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Nintendo when Disney buys them out no Imagine Dragon song used in its commercial 1.70 million units sold Imagine Dragon song used in its commercial 31.85 million units sold hey can I copy your homework sure just make it look different so that it doesn't look like you just copied it sure thing Nintendo fans when bero has been trained since 198 8 Nintendo fans when vivin has been trains since 2004 you made it political Nintendo is video game company with good revenue and games strict copyright policy inability to play past games due to Wi-Fi shutdowns my Nintendo switches save files deciding to all unanimously die on me 3 months ago for no ducking reason rare nervously shows off dk64 to Mia motto for gets their hadn't run Donkey Kong wielding a realistic looking shotgun pass Nintendo yet they are worried mam Moto will disapprove Moto everywhere else gets pre-order bonuses for Paper Mario the US you get nothing you lose good day sir Zelda fans on their way to argue about the LW of a series with literally no continuity who would win Matt Marks Nintendo DS Nintendo s it's so pure the fact that pania plant is watering a pigman in the official Banner you find a Wei console for sale it's a Wei Family Edition finally you can lather up in Mario and Lu's cream beating darker side beating Champions Road beating the red coin Le fried beating 8 to four in Lost Levels Endless Ocean fans on May 2nd 20 24 Pikman fans on May 2nd 2024 Nintendo it's just an RPG with me eyes no need to go that hard on the music miopia composer characters when they get shot during game play characters when they get shot during a cut scene he's dead okay I'm a fight my childhood Nostalgia damn got me in the fields Nintendo switch 2 hype there will be no mention of the Nintendo switch sucess essor during this presentation Nintendo promis day direct for June me on June 1st at 001 a.m. where direct Nintendo certain women I want guys who are 6 feet or taller meanwhile a literal 6 tall woman with a man who's 5' one nobody luig just side be oh talking flower of the draw shelf what is your wisdom insert your blessed or cursed fact here mer iio and Luigi brothership me who just started watching the direct Zelda EOS of wisdom announced you can play as Zelda in a Zelda game jokes here it comes after all these years finally I have them all hey finally literally everyone that's what we've been waiting for Nintendo Metroid primes Beyond Nintendo they seem to like it when I make the right choices Metroid fans praying for Metroid Prime 4 in the Nintendo Direct instead of the 24th Zelda game and obligatory Mario spin-off Sony or Microsoft I fear no man but that thing Nintendo Direct it scares me there will be no mention of switch successor Nintendo be like can't stand Mario RPGs 10 minutes later me and the bestie Legend of Zelda fans when the latest game is actually about Zelda W Peach was already in Paper Mario the Thousand-Year Door Paper Mario the Thousand-Year Door Nintendo switch me Paper Mario the Thousand-Year Door GameCube some people when Nintendo's mascot gets at least a game announcement and directs there is no Easter Bunny there is no tooth fairy and there is no Tomi life on switch gu is Eads of old Google change my mind don't Sue anyone or Draw 25 Nintendo we are you in 3DS online Nintendo Nintendo Nintendo Mario RPG fans after all these years Super Mario RPG Paper Mario Mario and Luigi finally I have them all me hey Nintendo can we have Horizon zero Dawn on switch Nintendo we have Horizon at home The Horizon at home Lego Horizon Adventures available holiday 2024 and this is where I'd put my version of Metroid Prime 4 for the next system if they confirm one the new The Legend of Zelda is literally KB's copy ability me looking for me caring about the switch 2 Nintendo Direct Metroid Prime 4 Bey onet 4 2025 new game player revealed wow I have way too much money damn it what am I going to do with all this money it's literally falling out of my pockets won't somebody please take some of this money Nintendo so anyway that's how I imagine our target audience corporate needs you to find the differences between this picture and this picture dads they are the same picture Nintendo Microsoft switch is not equal to Xbox later breaking in baffling move Nintendo and Microsoft degrees on unified button layout platform games currently indd developers and Nintendo you're not a top or a bottom you're 14 Nintendo dead a just randomly announced the switch to in a tweet at demon time who announces their next console at 3:00 in the morning me seeing nostalgic Nintendo consoles after all these years we are wiu Nintendo 3DS finally I have them all Nintendo wanting outside characters for smash Nintendo when they see their characters and outside sources I see it all now you're just a bunch of Nintendo Entertainment System men Nintendo if they officially released their music tracks on music streaming apps instead of taking down all instances posted by people Nintendo Nintendo EA Sony ubber soft here's the game more console you bought thanks so I own it now and can do what I want with it right right IGN article talking about pretendo few hundred likes qrts shut up don't talk about it don't draw more attention 20K likes a fan driven indiv called pretendo is offering a helping hand for those looking to get a few more split and Super Smash Brothers matches in Nintendo every 5 minutes for some reason I can't let them make an independent game it's my IP to sit on and do nothing with everyone else on April 8th 2024 Nintendo fans on April 8th 