No Bulls#*t is a Liar (or just really stupid)

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Just going to repeat what I said when the last video about BS went up:

REMINDER: If you plan on talking politics in the comments, be civil. This can be controversial, and it's okay to have disagreements, but please remember there is a person on the other end of the keyboard.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Sensorfire 📅︎︎ Nov 24 2019 🗫︎ replies
hi I'm Jay it has a completely normal drawing of me riding a rhino into battle holding a lightsaber today I want to tell you a story this is something that happened to me online in the early days of my youtube channel I used to love making fun of another youtube channel called Brooks show Brooks shows whole thing was taking the ideas of other more successful YouTube creators and that's it that's what they did cinemasins exists and this is wildly successful well his Brooks shows everything wrong with series in which they do exactly the same thing cinemasins does but worse HIV+ you see the joke is that he set HIV and that's a disease Toby Turner has a hit series where he sang narrates over trailers to say what's happening in them in a funny way you get one advantage this time what is it I can make my feet into a circle [Music] Cirie's it's called literal trailers well here's a Brooke show video that's definitely not an episode of that series [Music] until Asante couch tomato is making list based videos of why different movies are similar well here's Brooke sure frankly I don't inherently have a problem with that kind of channel sometimes I think ripoff channels are just kind of adorable like oh you like the things so much that you decided to make some of it yourself that's kind of cute in a way Brooke show is an adorable though Brooke show is just kind of bad it was like really bad and really obnoxious ways person no I had a few videos making fun of this channel and its content here's the kind of thing I would say when I did that I am sorry about the fire it's okay it was an accident wasn't you're just now thinking it wasn't a [ __ ] accident come on you should know someone was stealing your tech when you saw that kabuki guy he was using it a minute ago because as you said yeah he just saw that a minute ago this is the single first moment he's had without something else to worry about since he saw that the first time he sits down to think about any of it he works it out I was he only working this out now he's already seen the evidence in fact he literally just saw the evidence for the first time how is he not like this out yet wait he has worked it out well then why didn't he work it out even sooner let's work on your moves learning martial arts via software just like The Matrix are you kidding me baymax literally is software essentially this is just the way that he would learn martial arts and him learning martial arts is a completely natural progression of the story this isn't derivative of the matrix it's a natural progression of the story we already had oh look they already had their Power Rangers ripoff masks I always go and look in the comments of Berkshire videos to see if anyone has pointed out the irony that he is claiming other things are ripoffs of things and no one ever does but come on Brooks are you sure they're criticizing other things if being ripoffs is a road you want to go down so that's what my contact cover and Brooks show used to be like you know what you're probably wondering about these a funny story behind these actually to make this video I had to watch a load of Brooks videos you know it seems like a necessary step and in the process of doing that I managed to cut myself on his immensely sharp brain which unfortunately is just an occupational hazard when making these kinds of videos nothing that can really be done about it but that's what my content covering Brooks used to be like that's the kind of thing I used to say when I covered him and so it went on for awhile until eventually I registered that Brooks made a lot of edgy jokes this kid is supposed to be a Viking that's sounding a little jewy we have enough bread-making vikings or a Viking who counts all your money and reinvest it into mutual funds I bet you would be awesome at that yeah more horrible child actors come on Lucas you know it was one of my favorite parts about the original trilogy no [ __ ] kids or black people that was cool until Lando ruined it at the time I didn't really know how to deal with things like this and I kind of freaked out all of my videos used to be response videos so at the end of each of my videos there would be a link to the video I was responding to but I didn't feel comfortable linking to the content that Brooks made and this wasn't simply because he made edgy jokes it's because he also eventually abandoned the channel Brooks show to make a new channel called no [ __ ] a more politically driven channel where he says very stupid things regularly there were loads of good takedowns of him on YouTube if you want to check them out he's the kind of thing he does this is a video called sjw moments in infinity war in this video he claims that the MCU has a suspicious amount of women in it and then lists a load of the women in the MCU black panther earlier this year which had a suspicious amount of female characters surrounding the wakandan key it didn't ruin the movie anything black panther was still amazing but it was noticeable how many girls were in there's also Wanda and it also sees ant-man being joined by his female crime-fighting partner is that a coincidence I don't think so he complains that well there's also a giant [ __ ] in the movie that's right he's the guy from Game of Thrones and he's also the one the Hulk goes to in the movie to have him make a new weapon to fight Thanos and I think having [ __ ] dwarf little person representation is certainly something radical leftist pro diversity anti ablest sjw would be all for now when it comes to edgy to to as long as it's done in the appropriate context and this is the big one doesn't genuinely communicate a harmful sentiment I have no problem with edgy jokes simply as a nebulous concept I love Jimmy Carr and Frankie Boyle you know the kind of