NO HOLDS BARRED: Dinesh D'Souza's top 5 campus moments from Fall 2018

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my question is if Nazism and fascism in Germany was so similar to Stalinism in the Soviet Union why did Hitler consider Stalin his greatest enemy and consider that Libman is from to the east was the way to go and kill 80% of Senate 80% of his soldiers to fight the Soviets if they were basically the same ideology very good question which is if Nazism and and and communism are both leftist how come did they how come they went to war first of all it's important to realize that ideologies that are very close to each other frequently do go to war the Catholics and the Protestants the Shia and the Sunni the Shia and the Sunni are both in the house of Islam they actually agree on 99% of theological beliefs but they've been fighting for centuries why competitions over territory and power and so on remember that Hitler was a National Socialist the reason that Hitler hated the Communists was not because they were socialists he liked that part about it what he didn't like is that they were taking their orders from Moscow he saw them as traitors to Germany so Hitler's priority was socialism in Germany now remember that Hitler who went to war with Stalin was allied with Stalin so on the foreign policy domain Hitler was perfectly happy to sign the Hitler Stalin packed and then violate it for reasons of national interest so the bottom line of it is the fact that Germany and the Soviet Union went to war in no way refutes the idea that progressivism communism and fascism were all three sister movements that developed in Germany in Italy in America and in Russia all in response to the crisis of Marxism the Republican Party has been nominating one boy scout after another McCain Romney Romney is such an unbelievable Boy Scout I mean if I were writing his college recommendation to Texas A&M it would begin with something like this not since Jesus Christ squeaky clean but here's the problem the moment Romney ax comes onto the national stage within five minutes the left makes them into Lucifer you're greedy you're selfish you're an exploiter where did you get two hundred million dollars and Romney is on the defensive up against the wall explaining apologizing now you notice that nobody makes this accusation against Trump nobody goes hey Trump where did you get a billion Trump has more money than Romney how did you get a billion dollars you can't do this to Trump because if you do and he'll sit you down explain to you that he has two billion dollars he's a lot richer than you thought so with Trump this desire to hit back I think reflects a tendency in the Republican Party now to say okay if you gangster eyes one side the other side has to get tough that's the sad reality of the situation in other words would we like to live in the kinder gentler Reagan era that I grew up in yes but that era is not here anymore Reagan wouldn't understand it he'd be a fish out of water because the political waters are too roiled right now but the one guy I think who would be completely at home in America today is Abraham Lincoln why because the waters were even more oiled when Lincoln came in and Lincoln realized a very moderate man by the way that there was a time to be extremely tough the basic idea of fascism was government control over the private economy and government control over the lives of citizens that's the meaning of fascism that's what it is that's what the Nazis were all about the National Socialist Party in my movie in my movie in my movie well we have some dr. Ford as busy as he R let me ask you this question let me ask you guys this question well okay if you'll stop chatting I'll address your point here's something interesting where is dr. Ford you know this is really interesting when I noticed that when when when when when Rory hold on don't shout at me you'll have a chance to ask questions when Rory more was attacked by all these women he pre oppressed me he did this he did not and suddenly when he's defeated they all melt into air this is called much all that is solid melts into air suddenly the media hold on don't shout at me don't shout at me I'll be huh I know you came voluntarily did I ask you to come no don't shout at me I'm defending fascism Noah I'm exposing you as a fascist and because because do you rely and I'll tell you how you ask me a question hold on are you familiar are you familiar with the black shirts in Italy or the brown shirts in Germany do you realize that they would go to campuses gooeys and would stand in the back of the room and when somebody tried to make an intelligent presentation and answer questions they would shout them down yell at them try to intimidate them and count a success if they could get the event cancelled and the speaker threatened but see the problem is sometimes you get speakers like me who are not scared of people like you we recognize your frauds I recognize I recognize that ultimately you are afraid of ideas you're not willing to engage with me yes you're afraid of ideas conscious you think I pose a threat to you I'm an immigrant I came to America with nothing what threat do I pose to you you've kind of throw out some fairly incendiary facts or or claims the year before the Civil War not a single Republican owned a slave the big switch is a lie Nixon strategies a hoax we hear a lot about fake news and you're talking about fake history but I only hear you talking about it why don't I hear others I don't see conservatives out in the street with their children's history books burning them in a pile I don't see students here at this university taking their history books and complaining about the falsehoods in it so why is that and would you be willing to come to this university and debate our top scholars on these topics the answer is absolutely yes not only do I welcome that opportunity but I will debate up to six opponents at the same time I my my leading public critic on this the Princeton historian Kevin Cruz who says things like there was not that there was a big switch and then when I pulled when I point out to him that there wasn't he says what about Jesse Helms what about Trent Lott what about John tower and I say well let's