2024 astronomy fans on April 8th 2024 gaming fans on April 8th 2024 every time Nintendo wants to make money where is the Italian Game Boy of the future is still buying it's in the name a Japanese police officer was cautioned by the head of his Police Department after he was caught playing his Nintendo switch for several hours while on duty Never by a switch onti move Nintendo do you yield emulator makers laughter I do not when I'm at a most hated video game company competition and my opponent is Nintendo yay when Nintendo kills an emulate but it's open source Nintendo stop stealing our property cut off one head two more shall take its place hail piracy how am I supposed to play games from a console three decades old now Nintendo that's a neat part you don't a Mario fan game that received no income whatsoever and was made for fun or passion Nintendo teacher why are you laughing me nothing my brain luigiana when your mom catches you playing Nintendo late on a school night parents we don't get you a Playstation or Xbox most of the games are just lent rather play something familyfriendly on a Nintendo meanwhile Nintendo accessories Nintendo announced they are starting an investigation on pal world for its use of Pokemon designs without permission the entire internet a pal world now if this was your last time I enjoyed you man Chris Jones to Tom Brady meow meow meow nothing feels better than the inside of a cat this tweet has been deleted pal world is just a trash copy of Pokemon I only bought it to pass off Nintendo the people just enjoying a well-made game and having fun Gamers since forever Nintendo please make 3D open world Pokemon game Nintendo l no shuts down anyone who dares to Fan make such a thing someone makes a Pokémon like open world game Nintendo I don't care if pal world is a so this legally distinct ripoff I want Nintendo to suffer amazing games Nintendo on the one hand gold merciless legal team Nintendo on the other hand painful agonizing failure this is the last time I order from T we just got a letter we just got a letter we just got a letter I wonder who it's from Steven blue on the pursuit of battle Paco gy res H9 always wanted a Nintendo console however due to being extremely poor living in Venezuela it was just a distant dream using his creativity and with the help from his uncle he made a cardboard Super Mario game posted it on YouTube and the video went viral thanks to the video Nintendo CEO Dow Boza personally traveled to Venezuela to give Paco a sea sand desist order and sue his family for $200 million Nintendo Originals bulk Friday deals Nintendo Originals bulk Friday deals porting a legitimately fun indie game Nintendo porting a shut ton of shovel were Nintendo Nintendo trying to avoid front-facing Yoshi will be always so funny to me random and D Dev making a fan Mario 1986 remake to dedicate his P Granny's love for the game Nintendo yes very sad anyway calls their ducking law team Nintendo games Nintendo Corporation Nintendo switch 2 upcoming soon the original switch Reveal video removed from Nintendo's YouTube channel my [Music] nintendonus in official Nintendo th thumbnail PlayStation and Xbox why can't you be normal Nintendo scream Pikman 4 caves versus Pikman 2 caves all Pikman can safely ride on top of OI to avoid them getting spread out cave layouts are fixed so they can be memorized and you can leave and return to any sub level whenever you want if a pigman gets hurt the characters will immediately inform you and tell you how to save the Pikman if possible if you still have the misfortune of losing a Pikman don't worry you can turn back time at any moment in order to undo your mistake hey shut a catch rip to all the nintend dogs who haven't been fed since 2007 Sony be bragging about R tracing Nintendo did it first Isabel me busy don't worry about it I got a whole hour of sleep last last night so I'm just raring to go Isabel isn't okay I don't even play this game and I'm concerned a rare photo of all six Mario Brothers stop suing YouTubers Nintendo Nintendo Nintendo the consoles I own growing up according to my mom Nintendo Nintendo Nintendo Nintendo Nintendo Nintendo someone else out there on the internet found the original booklet that came with the original Nintendo system version of Tetris and hold on to your hats people the bulks have names the bulks have names judge I order you to pay $10,000 Mario why judge it's a fine Mario sadly no it's a not please Jeff change your URL often I'll see advertisements for pwn games and they say try not to cram but then when you play the game it seems like the object is to cram so yes I would call that bad game design shij rumia Moto on his revolutionary career at Nintendo happy pride month our staff is filled with people of all sexualities so we love supporting that what the heck did you just bring upon this cursed land is the steam deck in the room right now who would win a clan of vengeful assassins who serve the most powerful evil the world has ever known and will ruthlessly slay any who oppose it even a legendary hero one very appealing fruit I'm wearing shorts to help toughen up my kneecaps do you want to feel them sometimes pokon makes me uncomfortable this is a last treasured memory of her bosser her Shield hero of high rule Shredder of shields careless destroyer of treasured relics when you're in first place in Mario Kart I don't want to play this game anymore this milk is so mellow yet Rich that it'll make you wish your mother were a mil tank the famous water type stter is Piplup PR plop and impan from poon Armond and pearl versions behold King