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Channel: Nuclear Blast Records
Views: 9,898,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: noise, Human. :||: Nature., stobe harju, Slaying The Dreamer, Nightwish, Nuclear Blast, metal, symphonic metal, Metal, Gothic, Tarja, nightwish nemo, nemo nightwish, nemo, night wish, Marco Hietala, Erno Vuorinen, Emppu Vuorinen, Jukka Nevalainen, Troy Donockley, Anette Olzon, Tarja Turunen (Musical Artist), Nightwish (Musical Group), tuomas holopainen, floor jansen, imaginaerum, Power Metal, heavy Metal, decades, live in buenos aires, full album, full show
Id: LczGSoibRe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 55sec (355 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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