No. More. Simping.. 🛑🛑🛑 - LWIAY #00133

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Smashinationprp 📅︎︎ Sep 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

youtube didnt send me a notification.. good thing reddit did

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/7sonee 📅︎︎ Sep 07 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] yes yes yes welcome back to me uh where have i been i've been a holiday thank you for asking yeah what have you guys been up to huh hi what have you been doing huh so i was just checking if i'm still annoying yeah we're good to go leave your memes on the red at 19 year olds in the next episode this [ __ ] tweet has never happened i cannot for the love of god remind remember this tweet but i have not seen any tweet more times in this tweet i think about this every day i think about this all night long i stay awake not sleeping because i'm thinking about this [ __ ] mark is in marcus and hey if we hit 140 million subscribers double sex tape i'm in because i'm not a coward oh yeah yeah i knew i knew i even told martian i'm like all right that's a great photo but just so you know they're gonna mean the [ __ ] out of this and lo and behold they god damn it yeah i knew it looked weird because we're i'm wearing all black i have a torso okay it's not made up i swear i swear also rest in peace beard i had to shave it i didn't look at what setting i had on the trimmer and i just i'm like oh great fantastic it's fine i don't even care doesn't bother me at all i'm just been growing the beard and trying to grow it out as long as possible for over a year it's fine who cares i don't it's just hair now i have this [ __ ] thing what are they gonna say that looks like a pig it kind of looks like a pig doesn't it huh what are they hey kids kids i'm sure you're going to tell me what that looks like god damn it what else is it oh what the [ __ ] thanks for ruining my photo god damn it whoever you are legends epic i respect it i like how me and marx said we went camping and this is the photo we posted it's like no yeah we went camping in a castle it was tough just for the record everything i have ever said is a joke me and my way to take a selfie with pewdiepie good one yeah try me try my mother see what happens honestly i met a ton of people that asked me for a selfie and i said no every single time and it was epic because people were like oh yeah it's cool we could just talk i think it's something that people just think that they should ask and then when you say no they're like oh yeah i actually don't even want one that's how it felt like with some people some people were crushed and uh it made me feel bad but hey what can you do girls oh my god i can't wait for the new bts song boys we just won one thing and that is yes ksi got the flute now ksi if you're listening you got the wrong flute here i'll show you which one you need that's a pathetic beta flute sorry for not getting the specifics this is the one you need to get it's a it's a german word what is it called here i got you all porn that's what you need my dude ah that's a flute that's not a flutter oh sh oh you can beatbox that's cringe yes yo come on ksi what are you a [ __ ] coward get an outboard this could be you mate this could be us i'll buy one too [ __ ] it let's go to the it's beautiful i don't know why i'm laughing it's really funny though where's the video case either i can't [ __ ] find it post the goddamn link you please proud to say that this sub is no longer something hey proud of you bros it's no september remember that try your best you can do this believe i know you're going through a lot i know you're shaking you got the sweats it's been what a week and no something i get it but there's a light at the end of the tunnel keep going say it with me i will not stop i will not live i will not leave it oh my god say it hey felix it's the airline pilot again i'm also a certified flight instructor and i can teach you how to fly real airplanes too let's start with some flight simulators first all right i'm in i'm in i'm sliding into dms how the [ __ ] does reddit work there we go the connection have been made just for the record everything i have ever said is a joke i did not expect this to become such a thing god damn it everyone would be yeah what do you think you had a big dick you thought you had to be giving oh oh i review memes like this now it's more comfortable i don't care felix and jack making fun of italian accent in mario costumes in the back she wasn't home if she was she would have killed this do you think i can wear the tambourine on my legs oh [ __ ] i'm breaking the tambourine i'm so strong holy [ __ ] let's not do that me gets on the y ph small pp what a [ __ ] meme template jesus oh i'm sorry big peepees but we're all small let's get real here at least i can do this i feel nothing nothing no one the camera angle in anime when a character is about to go absolutely insane what the [ __ ] is this when is oh my god when i uh when i adjusted the camera to annoy you guys great so it's 100 unintentional all right which ones do i know naruto prison school death no it's a yugioh i don't know what the [ __ ] this is i gotta look down right this is work at all i have no idea just for the record everything i have ever said is a joke god damn it it was to protect myself from the joke police not to get a budget i would never cheat with you angry pasta noises all right all right just found out pits and i have the same carpet i don't know what to do with this information just know you have a huge dick that's the only explanation congratulations uh i don't really have an intro people have been making interest i'm sorry you know what from now on i'm just gonna do the pewdiepie one i'm bringing it back officially how's it going bros my name is peter pack yeah yeah that's the intro welcome to lawyer leave your memes on the reddit marcia i'm bored why don't you play with the neighbor's kid no he's a weirdo he's weird that's a cute little template little anime template okay another pilot has reached out but it is a woman and it is no simp september showing care respect and love to marzia you talking to a girl what a sip pewds oh i can't believe the [ __ ] simp meme out of all memes is still kicking it and i think it's reached a point where people are getting truly annoyed and i really appreciate that