Nikon 24-200mm Z Mount | Is This Super Zoom Any Good? | Real World Review | Matt Irwin

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[Music] mark we got to make a video can i steal your seat thanks mate oh yeah g'day everybody how you going today it is so very good to see you today we are going to talk about the 24 to 200 zvr compact super zoom lens and i thought to show off this lens i would actually open this video by shooting on it so there it is right there on the z7 we are shooting in 4k with a flat profile at 24 frames per second and we are currently at about the 90 mil mark to get this shot whereas the first shot was wide open at 24 mil now i've had this lens for almost a year i purchased this lens though in lockdown and for more than six months i wasn't even able to really get out and shoot anything with it but it's time it's time for me to tell you what i think of this lens and why it's so fantastic as an all-rounder lens [Music] what's amazingly impressive about this lens that look it doesn't have the same levels of suppression of chromatic aberration and flaring and all those sorts of things but it's a 24 to 200 ml lens and it's super small what i'm going to do now is take the lens off the z7 we're going to swap it with the 24 to 70 and then i can show you physically what it actually looks like okay let's swap lenses and here it is the 24 to 200 vr on the z62 there it is at 200 mil and there it is at 24 mil now the apertures go from 4 at wide open to 6.3 at 200. so really the only downside of this lens is those apertures but of course you've got the vr and you've got the in body stabilization so that means that you can decrease the shutter speeds to compensate for those larger numbered apertures those smaller physical apertures as technology pushes on iso becomes less of an issue and of course we can just simply go higher isos i'll tell you what i love about this lens look at the size of it it's absolutely tiny it's a fantastic travel and just use on holiday or whatever type of lens it's also very very light it does have a control wheel here which can be used it can be programmed to do different things like aperture of course shutter speed iso and so on i'd love to take you through some of the images from the 24 to 200. this lens has impressed me and i'm going to get some more nighttime images but let's start with the images to date which was a kind of half overcast half not overcast day i didn't realize this had happened and i'm not sure why it did this because i never shoot dx but this is actually the 24 to 200 shot on the z7 in dx in crop mode in aps-c and we can see here because of the pixel count this is the z7 and this is the pixel count so we are cropped to dx which is fine the video in this video is all at 24 mil don't know why i didn't pick it up i when i was shooting these images here i was like hmm is that 24 mil and i kind of didn't think it was and it was like but i've got it wide open i instinctively felt it but i didn't check and then when i got back to my desk i actually checked and it was like oh yeah no good one let's look at what we've got so these are all dx images shot on the z7 just shy of 20 megapixel images still looking fantastic keep in mind my screen is a 5k screen so when we go to 100 it's because it's a 5k screen and if you just look in here at all of this detail and the rendering here it just looks fabulous now i've talked about the fact that a lens that's 24 to 200 you cannot expect it to have the same flare reduction and chromatic aberration reduction or suppression that you get from say a prime lens which is the same price and it just does one thing and so we can see a little bit of purple fringing up here the sun the sun is right here and look that's to be expected so it does appear at times we're wide open for this lens i'm deliberately shooting into the sun uh but i'm i'm not worried about that i just think once you see the versatility of this lens you kind of go wow so here's a laneway this is a 200 mil so 300 mil equivalent uncropped i've done very little to this image i've brought up the shadows that's it look at that color rendition this is what nikons do this is what these lenses are capable of there's almost nothing happening to this image and it's still vibrant and exciting by the way i have added a vignette just to be very clear i found the corners way too bright as you can see here when i get rid of that vine yet i just i just don't like that it's just my style that's subjective but i prefer this so that is not the lens and we're cropped so we're using the center of the lens anyway having a look at this image here again uh just just the level of sharpness in this lens i mean it's just it's just fabulous there we are at 100 and um i've i've turned everything up to maximum we could turn it down a little bit but this is just sharp sharp sharp sharp we're only interestingly we're only at 58 mil which is just about 100 mil and that's that's still feels quite zoomed to me this is a huge almost um 100 story building or it might even be 100 story but i don't know exactly how many stories this building has it's now the tallest building in melbourne and uh yeah it looks great remember do this times 1.5 let's call it 60 so that's just shy of 90 mils looking great but also i was trying to show it off the macro capabilities i'm not sure this is the closest that i got but here is some flowers the sun hadn't fully come out at this point as i said that the weather was quite variable on this day the sun was coming and going at a huge pace but close-up images