江湖三大高手無人能敵,怎料不起眼的小夥竟是功夫高手,一口氣擊敗三大高手 ⚔️ 抗日 MMA | Kung Fu

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In the first match of the martial arts competition, King Suozhu vs. Iron Zen Rod Seruda, what a ghost, I will meet you. I said fat man, you are not chanting scriptures in the temple. What are you doing here? Let’s talk less nonsense and let you see how powerful I am. This, You can't stand still even if you can't stand still, go down quickly, go down, go down the first round, ghost sees Suo Zhu, the king of sorrow, so please chase the wind knife, Guan Chong, please invite his opponent, Jeju Lancet Knife is good, this kung fu is not bad, good brother, it’s okay, the county magistrate is okay, it’s okay, it’s okay to chase the wind knife, Guan Chong, it’s good to win, please have the nickname of the silver gun, the little bully, Jianghu, the soul chasing gun, please invite his opponent Lightning knife, in the cloud Long Hao, the silver gun, the little overlord won, good folks, old and young masters, after these few days of competition, our top three have come out, they are Chasing the Wind Knife, Guan Chong, the silver gun, the little overlord, Gui Jianchou, brother Suozhu, you really have two You have guessed all three of these brushes correctly You have guessed all three of them correctly Tomorrow is the last day of the martial arts competition, these three heroes will fight against our number one sword in Ningjin, Liang Yongsheng, everyone, young and old, don’t miss it. Guys, don’t miss out on my good brother. If you watch the excitement, you will know that the lion dance in Leling is good. What are you going to do? It’s all right. Let me announce that the first match will start soon. Tiger Daoliang Yongsheng will fight against Ghost Worried about Wang Suozhu, Liang Yongsheng, Wuqiao, Hebei, Wang Suozhu specially came to ask Liang Daxia for advice, brother, he was merciful and offended, let him go, he didn’t use all his strength, it’s really good. Those who dare to use short knives must be faster than ordinary people. You can only take the lead if you are faster than him . Hello brother, brother's sword is so fast Daxia Liang's sword is faster, but his skills are not as good as others. I am willing to bow down and accept my farewell. Now I will announce the first match. Tiger sword Liang Yongsheng wins . How is the fight, it's okay, Yongsheng's next game is the silver gun bully, remember what I told you last night? It seems slow but fast, and the force is on the last inch. I announce that the second match will be Tiger Sword Liang Yongsheng against silver Gun Xiaobawang be careful, brother, come on, you guys call a few people from our village to go to the crowd and watch for me to see those faces that are raw and evil. Keep an eye on me, don't let them do anything, stay here, take care, take a good look at everything, I'm not a thief, do it well, don't stare at me, listen to me and you Tell me, I saw a man over there just now, don't touch his clothes, it's not over, what are you doing, you brat, why don't you come here again and I'll take care of it, you're kind enough to be a donkey , I don't care about this nosy matter. The one who suffers is the one who is facing the gun. It seems to be slow when the knife is released, and the last inch suddenly exerts force. Well, this seedling knife is really fast. This seedling knife is very good. In the second match, the Tiger Sword Liang Yongsheng wins the good Yongsheng Guan Chong is indeed scheduled to play last How dare you steal something? I tell you to steal you, you shameless old man. I tell you to kick him to death. What is going on? What's the mess? I've been watching all day long. I'm sick. Let me announce that the third match will start soon. Tiger Dao Liang Yongsheng will fight Chasing Wind Dao Guan Chong. Tiger Dao Liang Yongsheng will fight Chasing Wind Dao Guan Chong. Good Liang Yongsheng, come Let's see how I made you up today I'll also see how you killed me and make a move, too bad, the physical strength of immortality is depleting faster than I expected, isn't this the only thing that can be done for me? Difficulty is your physical strength. If he is the first to attack you, you should be able to take him down within 30 moves. If he is the last to attack, there will be some trouble. Any kindness may end up costing your own life. Life is good, Liang Yongsheng, it’s really not easy! Folks, folks, young and old, after three rounds of intense competitions, Yingwei, a national of Ningjin, defended the title of the best knife in the world with his superb knife skills. Let me announce this time The champion of the martial arts competition is the number one sword in the world in Ningjin, Liang Yongshenghao
Channel: 枪王传奇
Views: 1,034,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 枪王传奇, 戰爭, 狙击手, 抗战, 抗日战争, martial arts, 八路军, martial arts fight, martial arts movie, kung fu, 妹纸爱神剧, fight, 动作, troops, Chinese television dramas, Chinese drama, 中国电视剧, action, action movies, kung fu movie, eight route army, 抗日神剧, Second Sino-Japanese War, 战争剧, 抗日电视剧, 功夫, 功夫片, 神剧, new action movies, fight scene, best fight scene, war fight scene, battle scenes, battle scene, movie action, action movie, 动作电影, best action movie, 中国历史, 中国共产党, 中國功夫, 武功對打, 功夫大師, 狙擊槍, 特种兵, 打鬥場面, 犯罪分子, 恐怖分子, 毒贩, 海盜, DDJ
Id: J7tEuhlf9dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 14sec (1634 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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