NILOU GUIDE & REVIEW: How to Play, Best BLOOM & NON-BLOOM Builds, Team Comps | Genshin Impact 3.1

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hey everyone it's sevi nilu has been the subject of much scrutiny since she was revealed with very Niche mechanics now that I've had time to put her dance moves to the test I've gained a better idea of where she stands how good she is and some of her important considerations in this guide I'll be talking about her kids constellations artifact builds weapon options and team comps and I'll also be reviewing her overall pros and cons there's a lot to discuss so let's just get into it hello I'm neelu from zubair theater we have one dance scheduled for today and it's about to start keep your eyes peeled nilu is a hydro unit that specializes in bloom reactions with your hydro applicator kit and conditional passive talent that Buffs Bloom reactions there are also some play Styles outside of a bloom team that nilu can function in which I'll discuss too but her best use is undoubtedly as a bloomer due to her limited teammates though nilu has more potential waiting to be unlocked let's go through her talents to see how she works neelu's normal attack Talent is a three-hit combo as pretty as it is to look at this Talent only affects her physical damage and thus can be ignored to let you spend resources on other important things moving on to the more important stuff her Elemental skill is what gives her kit its use variety casting it makes her enter into the pirouette state after which she can either press her normal attack or skill to do Hydro infused attacks you can press them up to three times and what's unique is that depending on whether the third attack is a normal attack or skill she will enter a different state if you end with a normal attack she goes into the sword dance State and gains Hydro infused normal attacks for 8 seconds she can do 3 hit combos during this duration and the third hit unleashes a hydro wave that moves forward note that these Hydro infused normal attacks are considered Elemental skill damage which means that effects that buff normal attack damage will not do anything for her sword dance she has a standard ICD for these attacks and they're quite single Target oriented although she can hit multiple enemies but only if they're grouped really really closely together or if they're in a straight line for her Hydro wave to hit them if you switch her out early it will end the sword dance state so this wants you to adopt an on-field playstyle with nilu I also discovered that while she can still processing Cho's rain swords or yelon's dice attacks she does not proc Beto's chain lightning basically a red and repeat this reduces her Synergy with Beto if you were thinking of pairing them on the other hand if your last dance step is a skill you'll enter the whirling step stage 8. this makes you gain the Tranquility effect which is basically a hydro area of effect Aura it ticks every half second as you can see on screen but it has an ICD of applying Hydro only every two seconds and it lasts for up to 12 seconds these ticks don't deal any damage though so it's really only for Hydra application unlike the sword dance where it ends when nilu switches out the Tranquility Aura will stay on even when she switched out so if she takes more of an off-field role this is the effect you should trigger comparing these two states you can see the distinction between their use it depends on your knee loose playstyle and the combat scenario I personally like this aspect as it gives her a bit more gameplay variety and to quickly mention her particle generation from my test she generates one or two particles when you hit an enemy upon activating her skill then each pirouette step generates one particle on hit hence she can generate a total of four to five particles per skill combo moving on to her burst it's very simple it deals two instances of hydro damage the first one is upon casting and it's dealt in a large AOE around her any enemy hit gets applied with a lingering Eon which will make the affected enemy take a second instance of hydro damage afterwards both hits have hydro application and the Damage multipliers of these hits are quite large so in a bloom team it's the Hydra application that's more valuable all in all even if these abilities are geared for nilu's Bloom teams the fact that they are a good source of Hydra application for triggering reactions does make her have some potential for other non-bloom teams now let's talk about her passive talents starting with her A1 passive that unlocks her full Niche potential Upon finishing her skilled dance steps she applies the golden chalice Bounty effect on your entire team but this triggers only if your team is composed of dendro and hydro units triggering it gives a 100 em Buff when your character is hit by denjo damage which counts the self-damage from dendro cores more importantly it replaces the dendro course any team member generate dates into more powerful Bountiful cores these explode faster have larger aoes and cannot be triggered into hyperbloom or virgin so they are guaranteed to explode as Bloom damage in relation to that her A4 passive makes every 1000 HP past 30 000 of her Max HP increase the Bountiful core damage by nine percent this can reach a maximum of 400 percent which will take almost 75k Max HP note that this increases the damage of Bountiful cores any party member generates this is why building HP on nilu