NIO ES8 Ride and Drive with Sandy

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hey boys and girls we're here at the um at the auto show here in europe the uh um ev auto show uh ev35 i'm standing in front of the es 8 which is the latest addition to the european market of the neo this is uh right now what i'm looking at looks pretty damn good i think this is uh something that it could easily jump into the u.s market without any problems uh the people who are supposed to show us off they aren't here right now so i'm gonna see if i can just maybe do a quick overview um looking at the gaps and whatnot i've already had a chance to look at this a little bit this car is really from uh from a feature sorry from a uh a build standpoint this looks very very good i like the um i like the style of it i've seen this before when i was in china or one a prototype of this i really liked it then and i truly like it now so let's just open a tailgate and see if we can [Music] no it's not okay so over here we can see that what we've got is a six um the uh the the seats are well i haven't been in this one here yet but i know that the ones that i sat in when i was in china were very very comfortable it's very luxurious this is a really nice looking product um i'm not sure how you here it is hang on a second oh look at that it's even got a little bit of a trunk hi standing over this guy yeah okay so we've had a look at the the hatch and um oh it's got a trigger oh and uh no frunk so uh looks like all the power distribution is up here in the front so i assume that the electronics and everything are here um this could be because it's a six-seater so um yeah yeah they got cash shock towers i'm wondering how much of the front end is cast i can't see and i don't have my phone anymore but that looks like it's sheet metal underneath there so i see the uh a very good idea so let's pop this up and look down here and i can't tell so let me uh feel my way in no it's sheet metal so the shock towers are cast which is not anything really new but but uh still it's showing the the direction that everybody's taking toward die casting a product instead of uh instead of uh that's interesting yeah um anyhow so we'll uh we'll be looking at uh taking a quick drive here shortly so let's um let's uh dispense with this because time is short boys and girls we're in for a treat yep it's not every day that i expose myself hey boys and girls this episode of monroe live is brought to you by our friends over at henson shaving here venerarian associates we get excited about good manufacturing [Music] the razor itself is made in canada at an aerospace machine shop the advanced machining allows the razor to be produced with incredibly tight tolerances those tolerances really matter when the blade exposure is so small [Music] this very small amount of blade exploder eliminates cuts nicks and irritation i really like the built-in channels it's easy to clean with a quick rinse under the tap the blades themselves are recyclable and only cost about a dime you can buy them from hanson or you can get them many other places online turns out the blade wasn't the issue it's how you support it that really counts [Music] now for the ultimate test ultimate test for any guy that's trying to shave is what his wife or girlfriend thinks so i have my lovely volunteer this is my wife susan okay so now what do you think oh 40 grit to like 400 400 grams yeah yeah there we go smooth there we are and now there you have it everything is good except i got soaked in my eyes okay so now we're uh we're inside the the neo um and first off uh this is very luxurious again alcater seems to be the big thing uh lately everybody seems to have it um the the inside appointments are spectacular the uh the size of the screen here is a little bit smaller than what i expect to see i thought it would be as big as a tesla the controls are slightly different but still not a not difficult to figure out um i like the shifter kind of for people who are making the transition from from a standard car a nice vehicle to uh to the uh electric so you push this up and it's reverse and you push it down and it's drive instead of using the uh the smart stick uh p is for park and uh that kind of uh that kind of gets you into where you need to get to the uh the controls themselves are fairly simple i mean really simple um one of the things that's kind of cool is they have this little assistant and all you say is um hi numi nomi is here oh nomi is there okay good well thank you um actually uh what i've seen is uh a little bit about what the assistant can do hi numi what can i do for you open the sunroof done so at the end of the day this is kind of uh this is kind of a good deal i i'm very happy with some of the stuff i see but the one thing that i really want to show you is this system that they've got for driving in a parking lot and whatnot it's right here the little uh little three bars here and when you uh press it and hold it suddenly i can see the parking lot now the best part of this is watch this as soon as i start driving it should show you