like this are possible and i'm at full 200 mil 125th of a second and i'm not a macro photographer so i'm doing probably a terrible job i didn't put a lot of effort into this shot these flowers were blowing in the wind quite quickly but you can see you can get quite close as we can see here there is also some macro capabilities where we can get pretty tight all the way out too a wide scene like this amazing i think it's a great all-rounder lens that's been under undervalued look how good this scene looks we're losing the sun again unfortunately isn't that lovely that's a 24 and that's at 200. so here we again we're looking at the top of like a 65-storey building and it's only at 91 mil but that's more like 140 130 mil and if we go to 100 you can just see the detail look at this detail in these antennas i mean that's just fabulous level of detail 200 percent all that information is there we're at 200 so obviously we're beginning to pixelate but look at that fine cables and so on again this is the more in the center of the lens because i've accidentally cropped a dx my favorite image is this one from the day almost at almost at 100 mil once you take into account the crop factor but i just love the light and the color i've done a little bit of augmenting to this just to give you a quick look i liked the color in here so i turned it up a bit the color in the buildings as you can see it's a pretty minor difference but i thought it just makes the image more vibrant and i've also dodged out this bottom area here as you can see and besides that yeah it's pretty minor changes to the image a bit more saturation shadows up highlights down to bring up the cloud detail and and and that's it that's it on a very small vignette because again i just like that look but if we go in to a hundred percent we can just see how beautifully crisp and sharp this lens is look at it all through here also here sharp from from this foreground this building here is probably somewhere in the vicinity of half a mile away and yeah nice through here the sun's shining in the background here and not too much sign of chromatic aberration there's a little tiny bit there maybe the tiniest amount of purple fringing but uh i'm really impressed by that shot no sign of flaring and ghosting but we do have the sun not directly into the lens i don't think the sun was on me but we can see the sun is here now i was on my segway scooter zipping around and i only spent about an hour capturing these images because my car was going to expire just based on what was happening that day interesting uh just as a quick aside this is pony fish island and we can see here that the water is extraordinarily high it doesn't get this high very often and it's not far from overwhelming this cafe that sits in the middle of the river on this little island another one of my favorite images from the uh session is this one here and this is bounced light so we have the sunlight coming at us but then there's this massive fill like a giant bounce light which is coming off the buildings now i love when this stuff happens now this particular bridge here used to be a train via duct which is why this area here is just so massive and covered with rivets but also i want you to note something here about my hand i've got light coming in from both this side and this side and that's because there's the sun but we're also getting lots of bounce off here and off here and i love when you get this sort of fake feeling light but it's not fake at all it's absolutely real it's really happening just creates a really interesting vibe more to come but i love the sharpness of this lens i love the versatility i think i think it really delivers for size price and weight and if you're a traveler this is this is a must-have lens absolutely and we can see here that this lens bought in a bundle with say the z5 is extraordinarily good value at 16.99 it's basically like you're getting this lens for 700 us dollars and if you look at the australian pricing it's basically like you're getting this lens for around a thousand dollars in both cases it's not quite half price but it's close so a great way to buy this is part of a kit i have seen it as a kit as well with the z6 it's possible that your local camera store would let you kit it with any body and here are some images photographed on the z62 with the 24 to 200 f 4 to 6.3 vr this time they're full frame and so we can get a sense of what the corners look like and let's zoom in and have a look at this one and if we go into 100 we can see that looks very nice even up in the corners here that is looking pretty sharp obviously it's at f6 but there's nothing you can do about it that's probably the minimum aperture at that focal length but it's a good looking lens it's giving sharp results and that's all you want obviously here we are right in the center at 200 percent nice and sharp but in the corners that's still looking pretty good again if this is just an all-purpose travel lens what more do you need you're not using it to photograph cartier watches and how often other corner how often is corner sharpness that much of a big deal and these are pretty sharp anyway by the way these images are pretty much unedited this one is unedited now they were doing some gas works perhaps there's someone out there that knows what all of these things mean if someone could tell me that would be amazing maybe it means this pipe goes under this pipe and maybe that's how far they are underground point six point eight one point two meters underground maybe that's what it is if anybody