No More Grey Hair...My Review of Life Vitality Gray Hair Rescind from DR Vitamin Solutions

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[Music] what's going on everybody it's me I'm back and this is Alvin J the most passionate non doctor on the Internet now I know I've been releasing some videos on Instagram Twitter these are videos that I put out talking about depression because that's exactly what I was going through and I'm I'm actually coming out of it right now I'm feeling better I thank you guys for your positive words and thank you thank you thank you for all the support all of the comments all of the emails that you guys sent saying to take care of yourself and I know no words can be expressed enough to thank you guys so thank you okay now I know usually we're talking about diabetes we're talking about cancers we're talking about body tumors we're talking about rare blood diseases like leukemia however today we're not talking about that we're actually going to talk about a video that's very popular on my channel that got a lot of views and a lot of comments that I haven't been able to get to but I have been testing something for you and I got a solution okay that video was on wait for word wait for it great hair all right now I know it's not a big thing no young people because you don't have any yet you will but you're gonna know want to know how to get rid of that and that's why I'm here today now normally for gray hair what I do is I advocate something called colloidal copper copper helps you to grow your hair back because copper has an affinity to turn hydrogen peroxide into water something that is needed badly by yourself now if you guys have been watching me for any number of time I'm always talking about hydration water how the cells working all that good stuff now here's the thing about how your cells work quick science lesson it's not going to be anything more than 20 seconds here it goes all right but everything in your cells that work they actually require water to do so the cytoplasm inside your cells is made up of water your blood plasma is made up of water the aqueous humor in your eyeballs requires constant flows of water therefore everything that moves us out your body including your fat cells requires water so you need water in order to do any catalytic in the anabolic process that is actually inside your body okay science lesson over now I'm gonna show you what I found because some of you have given me the indication that cover is not the best for you and you would be right now if you got a healthy system and nothing is wrong with you copper is just fine I take it on a regular basis okay nothing has happened to me nothing is going to happen to me however here's the thing copper is a metal metals if you have a weak or weakening liver due to a disease or if it's just week period just because of Aging just because of so many toxins in the blood and the tissue you're gonna have that accumulation of metal built up in your liver and your liver therefore will not be able to do one of the 500 functions of your body okay so I've come up with an alternative for you that I found and a company actually contacted me and said try my product it has to work and it has to be something that I would do I would try for myself and it had to work for me well I finally found a product that has done that okay now here's the catch it's worked in only 12 days I know I know you want to know what it is right how do you get rid of grist start getting rid of gray hair in 12 days Wow I'll tell us the secret I'm gonna not tell you I'm going to show it to you how about this okay here it is it's something called gray hair rescind with CAD lace all right now the company I got this forum is called life vitality their slogan is integrity purity quality I know you've probably heard that before however I think it's actually true in their case because after just 12 days I have gotten the gray a lot of it to go away in my beard now costing this it killed constantly that's the only place you can see it because I don't have any hair anywhere else however I'll get to that later okay but you guys see I had gray hair and my wife loved the salt-and-pepper that was actually in my beer she was just saying all rubbing her fingers through it and I was like I know love it baby but I don't want to look oh okay so I wouldn't look as young as I can first as much as I can so I said I'm gonna try something different now I'm trying this out for you guys because I know some of you have bad livers some of you can't do the copper so this is a better alternative to that I found that it works so I don't want to tell you about it I'll say I'll tell you about some of the things that are on the back but take a look at this video here that I got for you okay just take a look okay everybody now I'm gonna try to show you guys this as closely as I can because I want to show you that this is actually working and I didn't think truthfully that it would anywhere near as well as colloidal copper would but it seems to be working so I'm gonna try to show you this as closely as I can you can see my beard is mostly black now and I used to be white I guess some little white sprigs and stuff there but if I keep on taking taking this it's going to work for me but I want to show you this okay so I got one hair here that is white on the tip but dark on the root meaning that it's actually working for me so I want you guys I'm gonna see if I can get it as close as I can on camera hopefully this is clear I got a look in the mirror to see if I can grab it mmm oh did I did I break it wait wait oh I think I broke the white tip-off Dan yet I was