Ninne Premistha | Telugu Full Movie (Eng Subtitles) | Nagarjuna, Soundarya, Srikanth | TeluguOne

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(Wedding drums playing) Let fire be a witness, so be it Let fire be a witness, so be it Let Gods bless you, so be it Let Gods bless you, so be it [Priest chants] What was that? [Priest chants] Whatever you just said, so be it. May Lord Prajapati bless you, so be it May Lord Prajapati bless you, so be it Keep the ghee bowl down. - Keep the ghee bowl down. No, keep the ghee bowl down. No, keep the ghee bowl down. No, I'm asking you to place the ghee bowl down. No, I'm asking you to place the ghee.. - He's telling you to keep it down. Oh, you're telling me to keep it down? I thought it was part of the wedding chant. [Priest chants mantras] Please tie this around her neck. (Wedding drums playing) [Priest chants mantras] Kalyan! You were chanting mantras in your sleep. When did you learn them? I dreamt that I was getting married, mom. What are you dreaming about? You've already seen your wife your dreams. I was wondering when will I get to see her. By the way, who was the bride? The girl in the photo you showed me the other day. Some Srilaxmi or Subbalaxmi. Srilaxmi? That girl wants to gets married only after she becomes a house surgeon. Then why worry about her? I'm sure some girl was born for me somewhere. I know she is waiting for me. I want to see her, son. Tell her to come into your life soon. Should I tell her now or after I drink coffee? - You can do it after you drink coffee. ♪ My heart's longing For you to come ♪ ♪ I'm dreaming with open eyes To see you ♪ ♪ Can you hear my heart singing for you? ♪ ♪ Can you see the world of my dreams? ♪ ♪ Can you see the moon dancing in my sky? ♪ ♪ My heart is calling out to you ♪ ♪ Welcome to love ♪ ♪ Welcome to love Welcome to love ♪ ♪ My heart's longing For you to come ♪ ♪ I'm dreaming with open eyes To see you ♪ ♪ To see the beauty and grace unknown to me ♪ ♪ My hopes and dreams are making way to you ♪ ♪ I wait for my heart to spell out her name ♪ ♪ Won't the wind show me how to reach you? ♪ ♪ My heart calls out as it waits for you ♪ ♪ Welcome to love ♪ ♪ Welcome to love Welcome to love ♪ ♪ My heart's longing For you to come ♪ ♪ I'm dreaming with open eyes To see you ♪ ♪ My love knows no poems or music ♪ ♪ Nor can it put on wings to fly to you ♪ ♪ Do I write on clouds for you to see? ♪ ♪ Or tell you that my love is as deep as the sea? ♪ ♪ I hear this song all around me ♪ ♪ Welcome to love ♪ ♪ Welcome to love Welcome to love ♪ ♪ My heart's longing For you to come ♪ ♪ I'm dreaming with open eyes To see you ♪ ♪ Can you hear my heart singing for you? ♪ ♪ Can you see the world of my dreams? ♪ ♪ Can you see the moon dancing in my sky? ♪ ♪ My heart is calling out to you ♪ ♪ Welcome to love ♪ ♪ Welcome to love Welcome to love ♪ ♪ Welcome to love Welcome to love ♪ Amalapuram, Pitapuram, Peddapuram, Ananthapuram.. ..Hindupuram, Parvathipuram, Icchapuram, Sithapuram.. ..Mangalapuram.. - What's this, dad? Settling accounts for milk business? - No, not business. I'm just noting down how many girls we went to see for you. What? So, each line stands for one girl? Yes. - Ridiculous! I'm ashamed to call you my father. You're not my dad. You're villain Rao Gopal Rao in disguise. (Laughs wickedly) Hello! Paint the wall. Smuggler Veerappan.. Shankar Rao! How many times do I have to tell you not to cross my path. a cat when I'm going to office? This is not fair, son. You called me a villain, fine. You called me with my name. That's fine too. But a cat? That's so unfair. As if you've been very fair to me. - What did I do? You're from Naidu caste, right? - Yes. Then why did you marry a Brahmin girl? That was.. - Tell me. Love. For love. Who'd fall in love with you? What's wrong with me? People used to call me Akkineni Nageswara Rao in those days. You? - Yes. You and mom happily eloped and got married. But you're struggling to find a bride for me. When mom contacts her relatives to find a marriage proposal for me.. ..they say, "your husband is from Naidu family.." " why don't you go find a girl from Naidu family?" If you go to your relatives they say that we're Brahmins.. ..and that we should look for brides in Brahmin families. And both of you are after me about getting married. I blame you for all these problems. But why? - That's enough. Son, you're getting late to office. Get going. Listen! I'll hang you upside down.. ..if anything goes wrong in my office. Like a bat. - What? Yes. A bat? Is that how a son speaks to his father? (Chuckles) Are you smiling? That's what got me into trouble in the first place. (Laughs) So, your father is still drawing lines on the wall. Yes, sir. Our horoscopes don't match if I like the girl. And I don't like the girl if our horoscopes match. That's what happens sometimes, Kalyan. Your soul mate might be sitting in the opposite house.. ..having steamed rice cakes. Or in the next house listening to music. Or she might come to the same grocery store to buy sugar. Or sit right next to us while we watch our favorite.. ..Hrithik Roshan movie. But we wouldn't know that we'd be marrying her in the future. Anyway, congratulations! Left hand. No, right. Congratulations! - For what, sir? You won't be working in this office anymore. Sir?! - Yes. You got a transfer and a promotion together. Promotion? I worked hard for 15 years to become a Manager here. But you managed to do it in 5 years. - But which place, sir? The most beautiful place in the world. Pattiseema in West Godavari District. (Bus engine running) Scratch a little higher. - Okay. What do you want? - Are you reading? No, I finished reading. Now I'm just pretending. No, I meant what article are you reading? 'Ten ways to love' What are you blushing about? - Just look at the writer's name. Yeddanapudi Veerendranath. Do you know where he's from? - How would I? From Pentapadu beside Pulapadu in East Godavari District. How do you know? - Because I wrote that article. I wrote it with my girlfriend in mind. Why did you throw it away? It thought I won't waste time reading since you wrote it. Why would you say such a thing? Never mind that. Sit back and chew your betel leaves. Oh, I almost forgot. I'll do that. (Bus engine running) (Tires screeching, car skids) (Crashing noise) Ah! "After three months" Datta! Yes, Bullidata? How do you think the Bank Manager is going to come? He might come in bus, a horse cart, in an auto rickshaw.. ..a cycle or even come walking. Never mind on what he comes. What time will he come? He can come right now, in the evening, in the night.. ..early tomorrow morning or he may never come at all. Shut up now. You're becoming stupid like Baldas. You changing your words every minute. We're waiting for the Manager because he'll give us loans. That's why we brought garlands, milk pudding and everything to welcome him. I watered my land hoping that he'd come. How will I plant a crop if he doesn't come here to give me a loan? You and your unlucky mouth! Why are you scolding me just because he didn't come? (Whistle blows, bus honks) (Engine sound) (Dog barks) Shut up, everyone! Bank manager is coming! Get your garlands ready! (Crowd cheering, drums playing) (Bus halts) (Footsteps) (Drums and pipes playing) Guys, welcome him. Hey, why are you taking my garland? Sir, that's my garland! Welcome, sir. May God give you long and happy life. Who do you think I am? Bank Manager. No, no, no. I don't lower myself for such small positions. The manager you're waiting for is behind me. You driving was very safe. Thank you. Don't mention. Sir. Hello, sir. - Hello. Excuse me! Give us our garlands back. We have to welcome sir. No need. All I need is your respect and blessings. My friend. Are you not a manager? Then why are you wearing those glasses? May God bless you, son. - Thank you. Play the drums! (Drums playing) (Crowd cheering) See this? As soon as you stepped here as a manager.. ..they're celebrating as if Clinton came to Hyderabad. Sir, don't get fooled by the drums and dancing. Everyone in the village is a thief in disguise. That's true, sir. Even when the previous manager arrived here.. ..they welcomed him with dance and music. They fed him and took loans. But no one ever paid back a single rupee. Everyone is Harshad Mehta here. Hey! - Ah! You're just a peon. Who asked you for advice anyway? I'm the head clerk. I should be giving advice, not you. Go ahead. - Kalyan. Every face I see in this village is looking a promisary note. They think they can fool me with costumes and disguises? I'll show them what I can do. Do it! (Drumbeat) Hey! Stop. - Stop it. (Drumbeat) (Crowd cheering) Stop it! Stop it! Sir, I give up. I can't compete with you. Good for you. (Applause) Amazing performance! - Manger sir! Fantastic! (Music playing) (Drumbeat) Is this yours? Take it. - Wait. Why give it when she didn't even reply? And today's a Friday. They say you should never return.. ..whatever comes into your hand on a Friday be it a piece of paper or currency notes. Let's go. (Drumbeat) I think she's coming after us for this kite. I'll give it back. No! What will you do with this? Won't you have kids after you get married? They can play with this. - Shut up. Is this yours? Listen, why shy away from taking back what is yours? Look into my eyes and ask for it. Use signs if you can't speak. She's not mute to use signs. You're right. She is mute. I'm sorry. I didn't know you can't speak. Take it. We gave her kite back. Why is she here again? She saw your kind heart when you gave back the kite. Maybe she's here to thank you. But how will she? Poor girl can't even speak. Let's go. (Drumbeat, music) Welcome, sir. - Sir, what about our loans? We'll talk about it tomorrow at the bank. - Oh, no! But I've been standing since today morning.. ..with this yoke and basketful of milk pudding. Distribute it to everyone in the village and go back home. See you, sir. Don't come back today. Let's go. (Eerie sounds) (Pigeons fly around) Oh, no! A ghost! Hey! - What? You can show us haunted houses in this village later. You said that you arranged a bungalow for us, right? Show that first. - This is it. This? Yes. If having two beams and four windows is a bungalow.. ..what do you call a house with air-conditioned bedroom.. ..with attached bathroom and mosaic floor? Stop being sarcastic. We opened this bungalow just because he's a new manager. Or we wouldn't even open a window for others. Actually, this bungalow.. - Listen! Stop irritating me with that word. Next time I hear the word bungalow from your mouth.. ..I'll throw you into Bay of Bengal. No! I didn't even slap you. - Oh. Kalyan! Kalyan! Did you see the condition of this house? - I did and I like it. Plenty of air and light. You have even more light and air under the trees outside. Then you can go and sleep there. You don't understand. What do you like in this house anyway? Beams are about to fall. Widows are full of cobwebs. Or the man with earrings who carried our luggage? Hello! I'm right here. I said that just because I don't know your name. I see. My name is Nukal. What Kal? - It's Nukalu. Alright. - Sir, should I settle the house? You can do that tomorrow. First get one room ready for us. Okay. We'll get some rest. And then you can take us around the village. Okay, sir. If the house is in such a pathetic condition.. ..I wonder how the village is going to be. How is our village, sir? Superb! Excellent! Marvelous! Beautiful! What will I do if you use all the words? Turn around. - Is it better behind? Just turn around. Let's go! (Goats bleating) I love this soap. It makes my skin soft. - Wow! Beautiful! Fantastic! Superb! Wonderful! I'll slap you! Moron! It's one thing to watch while we're taking bath. And then you're passing comments about that? Godavari is beautiful to watch, right? I liked their dialogues more than the Godavari river. I'll slap you! That was an awesome dialogue! (Laughs sarcastically) - Shut up! This is ridiculous! I found a cat family as if there's less going on here. Hey, don't say anything about my cats. They've been here since .. ..humans stopped staying in this house. Why doesn't anyone stay in this house anyway? That's a long story. (Eerie sounds) I don't need a long story. Make it short. (Eerie sounds) Six months ago, a beautiful girl.. A beautiful girl.. ..used that hook on the roof to tie a swing to sit and enjoy? She did swing alright, but not in a swing. Then? - She hanged herself! God! (Crashing noise) She hanged herself with a silk sari. Does it matter whether it's a silk sari or a cotton sari? But why did she commit suicide? Some guy got her pregnant and ditched her. That guy looked almost like him! - Oh, no! Kalyan, what if that ghost thinks I'm him.. ..and tries to get revenge on me? Don't worry. I'll be here. You're here alright. But will I be here till tomorrow? Here I'm worried for my life. People in this village don't know when to ask for loans. And beggars don't know when to beg. 