not debate apples and oranges those men are not Dixiecrats just to find a southern Democrat who became a Republican isn't going to make your case you have to find racists Dixiecrats and show me that those guys which who are comfortable if you if you google racist dixiecrats a whole number of names will come up on your phone we're talking about those guys and so I told Kevin Cruz why don't I come to your home campus Princeton University let's have a debate in front of your own students you have all the advantages on your home ground it's you're gonna have the home team advantage his response I won't do it he refuses he says it's not the proper format to resolve these issues think of it debate is not a proper format to resolve an important difference of agreement and I take that to really mean that what he's saying is look here at Princeton we have enough leftists in the history department that we've got our students completely brainwashed your type is not going to be welcome here because the only thing you can do is make converts and that's going to be incendiary for us so we're not gonna let that happen it seems as though you're trying to point fingers at the Democratic Party as an individual that has grown up in an outright area I am no stranger to listening to other opinions so I appreciate you coming out and saying your opinion I just think that you're pointing a lot of fingers at us currently and I feel as though as a nation the Republican and the Democratic Party should be working together not pointing fingers rather but coinciding and working together to create bills and better plans for our country and I think this is the way that we can fix America how do you feel about that I agree a hundred percent I'm a product of the Reagan years if you remember Reagan and the Democrats legislated tax bills together they did Social Security commissions together they did a tax reform in 1986 together there was a lot of bipartisan support for the intermediate-range nuclear forces treaty with Gorbachev and the Russians not that there wasn't disagreement but there was the ability to work together and the media reflected that debate CNN for example had a famous show crossfire and they would have Pat Buchanan on the right and Michael Kinsley on the left that's the America I came of age in and I long for it now the reason but we don't live in that America think of it with CNN today dare to have a show in which they had let's just say for example me against Rachel Maddow I mean a debate admittedly that would be more like one hand clapping but nevertheless they wouldn't there and they won't they when they cancel crossfire they decide to full left they'll have a panel of eight people they're all anti drama they don't allow debate so how do you expect to have compromise when the mainstream media has arrayed its guns against Trump and they see their job as trying to take him out the if you want to know why I seem passionate now and not quite the same guy was in 1985 it's this I always thought American politics was a fair-minded debate between reasonable people who disagree and I wrote and conducted myself that way but then when I went through what I did with the Obama administration when I stood in a courtroom and heard a bailiff go United States of America versus dinesh d'souza when I began to deal with these people I realized we have seen a gangster ization of the US government I will tell you based upon the deepest bone in my being that if the Obama administration could have locked me up for 20 years for giving a $20,000 political contribution they would have done it they would have been delighted to do it because they did not see me as a critic but as a deadly enemy that they needed to take out that was the way they looked at it and so I'm saying you're very naive if you don't realize that this is going on in America this is today we don't live in an America where if the government comes after you they're not gonna send two gentlemen with a file to talk to you they're gonna send police cars helicopters overhead automatic weapons and until it happens to you you won't believe it but when you do happen it does happen to you you do become politically somewhat radicalized because you realize this is going on in our America and we do need before we can have compromise we need to stop it he's a man of a searching and versatile intellect he is a man who can bridge cultures and understands history and scholarship and politics and theology and philosophy this week is an author a filmmaker a former policy advisor to Ronald Reagan mr. Dinesh D'Souza this American dream is a dream not just of economic opportunity or success but it's ultimately a dream where you can be the architect of your own destiny I grew up in a different world actually a world without America and although I grew up without a phone without television without hot water we had a car but if you looked down the floor of my car you could see the ground he's been described as an influential conservative thinker he's a best-selling author and political commentator and filmmaker the great man dinesh d'souza a patriotic man no longer would I say that I live in a rarefied world of intellectual debate I've seen the upside of America and I've seen the downside of America but at the end of the day I wouldn't trade the United States for any other country at the end of the day my enthusiasm for American government may have dimmed but my enthusiasm for this Goren's writer than ever thank you very much you
Channel: Dinesh D'Souza
Views: 638,234
Rating: 4.9548383 out of 5
Keywords: Dinesh, DSouza, Hillary, Clinton, Barack, Obama, Donald, Trump, Hillarys, America, Documentary, Movie, Filmmaker, Author, Speaker, Fox, TheBlaze, Breitbart, Newsmax, Hannity, Kelly, Election, Pence, Kaine, Schweizer, Benghazi, State, Department, Emailgate, Rush, Limbaugh, Politics, Republican, Democrat, Party, GOP, DNC, RNC, Reince, Independent, Swing, Debate, Christianity, Capitalism, Patriotism, Progressive, Kings, College, NYC, Policy, Communism, Socialism, Conservative, Prosperity, Racism, Illiberal, Education, Lynching, Palin, Voight
Id: u-lLEFiw2Gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 11 2019
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