NLE Choppa- It’s Getting Hot [Official Music Video] (NELLY TRIBUTE)
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Views: 10,438,970
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Keywords: nle choppa, nle, choppa, getting hot, its getting hot, nle choppa nelly, nelly nle choppa, nle choppa music, nle choppa its getting hot, it's getting hot, gettin hot, nle choppa new, Official Music Video, itsgettinghot, new music, hip hop, nelly, nelly tribute, its getting hot nelly, nelly it's getting hot in here, nle chopa, nle choppa videos, nle choppa music video, choppa hot in here, choppa new video, nle choppa hot in here, nle choppa hot in here video, nle choppa sexy
Id: NPd83ZO1jZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 24sec (144 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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