'Kanaka Durga Goddess will bless you.' A lone man is venturing out into the dark. Shouldn't you be accompanying me? Come on! Kanaka Durga Goddess will bless you. Goddess Kamakshi will tell your future. Goddess Meenakshi will bless you. Sir, good days are ahead. Goddess Lakshmi is standing at your door.. ..and wondering whether to go in or not. Why? Is she feeling shy to come inside? No, there's an evil spirit in your house. Goddess Lakshmi cannot enter as long that's inside. That's what Goddess is saying! - What? First, you tempted that Goddess of wealth is coming to our house. Now you're scaring me with evil spirits and ghosts? Didn't Goddess Kanaka Durga foretell that you'll.. ..get beaten up in my hands? - No. She doesn't predict such things? Then let her tell you now. Next time I hear you talking about Goddesses and spirits.. ..I'll kill you! - Ah! Hey! My name is Ramesh! Even if I don't tell you once, it's like saying a dozen times. Tell what? - You! No, sir! Oh, no! Darkness! My God! Ouch! (Clock chimes) Sir, shall I switch off the lights since you're sleeping? No! Lights in this house have to remain on. in Ramakonda Electrical station.. ..whether I'm sleeping or I'm awake. Ramesh, this is too much. But.. - Sir, I'll play music on the radio. You can sleep without any fear. That's a good idea. (Radio clicks on) 'Now we're playing a song by P. Susheela from the movie Anthasthulu.' ♪ I'm the shadow that will follow you ♪ ♪ I'm the dream that will haunt you ♪ Put it off right now! You expect me to sleep happily.. when you're playing ghost songs? Should I change the station? I'd rather change you. Kalyan, tell him to sleep in his house from tomorrow. Okay. Nukalu, did that girl hang herself on that beam? What? Do you really have to ask that question now? Fine, good night. Good night. Good night. - Good night. Who said that fourth good night? It was me, I said it a second time. Wow, I didn't know you love me so much. Hey! I told you not to switch off the lights. Why did you do it? I didn't do it. There's a power cut. Power cut? Do electricity dept people and ghosts get any increments? Why do they cut the power exactly at migdnight? No! Hey! Go and bring a lantern or something. Go! Kalyan! Is this your leg? - No, cot's leg. I see. Is this your hand? No, it's my leg. - Really? Do you need to tease me now? Did you by any chance notice if Nukalu's legs.. ..are facing forward or backward? I can't see him. How will I see his legs? Hey! I told you not to put on the radio. There's no power. How will the radio work? That's true. Then why do I hear singing, Kalyan? I hear no singing. You're hallucinating. Really? Am I hallucinating? ♪ La, la, la, la, la ♪ - Oh, no! God! You're right. Someone's singing. ♪ La, la, la, la, la ♪ ♪ Do you like the koel singing?♪ ♪ Do you like the sound of branches swaying? ♪ ♪ Do you like the garden at night? ♪ ♪ Do you like the moon's soft light? ♪ ♪ Do you like the koel singing?♪ ♪ Do you like the sound of branches swaying? ♪ ♪ Do you like the garden at night? ♪ ♪ Do you like the moon's soft light? ♪ ♪ Do you like the string of jasmine flowers? ♪ ♪ Do you like the floating clouds? ♪ ♪ Tell me o parrot Tell me o gentle breeze ♪ ♪ Do you like the koel singing?♪ ♪ Do you like the sound of branches swaying? ♪ ♪ Do you like the garden at night? ♪ ♪ Do you like the moon's soft light? ♪ ♪ I remember thinking of my beau ♪ ♪ As I sat in the swing in my favorite garden ♪ ♪ Don't know why I'm thinking of that ♪ ♪ Today at this part of the night ♪ ♪ Like restless waves in the river of my heart ♪ ♪ Bitter sweet memories in my life are a part ♪ ♪ Tell me o parrot Tell me o gentle breeze ♪ ♪ Do you like the koel singing?♪ ♪ Do you like the sound of branches swaying? ♪ ♪ Do you like the garden at night? ♪ ♪ Do you like the moon's soft light? ♪ ♪ Moon's hiding away shyly behind the clouds ♪ ♪ Stars adorn her delicate beauty ♪ ♪ Reminds me of a shy bride ♪ ♪ Who's dressed up pretty and dainty ♪ ♪ My eyes keep dreaming about you all night ♪ ♪ Is this the magic of the night Or is it just the way I feel? ♪ ♪ Tell me o parrot Tell me o gentle breeze ♪ ♪ I like the koel singing ♪ ♪ I like the sound of branches swaying ♪ ♪ I like the garden at night ♪ ♪ I like the moon's soft light ♪ ♪ I like the string of jasmine flowers ♪ ♪ I like the floating clouds ♪ ♪ I like the parrot I like the gentle breeze ♪ ♪ I like the koel singing ♪ ♪ I like the sound of branches swaying ♪ ♪ I like the garden at night ♪ ♪ I like the moon's soft light ♪ Hello, Ms. Kite! Your song was superb! Excellent! Are you not mute? But you just heard her singing. - But I didn't hear her speaking. Your song was superb! Excellent! You sang beautifully! What will I say if you say everything? Your song reminded me of ghost songs in movies. My heart was pounding as I heard your singing. Please don't sing such songs during power cuts. Please! Why is she smiling? Because it's no use wasting sympathy on people like you. Let's go. Why are you looking at me like that? Out of pity. No! It's dark! (Lantern crashes) What is it, child? Not able to sleep? Power is back just now. Drink this milk and go to bed. Okay, mother. Here you are. Bank Manager will be here any minute. All of you welcome him as soon as he comes. Okay. (Jeep pulls in) (Crowd greets him) Hello, sir. - Greetings, sir. Greetings! - Sir, this is our bank. Lakshmi! Yes? Where did you buy this sari? My husband got it from Rajahmundry Chandana Bros. 'This bank is yours. It will serve you in many ways.' Move aside! - Move! Hey! Who are you? Where are they taking those bags? - To the terrace. For what? - To dry the grains. (Laughs) Is this how you maintain a bank building? This is how it looks in almost every village. That's what he says. - Okay, ask everyone to meet me. Guys, sir is asking you to meet him. He'll give loans to everyone. They won't come if I don't say that. (Drumbeat) Do you have any sense? - Do you? You look like a straight pole. And you wear those khaki colored shirt and pants. Are you writing your personal expenses in the ledger? Bank is here to help you. Do you have any sense? Do you know how to write a ledger book? Learn from me. Learn from the.. (Laughs) Money represents Goddess Lakshmi. And she resides in the bank. So, bank is a temple. It needs to be kept holy. Actually, bank is.. Beautiful things bring joy to your heart. So, keep you bank clean and beautiful. Go and clean it now. - Datta! - Yes? Do you want a loan? - Yes, of course. Who will give you loans when the bank is looking like a dirty cow shed? Go and clean it up! - Oh, no! Come on, what are you looking at? Let's get to work. Beautiful things bring joy to your heart. Bank is looking very clean now. Manager will be shocked if he looks at the bank now. He'll close his eyes and sign on our loan documents. How is this rangoli? It is very beautiful like you. (Jeep pulls in) Villagers have turned a new page. Bank looks neat. When are you going to get better? - That's difficult. Hey, what do you mean? - Nothing. - What's this? - Rangoli. 'Welcome' Super! Excellent! Fantastic! Did you clean the area and make this rangoli? How could I, sir? I was with you all day. Then who could it be? Maybe the landlord? No way. There's only one key to the lock and I have it. Let's go inside. - Okay. House was locked from the outside. Who could have cleaned the house? Maybe some thieves. Thieves would make a clean sweep.. ..not sweep the house and clean it. That's true. Sir. Isn't the house looking brand new like the bank? Yes, it's shining. But you have no idea who cleaned it. Nukalu! - What is it? You told me about a girl, right? - Which girl? About the girl who hanged herself in this house. Tell me more about her. - But I told you everything yesterday. You told me when I didn't want to hear in the night. Why won't you tell me now when I'm asking you? It's a life and death matter for me. Please tell me. Hush! Her name was Rangi. She was a maid in this house. - Oh. She would wake up early, sweep the house.. ..clean the yard, make rangoli designs.. ..and keep everything sparkling inside the house. Such a nice girl. That beam.. Shut up! What's with you and that beam? You only know how to scare me. Go away! Bad luck! Why do they have beams in the house? Can't they make houses without beams? Kalyan! Kalyan, give me 500 rupees immediately. For what? - I want to go back home right now. What's troubling you here? One lady ghost is giving a live show here. I don't have the courage to stand and watch. She's been dead for 6 years now. But she still loves this house so much that.. ..she's sweeping it, cleaning the yard and making rangolis.. Ramesh, I know who cleaned this house. It's that ghost, isn't it? No. - Then? Kite. Not any kite. It belongs to her. (Parrot trills) Very nice. Hello! Ms. Kite! You cleaned our house, didn't you? I know you did it. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thanks a lot! Will you say everything? What is left for me to say? It's looking very nice.. - She's gone. It's alright. You're awake and you're lost in thought. What's the matter? I don't get it. You said that Ms. Kite cleaned our house. Okay. But how did she enter into a locked house? Maybe Ms. Kite and that ghost are cousin sisters! That's absurd! Shut your mouth and go to sleep. Can't I shut my eyes and go to sleep? - Stop it. And don't sleep till 8 o' clock like a lazy fellow. Wake me up at 6. I have some urgent business. Come on. You're my boss and I'm your friend. Of course, I'll do that for you. But I have a condition. What's that? - Wake me up at quarter to 6. You! I'll wake you up! I will! (Lamp clicks off) (Cock crows) (Clock chimes) 6 am Who could have done this? Ramesh! Wake up! You and your snoring like a rail engine! Is it quarter to 6 already? Go back to sleep. I'll wake you up at 6. What? Will you wake me up at 6? You! Good morning! When you say good morning,.. .. don't people wish back in this village? Excuse me! Have you made a vow only to sing and not to speak? ♪ Your smile is all I want ♪ ♪ Life without a wife Is hard work and strife ♪ What's that? - Hot water. It might be difficult for you to take bath with cold water. One minute. You cleaned the house, made rangoli and brought hot water. And you also sang a lullaby when I couldn't sleep. Will you do another favor for me? Will you answer when I ask why you're doing all this? I know the answer. You too applied for a loan. Am I right? (Laughs) - When did you become so intelligent? That's how I am. I was smart even as a kid. Not hot? - No. (Laughs) Ah! It's so hot! Why did you say it's not hot? Otherwise you wouldn't put your hand in it. Bye! Just a friendly bye. This is not Hyderabad. They won't think you're friendly if anything goes wrong. They'll chop your hand off. Then you'll have to wave bye without hands. Let's go! Oh, my God! Bank people are here. We lost the loan money in gambling. What do we tell them now? Calm down. We thought we'd get lucky but we didn't. Let them come, we'll tell them something. Wow! Nature's beauty at its best.. Mud and water too are part of nature. That's why you need to learn when to wear what clothes. Why didn't you tell me that before? - Get up now. He's not even helping me. Greetings! - Greetings! - Greetings! Who does this field belong to? - To me, sir. How much does it yield? I get up to 40 sacks if I have enough water. But that's not there. So, I get only 4-5 sacks. Didn't you take a loan for a motor just the other day? That loan wasn't enough to buy a motor, sir. We could only buy seeds and fertilizers. Right? Yes. If you can give us a bigger loan next time.. ..we'll get 40 sacks of grains. And then we'll pay back the loan. Then do one thing. - Yes? Pay back the previous loan first and then apply for a new loan. Hello? Understood? Don't forget! Okay? Pumpkin for you. Papayas for you both. And a jackfruit for you. Take all these carefully to your friend's house. Okay. - Go now. Keep walking. - Why give us those things? Just.. It's a bribe! (Chuckles) You take care of this house as your own. And you treat us like your family. You bring us food on time and hot water for bath. We just wanted to show our appreciation in some way. Not that we bought all these. We went to visit fields in the morning. Farmers gave them to us for free.. ... and we're lovingly giving them to you for free. - Shut up. Can I take these sun glasses? These are for me. They won't look good on you. Put them on. Wow! Superb! Fantastic! Amazing! You friend says that they look good on me. Can I take it? But.. - Come on! Didn't he say just now that you're like family? Don't hesitate. Take it. Take it away. Thanks. - Okay. Bye! (Puts glass on table) They really looked good on her. That's why I said that. And why are you feeling so bad as if they're yours? You took them from me last year. You don't like me telling you the truth anymore. I'm all for the truth. - Then? I don't like that you're saying it. - Is it? (Puts glass on table) - Fool! (Bangs glasses on table) Yuck! Oh! Come in, sir. Pease come in. Take a seat. (Snaps his fingers) What do you need, sir? - Safety. He's come to save money in our bank. Really? - I swear. O God! I thought people in this village just take loans. You're the first one who's come to save money. Welcome, sir. Most welcome. Pease take a seat. (Places foot on chair) How much money do you want to save? - Ten. Ten what? - Ten! Ten lacs, sir. - Oh, I'm sorry. What would you like to have, sir? Coffee or tea? A cold drink! Shall I also bring brandy or whiskey to mix in that? We'll arrange that when he asks for it. Nukalu, get a cold drink for sir. Wow, ten lacs! When would you like to deposit, sir? What are you searching, sir? I'm wondering if my money will be safe in your bank. Of course, sir. Our bank is a 100% safe. Do you have a watchman? - Yes, sir. Do you have lockers? - Yes. Are the walls strong? Don't you worry about your money, sir. We'll lock it away safely in an iron safe. What if thieves break the iron safe and steal the money? That won't happen. - What if it happens? That will never happen, sir. Trust me! Should I? Of course, sir. A human life runs on the wheels of trust. To trust is to live! Say it again. - To trust is to live! Say it again. - You say it. To trust is to live! Okay. I'll deposit my money in your bank. Amazing. But why are you walking away instead of depositing money? To bring money. Is it at home? - No, with Bhagya Laxmi lottery man. Lottery man? Yes. My lottery ticket's prize is 10 lacs. The results will be out tomorrow. So, I'll deposit the money in your bank day after tomorrow. What? So, all you have is a silly lottery ticket. - Yes, I did. You're asking for watchman? Lockers? Strong walls? How dare you ask me that? Why are you yelling at me, sir? - Because I can't cry. You bought a lottery ticket for just one rupee.. ..and you hope to win 10 lacs and deposit it in our bank? Why can't I, sir? To trust is to live. Life depends on trust, sir. If you trust that my money will be safe in your bank.. ..why shouldn't I trust that I will win 10 lacs, sir? To trust is to live! Say it again. - To trust is to live! Say it again. - You say it. To trust is to live! Give that to me. - Take it. Hey! - No! (Bottle crashes) Kalyan! Kalyan! Postman delivered it in the morning. But you had left for the bank by then. Why is it labeled as 'Photos' on the envelope? Actually.. They're not some ordinary photos. They're photos of beautiful brides. Ramesh! - Yes? His mother looks for brides every day in temple and in market. In fact, she looks everywhere she can find girls. She inquires, takes photos and sends them to him. But he doesn't like any of them. But there are no such photos in this envelope. Whoever said that? It is full of bride's photos. Take a look if you want. Ouch! Why did you stamp my leg? Why? Is it because you don't want her to know? Miss, you need to know. It's very important. Maybe you can select a beautiful girl from these photos. We'll get him married to her. At least you won't have to clean the house after that. I should go. Stop it. Why did you have to tell her about this? Why shouldn't I? As if Meghamala is some stranger. Don't look at me. Look at the photos. I don't like them. In the past you would at least look at them and reject. But now you're rejecting even without looking. Looks like you like someone else. Do you know what I think? Over there! I guess kite from the wall is flying in our heart. What are you waiting for? You finally found the woman you love. Let's write a letter to your parents immediately. - What should I write? What will I say if mom asks about her caste, family history and horoscope? You like Meghamala, right? Leave the rest to me. I'll find out about her caste, horoscope.. ..and all about her ancestry by tomorrow morning. ♪ The love kite is flying in the sky ♪ ♪ The love kite is flying in the sky ♪ (Whistles) Got it! Baby, what's your name? - Bharati. Good name. Which standard? Seventh. - Very good. Very good. Seventh standard at such a young age! You must be a child genius. I'll test you with some questions. You have to answer them. Okay. You see her? Meghamala. She's my friend. That's good. I can get into the matter directly. Meghamala is from which caste? You know caste? 'Only narrow-minded think of caste difference' 'It is selfish and futile' 'All humans belonged to only one caste at the beginning' 'Tell everyone that virtue is greater than caste' That's it? - That's it! Stop telling me moral stories.. ..when you getting late for school. Get going! She thinks she's Sri Sri. Children are useless. I should ask older ones. Datta! - What? I didn't see you for two days. Where did you go? I went to drop my wife at her parent's house. Why couldn't you tell me before you go? Why? - What do you mean why? Yesterday, my mother-in-law sent us quite a lot of.. .. fritters, chicken curry and milk pudding. But I couldn't even eat a morsel. Why? - What do you mean why? Did I ever enjoy good food without you? Same here. My mother-in-law made chicken curry and fritters. I couldn't even eat one frtitter. - You're a real friend. Bullidata, I hope our friendshop lasts forever. Very good. They'll give me correct answers. What else is going on, Datta? Nothing much. They want me to.. - Hello! Namaste! - Namaste! I need your help. - Of course. You know Mr. Bullabbai? He stays opposite to your house, right? Correct. You're right. Everyone in this village respect him so much. Which caste does he belong to? My caste. No matter who it is, people will always respect members of our caste. Other castes have no value. Dattudu! - Yes. Don't insult our caste in front of strangers. That won't be good for you. Many great people were born in our caste too. In fact, our village MLA is from our caste. Yes, he's from your caste. But how did he win? He won because my caste people voted for him. Everyone in the village knows how your caste people vote. They stamp in between the symbols. All were cancelled. People from your caste are stupid illiterates.. ..who can't even vote properly. - Hey! How dare you call them stupids? You're criticizing my caste in front of strangers. You can insult my caste but I can't say anything about yours. Please, stop this.. - Stay out of this! You're talking too much! I will. What will you do? - (Slaps) Shut up! You moron! You slapped me? - Yes. My people are not weaklings to sit silent if you slap me. Even I can slap you! How dare you! - You stay out of this! You think you can dominate.. - Stand up! Stand up! I'll trample on all your caste members. How dare you slap me? - Be glad I didn't kill you! Hey! Come on, people! Let's end their caste! (Agitated crowd) Let's show them our caste power. Come on! (Agitated crowd) You will be done for! - (Agitated crowd) (Clock chimes) We should have plucked his eyes out.. ..when he looked at ladies while bathing. Look at his face! For generations and for decades our villagers.. ..have lived like children of the same mother. But this sinner started a fight between castes. Even our bank manager had to stand before village heads. He needs a good thrashing! Excuse me, I'm feeling nauseous. Can I get a soda please? No, thanks. He didn't know. Forgive him just this once. Manager is a good man. He's helping our village a lot. We'll let him go just this once based on manager's assurance. What do you say? Fine, I respect your decision. Pull him down! Slowly! Slowly! I still need to use my head. Thank you very much. - Our villagers are a little rough. Don't mind. - No, I won't. See you. Thanks. - You need to do me a favor. Let's go! Come on! - Ah! Oh, God! Does it hurt? Let's go. Ah! What if they find out that you're the actual reason.. ..behind this conspiracy? Excuse me! He's talking about caste again! Wait! They will actually kill me if I talk about caste again! Then let's go. - Okay. (Jeep pulls in) Ouch! I never believed when science teacher in school.. ..taught us that earth rotates. Only after they tied me upside down on a tree.. ..did I understand why earth is rotating. Why do I see so many lamps in the house? Maybe there's a power cut. But the lights are on. - Then why those lamps? Maybe the villagers are celebrating Diwali.. ..because you got a good thrashing today. Let's go! That's silly! Kalyan, now I know. Today is the festival of lamps. I see. Why are you looking at me like that? Did you never see someone light lamps? I did. But you manage to get into a locked house.. ..and do something every day. I'm wondering how. I don't even like suspense in movies. So, please don't scare me with suspense in real life. Do you have any master key by any chance? Give it to him if you have. Or he'll start crying out of pure frustration. My sister has many such master keys. Let's go, kids. Will you have some rice pudding? - That is.. You don't know? A sweet dish made out of.. ..milk, sugar, salt, tamarind, and coriander. That will be a poison not a pudding. - (Laughter) We'd