knows let me know again taken with the lens at 42 mil 46 mil i have played with this one because i just wanted to make those colors look crazy ultra but i didn't do it with saturation i did it just with contrast isn't that weird probably looks better there then the strangest thing i saw these two people sitting on a roof that's pretty good i think the focus i think i put the focus on this sign here that looks nice that looks nice and sharp the interesting thing i thought here's this girl here and here's some sign saying that this has got radiation it's some sort of antenna and she's sitting right next to it not the best again this image is untouched we could have a little bit of a play with it i suppose i was just interested in where these people were sitting we are 200 mil at full frame i liked the color of this one again 200 mil 1 125th of a second we can see there's plenty of detail we can see a drawing pin hole in the streamer is being rendered just fine at 100 there it is a lot of detail i was standing on the opposite side of the road to this installation and even in low light situations interior and these cakes here in the chinese restaurant desserts looking beautiful i quickly want to show you these images which were photographed when i first got the lens mid last year when we were in lockdown and i was just driving around the neighborhood there you go you can see it was the start of august last year this is on the z6 full frame without a crop again if we go into 100 we can just see there's lots of detail there everything's looking great and an image like this with trees looking fabulous again we're looking into the bright light and from my perspective this has come up well there's a lot of detail there there's a lot of information there and uh we're 200 so we're pixelating of course but looking great shooting directly into the sun and that is handling things pretty damn well if you ask me we're at 100 directly in into the sun at f 6.3 115 and this file is untouched so impressive result and one last image here again just to reiterate z6 on the lens in question at full frame go to 100 there's a lot of information there and that is looking really good i think even so this is not a prime top of the range lens i think this is an example of what the zed mount is capable of a lens like this is full of compromises that's what it's all about you are trading size and weight for the fact that you have 200 mils amazing yet this lens still proved to be optically very good i would probably give it somewhere between a 7 and 8 out of 10 versus say the 70 to 200 or pretty much any other zed lens i have used to date except for the kit lenses that came with the z50 those lenses are in a similar sort of place although they are lower quality but kind of optically they're not they're just built out of more plastic and so on but this is an amazing lens and for any traveler anyone who wants to just get out there and do it light and easy without taking an entire kit with them you can make this work now if you're like me and you love short depth of field well that's harder to achieve of course with a lens like this when you're at 200 mil sure you can kind of fake it to a certain extent because of compression but it is harder at the wider focal lengths but i think the compromises are completely worth it i think the price is right and i have seen here and there around the world where it has been bundled with various bodies and i think that is an awesome time to get this lens because it makes it super cheap so is it for you well i think this lens is for everybody to be honest anybody could have this lens in their back pocket when they're going on holiday when they're photographing the kids at school running around when they just want a general all-purpose lens with them without carrying too much gear this is the perfect lens it's going to get almost everything you could ever want to do done just with a few minor compromises you can't say that about many lenses please as usual everybody let me know in the comments below what you think of this lens do you have it have you been using it for a while have you found it to be successful do you think it's as good as i think it is i think it's pretty damn good all right well i look forward to hearing your thoughts in the comments below thank you so much for being here today it's amazing to see you and if this is your first time here i would love to see you again so please do subscribe please click on the notification bell to make sure you come back next time we're here please share and please like and of course come and visit us here we would love to see you here although just quietly we kind of going into maybe a mini lockdown so who knows but hopefully it's only a few days by the time any of you get here we'll be well past it and of course don't forget to check out our website alright i'll see you soon for the next one [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Matt Irwin Photography
Views: 16,025
Rating: 4.9439774 out of 5
Keywords: Nikon, Nikon superzoom, Nikon 24-200mm, Nikon Z mount lenses, great travel lenses, great travel lens, best travel lens for nikon, best travel lens for Nikon Z, best all round lens, best lens for Nikon, which lens should I buy for Z mount, great kit lens, best kit lens, which kit nikon lens should I get, travel photography, better travel photography, travel light
Id: c3QFcK9e850
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 40sec (1240 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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