No math quilting-use your scraps-peaceful sewing-easy quilt

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[Music] hi friends welcome to my sewing room my name is beth and if you're new welcome it's nice to have you here today i'm putting some blocks together that don't require a lot of math no measuring just scraps so the constant in this quilt is red and cream i even added some applique but we're not talking about that today just the blocks and i want to show you how easy it is just to sit down and sew the constant like i said is the red and the cream not the size once you get some blocks together you just put them together in rows they have to be the same width we're going to trim them and make them the same width and put them together and if those rows are different sizes i just add a little cream strip and make it fit and it works every time it's just a fun quilt to put together a fun block to make so pull out some strips some scraps and let's get started for my block today i pulled out some red scraps and some cream scraps i wanted a nice variety and i'm right now i'm going to make a block with a smaller red center so i'm just going to trim this up and eyeball it this is one and three quarters inch about not going to worry too much about the size i might look for some smaller scraps to go around this i don't have any really small pieces sometimes i can find a little one but i'm not finding a little one right now here's a smaller scrap i'm going to straighten up the edge here and sew this on i'll add the other side and then i'll go and press it so these scraps are obviously out of my scrap basket they've been used for other things and they have some curves so i just need to straighten them up a little bit [Music] as i go along i'm adding white around the red like you saw in the example and this is way too big so i'm just eyeballing the next section here [Music] and then i'll add one more cream on the other side and i'm just using scraps as they come i'm not worried about the sizes right now i'm going to build this block out until i yeah white red cream red cream and then i'm gonna see this what size it is if it needs to be bigger i'll add a little bit more cream if it needs to be smaller i will trim it and i'll be just puzzling my blocks together but i'll show you that when i get to that right now i'm not worried about size at all this is a nice check i really like this fabric but i want a little more so i'm going to add a piece here before i add that check maybe i'll add one to the other side too let's see if there's room see i can kind of see that i can add look at that that's just the right size so i'll add this here i'll press it and add that check on top [Music] okay next i'm going to work around with some cream colors [Music] now it's time to see if the blocks that i made will work together i want them to line up in a column and i want them to be the same width i'm not worried about the length right now i just want them to be the same width and these are all pretty similar even though i was using all different sizes inside so this is 11 and a quarter inches i turned this one up let's get this one to be 11 and a quarter wide all right this side over here is pretty straight already so i'm going to use that as my guide and i'll trim this right here now i'll just use those sides as my guide to trim the top and the bottom straight across but i'm not going to worry about how tall or short it is and until later it's kind of nice to keep your blocks together the um matching the sides so you don't get them turned around and here's the last one it's pretty wonky looking but we can trim it to 11 and a quarter and that side is pretty straight so i'm going to use that as my guide let's straighten that top that's really off [Music] and straighten the bottom and then i can sew them together in a row i'll see how long my row is and it's yeah i just work in columns and if my row once i get it all sewn together is not long enough i just add another strip it's really easy no math no not much thinking and it comes out really nice thanks for joining me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: my sewing room
Views: 37,359
Rating: 4.9546061 out of 5
Keywords: Peaceful sewing, Sew, Quilt, Learn to sew, Learn to quilt, Patchwork, Scrap quilt, No math quilt, No math sewing, Scraps, Red and white, Red and white quilt, Quilting, Meditation sewing, Easy quilt, How to sew, How to quilt, Make a quilt
Id: hlgX_TtsaPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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