No One Took Robert Pattinson Seriously

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did you yourself see where Twilight was going in terms of what it would do for you no I still don't really know what it's done for me to be honest I got a little bit detached as it started really exploding when I had people waiting outside my house I was losing my mind the dissolution of their relationship continues to make headlines as more moving trucks were spotted Saturday outside the home the two share what is that feeling like at that moment you're sitting in your own home yeah you're in present I like my present to be the one that I've decorated you're a star in one of the most success ful film franchises of all time paid millions of dollars for a performance that thankfully did demand much I was just no good auditioning ever cuz I can't I can't cry on Q even better is the crowd of loyal adoring fans and a constant stream of attention you can't possibly ever get used to that screaming it's clear that you're here to stay the media knows it your bank account knows it and so does the rest of Hollywood there's just one glare problem you can't stand any of it why you trying to hide behind it just speak to my face see Fame is often a double-edged sword one that if you weren't prepared could wreak havoc on your personal life cuz for one thing you get all paranoid about everything and you have no idea why people like you or whatever you can't be emotional at all your fans while at times supportive can also be incredibly invasive five cars of people outside your house and lit 24 hours a day all you want to do is punch them in the face like and that's what they want what good is the money if you can barely use it I don't go out anywhere I and get photographed anymore but yet none of this seems significant when it feels like the entire world is laughing at you I'm Robert Patterson there's this actress Kristen Stewart she had a boyfriend right and she cheated on and um so here's the thing Robert patson isn't really all that well equipped for the Limelight this is not what I want at all it's like you know you get all the crazies you can't do anything he's a guy who seems awfully timid conversationally awkward and at times painfully honest there's a lot of stuff in the Twilight world that doesn't make any sense it's like why are they still going to high school like up until last year doesn't they're 100 years old cuz I thought I was pretty safe and they gow up and they're like yeah you have to do the opposite of what you're doing now you're going to get fired today growing up with two older sisters and within a creatively inclined family he would sooner learn an instrument than play a sport Rob's always been a bit shy about his talent for singing I do do a bit I just don't really release it I'm too scared in time his love of Music would take a backseat to film when your acting Heroes include the likes of Marlin Brando and Jack Nicholson it makes a lot more sense he was inspired by the greats however when you're just a 19-year-old kid with a few theater credits your choices are limited yeah I was auditioning for everything then it just got you doing the jobs you get there's a reason the average age for an Oscar winner is 50 even if you're naturally gifted the more emotionally fulfilling roles are often entrusted to those with far more credits not only that but at the time teenage films and series had much more surface level themes and a lower standard of performance any deeper and it would lose its Commercial Appeal that's not to say your breakout role couldn't have been a bit of both you know the prefix bathroom on the fifth floor it's not a bad place for a bath Patterson's role in the Harry Potter franchise would cement his status as both a heartthrob and a potential breakout star it was a big deal at the time it felt like very very intimidating but even though this was a commercially successful franchise it wasn't exactly an Oscar Contender at least regarding the performances I had no concept of how to kind of get into a psyched up physical state but whatever traction he initially had I ran out of money basically it was definitely going the wrong direction in terms of a would pale in comparison to his next massive role no one had any idea that this would happen I don't think anyone did I don't even think the people own the rights to the to the books didn't knew that would happen we've done five or six countries in a week Twilight was not just sweeping the nation but the entire world thousands of teenagers from all over the world waited hours in the cold to catch a glimpse of their new Heroes aside from the astronomical box office numbers there were countless websites forums merchandise parodies and an ungodly large fan base screams could be heard across London's leester Square I mean this guy was at the peak of mainstream success then in 2009 which is of course none of our business he begins dating the lead there was immediate chemistry between the two of you yeah yeah further indulging in already rabid fan base now I'm not saying he should cater his personal life to accommodate the masses but if fans weren't already basking in the fantasized perception of both the actors and the series they were now losing