underneath there it is it's going transparent so now i can see if i'm going to hit a pothole or something like that it comes up now somebody's going to say oh wow those cameras underneath the car are going to get all beat up well there is no cameras underneath the car what it's doing is taking an image using the latency to basically show you what you run over and that would be based on a front camera so um i'm kind of uh i'm kind of intrigued by that i really like this uh especially for a parking lot so we're just gonna drive around a little bit i'm not gonna speed i'm not gonna be driving um like i would normally do um we're gonna just zip around a couple of um a couple of streets here and call it a day [Music] okay the ride and drive is fabulous um i i've got my hands off the wheel i want to see if it'll lane correct and it doesn't and i think that's because there's no stripes on the road there's nothing here that keeps it keeps it centered um it hasn't got a frame of reference i think maybe you have to turn that on separately i didn't talk to the guy about that so but what i'm going to do is i'm just going to keep going around in circles here a little bit to uh to just to just see what can what could be done um i like the idea of maybe being in a parking lot rather than being on the expressway or even the roads things can happen and i don't really want any excitement here so let's just drive around in the parking lot and uh see uh see what we've got i will tell you one thing it does it feels it feels really it feels really good it's like a tight type of a feel like a bmw kind of feel um the uh the steering is i think quite quite good yeah it's hot in here okay so let's uh let's just try this one more time i'm just going to spin around a flag pole here because there's nobody in the parking lot and just see how it handles and it it grips like no tomorrow it feels really like i say bmw-ish um we we didn't get a chance to maybe um have a look at the suspension i doubt very much if we are going to have a chance why don't we pull over and do some of that now let's go back we'll do it right in that spot before we walk back because before we have another drive at noon so i just want to get back in like three to five minutes to do it all right okay all right so let's uh see if we can get out of here these are only two close together so feels good i mean it sincerely i i like that i like that feel it feels like you know it's uh it knows it knows what to do there's no herky jerky or tremor anything like that is this it yeah it must be can't get through anywhere else i like that noise as well what's that humming that's funny talk about it ready go so we have a humming noise which uh which is for uh pedestrians and i got to go through the gate so let me uh just uh yeah yeah okay all right so anyway uh all in all i think this is definitely a contender now we did ask about when it be coming to the u.s he didn't really have any good good numbers or good ideas as to when that's going to happen but he did say that that it's going to be coming as soon as they can possibly get in yeah but it was or whatever he did say that it's coming it's uh it's coming soon okay so um i just walked out and corey said let's do a walk around and um that's not a happy sign that is probably not a stone chip that's probably a flaw but uh but looking at it gaps are good paint's good it's really good um i like the little sparkle in it um it's got a little more frou-frou than i really like but but head on but head on it it looks uh it looks cool i think it's um it's a aggressive look and i think that american buyers will like that when we look at the sides of this thing i mean really and truly this is a really really well-made car one thing that i did notice that i liked that we've talked about in the past is uh it has this cover shield again so your pants don't get dirty um ever when you're trying to get in and you sometimes brush against the um against the uh the rockers so all in all this looks pretty damn good and if the rear end is is also um i don't know it's uh it looks kind of spacey to me it looks really i think this looks really really nice now i've made a lot of comments about a great wall and how the the product that great wall has i think is going to be a big deal in the united states this is uh not a copy but it looks a lot like uh it looks a lot and feels a lot not the styling so much but it looks a lot like the uh the way uh the the great wall is kind of developed and uh and whatnot so i'm pretty i'm pretty excited these guys are going to have a really good time [Music] you
Channel: Munro Live
Views: 65,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EV, BEV, Sandy Munro, Munro, Electric Vehicle, Benchmarking, Electric, Insight, Lean Design, Design, Comparison, MunroLive,, ElectricCars, Review, Car Review, 2021, Automotive, Automotive Review, Teardown Titan, 2022, Teardown, Electric Car, EVS35, NIO, NIO ES8, Ride and Drive, Test Drive
Id: GcxzwxmXYkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 20 2022
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