because it's [ __ ] funny but it's it doesn't even mean simp anymore it's like i can't even talk to it yeah let's joke soon it's gonna get i feel like it's gone even further than that where yeah it is actually legitimately not even funny anymore but also i mean it is simp september so we got a whole lot of month to look forward to yeah cyber sweating no what if you wanted to build a tambourine tower to the moon but god said height limit er for building it's 256 block hippies i'm in italy and everywhere are growing peepee stones out of the floor can you please ask might say what they mean yeah yeah i'll send it to her yeah hey matsia check your whatsapp rick actually actually never gonna give you up post it on my birthday this is a troll i'm not gonna look at that and who the [ __ ] liked this video you guys think the simp meme is annoying this is 10 times worse whoa holy [ __ ] dude hand painted that's sick that's a huge peepee right there flying 45s well done i threw in a kiss there i don't know why i did that sorry felix and sean mimicking italians oh god what is this old meme [Music] [Applause] the [ __ ] is this what's that check it what time she says no clue sorry are you even italian swedish man single-handedly causes tambourine shorted percussionist worldwide in stock yeah puppy smurf i'm glad you guys are enjoying the the bit more different videos i'm having a lot of fun doing it just for the record everything i ever said is a joke [Laughter] uh sorry i'm not sipping anymore congratulations snipe chad ow come on he edits videos and doesn't afraid of anything how's it going bros my name is peter pat 19 year olds forget i'll cater just how's it going bro brows hey hey brush how's it going we're watching you're not we're changing the way it's fridays with pewdiepie now yeah pewdiepie what happened to this channel we used to be normal pewdiepie but yeah you're right that's a good point that's a fair point we've never been normal [Laughter] just for the regular everything i ever said is a joke every everyone with big pee pee everyone was [ __ ] congratulations a toast to thee my fellow small peepee not that i implying that i am part of you i'm just saying you're a fellow sheesh felix you are finally awake you sleep a lot youtuber amnesia bros italian wife emilia tc's hundred million flow again coca-cola what are you talking about get ready for school what a journey huh i swear to think about just for the record everything i have ever said is a joke all right what do we got now yeah i told you guys i'm not a simp i'm gonna say i do to woman cringe it's no [ __ ] september and i ain't playing the [ __ ] around i'm not even gonna look at the woman i think all right let's read it uh you make your own pewds merch because he doesn't deliver to ukraine your posts get 24 000 uploads you get a ton of harassment uh and threats to the point where mods had to close a comment section you don't even get to know why uh site you editor out hey you're that desperate to not be a sympathize you edit out women i respect that i respect that yeah i don't know but i don't know what happened here but uh cool merch very cool march hey mod accidentally drops pick inside the guitar the pick me looking for the pick i don't i don't like this one don't don't make my unintentional faces into memes all right i don't like it no that was not supposed to be a thing another one no way i love these it's so smooth dude i've been using them for my live streams look they're so dope i love them holy [ __ ] we got a new one all right thank you i i cannot have enough makes me look professional all right my name is pewdiepie and welcome to [Laughter] you look like trash you smell like [ __ ] it's not like someone vomited you disgust me it's time to give me what i want the diamond play button oh what the [ __ ] dude he's the one that took it have you heard of exercise it's good for you ah so you want to play you want to play with me huh whatever your mom says about you it's all true listen to your mother your mom has a fat ass [Music] yo if he pulls out an item i'll pour you face the consequences that'd be sick of death [Laughter] you're not strong enough i fought ten times your size [Music] hell yeah nice thank you well done hey felix your plate one was set up the wrong way just want to know that it could cause damage no and it actually did it it did break so you weren't wrong you're technically thank you if only i had seen this before can you believe you get a you get a hundred million right you think you get something uh ah it's so heavy dude it's so unnecessarily heavy but for me it's not heavy at all because strong [Applause] what i did what i what i do what it do all right let me put it back in this proper place [ __ ] sake what it did what it nope what it nope what it it there it is god [ __ ] damn it it's so annoying i hate it manga anime netflix adaptation well done netflix they haven't ruined anything recently have they though i feel like this meme doesn't really been outdated oh okay yeah [Music] oh my gosh yeah of course yeah avp yeah [ __ ] you sit there let's put it up kids you place your potato wrong that could damn [ __ ] oh my god thank you guys so much for flagging me this i i all right i gotta go fix it sorry studies show that girls often pretend to be soft and weak around their crush girls around me yes no one tick-tock thoughts room no i gotta change the color my stuff my phone no that's the wrong one that's right gamers i'm a tick-tock bot now you all were played you all failed snow sim september because you simped by watching a tick-tock thought yeah now do as i command and smash like on this video subscribe and i'll see you bros tomorrow oh and by the way you might as well pick up the simp merch at least own what you are sure all right that's it for this week's the wyatt super fun as always thank you for all the memes i really appreciate it i'm gonna see you guys tomorrow ah children of nine parks it's time to raise what was once forgotten what creatures fart spells and poop troops awaits poopty is coming too nintendo switch and remember it has a very big pvp pre-order promotion i mean [Music] we
Channel: undefined
Views: 6,012,265
Rating: 4.9542103 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: MhNQm2-Yhoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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