No one could believe when they found out who the father of the child was...

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olivia adjusted the flowers on the grave and stood up to go she came here every saturday for the last six months but couldn't come to terms with the fact that her mother was no longer there some drunk scumbag run her down with his car and drove away why drunk olivia didn't know she thought that he was probably drunk because he didn't stay she went to the police so many times and she cried so much but the investigators only shrugged their shoulders olivia couldn't understand why no one wanted to look for the culprit but once when olivia was leaving the police office a young lieutenant run after her ma'am can i speak to you for a minute olivia looked at him with a surprised look she walked aside from the porch man you no longer need to come here she couldn't understand why the guy was looking away from her why are they closing the case they're closing the case anyway but this kind of people doesn't go to jail and you shouldn't calm down i don't want to scare you but if you push it too far you may get hurt at that moment olivia understood that it was all a game the police knew who the driver of that car was they just were not going to tell how and now they've decided to frighten her you're all so disgusting olivia started to cry the lieutenant finally looked at her it's life those who have more money are always right no one knows that i'm talking to you i just felt sorry for you the guy turned around and went back inside the building olivia walked away wiping away her tears she couldn't comprehend it why is this happening where's justice why is the world so cruel her mom was only 46 she was beautiful and funny they were so happy together olivia could ask her for any advice and now olivia was going to the empty apartment where no one was waiting for her she walked inside turned the lights on and sat down right in the hallway she had to do something she had to move on she could drop out of college and find a job but no one would want to hire a young uneducated person so she needed to continue studying and find a part-time job to pay for the flat and live on olivia was in her third year at college she'd wanted to become a famous designer but now she thought that the most important thing was to get a degree and then she could decide where to work now she had no support no one to tell her olivia you got this i'm sure you're the smartest the most beautiful the best after these words olivia always felt a boost of energy she felt that she could take on the world because there was a person who believed in her more than she believed in herself olivia got a job as a florist in a flower shop near her house they had a position for weekends olivia had a friend there she spoke to the owner had some training and started working her mom would always say olivia if you do something do it well if you can't do it well then don't do it with the owner's permission olivia started experimenting she searched the internet for new compositions arranged flowers and combined the uncombinable she made such impressive bouquets that people who are quite well-off started visiting the shop often people wanted to order an unusual bouquet for their loved ones for their daughter's birthday or just to make their wife happy even elderly people visited the shop once a rich old man came to the shop he walked around and looked at the bouquets for a long time and then approached olivia i'm sorry you're olivia right olivia was surprised yes have we met before no don't be scared i've just seen your bouquet once at the event so i thought i'll also make an order you see it's my wife's 60th birthday today she's sick and probably won't get better we've spent our whole life together and i love her as much as i did 50 years ago i wanted you to make up okay for her olivia saw so much pain in the man's eyes she had a hard time not crying which flowers does your wife like tell me a little bit about her in 15 minutes olivia had a rough idea of the bouquet she was going to make she was thinking about the flowers and couldn't hear what the customer was saying she turned to him sorry i got carried away he gave her an understanding smile he could see that she was daydreaming i said the price doesn't matter when can i pick it up olivia replied in an hour she was walking towards the refrigerators with flowers the man saw her taking out white roses and light blue jaberas he lifted his eyebrows in disbelief he never told her the exact flowers his wife liked he only told that she loved big bouquets that combined several types of flowers in them light blue jaberas were her favorite flowers he shook his head and left the shop he didn't want to bother olivia so he decided to take a walk in 40 minutes the bouquet was ready olivia was happy that no one came to the shop and interrupted her thoughts the bouquet turned out exactly as she imagined it and even better because olivia was making it under the impression of what she saw in the old man's eyes the bell rang the old man walked back into the shop sorry am i too early no no you're just in time she went to bring the bouquet meanwhile a woman entered the shop she stops near the shelf with the finished bouquet olivia came back turned around and froze the old man also froze the bouquet was exactly what he had pictured it was what he needed the shop went silent olivia thought that the man didn't like the bouquet she said i thought that was what you wanted i thought about your wife when composing it don't you like it do i not like it what are you talking about i could have never imagined that the emotions could be conveyed through flowers thank you so very much the man put several bills on the counter olivia even got scared no it's too much young lady it's nothing compared to the happiness that it will bring my wife the man took the bouquet and left olivia looked at the door for a moment and then got back to the woman can i help you the woman was wearing an expensive fur coat too expensive even this was one of the things that need no price tag to see how expensive they are i heard that you're doing wonders