Nikola Jokic FULL Press Conference | 2023-24 NBA MVP Award

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good J season so I'm kind of curious you've been in a few of these races now whether you win or don't win them has you're kind of just feeling toward the race and this just being a part of it changed at all have you come to sort of accept that this is just part of it more or do you feel more opposed to it maybe than the first time you were involved in an N I mean I cannot control I mean I can control it but I cannot control it so if they're going to put me in that conversation and it's been three four years now so I think I'm kind of used to it so I don't even pay attention anymore so prob be a good problem to have Nicole I know you said you're not used to it but this is become the norm how I guess beyond the r of possibility was even winning the first let alone the idea of winning three in four years when you're a kid just playing basketball or making your way through before even and then maybe just getting to the that you'd be the best player in the league three the last four years yeah I mean I don't know to be honest I like the the last year when I didn't get it and then we won a championship much better uh but uh you know it's a I don't know what what to say it's a you know it's a journey it's a process it's a trusting in your team teammates teammates trusting in you it's just a whole Collective effort uh that put me in front of the like the bright Spotlight and I'm kind of the guy but there is a lot of a lot of people uh players coaches Str coaches development coaches medical staff behind me family of course and that you guys don't see it and I'm just one of them you mentioned your family how how important how much more does it mean having them in the room with you when it gets announced and having their reactions too I mean I didn't I didn't invite them they just show up so I'm like who who wants to drive like 45 minutes here to to get it uh but uh it's nice you know it's a special it's a special moment um probably I'm I'm going to remember what's the name the whole life so it's I like to say the Legacy for after career Nia what is it about sorry here you go what is it about winning and competing and and playing in the NBA you do love the most what what is it I mean but I think you said it like competing in a high level competing against the best in the league competing against the best coaches competing in a tough environment you know just um lose games Win games you know uh experience um you know just being a just being there in the in the big moments in the big games ni Calla you know I know you don't like trying to think about this but you're now one of nine guys that that have won three MVPs and you know those are you're a really good company you know is there ever going to be a point where you stop and think like oh my goodness I'm one of nine guys in NBA history to to do to do this I just said it I mean when I won the first thing first time I was like okay this is cool this is nice when I won a second time the list was way shorter and now the list is kind of short short you uh so I'm just I'm just happy to to be part of those guy those group of guys which is not not bad group of guys right so like I said I think it's a legacy for the after the career and um you know I think I'm going to be more maybe proud of myself after career than I'm I'm right now Nicola I know you just said you save Legacy stuff for after your career but does being a has being a father changed how you view Legacy at all yes good way basketball doesn't mean that much and you know probably probably that helps me too you know it's a it's a job it's a uh thing that I I like of course I like to do it to play the game everything else uh but yes being father and being father that means that you uh don't play Just for yourself or just the teammates you have as like background behind you that's uh maybe when you older you don't want them to look at your videos or whatever and say that you're bad or so hopefully I can talk a lot of trash that when my kid or my nephews grow up so I'm going to be a cool Grandpa uh Nicole rer uh Dey once told me that he cared more about who you became as a person than a play player you know obviously for who you became more than what you did on the court what did he mean to you I mean it's U you know I always say to the to the people are not media people let's say like that I mean he meant to me more now when when he was not coach to me anymore you know he was uh he was my friend he was our family friend he was always in my house when uh when uh uh when he was here and we were we were always going to his house when I was in I was in Golden State so it was a just like really really quality friendship with a lot of Truth between telling through between each other and being honest um you know I think it's a Dei was a guy who you always want to have as a friend someone who's going to tell you how it is you know no with no lying and no trying to hide anything ni um you know people I think now debate like who's the greatest Denver Athlete ever you know John LA with the Broncos or Joe sack with the ABS like just for you start with this no no no no but like just just when for you to even be in the discussion now with this and the championship like is that a little cool for you I don't even know if you know a ton about those guys but uh I heard about him and uh it's uh I don't want to start this conversation uh you know I think uh you know being a living Denver or whatever being a part of Denver I think it's cool to have uh even in hockey right now uh we I think it's just just enjoying the moment because uh um I was here when uh we were not that good and uh everybody were like talking bad to us talking and like thinking bad to us so just enjoy the moment enjoy the process enjoy the the the because uh it's going to pass probably you know everything's pass so this is going to pass to so I think enjoy in the moment and be happy to uh Nicole to picky back off Mike's question about Dey a little bit um you're paying tribute to him with that shirt I guess is today a day to kind of just reflect on all the people who you know that helped you along the way and then who has helped you and how much did he help you I mean yes I mean um to be honest I'm wearing this kind of this shirt pretty much every day you know on especially when I'm when I'm in a training facility uh you know Dei was the guy who was gave me the freedom you know he he showed me the the way how you're supposed to do uh things act uh train work out um uh having positive energy having positive uh