love to have some pudding. No! Kalyan, I'm a fool! How did you come to that realization so suddenly? Don't be so sarcastic. Why don't we ask Meghamala directly.. ..about the things we want to now? Should I ask which caste she's from? - No! Don't remind of caste. My chest hurts. They gave me good reason to forget it. Leave the matter. Meghamala will come here with the pudding. Yes. Say that you want to ask her something. What's that? - That's what she'll ask. Say, 'Can you give me one of your photos?' For what? - That's what she'll ask. Say, 'For no reason. I'll take a look and give it back.' – What then? Look! A girl might be friends with a boy for a very long time. But she would never give him her photograph. If she does give it, that means she loves him. If that's the case, why bother about caste and horoscopes? Go straight to wedding, music and dance.. Then first night, honeymoon and kids. There, bride is coming. Don't forget what I said. Don't forget what to ask. Ask her! Ask! About pudding? Photo! Photo! Can I ask you something? Sure. Will you give me a photo of yours? Why? For no reason. Just to look at it. Why? Don't you have a photo? No, but we can get one for you if you want. (Both) He will do it. See you. I'm surprised, Kalyan. Girls are really fast these days. She asked you even before you could. Yes! - Yes! Tomorrow is bank holiday! - Why? A great director is going to click your photos tomorrow. Tomorrow, right? So, leave my hand now, it's hurting. Drink it. Go ahead. Action! Great! (Camera clicks) I'll take in a different angle. Can you see my face? The flower is blocking your face. Get rid of it. (Camera clicks) - He thinks he's K. Raghavendra Rao, B.A. Another angle. - One minute. Action! Hello! - Great! (Camera clicks) I'm in a great mood. Don't disturb me. I can see that, sir. But there's no film in the camera. (Sighs) Then what did you put in the camera before? That was battery, not film. Hand it over. Return the camera. You don't even know the different between the battery and film. And you're going to take my photos? Damn! For this! - Why did you throw the flower? Ah! (Sanskrit chants in the background) Hello, Ms. Rangoli. Yesterday it was lamps and today it's rangoli. Why are you holding a book while doing it? Are you copying designs from it? - No. Here are my photos you asked for. How will you see my photos with that book in hand? Give that to me. I like this photo very much. The next one is good too. This one is good too. Thanks. Thank you very much. Those are my photos. - But idea was mine. Let it go. - Fine. Can I take one of them? No. - No way. Just one? You can take all. We'll give you total negative rights too. Thanks. Let's go, kids. Did you see that? She was so happy just looking at your photos. I wonder what will happen when she sees you beside her as the groom? She might go crazy with happiness, Kalyan. I was right. You didn't believe me. Meghamala is in love with you. People usually write God's name like this. But for you she wrote 'I love you' ten million times. You always said that some girl was born for you somewhere. There's no doubt about it. It is her. She was born for you. Yes! God of seven hills, Venkataramana! Protect me! Please make sure that I don't vomit today. Cheers! - Cheers! (Glasses clink) Today you gained your love. We'll party again this next year on the same day.. ..along with your family. Definitely. But you won't be there at the party. Kalyan! I found you finally. I was looking for you downstairs. You seem busy. I'll come back later. No, we're so glad to see you here. Please, have a seat. I wanted to talk to you a little. Why little? We can have a long conversation. That's okay. I'll come back later. No, please stay. Sit here. Please sit. - Sit down. Come on. Please. This is for you. What's that? Don't you drink alcohol? I used to drink when I was young. I quit now. Can we ask you something? Sure. Say you lost touch with one of your dearest friends,.. ..someone who studied with you in school.. ..and then saw him after 10 years. Will you not talk to him? Of course, I would talk to him. - It's the same here. You used to drink a long time ago. Now you're seeing it after many years. Will you not at least say hello to it? Poor thing, it's looking at you with puppy eyes. Please have it. - No, son. Come on, now. There, there. He will take you into his hands. Don't worry. Where's your father? I think he went out. How long will you work on this machine? Have dinner and go to bed. Okay, mother. (Laughs) I didn't know you had it in you. You kept refusing but you gulped down 6 pegs. Sir, can I ask you something? - Go ahead. What's your caste? Shush! Don't talk about caste. That can turn best friends into worst enemies. Shut up! What's your caste, sir? Caste? - Yes. Thandra Paparayudu's caste in valor! Harishchandra's caste in honesty. Karna's caste in being generous. God! Not even one person in this village gives a direct answer.. ..when you ask them about their caste. - Shut up! Okay. Sir, are you a Brahmin, Naidu or a Chowdhary? Me? - Yes. Naidu. Sir! Even I'm a Naidu! (Laughter, applause) But my wife is a Brahmin. - No way! So, you started a revolution in love 25 years ago! Someone else did the same thing 25 years ago. Who's that? Your father Shankar Rao. Shut up! Don't talk about Shankar Rao now. Sir! Do you believe in horoscopes, stars and such stuff? What? The stuff that priests look at and talk about omens and times. Silly stuff! - I don't believe in such things! Sir, you're not an ordinary man! Right, he's a drunk man. Sir, you're a great social reformer. You're a Lenin! You're an Abraham Lincoln! You're a Big B too! (Places glass on table) Don't praise me too much. I want to stay high. Then we're here to help you. Dude, pour some more. On the happy occasion of your new relationship! (Pours a drink) Seventh peg! (Places bottle on table) Cheers! - Cheers! Does that mean we're back to first peg? I couldn't find your father outside either. Why did you stop? You daughter came upstairs and went away quickly.. ..because she got scared looking at us dance. You are joking, sir! You'll get a slap from your wife when you go home. Then you'll definitely know I wasn't joking, sir. My wife? I've been here a long time. We'll discuss the rest tomorrow. Tomorrow? For sure? Will you forget your promise after your head clears? Will we meet tomorrow again? Then carefully go down the stairs. Roll down if you slip. (Laughs) Ramesh! (Pukes) Disgusting! Hey! Are you cleaning your tongue or cutting it out? Oil and herbal bath powder for you. (Spits) (Drums on a plate) (Drums on a plate) It's coming! It's coming! What's coming? (Drums on a plate) Curry is coming. Tasty curry on the way. Girl from the opposite house is bringing curry. (Bangs plate on table) Abracadabra! She's here! What did you bring? - Water Amaranth. For you. (Chokes) Drink water. Maybe someone is cursing me. - It's me. Why? What else will I do if you eat everything she brought? Did you expect me to kiss you? 'Look at his face. Looks exactly like a monkey.' 'He's eating it when I brought that for him.' (Chokes) Now someone is cursing me. - It's not me. Was it you? I'm sure. You? Surely she wouldn't praise you for eating what she brought for me. Yum! It is simply superb! (Flicks the box) ♪ My love, why does your love never end for me? ♪ ♪ You've turned all my dreams into a reality♪ ♪ My one true love I have found ♪ ♪ It's time we give a new name to our bond ♪ ♪ It's time we send the invitations around ♪ ♪ My love, why does your love never end for me? ♪ ♪ You've turned all my dreams into a reality♪ ♪ Your every word sounds like a song ♪ ♪ You remind me a swan as you walk along ♪ ♪ Your smile is a comforting embrace ♪ ♪ Your eyes take me to a happy place ♪ ♪ You're the soft moonlight that adorns my sky ♪ ♪ You're the beautiful flower that feels shy ♪ ♪ Being with you takes me high ♪ ♪ My love, why does your love never end for me? ♪ ♪ You've turned all my dreams into a reality♪ ♪ She's vivacious and full of life ♪ ♪ Yet serene when I'm around ♪ ♪ Sleep seems to have abandoned me ♪ ♪ Your eyes spin the world around me ♪ ♪ When will the time bring us together? ♪ ♪ Will you keep making my heart flutter? ♪ ♪ Every minute I wait is a bitter sweet memory ♪ ♪ My love, why does your love never end for me? ♪ ♪ You've turned all my dreams into a reality♪ ♪ My one true love I have found ♪ ♪ It's time we give a new name to our bond ♪ ♪ It's time we send the invitations around ♪ ♪ My love, why does your love never end for me? ♪ ♪ You've turned all my dreams into a reality♪ (Falls off bed) - Ah! What's that! Aunty! It's me Ramesh! - Where is Kalyan? He's buying saris and jewelry. And at night he's dreaming and falling off the cot onto me. But everything is good. So, please come here immediately. By the way, don't bring Shankar Rao. (Places receiver back) How much? It's 25 rupees. What? - It will cost you 200 to go there. Why are you acting miserly for just 25? Give it. Kalyan, I told her.. Even people in Vizag heard what you said. Of course, I know what you said. Fool! Let's go. - Oh, come on! There it is. (Bus pulls in) (Whistle) 'Pattiseema! Pattiseema! Get down.' Careful. - Stupid bus! It was so difficult to sit in it. Take the suitcase. 'Right! Right!' (Whistle) Are you fine? How are you? - How was the journey? We had so many flat tires on the way that we reached now. Just be happy that you reached. Get it! Get in. - Get in, mom. Not here. You sit behind. You're always insulting me. What a pathetic life. Welcome! Most welcome! Guess what this is. Kite. Wrong. It's Ms. Kite. I see. Ms. Kite. Correct. Come with me. What's this? This? Zari sari. No, wedding sari. Wedding bangles. No, gold bangles. Gold chain. - No, that's his heart. Kalyan! - Shankar Rao! Stop! Sir! If you delay anymore, he'll also hire a priest and a caterer.. ..go ahead get married, have kids.. ..and invite you only to name them. Be careful! He showed us what you bought. Will you not show who you bought it for? (Pigeons flutter) Come. Step in with your right foot. - Not you. Go in, Mom. Please come in. Mom! Our neighbors are here. Please come inside. Come in. Dad, they're here. Welcome. Namaste. - Namaste. My daughter told me that you have come. I was about to come to meet you. You came as I was about to leave. That's okay. It's only proper that we come to your house. That's tradition. - That's true. I'll make coffee. - Okay. You should drink Meghamala's coffee. You feel like you're flying on the clouds if you drink her coffee. Is that true? Then get me a jugful please. Please come and sit. I'll make coffee for them. You sit there and talk to them. Thank you so much. My son keeps writing that your family helps him a lot. Our pleasure. Come and sit with me, dear. Don't feel shy. Come here. Come and sit with me. Meghamala is your only daughter. Kalyan is our only son. I'm sure you know everything else about him. Usually, he doesn't like any girl so easily. But he wrote to us saying that he liked Meghamala.. ..the very first time he saw her. We heard that even Meghamala likes him. I guess it's Lucky got transferred to this village. We got marriage proposals all the way from Parvathipuram to Ananthapuram. But the girl he was meant to marry is here in Pattiseema. And we didn't even know. That's why they say that marriages are made in heaven. So, it's like God sends the invitations.. ..and we just need to write the addresses on them. - Correct. When we know that they like each other.. ..I think it's only right that we arrange their wedding. Why is she walking way? Maybe she's going to bring us coffee. Mom, please ask