No Goodliffing Allowed ... Yeah, Whatever

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[Music] hello welcome back to cracking the cryptic now you see a 4x4 puzzle on the screen before you um maybe it will solve quickly cuz there is only 16 digits to write in but maybe it won't and they're not necessarily from the digits one to four so there is something going for it in terms of potential difficulty it's from walking writer who we welcome back hasn't featured on the channel for quite a while but has supplied us with many puzzles in the past I would say getting on for 20 would be my guess without looking it up or anything anyway um I'm looking forward to giving this a go because walking right is always entertaining but but walking writer slams me with this title ngn apparently stands for no good lifing needed or no good lifing necessary and this reminds me that bizarrely the word goodlift my surname appears in the Urban Dictionary now meaning to uh fill in all the candidates in a sodoku Cell something like that and Simon uses it as a dis and calls me pencil Mark for all my pencil marks um and I just take it on the chin because I'm solving as efficiently as I can and I'm not too worried what it looks like so I might not even obey this title walking writer we shall see we shall see what we need to do to solve the puzzle I have no idea but um we'll approach that in a minute don't forget that on the links under the video after this puzzle you can find links to patreon where June's monthly reward is the wonderful Lord of the Rings by blobs absolutely fantastic pack we are so pleased to have brought that to you um there's all sorts of other content on patreon uh solves by me and Simon and all sorts going on we are very proud of the content we bring you there and excuse me one second sorry about that call um right now where were we we were talking about the links under the video patreon there's all our apps um even in the genuinely approachable sodoku we don't feature 4x4 so you won't find puzzles exactly like this but we do have thermos soku and Domino sodoku and they are relevant um but try all the apps anyway there's also of course um Spencer doad and our merchandise but the first link is to this puzzle which is called ngn I'm not going to go through that title again walking writer who sent this in right so the rules are these place the same four-digit subset from the digits 1 to 9 in each row column and 2x two box so we don't know what the four digits are from 1 to 9 but they each appear four times in the puzzle and there's no no repeats in any row column or box of course digits along a thermometer must increase from the bul bend digits separated by the black dot have a 2:1 ratio digits separated by the white dot a consecutive and the blue square contains an even number so uh it's blue because otherwise it would be gray and would interfere with the thermos in the sense that it would look like it was part of one anyway those are the rules and very interesting they are too nothing unexpected I think in them apart from the bless of the square perhaps I don't know what to expect in this puzzle I have no idea how long it's going to take I'm hoping since there are only 4x4 cells this will be a slightly quicker video than the normal but who knows give it a try anyway well you know because you can look at the video length I'm gonna start now let's get cracking okay so so with all those numbers from 1 to n up to grab up for grabs it's not immediately obvious to me what we can do to get started we've got a consecutive pair of digits in the puzzle and that one is even so at least the consecutive pair must include an even and an odd so at least two of the digits in the puzzle are even there's either two odd and two even or one odd and three even at least one even is on the black dot that's not very interesting um I suppose just by the geometry of of these grids there's an effective black dot between those two cells cuz these two cells have to appear there and there okay let's put pen tool on and put a little black X there like a black dot and in a fairly sort of similar fashion I don't know that I can do this there's a sort of white dot here let's do that with a with a gray X those two are consecutive to each other because those two cells appear there and there one of these is even in the same sort of principle these two cells are both higher than that one these two cells are both higher than that one and that's on this white dot ah okay right I'm going to color this cell yellow that appears in one of these two cells and let us say that the other cell that it appears with here that it's one away from is purple so this is yellow and purple that one's now also purple now these two digits are higher than both yellow and purple and I know that because they're both higher than yellow and purple is within one of yellow and these can't be purple so let's call them red and green red and green are both higher than yellow and purple meanwhile red is this cell is higher than purple but they both appear on a black dot ah now we know which way around these two go because red and green are always higher than yellow and purple we've discovered that so this is yellow or purple and this is red or green and this is higher than red or green so this must also be red or green in fact it must be specifically this digit here so let's call them red and these other two are green and that one is now red and this this one is now green and we can put in the fourth red and the fourth Green in the puzzle by geometry red there and green there this one is purple or yellow these two are purple and yellow now this now I'm going to mix up yellow and purple again here and start maybe disambiguating them here and here instead this one is higher than that so let's call it purple is higher than yellow so down here we know which way around they go because purple is higher than yellow now we can fill in all the colors in the grid and we have all of the positions for the four different digits we don't know anything about what they are apart from that yellow and purple are linked by a white dot red is higher than yellow and is linked by a black dot but red is also higher than green so the order of these digits is yellow purple green red you can see that from that Thermo followed by this Thermo so that's the order they go in yellow purple green red in terms of ascending and that's quite interesting because yellow and red have got a black dot between them but they've got two cells between them at least now that means that they're either three and six and these other two are four and five or they're four and eight and these other two are from five six and seven so yellow is now three or four black is now no sorry black on the black dot red is now six or eight and purple is either four five or six and green is five six or seven so good lifing has occurred I couldn't help it I just can't help it sorry walking writer there we are I didn't even know I was doing it and it's happened but I did the coloring first is that better now how do we disambiguate these if it's 3 4 5 6 there's only one option now there must be yeah this relationship means that purple is not a six because it couldn't be touching a five on yellow now if purple is not a six H I don't know one one of those two is a four um if purple was a four green would have to be a five oh yes it's here isn't it this if I hadn't greened that completely we would see there was a blue cell under there a blue square that has to be even that's a six so now all the greens are six I think we're done all the reds are therefore eight on the dot all the yellows are therefore four and by Thermo and by white dot rules all the purples are five and that is the solution now that is not too hard and this recording is barely 10 minutes but that's that's enough for us I don't want to make every puzzle really hard that's quite interesting and there's an intricate bit of logic going on there so it is very worthy of its place on the channel and that's the most important Point um oh I could get rid of the nonsense could I and maybe I should get rid of the green coloring because uh because it was obscuring the blue square which actually mattered in the puzzle there we go what a lovely what a lovely idea what a I mean what a very simple idea but but beautifully executed as always by walking right just what I was expecting in fact great fun and not too difficult so thank you very much for joining us for one of the easier puzzles on the channel I hope you had a go at it if you don't normally especially let us know how you got on but um we will be back with more soku tomorrow probably 9 by9 thank you for watching and bye for now
Channel: Cracking The Cryptic
Views: 19,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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