stuff you read about in the Internet you read about if you ever read about sex on the internet you'll see myths stuff that just isn't true the best lubricant for anal sex is not tears it's blood he has much edgy jokes than that but this is YouTube my thought is that I have no problem with edgy jokes on their own it's what those jokes actually communicate that matters when Brooks makes edgy jokes it seems like he's just going whoa I'm not supposed to say that but I sure didn't say it which is like the most lowbrow lowest form of edgy joke but it's hard to tell what the actual sentiment is when a joke like that is made but then Brooks goes on to say things like this what are you white yeah I I know that this actually will come up even though I'm Jewish I do classify myself as white yes so which one are you first that's that's not a normal thing to ask people Brooks had a suspicious amount of female characters hearing the kinds of things he says when he's clearly being genuine makes me less enthusiastic about him and that should go with saying that I wasn't particularly enthusiast to compare him before had a suspicious amount of HIV back when I was finding all this stuff out I decided to address it in a video the video is called let's actually talk about Brooks show and I have my problems with it the biggest problem I have with it is that I don't use any evidence to substantiate any of the claims I make about Brooks I released the video nothing really came of it and then life went on also yes that was the Brooks show logo just a big BS but as I said nothing really became of it until recently are you familiar with jxe oh [ __ ] a doodle-doo my brethren that's me I'm that person I'm jxe finally after all these years acknowledgement I wonder which if my videos is going to bring up I sure hope it's not that one where I make loads of claims about the things he believes without using any evidence how that sure would be embarrassing I sure didn't have very good standards for making videos back then it is that video the context by the way because this might be a little bit important is that Brooks is talking to a guy called psh whose work I'm not familiar with at all feel free to argue about whether he's the best thing ever or the worst thing ever in the comments Brooks after being asked the simple question why did he go on a live stream assumes he's being attacked and instead of answering the question deflect I could say the same thing about you like for example I've seen some of yours other streams why did you stream with Mahler ah he's brought up the dreaded long going as a part of his deflection he then tries to demonize Mahler by associating mola with me he has some pretty shady people on the show are you familiar with jxe I don't know what that means it's a youtuber who was also streamed with Mahler so they have the context to why he was talking about me in the first place he was saying you asked to be a simple question yeah well you've spoken to somebody and they've spoken to somebody that I don't like check [ __ ] me so now that after all this time he's finally acknowledging me and my hard hard work what does he actually have to say about me and the things that I've said about him it's a youtuber who was also streamed with Mahler no I don't know who that is so he also streamed with Mahler and he had an interesting video about me that he private 'add because of embarrassment where he said I don't deserve the right to speak and some of my views are so controversial I shouldn't have a platform he got a lot of bad feedback about that and I just thought since you associated with him and his friends do you believe in freedom of speech so that's it that's the full clip that's everything he says that's relevant to me and oh boy all of those were lies well I'm assuming they were lies he would have to be so mind-numbing ly stupid to actually believe any of that that I think assuming he's lying is giving him the benefit of the doubt but while for this video I'm going to be assuming that he's lying because I think he probably is bear in mind it's possible he's just really stupid let's start at the beginning so he also stream with Mahler and he had an interesting video about me that he private 'add because of embarrassed uh-uh no that's not true first of all and this is like the smallest mistake he makes it's so small that I genuinely believed it was a mistake rather than just a big lie is that I never private at the video the video is unlisted the difference being that when a video is private no one can see it and when a video is unlisted anyone who has a link to it can see it when a video is unlisted it can also still appear in play and things like that and there actually are several links to this video on my youtube channel still in the places that there used to be links to Brooks show videos to explain why there are no longer links to Brooks show videos unlisted private it's a very slim distinction it starts to get a little dodgy or when he says that I did it out of embarrassment that he private it because of embarrassment this is something he made up this isn't this isn't true I unlisted the video Brooks because it's an update video in which I talk for like two minutes against a still picture it's not content but you've just decided a reason for me and gone with that thanks man in fairness though it is a pretty bad video if I'm gonna have my opinions about no [ __ ] out there I would rather they be substantiated with evidence hey that's what this is so you know what I probably would have unlisted that video by now anyway but the thing he said isn't true you know he made it up because it suits his narrative hey do I think that Brooks like kind of weirdly resembles a guinea pig those are the smaller mistakes that Brooks made let's move on to the bigger ones shall we private it because of embarrassment where he said I don't deserve the right to speak and some of my views are so controversial I shouldn't have a platform bold claims that apparently I said that Brooks shouldn't have the right to speak and should be D platformed well in the first part of my video I explained why I don't like Brooks here's a clip I've also started looking into his other channel which is called no [ __ ] and finds that he spreads a huge amount of misinformation yeah I don't cite any sources to back that up I'm sure I was basing it on something at the time but I just didn't care to mention what that was back then oh well but after that I moved straight on to talking about what I think should happen to him as a result brace yourselves for this one because I have a very peculiar way of phrasing the idea that he doesn't deserve the right to speak I freeze it very strangely actually here's the clip and just says a lot of things that I personally consider to be harmful now I would like to make it very clear that I do think he should be allowed to say these things I don't want to take away his freedom of speech or prevent him from having the right to express his beliefs or even hold these beliefs I think that he should be allowed to do all of that I will defend his freedom of speech as I hope he would defend mine in turn however I don't think the things he does or says are acceptable I've decided to completely stop linking to any of his channels in any of my videos well I usually link to the original sins videos that I talk about I've decided that no he's not getting that he doesn't deserve that and I don't think it would be good to give him that support not only am I not going to link to him when I talk about him in future I'm also going to go back to all my old videos in which I linked to him and remove the links and replacing them with links to say this video or Rick Astley's never gonna give you up oh my god I censored him I'm Pro censorship auntie free speech I'm Brooks biggest nemesis I'm one of the censor rights no one's gonna get that reference I could have tried to come up with a much funnier joke here but I just didn't I will defend his freedom of speech as I hope he would defend mine and turn so yeah I think I made it quite clear that I wasn't saying that Brooks should have his right to speak or his platform taken away quite clear and if anyone were to go and watch that video and then after having finished that video they went and talked to someone else about that video and said that I had said that he deserves to have his right to speak taken away that what they'd been doing there is telling a big lie and if the person who said that was to then go on and make a brand for themselves where they called themself no [ __ ] I'd say that that would be quite disingenuous as well because the thing he said there was distinctly [ __ ] like a textbook definition of [ __ ] but you can't say that kind of thing if you want to call yourself no [ __ ] a man whose icon is a little bull doing a [ __ ] that's crossed out as if to say no none of that here your profile picture is a lie petition for Brooks to change his profile picture to this I'm not joking by the way I've made that petition it's in the description go go check the description it's they're cited get him to do this together we could be the change we want to see in the world now Brooks does have some other comments he made about my video although none of them are really good to talk that one where he's like hey you know that thing that he actually said yeah well I'm gonna tell you if he said the opposite of that but here's what he goes on to say I shouldn't have a platform he got a lot of bad feedback about that he got a lot of bad feedback about that that's actually the last thing he says on the topic but since we're here that's not [ __ ] true either the video has a 96% like to dislike ratio and the comments are overwhelmingly positive I'm now gonna read out some of the comments bear in mind that I have picked these ones specifically but I've not cherry picked the positive ones and left out the negative ones I'm picking ones that seems to represent the overwhelming majority opinion I think honestly this is the proper way to handle this situation personally I think that's a good call really appreciate you talking about this respectfully and seeing both sides this is exactly how he should handle this well done you handled this very maturely and I respect you for that I agree with everything you've said in this video and I just thought since you associated with him and his friends do you believe in freedom of speech yes it since you've streamed with someone else who's also streamed with someone else who's said nothing against free speech or that concept do you believe in free speech you really got him other [ __ ] ropes here Brooks so that's a month Brooks thinks that I'm so embarrassed about all of the negative feedback that I didn't receive for the things that I never said though I private at this video man what an idiot like he's trying really hard to make me look bad you could tell he paints a narrative where I just attacked his rights and then everyone was like no Jay stop you're evil and then I went oh my god I'm so embarrassed I'm so sorry I won't i won't i won't target your free speech again brooks i'm so sorry that's not what really happened is it so why is that what you told people happened brooks pretty desperate there cringy I can't wait for two years from now when he finally decides to respond to this video by claiming that I I don't know I don't know what he'll claim I said but it won't be the truth because that would make him look bad so that's it for the day you know what I'm [ __ ] desperate to do is take these off that hurt actually but yeah I don't want these on my face anymore it's a funny joke alright that maybe this was a mistake actually oh okay no it just peels around the back now I can't see it's been really annoying having these on my face the whole time for that let's be honest mediocre joke that I made at the beginning about it um but I hope you've enjoyed today's video it's a bit of a strange one but other than that a goodbye [Music] [Music] and thus in total is 32 sins and the punishment will be no more freedom of speech whoo I'm here to take away your rides [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 538,091
Rating: 4.527473 out of 5
Keywords: brooksshow, nobs, no bs, no bullsh!t, brooks show, no bulls**t, response, youtube drama, drama, no bullshit
Id: qI2xt2kGpVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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