Nirvana Smells Like Teen Spirit Music Video LOCATION - Inside The Soundstage

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is [Music] hello hello hello hello hello hello [Music] has always been [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] gmt studios stage six today we're here to visit where the band nirvana filmed their smells like teen spirit music video we're gonna line up some shots and if everything goes well way back there we may have a little surprise if you're a nirvana fan you're going to absolutely love this and once again we have a special guest our friend from canada the great white north the great white north say hello to our friend scott from scot on tape you're you're a big nirvana fan dude i'm like freaking out right now like i really am so excited this is a place i've always wanted to come to and i'm sharing it with you you're sharing with me this is where nirvana filmed the video for smells like team spirit and one thing about i go for it one thing about smells like teen spirit is people that are hardcore nirvana fans always say if you like smells like teen spirit you're not a nirvana fan well you're wrong says that all the time i get it in comments says what it's one of their best songs and the very few of you who heard of nirvana before smells 18 spirit that's amazing but let's be honest we're all good we're all introduced to nirvana with that guitar and that drum i had a crush on the cheerleaders who didn't the cheerleaders from smells like teen spirit were hot yeah as heckins lots of crazy stuff happened on that set and they actually played a mini concert here on the side i'm wearing the t-shirt it doesn't fit me anymore but i'm still i'm still wearing it it's tighter than hell but i'm wearing it i'm ready i'm so excited let's get in there yeah all kinds of different things that we're going to try to do while we're here we can try to line up some shots because when nirvana was here they had a bit of a photo shoot and i'm already seeing some because we've come prepared with pictures haven't we so i'm already seeing the shots so it shouldn't be that hard to line them up definitely one there but we passed we passed about two so far i mean these pictures for me they're ingrained in my head from just looking at them for so long i can't believe we're actually here on the property taking a look but the sound stage is right to our left and this is where they recorded the video uh august 27 1991 is that when it was yeah this is it all right so going inside we have to stop and put on our face mask we're going to walk inside real quick with the masks on and this is cool i don't think anybody's ever been inside here before no we may be the first well lots of people to cover for youtube right not for youtube there we are all right this is pretty insane just even thinking about walking in here because the video smells like teen spirit was a huge game changer i'm talking i don't think there was ever a video like that or at least for me i've never seen anything that affected me the way that this music video did when they when dave grohl started banging on the drums even before you knew what was happening you lost it but this right here on a sound stage stage number six at gmt studios is where they built the gymnasium bleachers cheerleaders how incredibly hot were they it all happened right here air ducts over here probably back in the day they just had open windows probably yeah you know i mean look at that those are all air conditioning ducts going down from the ceiling going into each little individual whatever they're building here but i'm sure it was a hot hot day i wonder what they're building now this is just amazing wow i didn't think they were going to be able to get in here to see this this is definitely something a lot of people can see and we're going to see it in all of our viewers again we see a shoot through our eyes which is what we want to do right show you guys what we're seeing and here's where that video was it was august 27th 1991 they sent out a fly they played the roxy the night before and nirvana themselves handed out the flyers said come support us come come be in a music video and it was for kids between 18 and 25 where either preppy clothes jockles but no name brands yeah they said no name brands i think they said something about like 400 people showed up or you know were a part of it and i can see probably they put fit 400 people in here i can see that but this is it and they did do a mini concert on this set too right here if you've ever been on a hot set before then you know that if you're going to be filming a movie or a tv show or possibly even a music video sometimes it could take quite some time possibly even hours and the same thing happened with a smells like teen spirit music video nirvana taking breaks in between filming they would come outside and relax possibly have a cigarette and they even found time to do a photo shoot and one of the shots that they did that day was right about this angle in this shot i'm going to show you you can see these windows up here in the corner you can see this bush that angle that tree and they would have been standing right about there now if we