Nils Frahm - Montreux Jazz Festival 2015 (Live)
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Channel: Nils Frahm
Views: 2,774,415
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Keywords: Nils Frahm (Musical Artist), Montreux Jazz Festival (Music Festival), Erased Tapes Records (Record Label), Montreux (City/Town/Village), nils frahm, nils, frahm, nils fram, montreux jazz festival, nils frahm montreux, montreux, nils frahm says, nils frahm live, nils frahm live at montreux
Id: izhGLGPmvIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 30sec (3870 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2015
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If you can see him live, go! This was the quietest/most respectful concert I ever went to, including symphonies and classical piano recitals. The crowd just seems to get hypnotized and lost in the moment.
I love Nils. His "Late Night Tales" mix was excellent.