trying to get that one yeah I keep on breaking the tips okay we're gonna we're gonna give this we'll give it a second try okay so let me see gonna find one I think I did you see that white tip right there okay so I can't do this with my dang it I can't do this with my other hand okay so I'm gonna try to see buddy find it mm-hmm [Music] this is tough ah there you go now let's just see this okay now I want you to notice I'll check to put it against my shirt I want you to notice that this hair is white on the end but it's dark on the route I have color now back in my hair so I want you I want you to actually see this because there's actually working pretty well the end of that hair is white okay so take a look at the end of that hair is white I can't focus it let me show that I can't do it with the same hand dang it all right this this filming stuff okay but take a look at it boom right on the tip and that that is you see that little white part on the end there that's the root okay so the white hand is not the root the color didn't is the root cause you see that little knob on it okay you see that little knob on the end that's the root okay so that is that's one of the best pictures I could have taken I'm picking this out of my face in real time man you can't beat that okay so this is a fantastic product and I know some people aren't used to using something else but it works it works so I hope you guys try to give it a try right wait a minute hold on some of you are getting way too comfortable I know the camera was close to my face but I thought I'd feel somebody try to kiss me you know you guys are going too far I'm just kidding all right now here we go now when you guys actually see this you guys look it's a wonderful product now I'm going to show you what it looks like okay now what we got here is we got the caplets okay so it is nothing but a capsule and is it in between its medium it's not small it's not big but it's right in the middle yes so easy to swallow because it does have a gelatin outside however you can break this open because there's something in it that I I don't particularly like that they put in capsules that you have swallow but you can break it open and you have to swallow it the capsule is made out of may read it here okay the capsule is made out of something called vegetable magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide that's where you get that from and the silicon dioxide is actually mixed in with the blend because it keeps it from kinking that's what they use it for all right however in this particularly I have to say it works because from that video I just showed you get that was 12 days now I'm not gonna I'm not gonna front now take a look I think got gray over here inside I still got about four or five up underneath here so I still got a few gray hairs but it's only been a week and a half okay I've been using this so it's actually working for my gray hair and I never thought it would now here it is the company has told me the truth and now I have complete and other cutter confidence that it will work for other people let me put let me say this because I have to put a disclaimer out there for me okay I am a healthy person I eat healthy I regularly cleanse my colon I regularly cleanse my tissue I regularly cleanse my liver therefore whatever is in here it's going to go straight into my cells and do the work it's supposed to do because I have nothing hindering there's nothing in my colon like mucoid plaque that could stop it from getting into my system there's nothing in my blood that's toxic that could kill this on the way to getting where it's supposed to go the cytoplasm of your cells okay so I just have to warn you guys the healthier you are the better stuff like this works it's a supplement it's not a drug it's a supplement and supplements are what I'm advocating about now I know some people might think it has a cheesy logo or it doesn't look like a normal medicine nor do I want it to okay it's not supposed to look like a medicine it's a supplement this was medicine before medicine actually remember that lesson I gave you in 1910 when Abraham Flexner sent in there by john d rockefeller changed our medical history well that's what we were using before now again this is called great hairy sin and with catalase all right now let me let me throw this out there catalase everybody's asking what that means or what that's about cata means to break down lays anything the instant ace is an enzyme so it's an enzyme that breaks down well it breaks down what not your body it breaks down hydrogen peroxide h2o2 so what it does is it actually tells you it actually Cleaves an oxygen off so the h2o 2 becomes h2o water and what was running through yourselves water what was in your plasma water what do all your cells in tissue have is going running through the water alright so that is what we actually are talking about when we have catalase that's what it does now here's another thing as some other things that you guys might not benefit catalase actually because your body makes it you don't have to get it from an outside source however if you take in more and you can process it guess what some of the benefits are to us mammalians ok and actually he'll protect you from your own fat cells in case you didn't know your fat cells are the only cells in your body that will accept anything including toxins and poisons it's doing that so it can protect it from being in your blood which will poison you we call that sepsis you can die from sepsis now I'm not saying that taking this product is actually going to help you alright so so I actually helped stop that no I'm saying that it