No Humanity Elena and Rebekah Scene Pack

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[Music] so you really buy all this not one bit [Music] i know he's after the cure i'm not stupid let's all say things you don't mean damon is like a dog with a bone stefan two they won't give up until they find the cure and then make me take it [Music] so i guess i'm gonna have to find it first you're playing him no he's playing me i'm just returning a favor [Music] looks like damon gave us a slip good hopefully he'll find whatever he's looking for and then i can take it and what if he can't i mean he is stronger than you you know i could help you you want the cure off the table i want to take it we can work together work together don't you hate me i hated the moral self-righteous version of you but this one's not so bad maybe it's a new haircut do you remember what it's like to be human weak fragile why would you want to go back to that [Music] because someday i want a family on my own and that's exactly why i don't want your help the best part of having no emotions is that i can think rationally i'll do whatever it takes to get this done you're the opposite a pile of neurosis and insecurities hopes and dreams you're basically one big emotional variable that i just don't really need you just made me miss the old elena question would be where are we going sorry damon i think i broke your radio you're in my car they weren't going to take the bus i wish this could have gotten differently i really do but we'll get catherine your best so how do you know catherine how do i know who [Music] me how do you know me small town everybody knows everybody so everyone here knows catherine i'm sorry i i don't know who you're talking about she compelled people to forget all about her unless she was talking to them herself clever girl how long have we known each other it's been a while i can't remember where do i live where do i work i don't know who do i spend time with do i have any friends we said we could all be friends with you as long as we kept your secret what secret i [Music] i don't know [Music] hey excuse me um do i have any mail today what happened to your hair i cut it in the last two minutes i was here two minutes ago are you feeling okay miss pierce yeah i'm fine um thanks she was here two minutes ago that means that she can't be that far um how about you check inside i'll look in the parking lot okay [Music] i'm impressed i never thought you would find me here oh well it's a beautiful place to die i couldn't agree more you've chosen a beautiful place to die don't have it on me i didn't think it did but i'm sure there's something in that that can help us find it who's m a friend it says here you're meeting up two i guess i'll just have to meet em myself
Channel: Aesthetic_rxssxs
Views: 14,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: j6kb9mYz1o8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 20sec (260 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 22 2021
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