their minds during a CrossCountry tour almost 6,000 people mostly teens jammed at Dallas mall to get a glimpse of Edward he was essentially everywhere but with enough major success comes an abundance of criticism they get so addicted to kind of just wanting to cause hurt and pain on someone and it's sort of I don't know how to I mean it's a faceless enemy you've got a man who at the peak of mainstream relevancy is bombarded with ridicule every aspect of his life is put under a microscopic lens that the vast majority of Industry careers would never experience a fraction of it's a stalkers with cameras you know they say oh I'm not a stalker I'm a pepperazzi it's like oh that makes massive difference a life so overwhelmed by parasocial relationships everybody just wants to know how are you doing and and and what do you want your fans to know about what's going on in your personal life I mean that he could barely find comfort in leaving his own home and you're so helpless to it as well and I think also just being like a guy like it's so emasculating this level of Fame would cause anyone tremendous resentment for their career decisions even when attempting to find other work it's in a similar genre if you have a recognizable face then people won't believe you in certain characters you're now a typ cast one with millions of dollars sure but what good is the excess if it came at the expense of creative fulfillment and nearly all of your privacy Robert Patterson became a huge star in the Twilight vampire films in return to the kind of attention and intrusion that it seemed would never die it just takes time to realize how to live when your life kind of seismically shifts the thing is I I I don't really do anything in my life at all this would surely [ __ ] any interest you had in living a healthy productive life and for a time it would if you've had a moment of just sort of raging at a close door like when the door opens like you're inevitably going to confront a cold gust of emptiness Robert patson True to his nature kept silent during this period of turmoil and mental instability what good would it do to lash out it would just prove that they have his attention trying to attack like a reflection in the water or something you're just like punching you just look crazy he didn't have a choice he simply had to stomach the price of Fame and for a while ignore a world that constantly demanded a Resurgence in time they'd find it but it wouldn't come as expected most likely your fans w't be watching this kind of movie are you concerned about that you've got to do stuff for yourself if you're trying to do it for other people then if it goes wrong you'll regret every second of it after a 2-year Hiatus he'd make his return with the help of what was at the time a new and still relatively unknown production company 824 the Rover brought something different you do kind of ambitious challenging things and hopefully at least one other person in the world will like it there was no romance or love interest here just a gritty dystopian nightmare why are you telling me this I just remembered it not not everything has to be about something one whose darker themes would give patson both the challenge he'd been craving and the critical praise but I think this movie is worth watching purely for guy Pierce's performance for one of Robert Patterson's best if not his best so far there was just one problem nobody saw it so was the case for his follow-up project and the next one and the next one financially it didn't really matter he was sitting on a mountain of wealth with enough Runway to last him decades but what good would these performances do for his image if they weren't acknowledged so Rob do you listen to critical reviews at all do you read them absolutely yeah everyone does all these actors he said I don't watch my stuff they're just lying yet through a stroke of luck and a little persistence I saw this still from the previous movie on the banner of a website and then kind of sent this s of crazy the obsessive uh email saying I know I know this is supposed to happen it's meant to be we sort of agreed to do a movie which didn't exist he'd find exactly what he was looking for I'd played a lot of parts which were quite reactive and quite passive I just wanted to play a part which was really on the front foot and also didn't have any shame and any fear the safy brothers are known for their gritty and fast-paced style and by this point had made Paton a priority to say he delivered would be a massive understatement you know the first thing about me bro what's to know what's to know you serve absolutely no function whatsoever aside from Landing the New York accent he'd capture the manic high intensity of a strung out and manipulative fugitive how would you like it if I made you cry huh would you like that it's for my brother and you you you're going to get back the same day right right yeah yeah she'll get it back you'll get it back this time not only was it a hit with the critics but the public as well even Landing a 6-minute standing ovation at the can's Film Festival the icing on the cake was that it was backed by a production company with a trajectory towards the Stars a24 would provide patents in the blueprint to becoming an