move this way you see those trucks get a little closer i'm going to keep pointing you can see that angle in the curb in this photo let me try to back up a little bit so you can see that window there we go something similar to this so what you're looking at right now is the loading dock the door is open and you're looking at a mri machine for a amazon special or an amazon movie that they're filming with chris pratt but back when nirvana was here that door was shut and the band sat in front of that door and had some photos taken as well [Music] [Music] hello [Music] today this hillside is rather bushless if that's even a word there are very little shrubberies here but there's another photo that we can line up and it's right here with the band sitting right on that curb a whole bunch of shrubbery behind them not today it's all been cut down but this would have been the spot are you gonna sit there scott look at my canadian area legs look at your teenage angst are you gonna cry about it i gotta call my mom oh wait you gotta come pick me up it's a long way from home my friend broke too much weed i had a mic's hard lemonade i gotta write in my journal i gotta go for the most part we had to move rather quickly it is after all a hot set they are building the set for a movie that's gonna be on amazon called the terminal list we asked for permission and the folks here who work here both the crew and the people up in the office who granted us permission have been phenomenal they just said hey do what you guys want to do just don't interfere with what's happening and i feel like we did that well we didn't interfere with anybody we got our shots got to see some nirvana hallowed ground if you will i interfered a little bit i screamed and took my shirt off wait wait you did what oh you weren't there when i did that i got real excited i didn't know what else to do i just took my shirt off and started screaming there you go that's the set of smells it's mean spirit right there we should have brought pom-poms and just stood in the back in slow motion i've got like maybe an extra pair in my trunk let's go please tell me you don't have that in your trunk i heard people in canada were a little weird this proves it five six seven eight thank you guys for watching another grim adventure and as always happy halloween gotta say it happy we don't have halloween i was gonna ask you that yes we do like do you have halloween we have boxing day as well we'll get into that later subscribe start on tape yes scott on tape subscribe thank you michael best day ever i want to go through some uh your memories from the the videos that you've made from shooting them um actually the only thing that i've heard any of you say anything that any kind of disappointment about any of them it smells like teen spirit that not turn out to be exactly what you thought about it yeah i mean it although it worked i mean i like the video overall but it it wasn't what i pictured in my mind when i come up with an idea for a video i want it to be translated exactly how i see it in my mind and it just wasn't that way i mean we didn't we didn't take enough time we didn't prepare ourselves enough to have as much control as we wanted to you know and um i just remember walking in the day of the shoot and looking at the set because i you know had meetings with sam bear and um i told him what i wanted i drew pictures of it and i walked in and it wasn't what i wanted you know it just it looked like a time life commercial to me you know with that backdrop it just looked like such a contemporary you know you know those kind of commercials where people are sitting there you know trying to sell aspirin or something or you know an att commercial that's what it looked like to me it looked too contemporary and but um still the kids made the video you know and i had to like even after sam had edited it he edited it and sent it to me and i didn't like it and i flew down at the last minute to la and and edited it myself i threw in a few extra things which pretty much saved it because i don't want to toot my own horn but i mean there were a lot of really there's a lot of really good footage that wasn't used and if a lot of that wasn't used it would have been a really bad video more crowd stuff you mean and the kids going crazy yeah yeah there wasn't really a lot of that and most of the stuff that was used looked really contrived it didn't it would there was no sponson andy in it so i just threw all the spontaneous parts in
Channel: grimmlifecollective
Views: 71,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kurt Cobain, Kurt Cobain Interview, Kurt Cobain Stop Assault, Kurt Cobain Dress, Kurt Cobain Death News Report, Kurt Cobain Documentary, Kurt Cobain Montage of Heck, Kurt Cobain And I Love Her, Kurt Cobain Live, Kurt Cobain Suicide, Kurt Cobain Songs, Kurt Cobain Guitar, Kurt Cobain Smells Like Teen Spirit, Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love, Kurt Cobain Acoustic, Nirvana, Nirvana Unplugged, Kurt Cobain Abandoned, Kurt Cobain Death, Kurt Cobain Heart Shaped Box, Kurt Cobain House
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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