them to leave immediately.. ..if they're here only to talk about my marriage. But what's wrong in that? We as your parents hope that you will marry someday. Mom, will you ask them to leave or should I? No, dear. Just listen to me. Please forgive me. If you're here with a marriage proposal for me.. can leave immediately. I don't want to marry him. What's that? But you said that she likes you. One minute, Mom. I'll be right back. Meghamala! Do you know how excited my parents were.. talk about our marriage? Why did you say that you don't want to marry me? Because I have no such intention. I don't like you that way. Did you bring me breakfast and coffee every morning.. ..without liking me? Why did you clean my house? You followed me around everywhere.. ..decorated my yard with colors, welcomed me.. ..and raised hopes in my heart. What does all that mean? Does it mean a person loves you if she brings.. ..breakfast or coffee for you? I was just being kind. You're crazy if you think that's love. Why did you ask for and take my photos.. ..if you were just being kind? Why did you write 'I love you' ten million times in your book.. ..if you didn't love me at all? You brought hair oil for me every Saturday. Why do that if you didn't like you? Applying hair oil relieves the stress in eyes. That's why I'd bring it. Why did you insist that I eat Water Amaranth twice a week.. ..and serve it yourself? I read in a book that it's good for the eyes. That's why I did that. You would prepare herbal bath powder.. ..and insist that I use that instead of shikakai soap pods. Is that because you didn't like me? Your eyes would burn if you wash hair with soap pods. Eyes, eyes, eyes. Why do you care what happens to my eyes? Why bother about my eyes if you don't care for me? Why bother if they burn or if I go blind? Don't say that! Don't say another word about those eyes. You have no right on those eyes. Because they're not yours. You were not born with the eyes that you have now. They belong to the man I love. You're able to see this world not with your eyes. They're his. You and I have no bond. But those eyes and I have a very close relationship. Your parents left for home today. Your mother said that you can come home for a week.. ..if you don't like it here. She is right. Let's not stay here anymore. I'm worried to see you like this. Here are the photos. I didn't take your photos to look at you. I never even looked at you in those photos. Every girl believes that her soul mate is born for her somewhere. And because of that belief.. ..she looks the ground even while she's walking. Do you know why? Because she doesn't want to look at anyone else. She even laughs silently. Because she doesn't want other men to notice her. Even I was like that. I used to walk with my head down. Until the day I met him. With some people you feel like you know them from before. But the moment I saw him.. ..I felt that I was related to him in all my lives. After I finished my high school,.. .. I used to go the next village to learn sewing. I used to travel by bus every day. I saw him for the first time when I was waiting for my bus. Hey! Bus is here. Let's go. (Bus honks and stops) Thief! Oh, no! Thief! My chain! That man is running away with my chain! Catch him! ♪ Arjuna, Nagarjuna ♪ ♪ Arjuna, Nagarjuna ♪ (Running footsteps) ♪ Arjuna, Nagarjuna ♪ (Drops bag) (Boomerang swirls and hits) (Throws boomerang) ♪ Arjuna, Arjuna ♪ You! Cigarette? I need one. (Lights a matchstick) (Fight sequence) Hey! (Fight sequence) Hey! (Fight sequence) Get up! Give it back! Where are you from? - Pothuru. Pothuru, Tamil Nadu border. There I have Pakistan border problem. Here I have Pothuru border problem. Hey! No! Please! - Go! Whose chain is this? Is it yours? Take it. Thanks. (Sound of anklets) Megha..mala. Meghamala!, right? Do you know him? No. Then how did he know your name? I don't know. (Bus engine starts) (Whistle sound) (Bus drives away) We traveled 10 miles in the heat to see you. How will we see if you bow your head so much? What about her education? -She finished 12 years of schooling. Wow, she's quite educated. Do you know who invented America? Vasco-Da-Gama. Correct! She is quite educated as you said. Don't be silly! Columbus invented America. She gave the wrong answer. I don't care who invented America. I just found the most beautiful daughter-in-law. That's the point. That's why they don't take school teachers to such occasions. We already liked her when we saw her photo. But we came here since it's the tradition. My son hasn't returned yet. He'll come home soon. You can see him in this photo till he gets back. Okay. Listen, child. Vasco-Da-Gama didn't invent America.. was Columbus. Answer correctly when my son asks you. Okay? See you. - Go safely.. Meghamala! It's the groom's photo. Keep it before God, pray that you like him and then open it. I should like him! I should like him! I should like him! I should like the groom. Goddess, if I like the groom.. ..I'll ask my father to a grand ritual for you. I will roll around your temple and do prayers. Please make sure that he is what I want. I should like him. He should be good. Do you like me? Hey, I'm talking to you. Do you like me? But I don't like you. Honestly, I don't like you. Look at your hair. It would look so beautiful.. ..if you made a plait with those bell accessories. Your ears. They're so big. And you're wearing those tiny studs. Bad! Why don't you wear big ones? Nice big earrings. They'd sparkle as you move and look lovely. And your nose is not thin like a magnolia flower. It's tiny and round like a hibiscus bud. You know how to make it look pretty? Wear a nose ring with a red stone. It will look amazing! Hey! I told you only about things I didn't like, right? Let me tell you what I like. The mole above your lips, a tiny one. It's very cute. The dimple that appears in your cheek when you smile. Your eyes when you are blushing. Your lips when you are silent. Even the word beauty would feel envious if it looks at you. By the way, did you ever love anyone? No. Neither did I. I didn't want to marry without falling in love. But my parents had already selected you by the time I came back home Hey, why don't we do something? Let's fall in love till we get married. (Water splashes as she runs) - Meghamala! (He gets hiccups) Were you thinking about me? (Water splashes as she runs) Do it fast. - Okay, sir. Mr. Bullabbai! Hello! How are you? Looking at you I feel.. don't have diabetes or high blood pressure. Am I right? You are.. Didn't you recognize me? Am I not as handsome as in my photos? Oh, son-in-law! Your father said that you'd be coming after two days. Hey! Hey! Remember the couple that came with the marriage proposal? He's their son. - Hello, I'm Nivas, Srinivas. Enough. Go back to work. Please come inside. Rajyam! Look who's here. Mr. Bullabbai! I like the girl. Son, she's my wife. My God! Is she your wife? She's slim like a TV actress. I thought she's your daughter. Really, you're very pretty. I'll send some coffee for you. - Thanks. Did you see how cleverly I got her to like me? Of course, I'll do that to you too in the future. Please sit, we need to talk. Know what? You remind me of Tendulkar. Sachin Tendulkar. Your bald head is neat like a cricket pitch. If Tendulkar were to play on such a neat pitch.. ..he'd hit a sixer for every ball. Can I tell you something? I heard that you get a bald head.. ..if you fail in love when you're young. Americans said that. Looking at your head, I feel you must have easily failed in love 5-6 times. There's no sugar in this. There is. My coffee doesn't have. But I put sugar in both. Are you saying that I'm lying? Taste it if you want. Come on. It is sweet. Is it? Give that. Yes, it's sweet. It is. Mr. Bullabbai! Coffee is great. And your daughter who served it is beautiful. Let's get to the point. I think all my body parts are intact even though.. ..I returned from Kargil war. Please, we never asked you about that. Not asking is common. Me telling is unique. Usually they ask the girl to talk or sing on such occasions. They ask if she can do chores and cook. They never ask the man. But you will have your doubts. That's why I'm telling you in advance. If she likes my height and weight.. ..I will even fight with my parents to marry her. Bye. - Take care. See you, madam. (Makes noise to get her attention) Do you like me now? - (Clicks his tongue) Superb! Do you like my nose ring? (Blows a kiss) Simply superb! What about earrings? - Wow! (Claps) They're more awesome! And this? (Sighs) Everything is okay. Can't you say "I love you" at least once? (Laughs) Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. It's been a week since I first came to see you. We've been meeting every alternative day. But you never said 'I love you' to me. Meghamala, I'm not sure what you know and what you don't. I'm a good cook. I can wash clothes well. I can even make rangoli desings. All these are very important to be a wife, right? By the way, can you play chess? Chess is a game. The board has black and white squares. You have elephants and horses as pawns. But you find them in circus, right? Maybe you should be in circus. Can you play carroms? - No, but I can play hopscotch. What about card? Playing cards. Card games. No, that's wrong. Oh, no! Fine. Let's keep it simple. Can you fly a kite? Marbles? Spinning tops? Srinivas! You're done for! I'll learn. What? I'll learn everything if you teach me. I see. (Claps) I've taught you how to play with a spinning top too. Say you love me at least now. You won't? Then I'll say it. Meghamala, I love you! You blushed. I love you. (Laughs) You laughed. I love you again. (Sound of anklets) You running away. I love you. I love you! (Bells ring) ♪ As I hear the temple bells ringing ♪ ♪ The excitement is rising ♪ Why? You come to the temple to visit God. And I come here to see my sweetheart. That's why. ♪ As I hear the temple bells ringing ♪ ♪ The excitement is rising ♪ ♪ As day begins to dawn ♪ ♪ My heart keeps racing on ♪ ♪ You come to see God And I come to see my queen ♪ That's how our tale of love will begin ♪ ♪ As I hear the temple bells ringing ♪ ♪ The excitement is rising ♪ ♪ As day begins to dawn ♪ ♪ My heart keeps racing on ♪ ♪ Along with Lord Krishna Walks our beautiful Radha ♪ ♪ Their pair is most charming ♪ ♪ Word are not enough for describing ♪ ♪ I want you to be the smile on my lips ♪ ♪ I want you to be the eyelids on my eyes ♪ ♪ I want to rest in your bosom ♪ ♪ Our love is to grow in your heart and mine ♪ ♪ I'll be the sound of your anklets ♪ ♪ I'll be the light of your eyes ♪ ♪ I want to be in your every step ♪ ♪ I want you to be a part of me ♪ ♪ As I hear the temple bells ringing ♪ ♪ The excitement is rising ♪ ♪ As day begins to dawn ♪ ♪ My heart keeps racing on ♪ ♪ You breathe life into my dreams ♪ ♪ I want to be the man of your dreams ♪ ♪ You fill my world with colors ♪ ♪ You're the one I want in my arms ♪ ♪ You're as sweet as honey You're an enchanting melody ♪ ♪ May you be the lamp that lights up my world ♪ ♪ May I be the shadow that never leaves you ♪ ♪ As I hear the temple bells ringing ♪ ♪ The excitement is rising ♪ ♪ As day begins to dawn ♪ ♪ My heart keeps racing on ♪ ♪ You come to see God And I come to see my queen ♪ ♪ That's how our tale of love will begin ♪ ♪ As I hear the temple bells ringing ♪ ♪ The excitement is rising ♪ ♪ As day begins to dawn ♪ ♪ My heart keeps racing on ♪ We're doing special prayers for our Goddess this Sunday. Every family in the village will celebrate it grandly. We want your family to come home for lunch. - Great, we'll be there. Sure. Please freshen up