now i can see that it's true olivia blushed and the woman was moved look at that this beautiful young girl can even blush mrs ashlynn watkinson's mood lightened i'm all nerves through the day and this anniversary it occurred to her that it was the 30th anniversary of her marriage and it occurred to her that when she was already driving home her husband never forgot these important dates or any dates for that matter but she was forgetful so she decided to stop by the shop she saw it and recalled how one of her friends told her about this shop your name is olivia right yes olivia i'm in trouble i always forget the important dates my husband's waiting for me with a presence but i remembered it only at the last minute don't get me wrong i really love my husband but i'm forgetful what can i say can you help me mail bouquets are very popular right now but they don't make them anywhere or you need to pre-order maybe you can help me i've got only 30 minutes maybe a little more than that the woman looked pleadingly at her olivia smiled she would compose so many of these male bouquets both in her imagination and in reality but no one ever ordered them and the owner decided not to sell them for a while olivia could only dream of making this kind of bouquet for someone because it was not something that they usually sold of course i can help you and while i'm at it would you like to have a cup of coffee no thank you i'll be fine olivia started arranging the flowers what a lucky day it is she loved all flowers but still there is a difference between arranging ordinary bouquets and putting your soul into it she finished quickly because she already had an idea in her mind she just never got to implement it now that she did it seemed to her even better than she'd pictured she came back with a bouquet in her hands and got scared the woman was sitting in the same armchair but looked very pale so pale that you couldn't fail to notice olivia rushed to her are you all right it's probably my blood pressure it's gone up olivia brought her a glass of water the woman took a sip inside i'm going to get better now it happens to me now and then i need to call my husband where are you going you're obviously not feeling good let me call an ambulance for you no that's not necessary no need to call my husband either i'll call my son i won't be able to drive myself the woman took her phone said a few words and then turned to olivia what's the address here olivia told her the address the woman put her phone on the table let me help you take off your coat it's warm enough here she helped the woman out of her coat and put it on the nearby chair she sat down close to the woman and was anxiously looking at her face her complexion turned slightly pink about 10 minutes later a young man burst into the shop mom what happened are you okay he sat down near his mother she smiled and patted him on the head steven don't scream you'll scare the young lady i'm feeling better but you'll have to come back from my car later if it was not for olivia here the man turned to olivia thank you olivia could only manage a smile in response he was so so anyway he was nothing like anybody else she stood up and went to bring the bouquet this is for your husband oh i almost forgot what a scatter brain i am stephen pay for the bouquet the young man reached for his wallet looking at the bouquet so creative how much do i owe you olivia told him the price the man looked at his mother surprised she shrugged he gave olivia 10 times as much as she asked for you should charge more for your talent he took his mother's arm with one hand and the bouquet with the other and they left the shop olivia looked at the money and thought that she earned more money by making these last two bouquets than she's paid monthly two weeks passed olivia was home when her phone rang she just came back from college and was going to take a nap she spent the last night studying the compositions of rock in the landscape it was the shop owner calling hello olivia i'm sorry to bother you but we really need your help a young man from a powerful family came to the shop he wants you to arrange a bouquet for him he said that you've made a flower composition for his father before and now it's his mother's birthday olivia's heart was beating so fast she instantly knew that it was him i'm coming olivia got up and let her hair down no it's too much she made a ponytail and put on some mascara she grabbed her handbag and almost ran then she forced herself to slow down the pace and catch her breath before entering the shop the young man was sitting where his mother sat before he saw olivia and smiled she almost fainted hello help me please my mom is hard to surprise but i think your bouquet will do it olivia just smiled are you going to wait here if that's okay i took one not really good trade after my mom forgetting all the important dates he lifted his eyebrow in surprise and then laughed i wondered how she managed not to forget about the anniversary and order such a gift for my father oh mom olivia approached the refrigerators the owner met her there she was nervous olivia do you know who it is why does it matter olivia try and make a good bouquet and what is he doing here his mother has come here and now him olivia walked past her the owner watched her go i need to raise the girl's salary before someone else takes her away in half an hour olivia brought out the bouquet and gave it to steven i think that's what you need he looked in astonishment at what olivia was handing him you wouldn't call it a bouquet but steven knew that his mother would appreciate it even more so she would be thrilled olivia stayed until the shop closed first of all because the owners told her that she was increasing her salary that was good news and second because new flowers had arrived and she decided to help sort them in the evening as soon as she got out of the shop she saw a big jeep in front of it steven walked out of it i've been waiting for you for me yes i made you come to work on your day off and for some reason i was sure you were going to stay until the end of the day you're probably hungry olivia suddenly became aware of the