attitude uh it's um you know he's the guy who I mean you can just see how many how many players and people he affected uh and it's a you know he he he had a positive effect on me like I said maybe probably more now as a friend when uh then when he was as a my coach um but yes basketball wise he gave me the freedom and to do whatever I want to do and uh he trusted me and I I can just say thank you Nico why why have you embraced the sponsorships the commercials the shoes like more so than you ever have before you used to say if they paid me I'll do it so is it is it just that or are you actually enjoying it uh I mean I didn't I I I took had two commercials right and I I just changed the brand I just uh you know it was a I mean 361 show up with a with a great respect to me and I just said these guys wants to do and wants to basically help me use me whatever you want to however you want to say uh uh and um then I when I read about them they're actually really really popular and they're really up scaling brand let's say like that and uh you know maybe I can help them too in in some way so it's um but the most the most thing about the shoes is like the quality of shoes that I really like and they made it sure that the comfort is there and uh you know they did a really good job Nicole kind of similar to what Jacob was asking but understanding how much teams mean to fans and players so John Elway that's why you still see people wearing seven jerseys and 19 jerseys do you at least understand what you mean to nuggets fans and folks in this town and what you saw with the parade and even long after you're retired you think about what you'll mean to everyone that's gotten to watch you and see your career grow and see all these accolades do you understand that part of yes I mean of course this is going to be my second home and hopefully I'm going to uh come one time here after I finished career and still have friends here you know I I I I feel the respect that they show me you know I'm hanging in the Washington Park and everybody is treaming me like they they are they're really respectful and I really appreciate it nobody's really I'm going to say aggressively bugging me do that make any sense because I'm me a kid and like they really respect me and I really I really really appreciate that and um they are they're a really good fan fan base um and I'm really happy that they're on our side every time when we are down or up there are six player uh and people in Denver I think they're really really really trilling they're really like I said I think if I'm if I'm born here whatever I live here I will just enjoying the moment right now Nicole there's a really good chance Nathan McKinnon could win the MVP I'm just curious your relationship maybe you can speak on that and and um and what do you think about that about that happening here in this building possibly this year I mean um actually I watched the game I watched the game when I was like when in February back in February right they lost last night day one yeah I I didn't watch it because I have other things to do uh but I I love the sport first of all and I love U even being a fan like when I'm going to the games I'm a fan of the of the Avalanche and I think it's really cool to be to be part of something that it's um I think the building the same way as a gets in some way um and they're trusting their players and they're trusting Nathan and he's playing good and he's really fast on those skates it's really really fat right and I'm really U because I I don't know how to skate in how they're how physical how how much energy is in in the when they play really it's much better in live than when you watch it on TV Nico will anything be better than when you got it in Serbia when coach came over and you guys all had like a party and is that does this moment right now make you want to be home like doing that all over again uh I mean doesn't mean that we're not going to do it uh so I mean maybe just not by the way but maybe when everything's finished why not uh but no I mean uh my first one I get it here right in Phoenix yeah Nick has a great story about that yeah I mean it's I don't have a feeling to go home and like doesn't have a I mean I would like it because it's a really special moment uh all my friends all my family were there and of course I came with a horse which is a big big uh big uh part of my life but you know that's probably unique once in a lifetime Nicole other than than this what is this kind of week in this stretch of off days look like for you just in terms of trying to mentally and physically reset and prepare yeah of course we had we had yesterday day off today we came here uh work out a little bit you know just mentally yesterday was mentally off today is mentally on you know just to be just to be ready for to Friday he uh nicoa if you think back to December 15 2016 when you became the starting center and Michel M put you in the starting lineup and everything kind of changed since then what do you remember about that date or game when you just think back to it uh don't mess it up I remember you know when I when I so everybody was telling me like okay you're going to start I said don't mess it up just play the same way I mean and I think I did you know I think even when you get to opportunity like that you don't you don't really think about it and I think you can think about it if you start thinking about who you playing or it's a big moment you're just going to put a lot of pressure on yourself just go just go and do the thing what brought you there I think that's a advice for young people yeah Nicole You' talked before about your kind of admiration for a lot of different guys that came before you but one of those with ttim ttim Duncan you know playing with one franchise for for 19 years um do you ever as much as you have accomplished you know before the age of 30 do you ever think about how long you want to play or you know what would determine you know how long you want to play basketball I mean hopefully I'm going to be ready I mean I think that the determination is going to be if I can perform on the high level or not you know I think I'm not going to take spot from some young guys or take uh put the franchise down like as long as I can play the high level on the highest level uh and help team win I think that's going to be my uh I'm going to play Until Then guys pleasure like always
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Id: gB0Ol37xFLw
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Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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