the edges of the round casing will be slightly bent to allow more gas pressure to be applied to it if fired right next to the body or head a large amount of gas which usually dissipates with distance will have no room to expand meaning that the victim will be HD with a potentially lethal wave of bone shattering force it shows that that gun myths can also lead to tragic outcomes and should be deconstructed at every available opportunity
Channel: Simple History
Views: 299,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simple history, animated history, educational, education, animation, gun, guns, myths, goofs, mistakes, blunders, false, inaccuracies, WW2, flamethrower, silencers, suppressors, explosion, movies, gaming, Clint Eastwood, Kill Bill, Saving Private Ryan, shoot, rope, The Good The Bad The Ugly
Id: P-u81K6KrXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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