does have some components in it that are beneficial for your health that's what I'm saying okay the other thing and you might really want to listen up for this one okay get-get your ear okay do it like this do your ear like this okay and listen listen to this one it actually helps to prolong your life and prevent aging yes you heard that right it lengthens the telomeres on your DNA so that your you can actually get more life out of your life isn't that fantastic now ah that's I'm all about anti-aging I'm trying everything I can as far as staying young because I told you I want to live a minimum of 120 years and hopefully I'll look younger as I get older if I can discover some secrets here the last thing benefit of the catalase that I'm gonna bring you today because there's plenty of them the last one is it helps you get rid of your gray hair okay well how does it do that al please fill us in you scientific genius you okay I'll do just that okay gray hair comes from a lack of melanocytes melanocytes they actually have to have building blocks enzymes hormones in order to make that haircut that dead hair which has color in it come out of the hair follicle well water is a part of that and if you have hydrogen peroxide how can proc side in chemical is caustic meaning it will kill your hair root therefore your hair suits attorney white okay eventually the hair won't grow at all so that was that's what we call aging all right a part of that other benefit we were talking about so if you can cleave that and make it water something that is the less toxic and then you can actually lengthen the length of your telomeres on your DNA guess what we now get black hair and along your life all right now they say in theory I'm testing it out it's working for me so I'm gonna say yes it does work okay I'm a student of real life case studies so that's what I like okay so let me give you just a few more examples of the gray hair rescind all right with special ingredient cameras just explain all right now in here they got their biggest thing is catalase and they have 5,000 units of it in here so they got a lot of catalase this day it is packing a wallop so it's meant to help you and that's why is it they're giving you so much or any thing that you take you should be taking high potency low potency doesn't do anything so if I say a catalase with 200 250 milligrams you should have been like so what it's it's it's like alright when you plug your cell phone in seven years ago and it took like eight hours to get a charge on yourself no you don't want to take all that time you want to plug it in in an hour even if it says like 1% when you plug it in in an hour it's back to normal that's what high potency does for your body it fills it up quickly your body takes what it needs really quickly and now you're overboard on everything okay so that's what we want with this so some people advertise on the front of the bottle and then all of a sudden on the back they say it's just trace amounts what am I going to do with that trace amounts okay I know so how about you eat some trace amounts of food see how that's gonna do for you alright so this is what it looks like up close and personal so hopefully it doesn't blow on you but it might but I'll show you a picture of a nice clear up close but that's what we got for today so our product life vitality integrity purity quality from the life vitality company you guys thank you for putting out such a wonderful product I really like that the way that it works I'm gonna try it out for another 30 days see what my results are and I'll come back and I'll do a second part of this to make sure that I got the benefit and I related to you and the best way that I could okay so hopefully ever all of you you have a nice day a nice night a nice weekend a nice month alright enjoy the rest of your life because you should be doing it with your normal colored hair whether it's fiery red brown black I don't care what color it is but we wanted to come out of your scalp the same way that it was when you were born and we can do it we got a product now and it's a little bit safer than the norm okay so this is Alvin day the most passionate now doctor on the internet saying you guys stay healthy okay stay out of the hospital stop doing stuff that it's bad for your health if you're getting if you're going in worse and you're coming out I know I'm I know this is not right but if you're coming out worser then go stop going all right use your head stop going alright this is Alvin J the most passionate non doctor on the internet saying get you some get you a whole bottle pick it up alright the link is in the description right on this page right here and all you got to do is click it you can get yourself a bottle it ain't that expensive and according to me it works alright so I know I know some people are doubting the company some people think corporations are evil but sometimes you know somebody will restore your faith every muscle ow so this is one of them all right I'll talk to you later great hair gone with this all right deep wait did you guys see my foot doesn't it look hold on doesn't it look just like the buck look at that it looks just like the bottle look at that alright so there it is alright so I'm out Alvin J the most passionate doctor on the Internet later you
Channel: Alvin Jackson
Views: 182,372
Rating: 4.8563581 out of 5
Keywords: drvitaminsolutions, Life Vitality Gray Hair Rescind with Catalase, unwanted grey hair, gray hair, grey hair, no more gray hair, AlvinJ, humanhealthlink
Id: SgWM0Pbe_BI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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