and I'll serve lunch. No, thanks. I had lunch before I left. Okay then. Get some coffee. Please don't. I had coffee at all the relatives' homes I visited on the way. I'm feeling full. We'll be waiting for you. Please come. See you. - Go safely. Please bring your son along. Sure. Looks like it's going to rain. Please go safely. Okay. Take care. - Go safely. Dear! We can finish planting by Saturday.. ..if we start the work tomorrow. Won't we? - Why do we need to finish? Are we not going to their house for the feast on Sunday? Feast my foot. He refused to have lunch and didn't even take coffee. If he's so particular about not eating food in our house.. much more particular I should be as a groom's father? Listen, we just went to their house to see the girl. The marriage is not yet fixed. Don't even think about going to their house for any feast. Or I'll kill you! Mind it! Srinu! - Yes? I didn't know you were here. I'll skin you alive if you go there for any festival! Stupid festival! As if.. Why is he getting hyper as if he has high blood pressure? What do I know? Poor man came all the way to invite us. At least you should go. Or it will look bad. Try to convince dad. - Me? He'll kill me. Mom, you have to convince him somehow. Please. Almost everyone has arrived. But no one from Srinivas' family as come yet. I went there to invite personally and told them not to miss this occasion. ♪ See the funny story ♪ (Bullet comes in) Dear, his father has come. ♪ See the funny story ♪ Welcome. - Namaste. How come you came alone? I asked my son and wife to come along. Since it was only a few weeks ago.. ..that we came here they didn't want to come again for the feast. But I couldn't help. I had to come. Oh. Good you came. Thank you so much. Come inside. Please come. (Car drives in) ♪ See the funny story ♪ Rajyam! Rajyam! His mother is coming. Namaste. Namaste. - Namaste. I came alone. My husband and son went to Hyderabad on some important business. But I wanted to come at least to see. Great. We're glad that at least you could make it. Take her inside. - Please come. Come. ♪ See the funny story ♪ (Bike arrives) ♪ See the funny story ♪ Make sure you do everything correctly. Okay, sir. - Dad, he's come. Hello, sir. - Namaste. I came alone. My parents.. We know. - You know? Your parents went to Hyderabad on some important business. You wanted to come just to see. Right? Strange! How do you know that? We all know that. Isn't that right, dad? Take him inside. Okay, dad. Namaste. Namaste. - All good? (Sound of anklets) This is quite strange. Everyone said that they came here alone. They all came but they came separately. Looks like no one knows that the others are here. Till the time they go back home.. ..we have to make sure that they don't see each other. You do one thing. You take care of his mother. I'll be with his father. Okay. Good! Simhadri! - Yes? Did they deliver the leaves? Betel leaves or banana leaves? Was that sarcasm? Don't be cocky! Are all dishes cooked? - They're cooking right now. Put mutton in chicken and put chicken in mutton. But don't forget to put chili powder in both. I'll get a bad name if anything goes wrong while I'm here. Get going. - Okay. (Chuckles) Mr. Bullabbai! All these are from our own garden. - I see. (Bottles clink) Subramanyam! - Yes, madam? Give a cold drink to madam. - Sure. She's future mother-in-law to Meghamala. (Bottle opens) Are you here for the feast? - Yes. My husband and son went to Hyderabad. So, I came alone. Madam! I don't get it. You have only one daughter, right? Why are you finalizing two proposals? Shut up! Meghamala is marrying their son. Oh, my God! This is a disaster! You are talking to her and sir is talking to someone else. I need to tell Mr. Bullabbai immediately. Or I'll get a bad name. Mr. Bullabbai! Mr. Bullabbai! Subramanyam! Wait! - Mr. Bullabbai! Mr. Bullabbai! Mr. Bullabbai! We're in real trouble, sir. You have only one daughter, right? How can you finalize two proposals for her? What's with you? - The thing is, you are already talking to this gentleman about your daughter's marriage, right? Madam doesn't know that. So, she's giving her word to another lady. Don't worry. - How can I not worry, sir? Do you think I'm lying? Should I bring madam and show him to her? (Slaps) Get out! - What happened? Nothing. He said that he mixed jaggery in the pudding. That's good. Is that so? He says it's good. You can go. ♪ See the funny story ♪ - Play your card. They're finalizing two marriage proposals for one girl. And when I asked him about it, he's talking about jaggery.. What happened, Subramanyam? Why are you holding your cheek? Because my hand will get greasy if I put it on my head. (Laughs) I didn't know you had funny people in your village. He's Subramanyam. He is close to our family. He takes care of everything at home. Glad to meet you. - See you! Thanks. Who is this sir? Why are you talking as if you don't know anything? He's the groom. My God! So, that's three! It's so very confusing! Mr. Bullabbai! Now it's become three. - ♪ See the funny story ♪ Mr. Bullabbai! Mr. Bullabbai! Mr. Bullabbai! It's a total disaster now! Now it's not two, it's three. - Three what? Three grooms for one bride. Grooms are growing by the second like interest on loan. Stop playing cards! Your daughter is playing bride outside with some guy. If you don't do anything now.. ..the guy you chose, the guy your daughter chose.. ..and the guy madam chose will fight with each other. Your reputation will be damaged, sir! - (Slaps) Get out! - What happened now? Nothing. He's a fool! He talks nonsense! You ate nothing since the time you came. At least eat some pudding. First round of meal service has already started. First round has already started? Why didn't you tell me? Do you want to join them? We never sit down for first round of meals. I'm going there to serve them. There are many to serve. You need not go. I'll be your husband soon. I'm part of this family. There is nothing wrong in doing our work. I don't mind serving you too. Come on. No, please. Don't go this way. Then I'll go this way. (Places tiffin on table) (Turns newspaper pages) What's that? - It's your lunch. I arranged for you to eat here since you won't be.. ..comfortable sitting with others. I could eat at home whenever I want to. It's only right to sit with others when I'm here for the feast. No. You'll be more comfortable here. (Drops the newspaper) Nothing doing. I'm going to sit with others. Where is it arranged? - But.. Now way. - But.. I'm going. Serve food for me too. (Sneezes) You? - Yes, me. Any problem? By the way, why did he slap you? I'll tell you. They're finalizing three marriage proposals.. ..when they have only one daughter. What kind of family is this? Silly family! You deserved to be slapped. If it was me, I would have chopped off your hand. ♪ See the funny story ♪ - Grandpa, shall I serve some curry? Just curry? Don't you have any meat? Would you like to eat some bones too? Of course, I can chew them. Enjoy. Sir, you didn't believe when I told you. I told you about 3rd groom, right? He's the one. (Chuckles) What's he doing here? Oh, no! Do you know him from before? - Shut up! Place the leaf down. I have to serve rice. I'll eat later. Why don't you eat when you're sitting with others? Put the leaf down. Okay. Sir, shall I serve curry? - Go ahead. Do you want meat too? - Yes. Sir, I told you about first groom's father, right? He's the one. Show him your face, sir. My God! Hey, wait! Let me go! - No, I won't. You served curry to everyone except me. Did you think your father will come to serve me? - Serve yourself. Stupid! Eat! Darn! I went there unnecessarily and got caught. What happened? What else? My dad caught me when I went there. That's why I told you not to go. True, but you didn't tell me that my dad was there. ♪ See the funny story ♪ What's that? - Milk pudding. Come and fill this glass. ♪ See the funny story ♪ Wow, I see you again. Sir, you slapped me for no reason. Do you know who she is? Mother to the second groom. Madam, turn that way. Who do you think he is? Father to the first groom. Great! At least one doubt is cleared now. Hey! Will your husband pick up this leaf? Come and take this! ♪ See the funny story ♪ (Slams the newspaper) As a family head I made it very clear to both of you.. ..not to go to that house! Still you went there and insulted me in front of Mr. Bullabbai. You were picking up leftover leaves as if.. ..we were celebrating in our own house. Are you not ashamed? As if you did less. You liked the pudding so much.. ..that you ate it as if you never tasted it in life. You son served others like a waiter over there. And you're scolding me. I don't know why you're getting upset over it. It's not like we went there to eat food. I liked the girl very much. I just wanted to see her again. I didn't go there to eat pudding. I went there because even I wanted to see her. We only went to meet them. But they're yet to be engaged. The girl is such a sweetheart. They may look for some other proposal if we delay. Arrange the engagement ceremony immediately. Thank you, Mom. (Kisses her son) [Priest chanting mantras] Kadiyam Bullabbai's virtuous daughter Meghamala. ..and Anapati Srihari Rao's son Srinivas. This ceremony indicates that their marriage is finalized.. the presence of their older ones. Sir, please hand over the traditional gift platter. Sir, please give yours. [Priest chanting mantras] Mom! Mom, what's this? ♪ A goddess has appeared just for me ♪ ♪ I had no idea life could be so sweet ♪ ♪ A goddess has appeared just for me ♪ ♪ I had no idea life could be so sweet ♪ ♪ Like Spring that ushers various colors ♪ ♪ With beauty surpassing others ♪ ♪ Like we've been inseparable all our lives ♪ ♪ For a new beginning with happiness ♪ ♪ Just to love me ♪ ♪ A goddess has appeared just for me ♪ ♪ I had no idea life could be so sweet ♪ ♪ In the soft moonlight with my eager eyes ♪ ♪ I've looked only for you ♪ ♪ In all eight directions and everywhere I see ♪ ♪ I've searched for you ♪ ♪ Your smile is my life-giving potion ♪ ♪ In your arms I find heaven ♪ ♪ As you blush at the thought of me ♪ ♪ And as I know you belong to me ♪ ♪ My heart is singing joyously ♪ ♪ My love is only for you ♪ ♪ A goddess has appeared just for me ♪ ♪ I had no idea life could be so sweet ♪ ♪ A goddess has appeared just for me ♪ ♪ I had no idea life could be so sweet ♪ ♪ I planted rose trees, gave them all my care ♪ ♪ To bring you roses so rare ♪ ♪ I fasted and said prayers one to many ♪ ♪ To plead God to keep you only for me ♪ ♪ I'll be your shadow in heat ♪ ♪ I'll shower affection, make your life sweet ♪ ♪ I'll guard you with my own life ♪ ♪ I'll keep you forever as mine ♪ ♪ Never thought I'd find someone ♪ ♪ Who will love only me ♪ ♪ A goddess has appeared just for me ♪ ♪ I had no idea life could be so sweet ♪ ♪ A goddess has appeared just for me ♪ ♪ I had no idea life could be so sweet ♪ ♪ Like Spring that ushers various colors ♪ ♪ With beauty surpassing others ♪ ♪ Like we've been inseparable all our lives ♪ ♪ For a new beginning with happiness ♪ ♪ Just to love me ♪ (Bike stops) One minute, sir. Subba Rao, good I met you. My wedding is on the 14th. Here is the invitation. Do come. For sure. You have a telegram, sir. Looks like I'm getting wishes even before I finished distributing wedding invitations. (Patriotic music) We've given out invitations to everyone in the village. Your wedding is next week. And now you want to go to Kashmir for Kargil war? What do you mean? - It means I have to go. Are you out of your mind? You're not allowed to step out of this house until after your