indie darling it took nearly a decade to break the mold of a romance Tide cast and behind the scenes another monster performance was brewing I always try and pick a job which you think at first glance like I can't do this I don't have the skill set to do it one that would test his limits alongside one of the greatest living actors working today there's like a playfulness and like like a naughtiness to all of his Parts even when he's playing something really dark patson's performance in the lighthouse rivaled that of defos a seasoned veteran whose Talent was really never up for question bad luck to kill a seabird mortal tals bad luck to kill a seabird it was like peering into the mind of a Madman whatever doubters were left after the performance in good time would be silenced with the release of the lighthouse but how would he Faire with the mainstream these were still considered Indie projects and despite the success he'd avoided large box office draws for a reason only a few years prior it left him nearly ruined I think at the time there was a moment probably when I was about 25 26 that uh it kind of got a lot and by now he was still drawing questions about the franchise he so desperately wanted to deviate from it's been 10 years since Twilight what's one one of your biggest Fondest Memories from that I mean I still wasn't enti sure that I was going to be an actor until after that movie so if he would it would have to be somewhat of a guarantee a director whose Vision alone could draw charitable interpretations from even the most skeptical of critics with a cast of equally talented actors Christopher Nolan would pair patson alongside John David Washington and despite not really knowing the premise them really really big Concepts but it's kind of like a big massive adventure action movie and you don't really need to know what's happening like that much it seemed like he thoroughly enjoyed the process I mean compare the Twilight interviews with those of films like tenant and good time and you notice a shift in his interest he seems far more engaged and much less of a cynic the mockery that came with his previous Pretty Boy typ cast was now a thing of the past so surely at this point he'd avoid any franchise especially those with incredibly loyal fans this is the first time we've got a non friends and family audience seeing it who have some pretty high standards and don't shy away from dishing out harsh criticism were you nervous going in I was absolutely terrified I haven't been the scar to release a movie in such a long time ironically it was his choice of obscure Indie projects that would land him the role of mainstream superhero it's a tragedy that's one of the reasons it feels kind of different there's ways to reinterpret that character an infinite number of ways although different from his previous choice of roles it was actually one he' considered for a while and my age and was like really cuz I I normally it's not really you wanted to do Batman so you you sought out the part M look further and it even seemed like the perfect fit patson's reclusive nature was ideal for this portrayal of a more withdrawn Bruce Wayne if I can't change things here if I can't have an effect I don't care what happens to me one whose sole purpose was Vengeance who drew far more distrust from those in positions of authority where his prior quiet and restrained mainstream performance would draw Mass criticism this one would draw a wave of Praise I'm going to begin by saying you are an excellent Batman I know you were worried and despite a cast of wildly successful actors it was patson who stole the show I'm Vengeance it felt like with this run of new films any ridicule or mockery was just the product of bad faith yet despite the waves of unanimous praise critical and Commercial Success it wasn't enough to calm the unees that had seemed to always be present everything comes in like abs and flows and also like I think when you're older everyone only cares about young people nowadays young people with Instagrams I don't think any amount of success or fame can suppress human nature he still I'm sure has trouble dealing with it but this turmoil and stress becomes a lot easier to tolerate with the comfort of a restored Legacy he went from being the butt of every Twilight joke to being one of the most in demand actors working today I feel like so lucky like the entire time I've had like a really really fun life with both the respect of the critics and the general public this turmoil while I'm sure traumatic gave him the runway necessary for a proper Resurgence achieving Heights before the age of 40 that most seasoned actors only dream of despite the ridicule and despite the anxiety he's exactly the artist he's always aspired to be I'm more interested in getting one person to really really really like it and it's a like to be their favorite movie rather than get loads of people to just be like oh let's go and see that like kind of right
Channel: Renzy
Views: 23,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Robert Pattinson, Twilight, Tenet, The Batman, Good Time, Acting, The Lighthouse, Edward Cullen
Id: s_Myji-GhUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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