benefits your entire team's Bloom damage versus building em on her which only increases her own Bloom damage it's her passives that really push her into a pure Bloom team that's restricted by dendro and hydro only members while there are teams that can ignore these effects they won't tap into nilu's full potential but more on that later for her Talent priorities simply leave her normal attack Talent alone and start with leveling up her skill followed by her burst anyway how about I show a new dance to you moving on to nilu's constellations she's perfectly fine without them whether used in her Niche or outside of it these are quality of life or damage improvements that she doesn't need to be good for her intended Niche use with C1 her luminous illusion damage which is the third hit of her sword dance attacks gets a damage increase which is beneficial for her on-field play style then her Tranquility Aura gets a 6 second duration extension which adds three more potential Hydro applications and gives it an easily achievable 100 uptime C2 gives her golden chalice Bounty State a hydro and danger resistant shred effect by easily triggering the stated conditions it's a straightforward and significant damage increase so if you ever plan to get nilu constellations I'd say this is the best stopping point C3 increases her burst level by three C4 gives her an energy refunding mechanic after completing her skill dance steps and it also gives a 50 damage bonus to her burst this helps lower her ER needs and is again a damage increase C5 increases her skill level by three and finally C6 gives her a mechanic where her crit stats are increased based on her HP stat it would take 50k HP to get the maximum possible crit buff which is very doable with nilu all in all these constellations just make her do more damage with some quality of life improvements to her energy and hydro up time again you really don't need these and I've been impressed enough with how she is at c0 first get into position like this and move like that yep that's it with nilu's artifact and weapon builds there are two templates to follow he'll either build her for her Bloom play style or into a build that's focused more on being a traditional Hydro DPS my recommendation is to build her for Bloom says it's the most optimal and easiest route but her non-bloom builds are still an option which I'll touch on too starting with her Bloom build the artifact main stats are very straightforward you simply want HP or ER Sans an HP goblet and an HP circlet regarding her ER needs you can do it two ways either you target her to burst every rotation which means building around 160 to 200 percent ER but you can just avoid that trouble and burst every other rotation which lowers her ER needs to about 100 to 120 percent while bursting on cooldown definitely has benefits for hydro damage and application you don't have to be overly concerned with optimizing that as she'll still trigger a lot of blooms regardless and that can make you less worried about ER needs for her sub stats get er stats if necessary to hit your desired ER then look for HP followed by em sub stats crit substats do help with her Hydro damage but they are lower priorities since your focus is to increase Bloom damage as for her artifact sets the easy and efficient way to build her is with two-piece set combos the two-piece tenacity is definitely a priority for its HP bonus then for the other two piece set bonus my next recommendation is between the two-piece emblem or two-piece em sets then if you already have good pieces of the two-piece heart of depths or a two-piece noblesse they are still possible options to at least increase Hydro damage or burst damage two piece combos can be really good since they have more substat flexibility however if you happen to have a 4-Piece gilded dreams with excellent sub stats it's not a bad choice as it aims to increase nilu's own Bloom damage nilu doesn't have a best in slot set or combo that's really miles ahead of other Combos and having great sub stats can swing the favor into one set combo over the other so I'd recommend you to farm whichever is most resin efficient for you right now now and account for the substat quality of your pieces now for her Hydro damage build which definitely takes more investment than her Bloom artifacts with her main stats your main priority is HP or ER Sans then it's basically a hydro damage goblet and crit circlet the sub stats you want are crit HP and er if you're using her in a vaporized team it'll be nice to get some em rolls to boost her Vape damage as well for her ER needs I do recommend to make her burst reliably since it contains her largest multipliers which can be turned into huge nuke damage again 160 to 200 percent is a common range you can aim for as for her artifact sets you can go again for more accessible two-piece combos of Heart of depth tenacity emblem noblesse or an em set choose the pieces with the best sub stats for four piece sets she has more options now compared to her Bloom build the four piece emblem will be great especially for a first nuke build and to help address her energy needs the four piece no bless sacrifices a bit of personal damage to give your team an attack buff which can be situationally better depending on the team the four piece blizzard Strayer is a very Niche option in a freeze team so you can focus on stacking HP and crit damage I have two notes on these specific artifacts in case you were wondering the 