No-code app development with AppSheet

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JOANNA SMITH: AppSheet empowers your company to build apps that are flexible and scalable without engineering resources. It's clever, no code platform is easy for any employee to use while providing visibility and security to your IT department. Consider an example where a team in your organization needs a new tool. Your IT department likely doesn't have the time or resources to evaluate new solutions for a single team. Fortunately, AppSheet combines administrative tools, such as setting controls on data access, with day-to-day products like Google Sheets. This means your IT department can set organization wide limits which employees can work within while customizing their own solutions. Let's take a look at how a facility management team was able to build their own inventory system. Here, the team uses pen and paper to inventory equipment throughout multiple buildings, later adding their updates to a Google Sheet. The process is slow and often inaccurate. Some buildings need new or additional pieces of equipment while others may have extra items unaccounted for. IT has received requests to improve the way these items are tracked by developing a custom application. But that effort is sitting in a backlog behind other projects with higher priority. The team most familiar with the inventory process is the facility management team. And they've decided to take on this project themselves by using AppSheet, a no code development platform. The current process requires many users contributing to a single Google Sheet. This sheet contains all of the assets and their locations across multiple buildings. To upgrade the sheet into an application, the team lead starts by connecting the shared Google Sheet to AppSheet. The spreadsheet will serve as the source of data for the new application. Behind the scenes, AppSheet is automatically detecting the types of data connected, establishing relationships between data sources, and building an app interface that's easy to use. With a few clicks, the tables of buildings and items have been connected. And AppSheet has generated a functional prototype. This prototype already contains a map of the buildings, methods for adding items and updating the status of each one, as well as intuitive ways to see lists of items organized by the building in which they are located. At this point, the app creator can easily install this application on their mobile device, where any future updates made to the app will be instantly reflected. And anytime the app is used, updates are synced back to the database for the application, in this case, the connected Google Sheet. The team lead can customize their new tool by adding additional features to their app. For example, with a few clicks, the team adds a dashboard displaying the real time status of every piece of equipment. Now everyone who was carrying a clipboard around the facilities can check the dashboard from the mobile app or their computer. To create this dashboard, the team lead adds a view, selects dashboard, and then chooses what data to include. The team also adds barcode scanning to help users quickly and accurately identify different pieces of equipment. To enable barcode and NFC tag scanning, the team lead simply flips a toggle option on a field by field basis, depending on the data that's been connected. Lastly, email workflows can be created to automatically notify team members when inventory gets low or if there are unused items that could be moved to another building. This email workflow is enabled by creating a new workflow, specifying the type of notification, and customizing an email template that will be filled out with the appropriate information based on app content. This app is ready to start using right away. And it can be shared with individuals or teams similar to how Google Doc is shared. And it can be updated as needed based on future feedback. The team was able to build their own solution, relieving IT of this backlogged project while still maintaining control of what's created and how data is accessed. For example, establishing a policy so that app creators can share their apps only with other employees in their group. Other policies can control things like how data is accessed or what features can be included in apps. AppSheet's no code development environment is what enables solutions like this. Other teams in this organization can take advantage of the platform in similar ways to help manage projects, coordinate field staff, or automate internal operations. Empowering a single team to improve their daily work while ensuring the entire organization operates with clear boundaries is exactly the sort of flexible and collaborative solution that AppSheet was designed for. [MUSIC PLAYING]
Channel: Google Cloud Tech
Views: 23,324
Rating: 4.9312716 out of 5
Keywords: what is AppSheet, how to use AppSheet, introduction to AppSheet, Convert your Google Sheets into apps, getting started with AppSheet, no code app platform, rapid mobile application platform, Google Sheets to App, Excel to app, spreadsheets to app, Apps from spreadsheets, Apps from databases, Google Sheets to web app, Spreadsheets to app, Google Sheets tips and tricks, Google Sheets tips, web application, Joanna Smith, Next 2020, Showcase Next 2020 OnAir, NEXT 2020
Id: X7CZ4261aDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 28sec (268 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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