wedding. What will I say if their family ask me? I'll tell them. Your wedding is just next week. You can leave right after the wedding if you want. You shouldn't even wait for a minute.. ..when you get orders from the army. I have to kill enemies in the war without blinking an eye. And I have to sacrifice my life if need arises. What does he think of himself? - Please, calm down. All he is saying is that he'll be back in two months.. ..and that he'll get married after coming home. The wedding will be postponed for two months. Doesn't mean he's going away forever. We're still relatives in every sense. Never mind two months, even if he comes after 20 years we'll still accept him as our son-in-law. You are part of our family. There's no changing that. You should go now, son. - You're not helping! Thank you. As far as they're concerned,.. .. we're getting married after two months. But you know what I feel? I married you the very first time I saw you. An army soldier's wife shouldn't shed tears. See you. Wait. I'll come with you to the railway station. I need to tell you something before you go. Fine, let's go. (Car is moving) (Auto rickshaw halts) (Sound of knives) (Crowd clamoring and screaming) Hey! Come on out! (Flag poles rattle) Why should I close? Then you can stay inside! (Crowd clamoring and screaming) Hey! Why are you pulling out our party flag? Forget about your party flag! I'm pulling out all party flags! Why? - Why? Because our MLA's father-in-law died! Boss, look over there! Go and pull that down! - Okay, boss. (Pulls the cord) That's our national flag! Why are you cutting it? - I know what I'm doing! (Kicks him) (Car screeches to a halt) (Car door slams) (Flag comes loose) (Kicks him) Hey! (Agitated crowd) (Fight sequence) Hey! Thousands of soldiers sacrifice their lives.. keep our national flying. And you think some moron can pull it down? Hey! Just one intestine connects the mother to her baby. People from Kashmir up there to Kanyakumari.. ..are considered to be Indian citizens.. ..because of this cord, this Indian flag! Salute it! (Car door shuts) (Car engine revs) Sir! Good morning, sir. Hello. - Is Mr. Srinivas here? They just left. Why? That telegram was not for this Mr. Srinivas. It was for some Srinivas in the next village. I got another telegram that the previous one was wrong. So, I went to their house immediately. But I was told that he came here. Ramaiah, get the vehicle ready. ♪ Is he handsome, is he romantic? ♪ (Tractor running) ♪ Who did you give your heart to? ♪ (Car honks) (Laughter) (Car honks) ♪ Is he handsome, is he romantic? ♪ New groom! Best of luck! ♪ Who did you give your heart to? ♪ (Tractor running) We don't have much time! Speed up! You said you wanted to say something at the station. What's that? I.. I..? Love.. you. What did you say? I love you. Hey! What did you say? (laughs) Meghamala, you said something. I heard it. Say it again, please. Say it. Please. - No, I can't. Come on! Say it. - No, I can't. Come on, Meghamala. Please say it once again. Please, just once. - No, I can't. Come on, please. Just once. - Watch the truck! (Car skids) No! (Car crashes) I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! He asked me to say it once, at least once. But I never told him. Today I write those words hundreds of times every day.. a crazy woman. I keep screaming 'I love you' like a mad woman. But he's not here to hear it. That was the book you saw. You just saw the words written on the paper.. ..but not the excruciating pain in my heart. You didn't see the bond I had with him. I lost consciousness during that accident. And I woke up after 5 days to find myself on a hospital bed. I asked for him as soon as I opened my eyes. They told me that he had died. No! I want to die! I want to die too! Calm down! Dear! - Leave me! I want to die too! Leave me! (Wails) I wanted to see at least his face. But all that they gave me were his clothes covered in blood. I love you! (Wails) I love you! I love you! I stayed at the hospital for 25 days.. .. as my leg was fractured in the accident. That was where I saw you for the first time. Sorry, Nurse. - It's alright. (Wheelchair sound) That patient was in the bus when the accident took place. He lost both his eyes because of the shattered glass pieces. But he is very lucky. He can see again. He thought that even though he won't be alive.. least his eyes will be useful to someone else. Your husband donated his eyes before he could die. That patient's eyes were replaced with your husband's. Nurse! Can you take me to his room? Nurse. I want to see his eyes once. That's not possible. Surgery was done today. They won't open the bandages for 15 days. After that, I used to visit you every day.. ..wondering when they would take out the bandages. One day, I found your room empty. And when I asked them, they said that you were discharged. I yelled at them and cried my heart out.. ..for not informing me in advance. None of them knew that those eyes are.. .. all that I have left in this world. They looked at me with pity as I was crying.. ..for someone I had no connection with. But somewhere in my heart I still had hope.. ..that I would see you again some day. I never imagined that you'd get a transfer to our village.. ..and walk into my life. All these days I used breakfast and other things.. an excuse to come to you. That was to see your eyes. But not to look at you. Everyone prays to God for good health and long life. But do you know what I pray for? For a quick death. Even though he's dead, he must be alive in some other world. Even I want to die soon and go to him. How can anyone fall in love with someone else.. ..when they have such a gloomy past? How can I think of a life with anyone else? Please forgive me if I have hurt you. And if you still have any feelings for me.. better get over them. (Swing creeks) Today is Saturday. Apply hair oil and wash your hair. Hot water. I thought you'd find it difficult to take bath cold water. Coffee. But you have to drink only after brushing your teeth. She took the eyes that she worships.. ..and gave away what she doesn't want. They say love starts with the eyes and reaches the heart. But my love stopped at the eyes. Why didn't she bring coffee yet? Not just coffee, we won't be getting anything else from them. Let's go. Goddess Jagadamba will tell your future. (Sound of hand drum) Goddess Kamakshi will tell your future. Goddess Meenakshi will bless you. Kadga Mysamma, Kanaka Durga Goddesses will bless you. What is their prediction, guru? Goddess Lakshmi is coming to your house. She will bring bags of gold for you. And you can get what you want with all the gold. Welcome, please come inside. (Sound of hand drum) Goddess Jagadamba will tell your future. - Please come inside, guru. They will shower you with gold. (Sound of punching) (Falls with falls thud) What did you say? Goddess Mahalakshmi is coming? The one we were hoping didn't come here. I'm feeling restless because I don't even have coffee. And you come here talking all nonsense. I'll kill you if I see you around here again! Oh, no! - One eye is looking east and the other is looking west! Get out! Madam, the opposite house is locked. Can you give this envelope when they get back? - Okay. Are your parents doing fine? - Yes, thanks. Please don't forget. - Okay. It is full of bride's photos. This is bad. We used to get coffee as soon as we wake up. And hot water to take bath. We had to walk one kilometer to drink a cup of tea. Life hates us! Kalyan, Meghamala is coming. Meghamala! Where are you? - Over here. Where are you? - Over here. (Footsteps) I'm right opposite to you. Come. Come on. I'm right in front of you. Ouch! - (Laughs) You lost. Are you upset? Meghamala, what if I ask you to wear blindfold all your life? I'll do what you tell me. What? Will you stay blind all your life? How will you live and walk around when you can't see? How will you go anywhere? I will be wearing blindfold. But you will be able to see, right? Will your eyes not help me, guide me? Why do I need to see when I have to you? Your eyes are enough for me. (Temple bells ring) [Priest chanting] Please wait. I'm here for you. I never saw Srinivas, the man you loved. But I know that I'm able to see because of him. If I had died instead of Srinivas and if he was in my position.. you know what he would have said? Tell me. I love you. Before this, I had considered only my feelings when I loved you. But after I came to know about your past.. ..I'm hoping to give you a happy future. I want to be your shadow when you walk in the sun.. ..and a shade when you're in the rain. I want to stand by your side all your life. That's not possible. To love is not to fall for her beauty. And it isn't taking pity on her either. Love is not something that rises with the sun and ends at night. It starts with the eyes and remains till the day you die. Love is some artwork on the wall. You can't just repaint it whenever you want. Love is a feeling you paint on your heart. A person has only one heart. And you can fall in love only once. A far as my heart is concerned, my love story has ended. Those feelings won't come back. I can never fall in love again. Please take care of your heart. Love is not violence to show your other cheek.. ..when she slaps you on one. Love is torture. This isn't working. I have another idea. Let's try that. ♪ Love is awesome ♪ ♪ Rum ♪ ♪ But lover is troublesome ♪ ♪ Glum ♪ ♪ I swam the seven seas in pain ♪ ♪ Nothing did I gain ♪ -(Kicks a stone) Let's change the song. - Okay. ♪ My heart is singing this.. ♪ Which drunkard is making nuisance out there? Who said that? Can't you see two tall men standing right here? How dare you ask who's drunk? I'll kill you! - Never mind. Let him go. It's a heart. You have a million feelings every day. But it's a lie when you say you can love only once. Yes! That's the truth! That's a lie! Who's that? I fell in love only once. I can hear your voice but I can't see you. I'm standing right here. How can you not see me? (Makes a sneering sound) - You're standing behind me. What? You fell in love only once? - Yes. Dear ladies and gentlemen. This Shahrukh Khan says that he fell in love only once. Yes. - (Laughs) This Salman Khan says that he fell in love only once. Yes. - (Laughs mockingly) This handsome man.. Yuck! He smells more horrible than alcohol! Get lost! Mr. Amitabh Bachchan! - Yes? Who is the romantic person who loved you only once? My wife. During your wedding, was the holy thread.. .. rubbed with tar from your body instead of turmeric? You ruined a woman's life! Don't ever go to your wife at nights. She'll be terrified! Go! Go away! (Slaps) (Gulps) Slowly, slowly. (Laughs) (Breaks the bottle) Gentlemen! When they say today is the last day of this movie.. doesn't mean that they're shutting down the theatre. It means they'll be playing another movie. Mrs. Parvatamma! If the sun were to rise only once.. ..every day after that will be filled with darkness. If the wind were to blow only once.. ..there will be no oxygen left for humans. If the heart were to beat only once.. human can stay alive. (Thundering) (Lightning, rain) Hey! Who is spitting on my face? The one above. Up there. Fine, he can do that. Permission granted. Maybe the sky also failed in love. It is crying. It's raining, I'm going inside. - Why? I'll become sober if I get wet. Fool! This rain is not for you or to soften the land. It is hoping that somebody's heart might melt. Now I'm getting wet in this rain. But one thing, but it's not just me. (Thunder, lightning) My eyes! My eyes! - What happened? I can't see. - What happened? My eyes are burning. Oh, no! Can't you see me? - I can't see anyone! Oh, no! He can't see! Someone, help him! - No! Please! Help! I can't see! - Someone, help! Please! I can't see! I lost my sight! - Oh, no! What happened? Take your hands off! Tell me! Take your hands off! Look at them! Look carefully! Eyes that you love, eyes that I have filled with my love. Do you see? My heart is in pain because you don't love me. That's why the eyes that you love are crying. Telegram! (Sneezes) Sign here. - Postal strike is over, is it? Yes, sir. - When are they starting again? I don't know. - Then you can go. Who is it from? 