4-Piece tenacity will only be procked by her pirouette attacks and her sword dance Hydro infused attacks it cannot be procked by the Tranquility aura's Hydro application this limits her potential to use tenacity as an off-field team attack buffer second there can be cases of very Niche uses of lava Walker for a vape team and thunder Soother for a taser team but these are two inefficient and Niche to recommend farming for relaxing days like this are nice let's take it easy when it comes to weapon options nilu's HP scaling damage makes attack an irrelevant stat her sword dance attacks are also considered Elemental skill damage so affects that buff normal attacks have no use on her weapons with ER can also be more valuable if you're building her to burst every rotation and are still lacking ER stats from your artifacts keep these points in mind when choosing nilu's weapon there are three possible three-star options for nilu first is the dark iron sword which will mainly be for the EM stat particularly on Bloom teams second is the Sky Rider sword which gives a high ER stat the movement speed bonus from its passive is something for helping her Mobility the third option is the harbinger of dawn for the crit stats it offers this is a bit tricky to recommend due to the 90 HP condition but in non-bloom teams where you can really guarantee nilo stays above 90 HP the crit stats are very good moving on to the four stars there are a lot of great free-to-play or gotcha options let's start with the ER weapons the favonia sword is an excellent weapon thanks to its ER and Battery utility and since nilo will be comped with many burst Reliant units this helps a lot with addressing your team's energy needs the festering desire if you are able to get it synergizes pretty well with her since it Buffs her skill attacks with damage bonus and crit rate the sacrificial sword has interesting Synergy with her thanks to the cooldown reset you can have both her Tranquility Aura and sword dance active if you execute them right after another if you're mainly using her as an on-field DPS then this lets you have more sword dance uptime it also doubles her particle generation the sapwood blade is an option as an ER craftable weapon and it also drops a leaf that gives an em buff upon being picked up however since the leaf can be inconvenient to get and if you have any of the previously mentioned ER weapons anyway this is the lower recommendation now let's see the 4 star em options sifo's Moonlight is the latest for Star gotcha's sword and it's actually pretty great on her since it helps with both her em and ER while giving a minor er Team buff too if you happen to get this then it's a pretty good option so trying to snipe a 4 star on the weapon Banner is very risky meanwhile the iron sting is a good free to play choice for her bloom or reaction teams with its em stat and small Elemental damage bonus buff now for her 5 Star options the key of kajni suit is her best weapon aside from giving an insanely High HP stat it converts nila's HP into em for her and for the team the Jade cutter is great thanks to its insanely High crit rate and its HP percent passive it's more recommended for her raw Hydro damage playstyle though if you happen to have them the haran and misplittery forged are your next Alternatives without Jade cutter and you want to build her for hydro damage you can't utilize their full passives but they are stat sticks nonetheless the freedom sworn is the only 5 Star em option however note that it's team buff passive affects normal attacks and attack which is going to be very underutilized in a Balloon Team finally the Skyward Blade's main benefit fit is its ER though the four star ER weapons are arguably preferable since they have better passive sets synergize with her I want to use my performances to show the beauty of art to more people now let's go to her teams as I've mentioned her strong Niche team is a hydro dendro Bloom team which I'll discuss in detail she also has some Alternatives which I'll also mention afterwards for her Bloom team you're going to be restricted to using only hydro and dendro units you won't get her golden chalice effect by inserting a third element even as a flex slot doing that removes what makes her special so follow the hydro and dendro condition to unlock her potential there's no rule that says how many dendro and hydro units have to be on the team so it can be threes to 1 or vice versa the benefit of doing so is that whatever the lone element is you can likely guarantee that it will be the trigger however that means that the solo Elemental application won't be fast enough to keep up with generating as many cores as possible there are compelling reasons to make it two and two it helps with batterying fellow dendro or Hydro units it unlocks both hydro and dendro resonance which are equally useful in her Bloom team and having consistent sources for both elements lets you generate more blooms A Healer is highly recommended to heal yourself from the self-damaging mechanic of Bloom for that we have two dedicated Hydro healers kokomi and Barbara they can be built as traditional HP healers for more healing and or with some em for higher Bloom damage they also have slow off-field Hydro application making it more likely that the bloom reaction is hydro on dendro which allows for more core generation then for your dendro units The Denture traveler and kolei are your most convenient options as all field supports and Bloom