Boza I've built a rocket launcher this will surely defeat Mario fool more bullets with angry faces on the more bullets with angry faces on them dear vegans I killed this cow because it was eating your food you're welcome vegans no this isn't how you're supposed to play the game Nintendo demolishing an Italian orphanage because there was a kid named Luigi my dad had 30 wife kids home me Nintendo they can't play while they're peeping me talking to my parents after watching Mario 35th Anniversary direct I'm once again asking for your financial support Nintendo is trash PC is B shut up dear JY yes you can play your fan service games on the Nintendo switch uncensored thanks autistic screeching Nintendo don't make horror games me an intellectual they remov the penguin B holes from Super Mario Party unplayable literally any criticism or insult your mom Zelda you're going to be just fine link are you ducking sh late me and the Club toilets a stand make a unique down be for every character so they stand out from each other counter sakur get and loser we are going to get Zelda use shrines to teleport through Hyrule shoot a bomb in your back to get catapulted the east side of the map is very detailed with each region having its own individual theme basically everything you need the west side we just put a big Ace dessert and said duck it and froze everything else time traveler picks up a stone the timeline when the Lin will be getting a little to Clocky when you lift up a rock at the top of a hill and it's not a core rock my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined bro I bought mash brothers and not five nights at marus teacher the five senses a smell hear feel taste and see me I can hear pictures Nintendo says the sequel to The Legend of Zelda breath of the world does have a title but they aren't announcing it yet because it could clue players into what happens in the game what do you think the title is me when I accidentally hit a fox while riding through hyru field I'm sorry little one Ganondorf I'm going to change the world D for the better right gorf then for the better right you shouldn't Rush the game rather explore the map me in breath of the wild starting Animal Crossing New Horizons the first days starting it today Nintendo put older games on the switch sell them for more money than the originals were sold don't change anything and make the fans angry don't change anything and make the fans angry every time Nintendo Updates this render my collection grows ever so strong longer me trying to conceal tears after learning my wife cheated on me my 5-year-old son and the back of my GMC Grand Sierra this promotional image for Super Nintendo world is so funny cause you can tell what isn't isn't a generic stock render breath of the wild turn for this year breath of the wild turn for this year coin item wo Mario Kart 8 players this is worthless me golden L hitting me down to one heart eating 104,5 12,589 apples Animal Crossing New Horizons I think I forgot something Nintendo if you forgot then it wasn't important Animal Crossing New Horizons yeah you're right Brewster tortimer Nooks cranny upgrades more shops me trying to tell somebody that link isn't Zelda when there isn't enough space for three people on the foot path so you have to walk behind your friends when you're the only one who got killed and the Imposter isn't sus at all link before he eliminates the whole bcka blin camp with a single bomb when everyone plays Animal Crossing New Horizons together but you don't have Nintendo switch online if you feel ever bad think of King Buu he gets rubbed by his own booze everyone I'm famished I need 30 Star Bits to curb the hunger pains me I'm famished I need 1600 Star Bits to curb the hunger pangs hoping someone is on your team based on their level hoping someone is on your team based on how cool their name is when you get to the get his house in Twilight Princess I got to focus I'm shifting into soup mode spliters of Lent seel to everybody votes channel can you whistle a song yes 39.1% no 60.9% people say the May in Animal Crossing New Leaf has no real power but they can just walk up to Isabel and go a year it's actually 6:00 a.m. on October 5th 2050 and she'll just take your word for it Pokemon let's go looks terrible definitely not picking up the game at launch everyone who says this on launch Greg once I ate a poor thinking it was chocolate not disappoint you'll mention dice laundry pods bath bombs but you're forgetting the most chewy thing of all forbidden pocket the switch is Nintendo's first portable console me an intellectual modern video games are giving kids unrealistic standards for how many swords they can carry at one time Pete I can't make out the address on this letter because the handwriting is so sloppy Pete not that I'm surprised most of the town's residents don't even have opposable thumbs oh [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose Of Memes
Views: 15,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daily dose of memes, Relatable Memes, Boys with photoshop, Girls with Photoshop, Boys Vs Girls, Boys Vs Girls Memes, School Memes, boys vs girls memes cosplay, boys vs girls memes marvel, boys vs girls memes are funny, boys vs girls cosplay, boys vs girls basketball, boys vs girls shorts, boys vs girls memes reaction, boys vs girls challenge, boys vs girls dreams, boys vs girls meme, boys vs girls reddit, boys vs girls daily dose of memes, BvG memes, BvG, Boys memes
Id: WI77aZs_LE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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