fact that she was ravenous he won't believe how hungry i am have a dinner with me really there's this good restaurant nearby i promise to be on my best behavior no funny business either olivia left okay if you do otherwise i'll tell your mom stephen dramatically rolled his eyes not my mom please olivia had the best evening of her life the food was tasty steven was funny and so good looking she felt so at ease as if she knew him her whole life steven felt the same way about her he drove olivia home but didn't want to let her go olivia what do you like theater cinema or something else can i be honest with you stephen looked at her and laughed be honest i hate going to the theater i know that it's not right and mom always got angry with me for that she told that girl shouldn't be like this and as for the cinema i like it even less you don't get to actually watch a movie because everyone around is either chewing spitting or kissing steven was shocked it was exactly how he felt olivia your mom is surely a wise woman why didn't you take after her you're a girl after all stephen was smiling but something about olivia's face made him lose his smile my mom is not here anymore olivia forgive me so stupid of me he got so upset that olivia felt sorry for him it's okay you didn't know two months passed since that date stephen came to his parents house his parents were having dinner he sat down his mother looked at him steven is everything okay mom i want to get married ashlyn watkins dropped her fork on the floor her husband also stopped chewing and stared at his son stephen was 28 and hated the marriage talk son did i hear you right are you feeling well mom you heard me right the thing is i'm afraid she'll say no can anyone say no to you why not his father interfered stephen you're talking nonsense everyone in this city knows who you are and how much money you have dad she doesn't care about my money i offered her to move in with me and she agreed on one condition that we were going to live in her flat and that i'll get a job because she has one she told me you're a big boy it means you can make your own money why would you take money from your parents mrs ashland watkins laughed stephen are you sure she knows who you are steven looked at his mother no they talked some more and then stephen asked mom why don't you ask me about my girlfriend who she is where she comes from why do i need to know this i see how your eyes sparkle and that's enough for me and you won't mind if she's from another social class stephen's father spoke again listen son i've worked a lot and in the last few years you have too you know that we've achieved more than anyone else in this city and in other cities who can tell us what kind of daughter-in-law to have mrs ashland watkins hugged her husband that's the kind of person he was he would always make fair decisions even though sometimes tough they've decided to have the wedding as soon as possible when stephen introduced olivia to his parents mrs ashlynn watkins clapped her hands olivia you can't imagine how happy i am that it's you they treated her as their own at first stephen was fiercely watching over her so that no one would hurt his new wife but then he even got jealous of how close his mother and olivia got they'd become best friends his dad also liked olivia he even took him aside and said i've seen so many stupid girls with you i thought you were going to bring one of them home where did you find this miracle she reminds me of your mom's youth so much steven even couldn't imagine that he could love someone so much he constantly thought about olivia and olivia reciprocated his love she was not as happy with his expensive gifts as she was with a walk down the street or planting an apple tree together they've decided not to invite any guests for their one-year anniversary just a small family gathering miss corey osbourne their housekeeper had cooked several salads the main dish was baked sturgeon when she brought it its smell filled the dining room steven's father sniffed the air claudia i'm never firing you claudia laughed and olivia ran to the bathroom she felt sick so sick that she was afraid she wouldn't be able to make it to the bathroom stephen ran after her mrs ashland watkins anxiously watched after them steven's father asked what's wrong with her only miss corey osborne kept calm she took away the sturgeon dish i'll bring it later otherwise the poor girl won't eat anything miss ashlynn watkins understood claudia do you think nothing to think about she was having a cucumber with a jam this morning stephen's father pounded the table and then looked at his wife excuse me is anyone going to tell me what's going on here miss corey osborne pursed her lips ms ashlynn watkins smiled we're becoming grandparents olivia's belly was growing so fast that she couldn't understand how someone could live like that she got very close with mrs ashlynn watkins they talked often once mrs ashlynn watkins asked olivia about her mother for the first time in a long time olivia told the whole story everything including the policeman's threats olivia was wiping away the tears that's why she didn't see her mother-in-law's face go pale then she went to her room but couldn't make herself rest she was walking past the study when she heard mrs ashland watkins talk on the phone she didn't hear the beginning of the conversation but what she did hear was enough don't you understand our son ran that woman down olivia's mother what do we do we cannot keep it from the girl forever she's going to give birth to our grandchild soon and we're keeping this from her i don't know do whatever you have to but we have to solve this olivia almost fainted she should have known that this city's most powerful family was a monster she lives with a monster she's going to have this monstrous child olivia went to her room packed her bag and just ran away she walked away from the den of the monster she loved so much steven was sitting his hands clutching his head mom why did she leave what could have happened steven i didn't know she went to her room and i went to the study and called your father maybe she overheard our conversation steven