setups or triggers technically technari can be slotted in as a dendro unit the difference being that he'll take more on-field time our upcoming dentro arc on nahida might be a very good teammate for nilu so we'll have to wait and see hopefully other Hydro or dendro characters will appear in the future to give her Bloom teams more variety nilu's Bloom teams can present some challenges to control which teammate will trigger their share of blooms that's why nilu's Bloom damage above is team wide so that despite the difficulty of controlling Bloom ownership everyone can still do more Bloom damage than they normally would if you're really Min maxing damage then you'll want to be more conscious of the order of abilities and ideally the highest em units trigger the most blooms but I didn't bother optimizing my denture units em stats on my nilu team tests and it still worked very very well making sure her teammates have enough ER though helps a lot in maintaining the uptime of each unit's Elemental application Bloom damage scales on character level 2 so you lose a lot of Base Bloom damage by leaving them at 80. ideally most if not all characters will be level 90 if they aren't yet this can get expensive though so it's up to your dedication and resources nilu does have alternative team options she's not using her full potential there but she works to some extent and she's not an upgrade to other Hydro units but that shouldn't be a surprise for one she can still be the hydro unit and virgin hyperbloom or quick Bloom teams she won't activate her golden chalice effect since it doesn't fulfill the team conditions so she'll be a hydro applicator to generate regular dendro cores she also works in a freeze team either as an on-field or off-field Hydro applicator note again that her off-field Tranquility Aura only applies wet but doesn't deal damage for her Vape team she can either be the enabler or trigger for vaporize you'd really want changling's pyro application which is fast enough to help nilu forward vaporize her burst damage in particular is valuable to vaporize since it's her largest multiplier it has a huge AOE and it can double vaporize her luminous illusion hit also has the highest multiplier which you'll ideally want to vaporize I found that due to her sword Dance's standard ICD if your combo does not get interrupted that hit will indeed consistently trigger vaporize she can also be in a monohydro team especially as a driver for Synchro and yell on the fourth slot is ideally an animal Vivi or jean-li or Albedo with archaic Petra you can consider a taser team but just remember she can't proc Beto's chain lightning who's often a staple in taser teams still it's a possible team comp just far from being as good as other taser teams I'm done warming up I can do even better now to wrap up this video let me share some observations and considerations from my experience with nilu a big question many people will wonder is how good she is in her Niche and it's a relief that her Bloom team is actually strong this is Bloom's Peak potential and it's at least one promising Niche that interested players can explore or uninterested players can easily ignore outside of her Bloom team she's a side grade or downgrade compared to most other Hydro Alternatives I do think she's a very free to play friendly character farming HP main stats is easier and she works very well with various two-piece combos she has very accessible and good weapon options going for her too and most importantly herb default Bloom team is composed of free characters dendro traveler kolei and Barbara even though there are 5 Star Alternatives now and in the future you nonetheless have a free Bloom team to work with already though she is banking on getting more teammates in the future that will synergize with her there are also some roles it can still be filled in or Consolidated in our Bloom teams like a dedicated crowd controller or defensive unit that's either Hydro or dendro though they're not necessary they can make her Bloom teams more convenient to play with it all goes back to how our current teammate options are still quite limited for nilu's Bloom Niche and I don't think it's a good idea to pull for characters based on their future potential so the safest route is to wait for her rerun and see if she gets more team building options but if you're set on pulling nilu then you've got a team ready to go and we can hope there's more room for her to bloom in the future anyway that's going to be all for this guide in review I am very interested to know your thoughts on nilu down in the comments especially if you managed to try her out already if you enjoyed this video don't forget to leave a like consider subscribing to my channel if you haven't already and I will see you all soon take care
Channel: SevyPlays
Views: 271,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, gaming video, game streamer, genshin impact, genshin impact 3.1, genshin 3.1, nilou, sumeru, nilou genshin, genshin impact nilou, nilou build, nilou guide, how to play nilou, artifacts, weapons, best build, dps nilou, bloom, dendro reactions, best team, team comps, f2p, vaporize, freeze, dps build, is nilou good, is nilou worth, primogems, nilou summons, nilou tips, gameplay, leaks, theorycraft, nilou best team, team showcase, showcase, best, comparison, nahida, kusanali, leak
Id: H7B8B372XRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2022
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