'Mother serious. Start immediately.' What happened to mom? (Traffic noise) (Autorickshaw drives in stops) Why are you standing idle? I don't want to see any marks on the glass. Clean it well. Some fellow walked over the lamps. Be careful! Mom! Kalyan! I'm so glad you came. - (Crashing noise) You broke it, didn't you? I told you to be careful! Carefully pick up those pieces and discard them. Careful! They'll prick you! - Mom! What happened to you? - What happened to me? We got a telegram that you're seriously ill. That's why we came here immediately. We sent it. Only four days are left for the wedding.. ... and you were still there. That's why we sent the telegram that I'm serious. Wedding? Whose wedding? Your father's. - What? Me? You wrote back telling which girl you liked from the photos I sent. We fixed your marriage with the same girl. You are happy, aren't you? I never saw any photos or write any letter. You didn't? Wait, I'll be back in a minute. Did you do this? I don't write letters to my own mother. Why will I write to yours? Then who could have done that? Here is the letter you wrote. "Dear Mom, this is Kalyan." "I really liked the girl in the photo you sent me." "Please talk to her parents and arrange the wedding." "I'll come home when you let me know the wedding date." "With love, Kalyan." I didn't write this letter. - Then who wrote it? Should I guess who wrote it? - Who? You. Why would I do that? Mom, honestly, I didn't write this letter. I don't want to get married. But why? He said he doesn't want to get married. - Why doesn't he tell the reason? I don't want to. I don't like her. I don't want to marry. What do you not like in this girl? - I don't like her. I don't like anyone. (Wedding drums) Kalyan, we fixed the wedding date. We've already exchanged traditional wedding gifts. And we even distributed invitations to everyone. I don't care whether you wrote this letter or not. She will be your wife. This wedding is happening! (Busy crowd) Okay. - Namaste! Good to see you. Welcome. Thanks for remembering and inviting us. Please go inside. Let's go. - Kalyan.. Just because bank manager is on leave.. people came all the way to the wedding for loans? We're not here for that. Remember how we once fought about caste? We thought we'd settle matters with you once and for all. No need for that. Serve them food and send them away quickly. Well done! I told you that day.. - Namaste. Everyone in the village got invitations except us. We wanted to see the wedding. So, we came anyway. We came here uninvited. Please don't think less of us. Don't be silly. We couldn't invite everyone.. ..because everything happened so suddenly. I'm very happy that you came. Come inside. Come. The bride is here! Thank God, you're here on time. I was afraid that bad time would start before you came. Where is the welcome platter? - Here it is. There. Give that to me. - Welcome, everyone. Come inside. Let's go. - Come, dear. Come. Congratulations, Kalyan! Anyone can get a bank loan by filling an application. But only very lucky people can get such a beautiful wife. (Laughs) You're a lucky fellow, Kalyan. She looks like a goddess. ♪ A goddess has appeared just for you ♪ ♪ She will bring into your life seasons new ♪ ♪ A goddess has appeared just for you ♪ ♪ She will bring into your life seasons new ♪ ♪ Like Spring that ushers various colors ♪ ♪ With beauty surpassing others ♪ ♪ Like you've been inseparable all our lives ♪ ♪ For a new beginning with happiness ♪ ♪ Just to love you ♪ ♪ A goddess has appeared just for you ♪ ♪ In the soft moonlight with eager eyes ♪ ♪ He looked only for you ♪ ♪ In all eight directions and everywhere he saw ♪ ♪ He searched for you ♪ ♪ Your smile is his life-giving potion ♪ ♪ In your arms he finds heaven ♪ ♪ He heart is overflowing with love ♪ ♪ No poets can describe his love ♪ ♪ His heart is singing joyously ♪ ♪ His love is only for you ♪ ♪ A goddess has appeared just for you ♪ ♪ As dreams in your eyes dance ♪ ♪ As your eyes flutter at his glance ♪ ♪ As you both tie the knot ♪ ♪ He becomes a part of you ♪ ♪ Your life is no longer about you ♪ ♪ You share affection and love ♪ ♪ May your life be a sweet harmony ♪ ♪ May your affections never end like the sea ♪ ♪ May everyone see your love ♪ ♪ May the Gods bless you from above ♪ ♪ You have to open up your heart and say ♪ ♪ You will love only him ♪ ♪ A goddess has appeared just for you ♪ ♪ She will bring into your life seasons new ♪ ♪ Like Spring that ushers various colors ♪ ♪ With beauty surpassing others ♪ ♪ Like you've been inseparable all our lives ♪ ♪ For a new beginning with happiness ♪ ♪ Just to love you ♪ ♪ A goddess has appeared just for you ♪ ♪ She will bring into your life seasons new ♪ Meghamala, can you come with me for a minute? You'll have to give out gift offering after the wedding, right? We're preparing them for you. Can I ask you something? Will you do it? Tell me. Please leave. He has not been himself since he saw you. He's about to get married but I don't see.. ..any joy or excitement in his face. I'm afraid that some untoward thing may happen. I'll leave as soon as the wedding gets over tomorrow. I won't even wait for a single minute. I don't think he'll even get married if you stay here. If this wedding gets cancelled I'll hold you responsible! No. I don't want this wedding to be cancelled. We'll leave. Let's go home, dad. Let's go right now. (Pigeons flutter) "Please make rangoli in front of our house too." Has Kalyan come back already? Yes. What happened to the wedding? - I don't know. Where is he? - In the temple near Godavari river bank. Your wedding is today. What are you doing here? What are you doing here when..'re supposed to be getting there? What happened to the wedding? Wedding? I told them that I didn't want to warry. Your wedding is tomorrow. And now you're saying that you don't like her.. ..and that you don't want to get married. Will you decide everything? No, Mom. But I love Meghamala. Look! Forget her and get married to this girl. That's it. We can forget ourselves when we're in love. But how can we forget the ones we love, mom? What if I had swallowed some sleeping pills and died.. ..because I didn't want to marry? There would be no end to your grief. But you'll never agree when I tell you that I don't like her.. ..and that I don't want to get married. Is that it? He's saying at the last minute that he doesn't to get married. Please talk to him. Your son told you about this as soon as he came back home. But you didn't see the need to tell us about it. Your son came home and told us everything personally. We had distributed wedding invitations.. ..and invited all our relatives and friends. We were perplexed about the cancelling the wedding. We were wondering how we'd explain it to others. That's why we let our daughter chose another man. Only the groom is different. Otherwise all the wedding arrangements are in order. And our daughter is happy. Your son is much better than the other men.. ..who cancel weddings for not getting enough dowry. It's time for the wedding. Let's go. Please come. Wedding is tomorrow morning. It's a last-minute thing. No, I'm not kidding. It's true. Make sure you get here. Okay? Bye. We grew up together, ate together.. ..and went to school together. I couldn't do more than this to help you as a friend. Thanks, Ramesh. How could you hurt your parents like this.. ..when they were looking forward to your marriage? They must have dreamt about this day for so long. Why did you do this? For love. Love is not just an incident to forget so easily. It's a memory that stays with you till the day you die. The sun rises and sets every day. You can fall in love only once. And remember it for the rest of your life. You know that. People go in auto if they don't get a bus. And they'll take a cycle rickshaw if that too is not available. But we don't take a bus going to a different destination.. ..just because ours hasn't come? It's the same with love. We can't compromise and live with someone else.. ..just because we don't get the one we love. You're giving up what's in front of you.. ..and looking in darkness for what doesn't exist. We need to look for something where we lost it. We can't look for it elsewhere just because there's light. Are you saying you'll stay alone all your life? Why will I be alone? I'll live among the ones I love. I'll survive looking at others. Their memories are enough. They're only good to talk about. They're good to live by too. You're a perfect example. If you can live with the memories of a person who's no more.. ..why can't I live when I can see the person I love? A woman can love someone even after they die. But a man stops loving once he knows he can't get her. Is that it? No mother throws away her child just because.. was born with some disability. She loves it with her whole heart. My love is like that. I can see it but I can't reach it. I can be friends but I can't share my life. I can't throw it away either. Why do you care whether I get married or not.. ..whether I end up alone or not? You are in no way related to me. The only connecting you and I have is my eyes. You like my eyes. And my eyes like you. How did you expect my eyes to love someone else.. ..when they worship you? When you can say I love you a million times.. a person you can't see and who can't even hear you.. ..can't I tell someone who lives across the street.. ..that I love her, that I love only her? I'm being very honest. You don't have to love me back. You don't have to think about me. Usually you bow your head when you walk on the road. But if you see me you raise your head and look into my eyes. That's enough for me. I'll live my whole life for that one look. People say that love is blind. But my love is not blind. My love has eyes. Just eyes. Wait. Why are you crying? Kalyan means marriage. But maybe I'm not destined to marry. It's been so long since I had your coffee. Will you make me a cup of coffee? Let's go. Coffee for me? No, today is Saturday. You need to wash your hair. Ouch! 'Love is not about being together or getting separated.' 'It's about living.' 'That's what happened to them.' 'They didn't marry, they didn't part ways.' 'Neither did they didn't forget each other.' 'That's why let's hope that they will marry someday.'
Channel: TeluguOne
Views: 792,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ninne premistha full movie, ninne premistha telugu full length movie, soundarya ninne premistha movie, ninne premistha telugu movie, telugu full length movies, TeluguOne, telugu latest movies, ninne premistha movie, nagarjuna, soundarya, srikanth, ninne premista telugu movie, ninne premistha songs, ninne premistha telugu full movie, telugu comedy movies, rajendra prasad comedy, telugu superhit movies, latest telugu movies, ninne premista, telugu movies, latest movies 2021
Id: zoQM8XMtnRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 36sec (9156 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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