jumped up of course she did she thought it was me he was going to kill his brother they didn't get on well anyway steven was covering up for him from the very beginning own up to what you did but their mother was crying so much that they sent him abroad and here they paid everyone and threatened the girl who would have thought that same girl was olivia what would they do now she was to give birth in a month and now she was gone stephen was sweeping the city his father got the security service involved it seemed that there was no more places left for olivia to hide steven lost so much weight that you could only see the eyes on his face mrs ashlynn watkins also didn't look well she was blaming herself for everything that had happened for asking her husband to send robert abroad and for raising him to become such a half-wit stephen had no doubt that olivia had overheard her that day and she had no idea that stephen had a brother if his father forbade to mention him in his presence mrs ashland watkins talked to him and sent him money but robert continued drinking and going out sooner or later it was going to end badly one day stephen didn't go anywhere he was just sitting in an armchair it was the day their baby with olivia was supposed to be born but now he didn't have a wife he didn't have a baby he had nothing he didn't want to live he didn't care about anything what was his life or without olivia stephen was sure that if she was alive she would have been found already in a month anything could have happened to her he decided to take a walk where they would usually stroll with olivia his mother rushed to him and asked where he was going he was really worried for her son but steven's glance stopped her she was afraid to ask anything he walked out through those gates stopped for a second and walked toward the park a man came out from behind the garbage cans hey stop stephen turned around a dirty homeless man in a torn out coat was standing in front of him are you steven steven lifted his eyebrows it's me what do you want it's they took olivia to the delivery units she asked me not to tell you but the doctors treat her so bad because she lived with us steven lost the ground under his feet olivia yes are you not stephen he came to his senses where did they take her where he grabbed the man's arm and ran to the yard he screamed at the security guard open the gates be quick he put the man into the car sat on the driver's seat and hit the gas talk to me quickly distinctly and clear well they took her to our district delivery ward she's dressed so terrible that's why the doctors treat her badly and call her names so i decided to come to you she would have killed me if she knew stephen grabbed his phone and called his mother mom i'm going to the district delivery ward olivia's there i'll explain later come stephen was driving so fast that his passenger slouched into his seat of course his life wasn't worth anything but it was still his life stephen didn't bother searching for the parking spot he drove right to the entrance opened the door and heard olivia's voice please it hurts so much huh it hurts she says you should have scuttled around less maybe then it wouldn't hurt so much stay still and wait until the doctor comes back from lunch steven walked into the ward the woman got choked up she recognized the face that was on every poster call the doctor fast he said it calmly but the nurse took off immediately olivia saw him and closed her eyes tears ran down her cheeks how did you find me and why olivia i'll explain later now listen i wasn't driving that car it was not me i have a brother who's a human trash bin but he's my brother my mom cried so much that we had to do what she wanted we paid everyone and sent him abroad my father forbade us to even mention his name it wasn't you olivia understood everything of course it was their son but not this one olivia where have you been i turned the city upside down searching for you i know i lived with homeless people they're so sweet even though dirty and not always sober but very sincere and kind suddenly olivia squeezed his hand and started moaning steven jumped up he was going to destroy this hospital but he heard his mother's voice in the corridor she was ordering everyone around mrs ashlynn watkins entered the ward several doctors rushed to her she leaned over olivia i'm so sorry girl you'll hold your own child in your arms very soon and you'll understand me she straightened up and gave all the doctors and nurses an intimidating look i don't understand why is my daughter-in-law lying here for an hour and no one's taking care of her you have 10 minutes to take her to the separate ward and give her all the help she needs steven smiled that's it mother's back in business now olivia was definitely going to have this baby steven never left her side he wanted to be with her during the delivery but olivia was against it you have no business being there wait here he went outside and saw his father smoking dad have you gone mad mom will kill you if she sees his father quickly threw away the cigarettes how's it going there i don't know she's still in the delivery the homeless man appeared from behind the car he approached them and said well i'm off olivia will be okay right go thank you after the man took two steps stephen called him wait the man froze steven took out all the cash yet in his wallet and handed it to him take it it's for you the man took the money and looked at stephen with astonishment then he hid the money and sat down steven asked him why aren't you leaving well i'll wait until it's over then we'll celebrate the door squeaked mrs ashlynn watkins came out she was smiling what mom you have a boy 4 200 kilograms steven screamed and hugged his mother and father whereas the homeless man left quietly wiping away tears of joy
Channel: Voice of life
Views: 217,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homeless story, homeless, real stories, listen to stories, best stories
Id: vBmgqT_zH-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 0sec (1620 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2022
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